Hush: Family Secrets (24 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

Tags: #Hush

BOOK: Hush: Family Secrets
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CHAPTER Thrity Eight


“Finally,” the fat fuck calls into the dark.

Only four hours ago I kissed my wife and daughter as I left them on Nathan Briggs’ doorstep. It should probably disturb me that my wife smiled at me like I was on my way to buy her a new car and not on my way to destroy the people that threatened her life.

Now I am standing in Gio Giordano’s bedroom and the fat bastard is sitting up in bed as if he has been waiting for me all along. I can smell the fear in the air, but I can also feel his resolve, as if he has accepted that his end is here.

“I have waited twenty two years for this all to catch up to me,” his voice cuts through the air tiredly. “I just want it known that I never hired that animal. I would never have done such a thing. I also had nothing to do with the attacks on your wife.”

“At this point I really don’t give a fuck,” I say calmly.

“I figured as much. I do however want to ask you to consider a dying man’s wish. Leave my son out of this. This started with my crimes and I stupidly allowed him to get caught in them. I can give you the puppeteer in all of this. That is who should pay for these sins,” he pleads.

A coward and a snitch, I snort to myself. “I owe you nothing but death and yours I will make quick. I don’t need your song. I already know who will pay in blood for this. Your son did not think to spare my daughter or my wife in that ambush,” I growl.

“You can’t blame a father for trying. We do what we must for our children,” Gio grunts before blood spills from his mouth and the point of entry in his forehead.

“You’re right we do,” I reply to the soulless body.


“Please stop,” the coward before me chokes as blood drools down the side of his face. He no longer has teeth in the right side of his mouth. Raphael Giordano hangs before me limp, fingernailless, with shattered knees, shirtless, in his boxers and filleted from his torso down. And I am just getting started.

We have been at it for two days now. I decided that while I granted his father a swift death I wanted this bastard to suffer for both their crimes. I have toyed with him for hours, making him believe I may actually let him live.

I never intended to let him live but I changed my mind about being the least bit gentle when I find him in bed with a woman that looked so much like Valentina it gave me pause at first. The sick bastard even had her wearing blue contacts.

He was quite cocky when he called me that night to tell me he was going to take my wife and child from me. He was even a bit smug when I appeared in his home. That was until I tossed his father’s head on the bed between him and his screaming bedmate.

I relished the look on his face as all the blood drained from it. The coward even started to scream like a little bitch. The cocky prick that called me thinking he could take my world away for me is nowhere in sight now. Not only can I smell his fear but I can smell the stench of urine on him, and not because he has been here for two days.

He pissed himself not even an hour into being chained up. “Did you really think you were man enough for my Valentina?” I give a dark chuckle. “I am being lenient in comparison.
Bella would have eaten you alive, yet you are about to die because you thought she was yours.”

“She was mine before you came along,” he chokes out on a gasp. This bloke is delusional at best.

“See that is where you are very wrong, mate,” I say through clinched teeth. “She has always been mine. Always!”

With that I end this with a bullet between his crazed eyes. He isn’t worth anymore of my time. His words just remind me that I have what belongs to me safe and sound and waiting for me. With no doubt Valentina has always been mine.

A sudden memory fills me and I am shocked into stillness.
“Mama,” the little girl in the beautiful woman’s arms squeals.

“Son, go help Mrs. Caprisi with Tina,” My Uncle nudges me toward the little girl and the woman that has her hands full with a plate and a squirming toddler.

I move quickly to the woman’s side and reach for the plate in her hands. She gives me a warm smile but hands me the little girl instead. “Oh thank you so much. I will just inhale this food and I’ll take her right back,” she says, turning to find a seat without waiting for my reply.

My eyes widened but I looked down at the little girl and suck in a breath. She is a gorgeous little girl with big blue eyes and the cutest face. She is staring up at me expectantly as if I am going to reveal greatness to her.

When I offer her nothing she laughs brightly and cups my cheek. “Pretty,” she coos at me and I laugh.

“No Bella, that is you,” I reply.

“Mine,” she says with determination and conviction.

Something tugged in my heart. At the time I thought it was just a protectiveness toward the little angel in my arms. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw or held my own little sister. I thought that not being there for Annabella was making me want to be there for this little one. I don’t know then that I was holding the other half of my soul.

“Let’s go get you some cookies,” I say remembering the dessert table.

