Read Hypnotized Online

Authors: Lacey Wolfe

Hypnotized (2 page)

BOOK: Hypnotized
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I turned to see who he was talking about. Standing at the entrance of the house was Mr. Sexy Coffee Guy. And once again, he was looking right at me.



“Who is he?” Evan asked the question on my mind.

“Gabe Cox,” the girl in Pete’s lap responded.

Now he had a name. Gabe. It fit him. Much like the pink shirt he still wore.

I half expected him to come over to where I was, but instead he went toward the drink table. Maybe it had been a coincidence he’d glanced my way. It wasn’t likely he’d remember me from before.

“Why don’t you like him?” I asked, feeling the need to know more.

“He’s a punk.” Pete sipped his beer. “You don’t want to get mixed up with him.”

Gabe didn’t seem so bad. Pete on the other hand, seemed like someone I didn’t need to be around. “Why?”

Pete chuckled. “I think this is the most you’ve ever talked to me, Pais. Let me guess, you think he’s hot and you’re intrigued by the ‘bad boy’ type.”

“No,” I said, a little too quickly. Though Gabe didn’t look much like a bad boy. “Just making conversation. Letting loose.”

Evan laughed and draped his arm around my shoulder again.
Why was he doing that?
“My girl here is smart. She won’t get mixed up with him.”

I began to object, but figured there was no point. The party was so large, unless Gabe sought me out, we probably wouldn’t bump into one another again.

My cell vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see a text from Kristy.

So bored. Where R U?

I smiled as I typed.
Party w/ Evan.

A moment later, she replied.

“I’m going to text Kristy the address. You cool with that?” I looked at Evan.

“Sure.” He finished his beer. “One down. Many more to go.”

I stared hard at the screen to ignore Evan as I sent her the address. Apparently, she was right around the corner, a perfect excuse to step outside. The air was filled with smoke and sweat. “Care if I step outside? She’ll be here in a minute.”

Evan shrugged. “You okay to go alone?”

! Go get drink number two.” I brushed his arm off my shoulders, still confused by the random possessiveness. We’d have to talk about that. I slipped the phone back in my pocket and made my way through the growing crowd. Outside, I was shocked to see the number of cars had almost doubled. Guess this was the place to be tonight.

Glancing around, I found a big decorative rock on the lawn. I sat and took a few more sips of my drink. I wondered just how around the corner Kristy really was. She had no sense of direction.


I jumped, looking over my shoulder. Mr. Sexy Coffee Guy—Gabe—stood there with two beers in hand. “Hi.”

“Need another?” He held a bottle toward me.

“No, I’ve barely touched this one.”

He plopped down on the ground next to me. His woodsy cologne hit my senses.
Damn, what was he wearing? I could bottle that scent up and inhale it all day

“This doesn’t seem like your scene,” he said. “Boyfriend bring you along?”

Evan. “He’s just a friend.”

“Didn’t seem that way from where I stood.”

I smiled and tried not to stare at him, but it was hard. “I’ve known him my whole life.”

He set the two bottles down in the grass in front of him, and leaned back on his arms. For the first time, he wasn’t looking at me. “How was your coffee today?”

I smiled. “Good.”

“Think you’ll be back?”

I tried to suppress the giggle. Why did he care? “I guess.”

“My parents own the place. You’ll find me there often.”

“That must be why you thought you owned the sidewalk.” Crap, had I just said that? I quickly drank from my beer, though that was probably the culprit.

Gabe chuckled. “I get tired of trying to find a parking place. And, technically, I guess we do own that little patch of sidewalk.”

“Apparently.” I held the bottle to my lips, but didn’t drink.

I couldn’t believe I was sitting outside, drinking a beer with this guy. He watched me again. Normally I’d be freaked out, but for some reason I liked it. His shirtsleeves were rolled up, and I noted some ink on his forearms.
That’s more like it
. He’d seemed way too clean cut earlier. Now the bad boy was showing. Wonder what was so “bad” about him? He seemed like a nice guy.

“Paisley,” Evan called as he approached the rock. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.” Better than fine. Half a beer and I felt a little woozy already. I really should’ve eaten before I got here.

Gabe stood. “It was good chatting, Paisley. Maybe I’ll see you around sometime. You know where to find me.”

“Or maybe she won’t,” Evan snapped.

This was a new side I’d never seen before. “

Gabe walked away laughing, but I didn’t find the situation funny at all.

Evan was mad. The anger was practically rolling off his body as he crossed his arms. “Why was he talking to you?”

. “I met him earlier today at a Blue Mountain Coffee and he came over to say hi. His parents own the place. He was just being friendly, something you’re having a hard time with.”

“I don’t like him.”

I hopped off the rock and noticed Gabe left both the beers. “You don’t know him.”

Evan groaned. “Just stay away from him. Promise me.”

I stared hard at the star filled sky. “Yeah, okay. Whatever.”

Headlights shone on us. I glanced over my shoulder and when the lights were off, I recognized Kristy’s car. Finally. Now maybe I could get away from Evan and his weird possessive self.

