Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters (60 page)

Read Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters Online

Authors: Cari Quinn,Cathy Clamp,Anna J. Stewart,Jodi Redford,Amie Stuart,Leah Braemel,Chudney Thomas

BOOK: Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters
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“What if she asks me back to her place afterwards?” How awkward would it be if he got to sleep with Hayley when Max had held back.

“Then go with her. Look, I didn’t go home with her last night because things got a little weird. The dipwad thought maybe I’d drugged her to get her to go out with me—”

“What the fuck?”

“No, it’s okay. It probably worked better that I didn’t spend the night with her. This way, she’ll have a week to decide if she really wants a threesome, and if she’s uncomfortable about it still, she’ll let you know one way or another.”

“In other words, if she thinks we’re perverts—”

“She doesn’t think that.” Max shook his head. “But it’s better to give her space to consider her options right? If she cancels out on your date before Saturday, we both know where we stand, no harm no foul.”

Trust Max to have thought everything out. He shoved his coffee mug aside. “So what are the plans for today?”

Max slapped him on the shoulder. “We work our asses off and make her house the best it could be, and show her we’re a couple of reliable guys, no matter what rumors Dipwad has been spreading.”


s much as Hayley loved Sophia and was happy to be her bridesmaid, sitting at the secondary table sucked. Two of the other bridesmaids and groomsmen were married and were discussing their nanny situation. Another groomsmen sized up the pair of college-aged girls who were playing a drunken game of “fuck, marry, ditch” declaring they would definitely fuck the groomsman eyeing them, marry the groom, but they would ditch the groomsman who hadn’t looked up from his phone the entire evening. She’d have much rather have sat next to Noah who was sitting at table at the side chatting with Nic and a couple of his buddies and an older couple—Sophie’s aunt and uncle she thought.

She chuckled to herself at the memory of Noah’s reaction when he’d first seen her – both coming and going, though she doubted he realized the glass in one of the portraits reflected his pursed lips as he formed a silent whistle at the oh-so-sexy drape of fabric low on her back. She’d loved the warmth of his hand on her back, and the way it would discreetly dip beneath the fabric, as he’d waited with her in the conservatory while the bride and groom and their parents posed and smiled during the endless photo shoot.

Once the speeches and toasts finished and the staff moved in to clear the tables, Hayley bee-lined straight to where Noah stood, a glass of white wine dangling casually from his fingers as if he’d stepped out of a fashion magazine. Even though Noah wasn’t one of the wedding party, he’d turned heads with his perfectly tailored grey English-cut suit, complete with a crisply folded white pocket square. Yet as dreamy as he looked, she discovered she preferred him in a T-shirt that didn’t hide his pecs or biceps, and a pair of ripped blue jeans that hugged his ass to perfection.

Unfortunately one of the girls who had been playing the FMD game was already there, sizing up Noah as if he were a slab of fresh meat and she was a panther, who was starving to death. Before Hayley could interrupt, Noah shook his head. “Sorry, Ainsley, I’m with someone.”

“So ditch her.” The girl ran her finger down the buttons on his shirt, batting her eyelashes when she reached his fly. “I’ll show you a better time. I was a gymnast in high school. I’m very...flexible.”

His scowl deepened. He stepped back, leaving her hand hanging in space. “I’m not interested. And I’m not the type to dump a date.”

Ainsley pushed out a hip and rested her hand on it. “It’s not like she can’t call a cab.”

Fuck this. Hayley got in Ainsley’s face. “Listen, little girl, you have a lot to learn about poaching on other people’s dates.”

“Hayley’s right.” Noah stepped between them. “I came with her, I’ll leave with her.”

Ainsley huffed but left with a muttered “fucking bitch.”

“I’ve never seen you with your claws out before.” Noah’s expression made her feel as if she were the only one in the room. “I like it.”

“Can’t blame her really—she’s got good taste.” She smoothed her hand over his lapel. “You clean up nice, Mr. McNaughton.”

“Right back at you, Ms. O’Connell.” He trailed his hands down her arms, letting his gaze wander further, setting her body aflame, “No one here tonight would guess that you handle a sledge hammer like a pro.”

