Read Hypnotized Online

Authors: Lacey Wolfe

Hypnotized (9 page)

BOOK: Hypnotized
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I devoured my Danish in record speed. “So, want to walk me home, at least?”

“I’d be honored.” He winked.

I really just wanted to get him alone so I could kiss him. It seemed like all I thought about these days were his lips. After I stood, I picked up my drink and we headed for the door. I tossed a look at Leah and she watched us. Without a second though, I grabbed his hand and we went outside.

We began to walk in the direction on my place, but then a male voice called to Gabe.

“Hey, Dad.” He let go of my hand.

“Where are you off to?” His dad’s gaze was focused on me.

“Walking Paisley home.”

His father put his hand out for me to shake. After I took it, he squeezed a little too tight. “I’m Mr. Cox.”

It took everything in me to contain a smile. “Nice to meet you.”

Mr. Cox turned his attention back to Gabe. “Don’t be late.”

Gabe took my hand again and we walked away.

“He seems cool.” Though I didn’t really know.

“He’s a real asshole.” Gabe’s tone was gruff.

I didn’t press. Gabe’s life was a mystery to me. It seemed I was always talking about mine, but didn’t know much about his. Maybe I needed to make a point to talk to him more about him. For all I knew, he needed someone to talk to.

We strolled up to my building. “You sure you don’t want to come up?”

“Can’t. Sorry.”

I shrugged. “I understand. Your dad is waiting on you.”

He grabbed my hips and tugged me to him. He lowered his lips to mine, and like usual, everything heated up right away, and I wanted much more than this kiss. Maybe it was a good thing he couldn’t come in.

The kiss ended much too soon. He pressed his forehead to mine and gazed in to my eyes. “Have I mentioned how much my dad’s an asshole?”

I giggled. “You have, but its okay, really. We’ve got plenty of time, and I’m here to talk whenever you need it.”

He kissed me once more, just a quick light peck. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I smiled. “Okay. Maybe we can even take a ride.”

“You’re turning into a real biker babe.”

I winked. “Only for you.”

Gabe smirked, shook his head, and then started to walk away. I stood and watched him as he left. Once he was out of my vision, I headed up to my apartment. I was disappointed to be alone again, when I wanted him with me. Instead, he had to help his dad and Leah would be there.

I picked up my cell and dialed my mom.

“Hey, sweetie.”

“Hey.” It was good to hear her voice. I’d been trying to not call her daily, it had been harder than I expected.

“You sound down? Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just overwhelmed with school and living on my own. It gets lonely, and I’m missing you and Dad.” Which wasn’t a complete lie.

She snickered. “Maybe we should’ve gotten you a unit without a washer and dryer so you had a reason to come home once a week.”

Maybe. Plopping down on the couch, I got comfortable as I prepared to spend the evening on the phone with my mom.

* * *

Friday arrived quickly. I sat waiting on Evan. He and Pete were having a party and he insisted I come. Going wasn’t my ideal night, but at the same time, letting back and “chilling” as Evan called it, sounded cool. I was eighteen. This was supposed to be my thing.

I pulled my phone out and sent a text to Gabe.
Going to a party at Pete and Evan’s. Wish you could come.

Though I knew Evan would kill me if I invited Gabe. My phone dinged.

I could come crash it. I’m a bad boy, after all.

I giggled and responded.
Maybe another time, Evan and I haven’t been getting along. Don’t want to piss him off more.

I hadn’t told Gabe about Evan and me. Not that there was an
Evan and me
, but that we were butting heads about him. I didn’t want him to feel like he was coming between us, because he wasn’t, was he?

A new text came.
Not getting along? Why?

I smiled.
We’ll talk about it later.

I heard the pounding of footsteps coming up the stairs outside my apartment. Evan was here. He knocked just as a text came in. I opened the door and read the text.
Breakfast tomorrow morning?

Hell yes!
I’d love to. Pick me up at nine.

“Hey, Evan.” His strong cologne welcomed me—again. I really needed to talk to him about easing up on it; the whole
less is more

“Tonight is gonna rock.” He put an arm around me. “Pack a bag and stay the night.”

I shook my head, but didn’t want to tell him I was meeting Gabe in the morning. “You know me. I’m not getting drunk.”

He leaned close to my ear. “Never say never.”

I playfully pushed him away. Grabbing my things, I walked toward my door. “Let’s go. You going to feed me first?”

“Of course.”


An hour and a half later, I sat on the couch at Evan and Pete’s place. I couldn’t help but wonder how many women Pete had done on this couch. Ick!

“Hey.” An older girl approached me. “I’m Kelly.”


She smirked like she knew something I didn’t. “Oh, Evan and Pete were telling me about you.”

“Good, I hope.”

“For the most part.” She sat down next to me.

Didn’t people usually say yes when asked if what they’d heard had been good? “How do you know Pete and Evan?”

She was about to speak when Evan appeared, out of nowhere, and plopped down between us. “It’s my two favorite women.” He glanced at me. “You’ve only taken a few sips of that drink. You promised me at dinner you’d at least drink one.”

I had made a stupid promise. “I’ve only been here a short time.”

Kelly giggled. “I’m about to start on my second. The sooner I begin feeling buzzed, the better.”

“You see, Pais. Some people like to have fun.”

I bit my bottom lip to avoid snapping at him. “I like to have fun.” Just not in the same way as him.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Kelly had a hand around the top of Evan’s arm. Did she like him?

Clearing my throat, I said, “Anyway, I was just asking Kelly how she knew you and Pete.”

“She’s Pete’s sister.” Evan hopped up. “Be right back.”

Pete’s sister. Wait a minute. The Pete’s sister that went out with Gabe?

“It appears we have two guys in common, huh?” She cocked an eyebrow at me, obviously knowing it had just clicked.