“Yay,” she claps her hands then rest her small head on my chest. I feel another tug. Something inside me told me this is where she belonged. The little girl stayed attached to me for the rest of the evening, until my uncle said it was time to leave. I remember her crying and declaring, ‘Mine,’ as she tried to hold onto me.

“Already the heartbreaker,” Uncle Nicholas had teased as he plucked the little girl up and tossed her in the air. “I’ll bring him back to you some other time,” he promised and kissed her little chubby cheek.

I don’t know how I could have forgotten that. It was one of the few bright times I had back then. I had hidden what was going on back at my grandfather’s just as my grandfather ordered and returned there to hell a few short weeks later. Uncle Nicholas had no idea he was sending me back to the devil.

However, now as I remember he made up for his shortcomings by making good on his promise. He brought me back to my Bella. She has always been mine and I always hers.

I pull my phone from my pocket and dial a number I have become very familiar with. “Hello,” Nathan answers on the third ring.

“It is done. I am on my way to collect my family,” I reply.

“Very well my friend but next time you decide to leave me with a lethal assassin I would prefer you let me know up front,” he says with a hint of humor.

“So you know,” I snort as a smile turns up my lips.

“I knew the moment I got a closer look at her face. I may not have trained her but anyone that spends anytime with one of our teams has to be approved by me. That face and those eyes stood out ten years ago when her file came in. My father also has me keep an ear out after trainees leave our program. In addition, Valentine Caprisi is also very good friends with my own uncle,” he says by way of explanation.

“I am learning that this world is much smaller than we think,” I chuckle. “Thank you. I appreciate you not letting your knowledge embarrass her at your wedding.”

“You and I know the score with this life. We are more than our jobs. Besides I wouldn’t want people to call my sister out for being one of the most dangerous people in the room,” Nathan sighs. “You may not like the next thing I have to tell you though.”

I lift a brow at that, stopping in my tracks, “Oh really?”

“Your wife has been talking to my father about joining the team. She and Rita have gotten this crazy idea in their heads,” I can almost see Nathan shaking his head.

I however smile. I understand that Valentina will be able to go but so long without feeding the beast within. This little idea of hers may just be a well-balanced answer. Briggs security is the best at what they do and Thomas takes care of his team. I have great respect for the man.

I just may allow this. “We will see,” I respond. Nate gives a full deep belly laugh.

“See you soon,” he says and we both end the call.











CHAPTER Thrity Nine


The sound of my red heels fills the air as they click against the concrete floor. I am wearing a black sheath bandage dress that comes up the neck and bares my back. My hair is up in a neat bun on top my head and my lips are painted red. The dress is fitting for the occasion, in my mind. I always feel confident, sexy, unstoppable and downright deadly in times like these.

I have my special bag tucked under my arm, the weight of it centering me. This one is has more meaning to me than any of the rest, even that sick bastard Corrade. This will be my last kill as a hitter.

When Uri came for me and Vita he promised me he had a gift for me. I was curious at first. He wouldn’t tell me what it was until we arrived home in Chicago.

We’d just bathed Vita together and put her to bed when I felt the nervous butterflies swarm my belly. I had something I wanted to tell him too. Once we stepped into our bedroom I took a fortifying breath and turned to Uri. He was already watching me with assessing eyes.

“Speak up, Love,” he says.

“I was thinking. I love having the company and designing the bags and shoes but… being around Nate, Rita and Jas and after talking to Thomas I think I could use all my other skills for good. I don’t know maybe just as a trainer or light assignments here and there, nothing big now that we have Vita. I don’t know,” I shrugged. “Somehow make up for the bad I’ve done,” I replied and started to chew on my lip.

He made his way over to me wrapping his arms around my waist. He looks me deep in my eyes as if searching for something. When he finds it his hand comes up to pinch my chin between his fingers. He lifts my face and places a soft kiss to my lips.

“I think that is a great idea. I will talk to Thomas and Earl. I know them well. I know they will not allow you to get into any trouble,” he concedes and I feel my entire body relax. I need this. I need to know I am as capable of good as I am of dealing death.

I beam at him. “Thank you, now about this surprise.”

His eyes surprise me as they go to that dark place. His hold on me tightens. “I know who was responsible for everything, the one person that set it all in motion. The deaths of your mum and sister, the attacks directed towards you and so much more. I wanted to offer this gift to you. I can take care of it or this can be your last,” he states matter of factly.

