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Authors: A.J. Downey

Hunter's Choice (13 page)

BOOK: Hunter's Choice
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Chapter 24



“Good night.” I nodded to Dave and Margie and ascended the
stairs. Jessamine’s door was closed and I had to resist the urge to go to it
rather than my own. I changed for bed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

She had felt so incredibly good in my arms. I closed my eyes
and let myself go back there for a moment, letting out a slow breath from where
it had been pent up in my chest. I laid back and put my hands beneath the
pillow to cradle my head as I usually did. Instead of meeting cool cotton
sheets my hands scraped over paper, cardboard and wire. I sat up abruptly and
pulled out the spiral notebook Jessamine had spent equal time writing in and
mutilating. It was much thinner than it had started out and I smiled.

I opened it to see pages filled with her delicate script.

Dear Hunter,

I’m pretty sure you’ve seen me start this about a
thousand times already. I think I’ve got it now. You know there’s nothing wrong
with my voice, and that words don’t really fail me either. Getting them out is
my trouble spot, not so much when it comes to writing them. At least not until

Sorry, I’m rambling. I guess this is me trying to say
that I like you. Ewe, god, no, this isn’t like some elementary school
note-passing thing to ask if you like me too. That’s lame. This is me trying to
tell you something I haven’t ever told anyone else. Not Dave, not Margie, not
even Charlie and you know he’s my BFF.

I came to Dave and Margie when I was seven. You see, my
mom, (that’s Dave’s niece) met this guy when I was three. He wasn’t so great.
In trouble a lot and by trouble, I mean drugs and alcohol and he got my mom
hooked too.

He was mean. I remember that. I mean, he was really mean.
Screaming at my mom, hit her. Hit me too. Screamed at me a lot, called me names
and told me I was stupid. Some kids stutter when they’re young. It’s a phase
that most of them grow out of but my mom’s boyfriend, he kind of rode me about
it. A lot.

One night, my mom wouldn’t wake up. I tried to ask her
boyfriend Steve to help me but he told me to piss off. I started crying. I was
really scared, she wouldn’t wake up no matter how hard I tried and always
before she would at least moan or shove me away but not this time. I tried
really hard to get Steve to help me even though he scared me half to death and
he just kind of snapped, I guess.

He hit me, hard, and then tried to get my mom up. Slapped
her really hard but nothing. He said shit a lot then turned on me beat me to
within an inch of my life. Told me this was all my fault. That my mom was dead
and if I wasn’t such a miserable shit that made her want to escape that she’d
never have done that much dope. He left me there in the apartment with my mom’s
dead body.

Didn’t come back either.

I was there for three or four days. It was the summer
time and neighbors called the police because of the smell. They found me and
took me to the hospital. I was malnourished and kind of a mess. I didn’t
exactly live in the cleanest environment so I was filthy, had some kind of skin
infection and lice. They had to reset a couple of broken bones. I was a ward of
the state for a while, until they found Dave and Margie to take me in.

Anyways, I guess I’m trying to tell you that I know how
you feel. Your dad, my mom… Neglect. I know it’s not really the same thing but
I never knew who my real dad was. I don’t think my mom did either. If it
weren’t for Dave and Margie I would have been bounced from foster home to
foster home and who knows where or how I would have ended up.

I’m lucky I ended up here.

I’m sorry it took you so long to make it here too, but
you’re here now and I hope you know you can stay as long as you want. I know
I’m not real good enough being a broken girl who can’t talk with people and
guys want a girl they can talk with, not at… but I’m here if you need to talk.
I’m a really good listener.

Anyways, that’s my story. I’m here if you need it.


I set the notebook off to the side and stared at the diffuse
light winking in the glitter in the ceiling. I was tense with a myriad of
emotion. Anger that something so horrible could be done to a child as sweet as
Jess, but not surprised. Bad things happened to good people every day. I was
confused as to why she would think herself not good enough, but the answer to
that was plain. She believed what her mother’s boyfriend had raised her to
believe and somewhere along the line, that notion had been reinforced.

I reread a line that stood out to me in the final paragraph…

Guys want a girl they can talk with, not at…

Horse shit. I wanted Jessamine with a fire that could not be
contained and no one, not even Arawn of the underworld himself could stop me
now. Before I fully realized my intent I was on my feet and striding down the

Chapter 25


I lay staring at the play of shadows across my ceiling. I
had heard his footsteps as he’d moved down the hall after bidding my Aunt and
Uncle good night. They had retired shortly after. A hush had fallen over the
house. A quiet so absolute, like what it sounded like outside after it snowed…
all sound muffled. The landscape as silent to the eye as it was to the ear. It
had been quiet like that for a very long time but then I heard the squeak of my
door as it swung open on its hinges.

