Hush: Family Secrets (12 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

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, she is singing. The sound has me pounding into her faster and harder. I feel the tingle in my spine but I grit my teeth and force it to slow. I look in the mirror to see her gorgeous tits bouncing with each thrust. My Bella screams and my eyes snap to her face in the mirror to glimpse her pleasure. I feel her body vibrate with her orgasm and I know if I don’t hold her up she is going down.

Wrapping an arm around her waist I hold her to me. I slow my strokes as I feel the aftershocks of her orgasm roll through her. “Cosa mi stai facendo,” she whispers.

“What am I doing to you? What are you doing to me?” I growl back. “Can you handle a little more,” I rasp.

“Yes, Baby please,” she moans. I smile as I push her toward the mirror with my hips.

“Don’t move your hands,” I command. “Hold on tight.”

I reach in front of her and grab her thighs. Lifting her up and pinning her with my hips. “Wrap your legs around me.”

She does as I command and I unpin her as I start to rock into her tight body. Her breasts are pressed to the mirror as are her palms. She feels so good. I take a few steps back as I balance her waist and bounce her on my shaft.

Her juices are soaking my balls. I can’t remember the last time I had sex this good. I lock my fingers in her hair, using one arm to balance her against my thrusting body. I tug her head back to crush her lips and drink up her cries of pleasure.

She reaches back with one arm locking her fingers into my hair. When she reaches for my hair with the other arm locking both arms around me, bracing her own weight against me I reach for her breast and knead it as she bounces on me.

I tear away from her lips to look at our image in the mirror. We are both slick with sweat, our muscles protesting with the exertion we are putting them through. The flex of the muscles in her arms as she bounces on me is sexy. It looks as if I have chocolate silk wrapped around me. I’m developing a serious sweet tooth just looking at her. I can’t hold back much longer. She is too damn tight and sexy. The look she is giving me as she looks up at me biting her lip is driving me to the brink of insanity.

I drill into her chasing down her orgasm and mine. This woman and her pussy are going to be the death of me way before anyone else attempts to kill me. As the air is filled with her moans, my grunts and growls, and the slapping sounds of our bodies I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Oh God Baby,” I grunt out. “I’m coming. Come for me, now!”

Three more deep hard thrusts and we come together. I stumble forward to catch our weight on the mirror. Valentina slowly peels her limbs from around my head and waist and sags against the mirror.

I slump against her and bury my face in her neck as I slowly slip from her body. I miss her warmth immediately and the feeling strikes me as odd. Usually I can’t wait to be rid of the body and the used condom after a quick, hard shag. Right now I want back inside my woman, but I know I have pushed her body hard in the last twenty four hours.

“I don’t think I will be needing that workout after all,” Valentina laughs.

I kiss the top of her head. “No, I think not,” I say and wink at her in the mirror.









CHAPTER Eighteen


No, Uri no,” I squeal, but he is already barreling toward me like a bull. “Uri!”

My squeals are cut off as I hit the water. When I hit the surface my husband is beaming as his head is thrown back and he laughs. I splash him with water. “I can’t believe you did that,” I pout.

“Oh come on, you had to know I would do this. You just poured a cup of water on my face,” Uri chuckles as he pulls me into his arms. I wrap my arms and legs around him.

“You looked hot,” I shrug with as straight a face as I can. He had been lying on a lounger with his eyes closed. No man should be that sexy while just lying still, so I decided to pour a little water on him. It was childish but I knew I would get a rise out of him.

“Is that so,” he asks squeezing my butt under the water. “What am I going to do with you?”

“The question is what would you do without me?” I chirp.

“Good thing I won’t be finding out,” he murmurs into my neck as he kisses me.

I stiffen in his arms. He has made many comments like this one over the last four weeks. Each time I have bristled at such comments. Surely he can’t mean them. We have only married to get me out of a tough spot. Although we make love every night and several times a day, I know at some point he will tire of me.

We have been to dinner in a few restaurants and I’ve notice the way women watch him. It is only a matter of time before the right one catches his attention. After all I am not the greatest catch with all my drama.

Although I have come to enjoy many different positions sexually since that day in the gym, I still haven’t been open to Uri taking me missionary style. I’m sure he will find my issues to be a turn off soon enough. Then there are my nightmares, which haven’t been as frequent since we married but I wake up screaming and in sweats often enough to drive anyone insane. I know I am almost there.

“Why is it you tense up whenever I speak of our future?” he asks as a shadow rolls over his face.

I hate that he has asked me this. We have been nothing but honest with each other over the last four weeks. Truthfully it has all been shear bliss. We are here in our own little bubble.