“Next time I go out with you, maybe I should bring that sledge hammer with us so I can protect you from the other women who want to ravish you.”

His smile dimmed. “They’re not interested in me. They’re interested in my family’s money. While you were having your photo taken earlier, Mrs. Demetrios introduced me to Ainsley and a few of her friends and added
he’s Charles McNaughton’s son, you know of McNaughton Industries.
They both had a feral glint in their eye, I swear.”

“I’m so sorry. I had no idea she’d sic them on you.” Or that she would try to sabotage Hayley’s chances with him. “I’ll protect you from them both then.”

He lifted her fingers to his lips. “Thank you. Does that protection extend to protecting me from jealous exes who accuse your dates of drugging you?”

“I couldn’t believe he thought that. Max isn’t still upset, is he?”

“No. He’s not upset.”

“Did he also tell you about,” she lowered her voice after checking those around her, “the threesome?”

“He did. I know Max told you that we’d be interested in fulfilling your...fantasy, and I’m totally on board, but there’s no hurry to make a decision. We’ll wait as long as you need. All we need is for you to say the word.”

Her breath caught in her throat at the power and sincerity in his answer.

Before she could respond, the DJ came on to announce the first dance between the bride and groom and they turned to watch.

Noah stepped behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. This was a man comfortable with public displays of affection. His breath was warm when he leaned in to whisper, “You know Max would say you’re wearing that dress backward.”

Heads turned as she laughed. “He totally would.” She twisted in his arms to wrap her arms around his neck. “I’m so glad I’m with you tonight, Noah. I was afraid this would turn into a real drag.”

The air between them crackled with heat. His voice was husky as he replied, “I’m glad I’m here with you too.”

When the other couples joined the rest of the wedding party on the dance floor, Noah tilted his head toward the others. “Dance with me?”

Her body reacted when his thigh brushed hers, and again when his hand stroked her spine. Even despite the crowds around them, she wanted Noah to slip his hand lower, to have her whole body skin-to-skin against his.

The music switched to a semi-fast number. She however stayed dancing slow while Noah sped up and she stomped on his foot.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I wasn’t paying attention.”

He stopped moving, while he left his arms around her, he tilted his head as if he were trying to see into her thoughts.

“Oh? What are you thinking about?” Though his lips had quirked into a smile, his eyes were serious. “Whether you’ll ask me to drive you back to your place? Or mine?”

It would be safer to answer “my place” but the temptation to throw caution aside and be swept away in passion between Noah and Max was overwhelming.
But it could ruin your reputation.
“I was thinking about...Sophia, that’s all.”


Noah made one of those masculine noises in the back of his throat that she found so sexy. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Are you sure you aren’t imagining the two of us in bed together? Or maybe the three of us?”

She stepped on his foot again. Thank heavens for the dim lighting that would hide her blush. Someone bumped into her—hard—giving her the perfect excuse to hurry off the dance floor. Noah caught her hand and led her past their table and continued on out of the library. He didn’t slow down until they were out of the castle and standing on the balcony overlooking the grounds where yet another wedding reception was taking place in the greenhouse. The evening was hot, the air filled with the scent of fresh cut grass and the masses of flowers filling the gardens.

As much as her body was down with the plan, her head took more convincing. What if they saw a threesome as a one-time event and once the night was finished, she’d never see them again? Or at least as nothing more than a business relationship. She could fall in love with them—either of them—both of them—so easily. While she didn’t give a crap what other people thought, she’d met Max’s family—his big noisy Italian
family—and there was no way either the elder Morettis would look kindly on a woman who slept not only with her son but Noah at the same time. It would probably sour their acceptance of Noah too.

He placed his thumb beneath her chin and lifted it until she looked at him. “No pressure, okay? But we want you to think about it. Max and I both care for you. No one would ever learn about it from us, so your reputation will be safe in our hands. But I won’t deny we’ve talked about sharing you before this. That for the last week, I’ve gone to bed every night thinking about what it would be like to have you between us in my bed.”

Oh hell, now she had that image in her head, she’d never be able to get it out.