I sat up. Hunter shut the door quietly behind him and
turned, blinking, his expression dark and weighted with emotion.

He’d read it all right.

I was suddenly breathless, afraid, chest tight with anxiety.
He came across the room, footsteps muffled in the thick carpet. He stood at my
bedside, hands loose at his sides.

“You are not broken.” He whispered harshly, going to one
knee so that he might be even with me.

“Do you hear me Jessamine?” he asked, pupils dilating wide,
irises darkening and spiraling out to swallow the whites of his eyes. I
swallowed, mouth suddenly dry as he stared at me with his owl’s eyes in his
human face.

“Say it.” he ordered.

“I-I-I h-hhh-hear you.” I said.

“Good girl.” He murmured and palmed the side of my neck,
stroking his thumb along my jaw. I closed my eyes as heat unfurled, painting my
skin in a wash of goose flesh that radiated out from where he touched me.

“Jess look at me.” He demanded and my eyes fluttered open.

“I don’t know what slimy piece of shite convinced you that
no one wanted you, but I’m here to tell you that
do. I want you Jess.
I’ve wanted you since the moment you picked me up off the road and I looked
into those storm swept eyes of yours.” He placed his lips against mine in a
gentle almost chaste kiss and drew back. I stared him in the eyes, lost in
absolute wonder.

He wanted me?

This god amongst men wanted

I blinked, at a loss for words and he smiled.

“Is that a yes love?” he asked me and I nodded fervently.

Hell yes that was a yes!

He smiled and dragged me forward pressing my mouth to his. I
opened to him and where the kiss in the barn had been slow and sweet, this one
was demanding. I felt his fingers skate along my ribs to grip the hem of my
camisole and I raised my arms without being asked. He stripped the thin
material over my head and let it fall, bringing our lips back together in
another burning kiss.

He smoothed his work roughened palms over my exposed skin
and I shivered, relishing the contact. He knelt up, keeping our mouths entwined
and I heard the rustle of cotton as his pajama pants slipped to the floor. I
scooted over and he put a knee to the mattress, his fingers hooking in the
waistband of my sleep shorts. He pulled them down, I arched my hips off the
bed, helping him. He slid them smoothly down my legs breaking our kiss to get
them down and off the last bit of the way.

His alien eyes swept over me from the crown of my head to
the soles of my feet and my blood heated, simmering pleasantly in my veins. My
pussy throbbed in time with my heartbeat and I felt swollen with the need for
him to be inside of me. He smiled and bent to kiss me anew and when he climbed
up onto the bed with me, it was with a knee between my own.

He tasted like a summer night, warm, sultry and clean with
an endless star shot sky. His hands glided over every inch of me, gently, delicately,
in a sensual touch that left me hot and aching for him to touch me so much
deeper. I reached between us and wrapped a gentle hand around him and had a
brief moment of anxiety. He smiled against my mouth and when I stroked him, he growled
deep in the back of his throat.

I gasped at the ferocity and intensity of the sound and he
broke our kiss. He kissed along my jaw and played lips tongue and teeth against
the sweet spot on the side of my neck. I arched and found a gentle slow rhythm
with my hand. He moaned and stilled for a heartbeat or two, reveling in the
feeling before resuming his ministrations. He planted a chaste kiss against the
swell of my shoulder and I sighed which turned into a gasp when he lightly
nipped with his teeth.

He moved across my collarbone and across my chest, drawing
the nipple on the opposite side from whence he started into the heat of his
mouth. He suckled it, rolling the delicate nub between his teeth, drawing it
taught before letting it pop from his mouth. He repeated this a few more times
until I let out a throaty moan. Then with a devious smile curving his lush
mouth, he began to kiss and lick his way across my stomach, nipping at the
curve of my hip.

During his descent down my body he had slipped himself free
of my hand and now, he held both of them with his, our palms pressed together,
fingers entwined, he looked up at me from between my legs. Deliberately setting
his tongue flat to my sex and licking bottom to top with one broad stroke. The
tip of his tongue plunged into my folds and he used it to tease my erect
clitoris until I cried out and arched my hips to meet him.

His hands slipped from mine and I buried them into the sheet
by my hips, fisting the material. He pressed me down into the mattress with one
broad hand at the top of my mound, pulling gently back to give his mouth better
access. The other disappeared momentarily until I felt him glide a digit in the
wetness at my opening. I cried out again as he slowly slid his middle finger
into me, the knuckles of his remaining fingers pressed tight against my body.
He stroked with his finger until he found a place inside me that caused my
muscles to twitch and then smiling an all too satisfied smile he placed his
mouth against that sensitive nub once more.