Uri is nothing but attentive, taking me to shows, on shopping sprees, out to dinner. I ask and it is mine. If we were in a real relationship then I would say I have an amazing husband. I often wonder where this sweet man comes from.

Over the last few weeks I have seen how he interacts with others and I see the rumors are true. He can be a very hard man. Actually the look he is giving me right now reminds me of the look he gave one of his workers down at the vineyard when he royally screwed up a shipment.

I sigh and run my hand through his wet hair. “I don’t want to get confused about us. You are doing me a favor. This is not a love match. When you talk of our future it is so easy to get lost in your promises and forget that. I don’t want to get hurt when you are ready to move on,” I say softly.

“I think we have two very different ideas of where our future is headed,” he says as his eyes narrow on me even further. “You are my wife in every sense of the word. I do not plan to move on or leave this marriage. I suggest you start to see our future for what it is.”

His words are sharp and stern. I can see him shutting down before my eyes. I blink a few times trying to process the words he has just said. He releases his hold on me and starts to get out of the pool. When he reached the edge before pulling himself out of the water he looks over his shoulder.

“I will start dinner. It is time you called your father. You can use my study. We leave for London in the morning,” his words are cold; none of the feeling he has spoken to me with over the last four weeks is present.

It stings because no matter what I have tried to tell myself I have fallen in love with him. Each day I fall harder and deeper.

The fact that he has a full staff including a cook but tonight he insisted he cook for me is just one of the things I love about him. I don’t know what has him so upset. We both know what this really is. A chill runs through me as he slams the sliding back door shut.

I am surprised it doesn’t shatter. I sigh and stare down at the water. Uri can be a hard man to understand at times. One minute he is laughing and smiling with me. The next you wouldn’t know he has a humorous bone in his body, because someone else has entered the room and he becomes someone else.

I don’t know what he wants from me. We have off the chart chemistry in bed, no doubt about it. My body starts to sing the moment he enters a room. It has been that way since the first time he wrapped his arms around me in that store. I have always felt a pull to him, but beyond that he is an accomplished older man. What do I have to offer him other than silly banter and my body? Granted when it is just he and I it is the most happy I see him.

I just don’t want to get my hopes up. Uri represents a dream I have never dared to dream too hard. He has shown me real attention and made me feel safe. Many people would probably laugh at that. I am most times the most dangerous person in the room. You just have to understand that I haven’t really felt safe since I was four, no matter how dangerous I have become, at least not until Uri entered my life. If you really ask me for the truth, I think that is what I hated most when Uri tried to get close before disappearing to London.

As much as I have wanted to feel safe I hated that this man was the one that offered me that feeling that I longed for. I was never supposed to fall for Uri and yet I know I was never safe from falling. I hear a loud crash in the house and my head snaps up. I can see Uri in the kitchen through the glass windows. He is standing ramrod straight looking down at something shattered at his feet.

I have learned enough about my husband in the last few weeks to know it is best not to go to him now. He is right it is time I call my father, but by the way he just said it I wonder if he means to return me to my father after all and rid himself of this marriage. The tension I see in him right now makes me think anything is possible right at this moment.

Slowly I make my way out of the pool for this dreaded call. Upon Uri’s request I have kept my phone off. Shannon has been in contact with me through Uri’s landline and his cell. I felt horrible when she called and said my dad was starting to really worry. He even moved Shannon’s wedding back.

To my surprise she was actually happy to have the wedding postponed. I will have to find out why when I get States side. From what I know Luca has been a permanent fixture in her life. It is his phone she calls me on after all.

My palms itch at the thought of the familiar. Kicking Luca’s ass for hurting my sister would really level me out right now. I hate that the one thing that makes me feel normal is the one thing that makes me anything but. I haven’t really thought much about what awaits me when I return home in the weeks that follow.

I haven’t been called in to handle family business in a while but I know it’s only a matter of time. Being here with Uri, he treats me so differently than everyone at home. I almost forget my role in life. I even shared with him my dream to design bags and shoes. He didn’t laugh at me like I had expected. He smiled and asked me had I started to plan things out.

“I would love to see your ideas and a business plan of where you would like to take things,” he had murmured into my hair one night while we lay in bed.

“Really,” I sat up to look in his face. “You’re not just saying that because I just had you in my mouth, are you?” I was only half teasing.

Uri lifted a brow at me and shook his head. “Cara mia, I want to see you happy. This is the most excited I have seen you when we talk about your future. I have friends and many connections. Show you are serious and that this is what you want and I will help you make it happen.”

