Humanity: After It Happened Book 2 (8 page)

BOOK: Humanity: After It Happened Book 2
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What to get a newly minted, bona fide teenager on her first post-apocalyptic birthday?

Dan had an idea, and frankly couldn't give a toss if nobody agreed.

She had earned her keep in Ops; put in the boring work, studied the maps and learnt everything from scratch. She could clean and dismantle weapons better than all but three of the group and had proven herself enough to be given lessons on handling the Glock. Now, if she were to take her first adult step into Dan's new trade, she would need to send something a little heavier towards the enemies of the group.

All four M4's were in use, which left the HK416's and the G36c's. The 416 was essentially the same weapon as the M4, and in his opinion too long for her to handle easily. The G36c was shorter and only weighed a shade under four kilos. He stripped one down and checked it. It was spotless, as Leah had cleaned it under his instruction.

He had never really liked it, but hoped it would fit her nicely.  He secretly had Lou prepare a scavenged harness from the surplus shop to hold a Glock, two spare mags and another pouch to take two mags for the G36.

He decided that it was sensible to let Steve take her for the next element of training, as he liked the sassy little girl too much to be objective if she wasn't ready yet. Still, he wanted to be the one to give her the present.

To make it less of a boy present, he also scavenged a laptop, iPod and lots of chart CD's he hoped she liked and spent three entire evening's worth of electricity time copying them onto the iPod.

He only told Penny, Lexi and Cara, and between them they planned a surprise party. He told the party committee what he planned to give her, having prepared his arguments in advance. There was some resistance to begin with, but it was Leah's wish to be trained in this field; others reasoned that she should still learn other skills which Dan didn't object to at all.

Whispers had gone round and plans made. Every department head decided to get her something, and one afternoon Dan and Lexi led some others on a small shopping trip to get the items on the lists.

Looting for survival was an unremarkable activity nowadays, but looting for presents and wrapping paper felt strange; like the excitement of Christmas again.

A sticky suggestion came from Kate, who raised a parallel with Leah's chosen career path and the child soldiers of African civil wars. It was done carefully to avoid insult but made Dan pause; if an eight-year-old kid can use an AK47 then he was sure Leah could manage the G36. 

Having realised that he had completely missed the point of the comment, he drifted back from his thoughts in time for the suggestion that she be given mandatory weekly counselling sessions to mentally prepare her. He thought this a great idea.

"Agreed, I'll speak to Marie about it" he said too quickly. A smirk showed on a few faces and his further attempt to explain just left him in a deeper hole. He gave up and outlined his plan.

"Leah's training will be thorough, but I have no intention of deploying her alone as a resource yet" he said as professionally as he could to recover some poise.

"She must be a skilled all-rounder before that happens in the future, which includes driving and survival skills"

They all agreed, Penny visibly relaxed when she realised that Leah wasn't to be handed a gun and sent out into the remains of the world.

"I'm trying to future proof our survival here.” He said tiredly.

“Who is to say how long I'll be fit to do my role? Leah will effectively be coached to replace me when she's old enough or I'm too old"

That surprised a couple of them, as they clearly hadn't thought past this generation.

"On that note" started Chris "we could do with more people and some youngsters to start training in a similar way. I know Pete needs an apprentice"

Murmurs of agreement went round the table, and the plans for the new apprenticeships were born. 

Dan's attempts to spend time with Marie were unsuccessful, to describe it mildly.  She was always ahead of him, and whenever he made a clumsy suggestion she cut him off.

He decided to be brief and business like instead of playing the supplicant fidgeting with his hat.

He found her room and knocked.

"Come in" she said from inside. He did, and found her with a large towel wrapped around her and wet hair. They both had a moment of awkwardness, which she turned into his discomfort entirely by asking him what he wanted as she sat on her bed and smiled at him. He explained briefly, stuttering his way through before he left.

Crashed and burned again.



The morning of Leah's birthday came, and she still hadn't said anything. The day started as normal, with the morning activity causing the flow of people to congregate the dining hall.

Leah shuffled in, groggy as always, and stopped in suspicious surprise as everyone was looking at her.

"Happy birthday!" Penny said in her singsong assembly voice.

Everyone chorused in with the same and Leah turned crimson, looking like she might cry.

Ops presented her with the laptop, Neil gave the iPod and speaker dock from engineering which made her squeal with delight. Cara uncovered an array of her favourite foods whilst Penny gave her a leather bound diary.  Chris, on behalf of the farms, gave her a set of boots like Dan's which would have cost over two hundred pounds last year. Medical, via Kate, gave her a compact field medical kit and promised her the training to use it.  Next, Lou got a nod from Dan and laid a heavy package in front of her. She tore at the wrapping as politely as she could, then froze.

It was her tactical vest, lifted in silence as she slept and painstakingly transformed under torchlight by Lou. She ran her hands over it, and rested on the pouches for the larger magazines. She looked at her mentor, who nodded and told her that her training was kicking up a gear.

What a terrible world, he thought, that a teenage girl was so excited to be given such things. Still, he was happy that she was happy and oddly proud of her.

She didn't know what to do first. She ate mostly pastries for breakfast, then dressed in black combats and her new boots before bouncing back downstairs pulling on her winter coat similar to Dan's.

The weather was definitely improving with longer daylight hours and nobody was still wearing the base layers which had been so popular over the worst of the weather. There were still some frosts, but spring felt imminent.