Kristy walked up, looking as cute as ever in a black dress with a pair of brown cowboy boots. I should’ve dressed better. I had on skinny jeans and a white flowery top. I’d never been a fashonista.

“This is a little away from things, huh?” She put an arm around me.

“Guess that’s why they have parties.” I held up my beer.

“Ooh, look at you. You’ve got a drink.”

“Shut up.” I laughed.

The three of us headed back inside. Kristy knew just where to go to get her beer. I hoped she didn’t want to go hang out with Pete as well. The way he looked at me gave me the creeps. Glancing in his direction, however, I knew we wouldn’t be going over there. The brunette chick was now straddled in his lap, and he was maneuvering his way to third base with her.

“If I ever act like that at a party, please stop me,” I leaned close and whispered to Kristy.

“If I ever do, don’t stop me. It’s been way to long since I made out with a guy.” She grabbed a drink, popped it open, and practically chugged it down. Then with a flirty smile, she said, “Let’s have some fun.”

I laughed, not able to contain it. Evan had wandered off at some point, but I was sure he’d be back.

Kristy and I found ourselves a corner. I sipped a bit of my beer, finally getting the bottle a little more than halfway gone. Nursing the drink wasn’t the best idea, but as long as I kept this in my hand, I didn’t feel like such a loser. Maybe my friends were right. It was time to quit taking the easy route. I needed to have fun.

“Who is that hot guy? I think he’s checking you out.” Kristy poked my side.

I followed her gaze. Gabe.

“Go talk to him.” She pushed me.

“I, uh, I already did.”

Her eyes lit up. “Seriously? Well, who is he?”

“I met him before work at a coffee shop. He stared at me the whole time. Then tonight, when he got here, he watched me like he is now.” I should feel self conscious, but I didn’t. “As I waited for you, he came and talked to me, but Evan chased him away. To be honest, he’s freaking me out a little.” Kind of, but he intrigued me so much more.

“He can’t keep his eyes off of you.”

She was right. Even as he spoke to the guy with him, his gaze never left me. My heart raced. I honestly didn’t know what to think. It wasn’t like I’d never dated before. I’d had a few boyfriends in high school, but nothing serious.

“Go talk to him,” Kristy pressed.

“Who?” Evan showed up at just the right time. Go figure.

“No one,” I said quickly.

“She’s being silly. That guy.” Kristy pointed. Great, now he knew we were talking about him.

“She needs to stay away from him.” Evan put his arm around me again, only now he put a little more weight against me. If I didn’t think he’d fall, I’d have moved.

Kristy stared at Evan’s arm a moment then asked, “Why? He’s hot.”

“I don’t know. But my roommate says he’s trouble.”

Of course he was. He parked his bike wherever he wanted. “I need to use the restroom. Hold my drink.” I handed it to Kristy.

I wandered around the house. It was two stories, surely they had a restroom down here, but I didn’t find one. I headed up the creaky stairs. Sounds of groaning welcomed me at the top, making me giggle. Some people were having a lot of fun.

After using the restroom, I checked my appearance in the mirror. I turned by head back and forth. Maybe I did need to let my hair down. Tugging the elastic out, I let my long locks fall over my shoulder. I fluffed it with my fingers. The crease wasn’t so bad, and besides, more than half the people here were drunk. They weren’t going to care how my hair appeared.

I left the bathroom and stopped in my tracks. Leaning against the opposite wall was Gabe.

“Uh, hey again.” I grinned awkwardly.

“Having a good time?”

“I guess.”

A girl walked up wobbly, holding the wall the whole way. She pushed me out of the way, slamming the bathroom door. Now I stood close to him. Near enough I could touch him if I wanted.

“You sure that guy isn’t your boyfriend?”

I nodded. “Positive.”

“He comes across like he is.” His blue eyes bore in to mine.

“Well, he isn’t. Why would I lie?”

He shrugged. “Walk with me.”

I glanced around. We were upstairs, and there wasn’t anywhere to go. I knew once I went down stairs and Evan saw, he’d stop us. “It’s not a good idea.”


I leaned closer to him, inhaling his intoxicating scent and said, “From what I hear, I should stay away from you.”

He chuckled. “Is that so? And what do you think?”

I think I should see where he wants to take me, but I didn’t say that. “I don’t know you.”

“Then get to know me. Come on. One little walk. What could go wrong?”

The bathroom door opened and the drunk girl reemerged. “Awesome party!”

I laughed and watched as she concentrated on walking. Poor girl. I hoped she made it down the stairs.

“So?” He raised an eyebrow.

It was tempting. Take a walk with him, talk, get to know him, and find out why everyone thought he was trouble. “I think I’m going to pass.”

The cutest smirk I’d ever seen appeared on his face. “Paisley, you’re really going to make me work, aren’t you?”

The sound of my name on his lips was like music. “How did you know my name?” That was stupid, he could’ve asked someone.

BOOK: Hypnotized
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