I eyed him warily for a moment but I could see in his eyes that he was being sincere. I think that was the moment he broke through the last of my resolve. Those treacherous words almost slipped through my lips. I would have been so humiliated if I hadn’t stopped them.

“Thank you,” was all I managed to whisper out without betraying my emotions.

Uri reached to lock his fingers in the hair at the nape of my neck pulling me down to his lips. He pecked my lips then searched my face with his beautiful eyes. “You don’t have to thank me for a job that is mine,” he murmured.

I just kissed him hoping that he understood my feelings and the words I could not say out loud. That night I know that I truly made love to him after that. It wasn’t just words to describe our actions. It was action that could only be described by the use of such words.

I sigh as I sit on our bed and turn on my phone. I have kept it charged just in case. When the phone comes to life I roll my eyes at all the messages. My phone is flooded with text messages from Raphael and a few here and there from my dad.

I huff and delete all of the irate messages from Raphael. He is really starting to piss me off. The thought to tell Uri that he is still calling me crosses my mind but if anyone is going to toe tag Raphael it is going to be me. I have no idea why he and his family rub me the wrong way. They just always have. I have wanted to put a bullet through Raphael’s skull since the first time he grabbed my ass when I was seventeen.

He has always assumed I belong to him. He couldn’t be more wrong. I have never been his and never would be and not just because he groped me.

Once all the messages from Raphael are deleted I look through the ones my father has sent. Essentially Papa has been trying to find out where I am. However all his texts are only from the day after I disappeared. It looks like Raphael filled my phone before my father could get anymore through.

“Pompous ass, one of these days you are going to learn just how afraid you should be,” I grumble to myself before stilling my nerves to call my dad.

“Valentina?” my father answers on the second ring. He sounds concerned at first. I know a month is a hell of a long time to fall off the map. However, I had thought of running and never turning back before Uri offered to marry me.

“Hey Papa,” I say.

“Don’t you hey me, I have thought of nothing but the worst since you have been gone. Where are you? What is going on? Your fiancé has been a wreck. He said some man answered your phone and said you were married,” my father’s raspy voice demands through the phone.

I roll my eyes. Here goes. “I am married. I have been on my honeymoon with my husband for the past month,” I say happily into the phone then bite my lip as I wait for the storm that is sure to follow.

Only it doesn’t come. My father is eerily quiet. I have to look at the phone to make sure I am still connected. I put the phone back to my ear. “Dad,” I ask.

“I’m sorry but I thought that my oldest living daughter just told me that she not only disobeyed me but she robbed me of the honor of walking her down the aisle. This could not be what I have heard,” his voice booms through the phone.

“I’m sorry about you not getting to walk me down the aisle Papa. It was so hard not having you there but I did what felt right. Uri is an amazing husband,” I reply softly.

“Uri,” my father says in a strangely quiet voice.

“Yes, Uri, I followed him to London when you told me he left. He seemed a little stunned that you thought he didn’t want me. When I told him you were going to betroth me to Raphael he took action. I belong to him Daddy. I always have,” I have never said truer words.

“So you choose to start a war,” my father grunts. “No action has been taken because there was no proof that you have defied me. This Valentina, this choice you have made will affect both our family and the Donati family. Gio and Raphael are not pleased.”

“Who cares if they are not pleased? I never wanted to marry into that family. If it is such a problem say the word and I will make them both disappear. I want nothing more than to stick that fat slob Gio in a meat grinder,” I growl into the phone.

I hear my father choke back a cough and laugh on the other end. “I have one question, Tina,” my father says softly.

“Yes,” I say waiting for his question.

“Are you happy,” he says almost sounding hopeful.

“Papa, I will deny I ever said this if you tell him, but I love him. I am the happiest I have ever been in as long as…no I have never been this happy,” I whisper.

With a smile in his voice my father speaks proudly –something that throws me just a little. “Then I will deal with my son in law. As for Gio and his boy, I will also speak to Uri and let him decide what he would like to do.”

I was struck speechless. I had expected a lot more yelling and even demands for pounds of Uri’s flesh. It was my turn to sit speechless.


“Yes Papa,” I reply.

“I know I have not done the best job at being a father, but you will not rob me of the day I have dreamed of since the moment they placed you in my arms. When things settle you and Uri will have a proper wedding,” I blink back tears. I can hear in his voice he is choked up too.

“If Uri still wants me then,” I murmur. “We can have the biggest wedding you will allow me to.”

“You know I will spare no expense. And Tina,” my father calls my childhood nickname making my heart fill with so much emotion. Emotions I hadn’t known I was still capable of.

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