She licked her red lips. “In case you’re wondering, yes, I was a virgin before going out with him.”

I put the solo cup to my mouth and chugged down more than half of it, simply because I didn’t know what to say. Kelly stared at me with her blonde hair in loose waves, obviously waiting to see what I had to say. But I couldn’t help thinking it was a coincidence she was a virgin. Just because she was and I was, didn’t mean that Gabe was the “cherry popper” Pete called him.

I set the cup in my lap, holding it tightly.

“He’ll say whatever he has to, to make you feel special,” Kelly added. “And when he’s done, he’ll cast you away without a second though.”

I lifted the drink to my mouth again and sipped.

“What do I know?” She smirked. “Perhaps you’re different.”

I was different. He’d said so.

Evan came over. “You’re drink’s empty. Let me get you another.”

Before I could object, he’d taken my cup, leaving me with nothing to keep me from talking to Kelly. “I really don’t know what to say.”

“It’s fine. I’m just telling you. Be careful. Gabe’s quite addicting once you hop on his ride. As long as you know it’s not going anywhere. He’s fun to lose it to, if that’s what you’re wanting. He’s gentle the first time since he’s been with so many virgins. However, if you’re saving yourself for someone special, Gabe’s not the one.”

“Thanks.” My chest was tight. I wanted to leave. Go home. Go anywhere. I didn’t care. Having to hear these things from Gabe’s ex and sit next to her was hard.

Evan handed me another drink and I gladly accepted it. I was beginning to feel that buzz Kelly had mentioned before, and to be honest, it helped with the sting of things Kelly had said.

“Well, I’m gonna go mingle.” She stood and rubbed her hands up Evan’s chest. “Come find me later.”

Kelly wanted Evan, I could tell. Had she been so forward before Gabe? Or had she been shy like me? I’d hate to think losing my virginity was going to change me that much. Though, I admired a girl who knew what she wanted and went after it. I was working my way to be like that.

I thought back to how forward I’d been able to be with Gabe. Kissing him on my own. Perhaps he was building by confidence, the way he did Kelly.

“Having fun?” The couch shifted as Evan’s weight met it.

“I’d love to say yes, but meeting Kelly kind of killed the night.”

He chuckled. “I’ve tried to warn you about that guy. I hate that he’s got in claws in you so deep.”

Gabe did. And I didn’t want to believe a word Kelly had said, either. Gabe himself had said I was different. I knew he was telling the truth. The way he looked and made me feel. I was the only one that mattered. “Just because what she had with him wasn’t real, doesn’t mean what I have with him isn’t.”

Evan groaned and laid his head back against the couch. “There are a million guys out there that would love to be with you, and you’re hung up on the worst one.”

In my opinion, Pete was the worst one. I giggled, and then I kept laughing. God, I couldn’t stop.

“You okay?” Evan chuckled.

“I think so.” I felt really damn good. Maybe drinking wasn’t so bad after all. I tipped the cup back and took several long drinks.

“Slow it down.” Evan winked. “Some kids from our math class are here. Let’s go say hi.”

I nodded and we stood. Evan placed a hand on my lower back and led me over to them. The touch was different and sent a tingle up my spine. Was it from the alcohol?

“Dude, great party,” the guys said.

“It’s all Pete. He’s a pro at these.” Evan shrugged, draping an arm on my shoulders. “Ya’ll know Paisley, right? She’s in math with us.”

“I thought you looked familiar. I’m Kyle.”

“I’m Jack.”

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled. Kyle I remembered. He was a very attractive guy with his almost black hair and pale blue eyes.

“You two together?” Kyle asked.

I shook my head. “He’s like my brother. We grew up together. Neighbors.”

I noticed Evan’s expression went from a smile to almost pissed-off. “Obviously, Paisley will never see me as anything else.”

“If you’ll excuse me.” I handed Evan my drink. “I’ll be right back.”

I hurried off toward the bathroom. Between Evan and Kelly, I needed a break. I stumbled and hit the wall. A few laughs echoed. Was it directed toward me? Those drinks were hitting me more than I expected. After I was in the bathroom, I locked the door, but after I relieved myself, the buzz turned to something more. I finished up, and washed my hands. Staring at myself in the mirror, I wasn’t sure if I could walk. Both those drinks had been filled almost to the top, and to be honest, I didn’t really know what they were. Except they were super fruity and only had a hint of a taste of alcohol. The second one was almost gone.

I opened the door and Evan stood there. “You okay?”

I held the wall, but then Evan put his arms around me, tugging me close. “Thanks.” I laid my head on his chest. “You’re always there when I need you.”

He chuckled. “You’re gonna be okay. Want to lie down?”

Getting off my feet sounded heavenly. “Maybe for a minute. Things are starting to spin. You said this was fun. It’s not anymore.”

Evan led me to his bedroom. I climbed onto his bed, Evan lay next to me. My eyes closed and things kept spinning. “When’s the spinning going to stop?”

“In a bit. Want me to get you a bottle of water? It’ll help.”

“Uh-huh.” I felt his weight leave the bed, then it was quiet—well aside from the thumping of the bass from the front of the place. Not long after, the bed shifted again.


I opened my eyes. “Just set it next to me for now.”

“You’re beautiful.”

I stared at Evan as he gazed at me. “Thanks, I guess.”

“Can I kiss you?”

Kiss me?

“You have to know how I feel about you. I’ve been trying to tell you.”

Oh God, I’d been right. This wasn’t good. I didn’t see Evan that way. “We’re just friends.”

“No, we’re not.”

I closed my eyes. It sounded like he was yelling, but I was pretty sure he wasn’t. I placed my hand on my forehead. Then my stomach started to churn. “Evan.” It came out in an almost whisper.

BOOK: Hypnotized
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