Hunter played me like a master plays a violin. Moving
fingers and mouth independent of one another and as one until there was no more
air left to breathe and the stars fell from the sky to flit at the edges of my

I came, pussy clenching down on his fingers, body arching
off the bed, half with orgasm, half to get away from his probing tongue, unable
to take any more of its assault.

He climbed my body upwards, much as he had going down, with
soft kisses and gentle flicks of his tongue. He blew cool air against my heated
skin until he was even with me, arms braced on either side of my head, gaze
fixed upon mine. I shivered with little aftershocks beneath him and he smiled
down at the beautiful mess he’d made…

Chapter 26



I loved how her body continued to quiver with the pleasure
I’d given her. I loved even more that I wasn’t done by far with playing with
her. Her wet heat caressed my shaft and I pushed forward, grinding it against
her with a promise of things to come. Her hands let go the sheets and wound
their way into my hair, dragging my mouth to hers. She kissed me long and deep
and desperate, as if I were a cool drink of water on a punishing summer’s eve.

I loved what I did to her, I loved what she did to me and
with a swell of emotion I let myself down against her, pressing her back into
her bed and kissed her back. She tasted like spring. Like rainfall and lavender
fields. Cool and refreshing, tranquil and serene and I couldn’t get enough of
her silken skin against my own.

Her hands roamed my back, smoothing down my sides and over
my stomach and chest. Her legs went unbidden around my hips where I wanted
them. She was offering herself to me, open to me and I took the invitation.

How could I say no?

I rocked my hips, sliding myself back and forth against her
wetness, teasing us both until I found the purchase I sought. The tip of me
entered her wet and ready opening and she jerked in my embrace, not with hurt,
but with surprise. I knew the difference. I pulled my mouth from hers and
stared down into her hooded eyes.

She smiled at me and wiggled her hips provocatively in an
effort to take me in further, it took considerable will on my part to draw back
rather than to surge forward. She frowned and her head dropped back into the

“Hunter please…” she moaned and I smiled. I don’t think she
even realized, so caught up was she, that the words slipped free of her beautiful
lips whole and unblemished.

The gods help me, to hear my name in her sweet voice nearly
undid me. Jessamine would not be denied and so I eased into her, filling her
slowly, as much to draw out her pleasure as to draw out my own.

She was so beautiful, stretched beneath me as she was, the
moonlight causing her skin to come alive, to almost glow from within. I slipped
into her body as far as I could go and relished in the feel of my balls against
her tight backside. Her breath left her in a shuddering sigh and her body
squeezed gently around me. I dropped my forehead to her chest and let her milk
me for a moment before overcome I began to move.

Her cries were clear yet soft as I took her higher with me.
Her body, so soft and yielding, gripped me with surety and strength. She bit
into my shoulder to muffle her cry and I cried out myself into the pillow by
her throat. I thrust into her several more times, lazy strokes designed to draw
out our mutual pleasure. She gave a full body shudder beneath me and I smiled,
going still. I pulled back, and looked down into the storm swept sea of her steel
blue eyes which were made soft with wonderment and I kissed her, reluctantly
withdrawing from her moist heat.

“Wait here.” I whispered and she nodded carefully.

I stood slowly and padded across her thick carpet into her
bathroom. I turned on the sink’s faucet until it began to gently steam,
thrusting a washcloth under the tap. I cleaned myself up quickly and
efficiently before returning to her. She reached for the cloth I held but I
gave her a warning look, she dropped her hands to her sides and I proceeded to
wash her gently.

She sighed and her eyes drifted shut. I went as far as the
bathroom door and tossed the cloth into the sink so that I may return to her. I
slid into the bed and arranged the blankets over us. She fit herself to my side
and we settled.

“Are you all right?” I asked and smiled as she nodded her
head against my chest.

“Good.” I closed my eyes and drifted lazily in and out of
sleep. Her breath was warm and even against my chest and I smiled. She was
sunlight and sweetness personified and I was never going to let her go lest she
herself sent me away.

I pressed my lips to the crown of her head and was rewarded
when her leg drifted over mine.  I put my hand to her knee and pulled her both
tight against me and her leg higher up on my body. I felt her lips curl in a
smile against my skin and felt an answering smile of my own.

“Sleep love, I have every intention of making love to you
again in the morning.” I told her and she huffed a laugh and did as she was

She really was my sense of perfect.

BOOK: Hunter's Choice
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