I stand staring at him as his words punch a hole through my heart. I have wanted this information for years. Stunned I step out of his arms and start to remove my jewelry just as I would do any other night. I start to move around the room aimlessly.

Sensing my distress Uri stops me lacing his fingers with mine and pulls me to the bathroom where he lifts me to the counter and moves to fill the bath tub with water and my favorite peach and cherry blossom scent. While the water runs he comes back for me, undressing me before handing me one of my hair ties so that I can pull my hair into a messy bun. He lifts me from the counter and carries me over to the tub placing me inside.

He cuts the water and stripes down out of his clothes. I scoot forward on autopilot to allow him room. When he is submerged into the water he pulls my back into his chest. I sink into his warm and safe embrace.

I close my eyes as the sounds of my mother and sister’s pleas fill my ears. Corrade had never been enough for me. I always knew the real villain was still out there. I thought being the family’s hitter would bring me the peace that was always just outside my reach. It never did.

Being with Uri has been a soothing balm but that hole has still been there festering. Now he is telling me he knows who set in motion the destruction of my family and my innocence.
Do I want him to take care of this for me? Hell

“I will handle this,” I say in a detached voice.

“As you wish, and when it is over I will take care of you,” he says soothingly.

I know he will. He always does. “Did you know your name means my light?” I ask him out of the blue.

He chuckles, “Yes, I do. Are you telling me something?”

I nod, “You have been my light, Uri and I will look for that light to bring me back from where I am about to go,” I say absently.

“You should know that my name also means my fire. I have a fire that burns so deeply for you it consumes me. I need you to breathe, so yes I will light your way back to me,” he responds and kisses the top of my head.

We sit in silence for a while as he massages my shoulders and neck. I have so many thoughts floating through my mind. Will this finally give me the release I need? Will the darkness start to recede? How long can I stand to be away from my daughter because I want to drag this one out real slow?

Then the question of all questions pops into my head. I stiffen and release a shattered breath. “Uri?”

“Yes Love,” he says softly. Something tells me he already knows what I am about to ask him.

“Who is it?”

The next word he says floors me. “Angela.”

A loud sob rakes my body. His arms go around me holding me tight to his chest as he shushes me. All this time this woman has sat in our faces. She has lived in my mother’s shoes. I never ever trusted her and as always my instincts were correct. I sob harder because I have no doubt that I am about to take my sister’s mother from her.

When I calm Uri begins to tell me the entire story. Apparently Raphael sung like a canary when he thought he had a chance at living through his date with death. He filled in all the things Uri had not already known from his Uncle Nicholas.

I now understand why my father looked like he had seen a ghost the day after Vita was born. While he had his suspicions about Gio’s involvement he never knew about Angela. When Nicholas told him what he found it broke him all over again. I thought his sudden departure to Italy had to do with business, since he hadn’t taken Angela along. Now I know better.

But what made my blood boil was when Uri put one of my biggest worries to rest. I wouldn’t really be taking away Shannon’s mother but I would be avenging the mother she lost, just like I would mine.

So hell yes I have a smile on my face as I walk this hallway in the basement of an old warehouse. I dressed up for this bitch’s funeral and I am going to be her undertaker. It is as simple as that.

Once I sat Shannon down and told her everything about our family and our past she had no problem leering Angela here. She had asked to be here for this part but I never want my baby sister to see the monster that hides inside of me. I also don’t want her to lose anymore of her innocence over this. I will be there for her when this is done.

It’s been three weeks, three weeks since I found out the woman that posed as my stepmother was the one to take my real mother away from me. Three weeks since Shannon leered her here. For three whole weeks Angela has been locked in her own tiny little cell no bigger than the closet I had to watch my sister and mother taken from me through.

I wanted the bitch to feel what that was like. To sit and wait while your world is crumbling around you, with the smell of death in the air, sitting hour after hour until time no longer exists. Call me cruel but I really don’t give a shit. She is lucky for the water and molded bread I had given to her. I didn’t have that much sitting in that closet.

“Is someone out there,” her shaky voice calls as she hears my heels clicking. “Please.”

“Hello,” she whimpers. “Can you help me?”

Her weak voice becomes angry. “Shannon, is that you? Let me out of here. You little bitch. I raised you. How dare you do this to me?”

The corners of my lips twitch into a smile. Yes, this is my last kill but it will be by far the most fulfilling. I plan to use every tool in this bag. Vita is safe with her papa; mama has a score to settle. 














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