"You do know you've got the day off, don't you?" Dan asked as she walked into ops.

She looked instantly deflated "Do I get to choose what to do today?"

"Ok, I'll rephrase that. You can do what you like today" he replied.

"I'd like to learn to shoot then" she said.

Dan nodded agreement and unlocked the armoury, selecting the G36's and four magazines. They loaded them as Dan began again from the beginning the rules for holding a firearm, this time including her mandatory counselling sessions and that her regime will be dictated by Steve.

"Aren't you teaching me?" She asked.

He thought about how to respond and tell her that he was too fond of her to be objective, in the end settling on "Steve will be better at it and I have lots of things to do.  I will be assessing you anyway"

She seemed happy enough with that, and they went for some target practice.



The Colonel was somewhat over enthusiastic, and she wasn't the only one worrying that he had possibly suffered an episode, or maybe she had witnessed the rapid onset of degenerative brain disease.

The man was issuing orders and laughing aloud, but being mostly tolerated by the group who were busy packing the remaining supplies for their uncertain future outside.

She had long since abandoned her tailored skirt suit and heels and had resorted to the comfortable jump suits designed for those living underground for extended periods. Now she was in boots and overalls not unlike a pilot's flight suit, loading a bag ready to walk out with the others.

It had been years since she had really walked anywhere or carried her own bags, let alone both.

There was a general feel of a plan, but no real plan and certainly no actual leadership. All those senior and important people in one place was bound to cause friction, as most had their ideas which they would then try to bully others into supporting. The world of politics could well end with these few people wasting what remained of their lives arguing, she thought. She would wait until they had established somewhere, then name herself Prime Minister as the most senior cabinet member left.

Everyone carried their own food and water, those who were armed when they came in felt more secure and she started to notice a shift in the established power balance; for years these politicians had been protected by armed police officers and most saw them as part of the furniture type people, now the politicians stuck to them and started to see them as valuable people. There was no secret weapons cache in the bunker, much to the annoyance of the Colonel who was loudly voicing his hopes that this was a Russian act of war and he would 'finally get to stick it to Ivan'. 

He was pretty much ignored by everyone at the end, including his own kind; some of whom had abandoned the dress uniforms most of them wore in favour of utilitarian clothing.

The time came when they could wait no longer and, without ceremony, site three opened its sealed steel doors which had protected them for months.

The pressurised door hissed as it was unlocked, letting cool air in from outside. As this happened, one girl from the research team quietly said to herself with a resigned sigh.

"We all just died" she said tiredly.



Penny called the group to hush during breakfast, engaging with the regular niceties which Dan wouldn't have bothered with. She looked pale and thinner, he thought.  Maybe some time outside would be good for her.  Spring was fast approaching, and she explained the needs and expectations of them all.

The priority now, was to plant and rear as much as possible during the good weather.

"We will also work on winter-proofing our home for better comfort" she declared "I'm sure everyone knows we are looking to establish some solar power and possibly hot water when we are equipped to do so.  Now, your departmental heads have work for you.  Have a good day everyone."

Chris was by far the busiest. He had limited support, those assigned to the gardens were equally as busy but Chris was never really given a break during the busiest time for his trade.

He had given his simplified plan to the council recently; expand their livestock through breeding, get enough feed for them, grow vegetables.

Andrew was in support, as having had a winter to see how the food stores fared, he believed that the farms had three to five years to take over supplying the group before the stocks ran out.

"Dependent on numbers, obviously" he added.

That got Dan thinking; they still needed more of them to make this work. Logistics were stacked with premises to empty, and both crews went on a planned route daily with multiple places to hit.

Engineering had recovered the scaffolding lorries, and made a further trip to the distribution place where they had got the lorry full of parts. This time they returned with thin metal cylinder tanks as well as more panels.

More trees were felled near to the house and dragged to the driveway by tractor to be cut up. The space left was requested by Chris to put pigs in when they were expecting; they could have a steady food supply of kitchen waste then. Steve offered to help and built the fenced pen bit by bit. He said it gave him back a small bit of normality.  A semi-circular ark was added to the pen for shelter, and the first occupants were herded down the driveway.

Chris wanted his new assistant to help, but she was still very weak and Sera said no.

Out of the three puppies, two had died.  They were badly malnourished and frankly she marvelled that they had lived that long.

The survivor was a bitch with jet black fur and a white chin, chest and belly. Ana named her Pig, from a book she had read about a farmer with a sheepdog.

Pig had just about made it through with the milk substitute, and grew much healthier by the day after she could manage solids. She was kept inside by Sera until she was happy that the puppy would live; as it was she was going to be a small dog but there was no way to say for sure if she would be ok in the long term.

Ash was very curious about the little collie sniffing around his paws. He could've fit the entire dog in his mouth easily, yet it scared him and he would jump out of its way. As he became used to this, and Pig grew stronger on her feet, it became an intentional game between them.

Andrew and Liam had started to go out to scavenge again locally, ensuring that every spare storage space was stocked full.

The main aim of the Rangers was to find survivors and recruit, but Steve was set to house guard and trainer for a month. His suggestion was a period of intense firearms training for Leah, then a more relaxed pace from thereon after. 

Penny had organised further clearances of the house, opening up another floor of living space as people were asking for their own rooms. The office spaces were emptied and beds brought in, all the unwanted and unusable detritus from the newly reclaimed space went for burning.

In all, the house was a hive of activity with nobody asking for a day off, not that they would have got one.

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