“You’re thinking about it too, aren’t you?” He leaned closer, placing his lips against her ear. “You’re thinking about what it would be like to be stretched out on the bed, naked, kissing me while Max goes down on you. You’re thinking about what it would be like to alternate between our cocks while you blew us. How it would feel to wake up every morning sandwiched between us. To be the center of our world.”

She wanted to be that woman between them. She wanted the heat, the attention, the unrelenting pleasure they’d bring her. Damned straight she was picturing the three of them together.

He cupped her jaw. “We’d treat you right, Hayley. You can trust us. ”

Her gaze strayed beyond him to where one of the other bridesmaids was hurrying toward her. “Hayley, Sophia’s going to throw the bouquet.”

He held her in place. “When you’re ready, just say the word.”

“I’m ready,” she whispered. “I want to go back to your place. Tonight.”

And then she fled.


ayley said yes. Our place. Tonight.

Max fought a variety of reactions to Noah’s text. The first “hell yes!” was quickly followed by “oh shit” and hot on its heels was “you’re about to ruin a great friendship.” His sensible side, the “take it step-by-step, Moretti” took longer to wedge itself amongst the others and calm down the unexpected jitters currently making his hand shake.

Both he and Noah had talked about Hayley’s fantasy—a lot—over the past week. Talked about whether they should do it here at their home, or at hers, or whether to rent a hotel room the way they had before. They’d talked about whether Hayley had sought them out because one of the four people they’d shared a bed with had talked out of turn and what that betrayal might mean.

And they’d talked about how it could destroy their friendship. With Hayley. With each other.

Since it was a long weekend and all the hotels were booked, the location had come down to it being a choice between Hayley’s place or theirs. As for their friendship, and his more pressing concern about whether she’d specifically sought them out because someone had told her that they’d had threesomes before, well, he supposed they’d find out by her reaction tomorrow morning.

While he waited for them to return, he paced from the living room to the kitchen wishing he had something to do. They’d spent all of yesterday cleaning the place, attacking dust bunnies on the hardwood and fingerprints on the stainless steel appliances like they were an enemy. He wandered upstairs to his bedroom, swiped a finger along the already-dusted dresser. Straightened the covers on his bed despite them being perfectly flat.

That was another thing they’d had to decide—whose bedroom. Ultimately it had come down to
my house, my rules.
A line he’d never insisted upon with Noah before.

Strange that they’d never argued over any of these details before. Then again, they’d never brought any of their shared partners home before. They’d always rented a hotel suite. He’d told himself it was to protect Noah, but Max now wondered if they’d subconsciously used it to keep a distance between their sexual activities and their home life. Otherwise it could have made things awkward.

He fingered the petals of some daisies Noah had placed on the drafting table he used as a desk. “They’re so plain. You should have gotten roses or lilies or something more exotic.”

“Haven’t you watched when Hayley stages the rooms?” Noah had said. “She always chooses daisies. She says they look happy, like they’re smiling and bobbing their heads, so they make the prospective home buyer associate it with happiness.”

When he’d asked about the orchids Noah had placed in the bathroom, he’d been told they represented respect and dignity.

Shame was a bitter pill lodged in his throat. He’d been busy ensuring they had plenty of supplies—condoms, a blindfold and fur-lined handcuffs in case she wanted to try a little bondage—thinking about the sex, while Noah considered how to make Hayley comfortable, welcome. Treasured.

Both of them knew they were taking a chance. They had so much to lose if things went badly. Hayley mattered. What she thought of them by the end of the night mattered. His relationship with Noah, both as a business partner and a friend, mattered. Yet not having that night with her, and with Noah, could be something he might always regret.

Stop being so morose, Moretti. You’re not the glass half-empty type of guy.

Yes, things could go wrong. But things could go incredibly right too. Tomorrow hadn’t happened yet. Tonight, he’d be with Hayley, and Noah too. Tonight would be perfect.

The tightness in his chest eased, he returned to the living room and booted up his favorite video game. “Okay, Drake, let’s get ourselves out of this damned submarine.”

An hour later, all thoughts of the game were forgotten when Noah parked in the driveway. Noah got out first, and rounded the car to open the passenger side door. Max’s view of Hayley was blocked by his roommate, but the moment Noah stepped to the side, Max whistled.

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