HUGE X2 (6 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Brother

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Ethan leads, locking the front door on our way and
turning off the downstairs lights.
feels so ridiculously domesticated.
breezes up the stairs as though he is carrying a pillow rather than a 130-pound
I feel silly, topless and being
transported like some kind of bride being taken over the threshold.
The boys seem to love it though.

When we get into their room, I notice the scent of
them immediately. The mix of their shower products and the smell of their
I nuzzle into Nathan’s chest,
inhaling and feeling lightheaded.

“I love the way you smell,” I say, and he grins,
bending in for a soft kiss that sends butterflies into a frenzy in my stomach.

Nathan lowers me gently onto Ethan’s bed.
Their room is big enough to accommodate two
beds that are large enough to sleep two huge men.
I fold my arms over my chest, still not
comfortable enough to be so uncovered in front of them.
Ethan turns on a reading lamp and turns off
the main light.
Nathan fiddles with his
phone and then there is soft music playing from the speakers in the corner of
the room.

When the mood is set, the boys are back to where we
left off.
Ethan tugs off his shirt and
steps out of his pants.
His cock is
pressed tightly against his body, restricted by his Calvin’s, and I can’t take
my eyes off the way it curves to the left.
When Nathan drops his pants I discover he curves to the right.

“Take off your clothes, Carrie,” they say at the same
It doesn’t even seem to register to
them that they’ve spoken with one voice.
Maybe they’re used to it.
force of their instruction is twofold.
stand shyly and push my yoga pants over my hips.
As they drop down and over my thighs, I see
the twins’ eyes following their descent.
I’m left standing in my black and pink polka-dot panties and don’t know
what to do next.
Should I remove them,
or wait for the boys to do that?
said ‘clothes’ though, so I assume they meant everything.

I hook my fingers into the sides of my panties but
before I can take them off, Ethan and Nathan walk quickly to my side.
They move my hands away and take hold of one
side of my panties each.
It’s slow
torture as they start to pull them down.
When the fabric moves past my thighs, Nathan drops to his knees and
buries his face between my legs.
draws in a deep breath, nuzzling the small patch of soft hair I have there,
leaving gentle kisses, moving lower and lower until his bottom lips presses
against my clit.
Ethan moves behind me,
putting his hands around me so he can caress my breasts.
Each tug to my nipples makes my knees weak.
I watch Nathan breathe in deep again.
It’s like he can’t get enough of the way I
smell and it makes me feel so horny to know he likes that.

My knees start to shake when he uses the very point of
his tongue to touch my clit.
It’s so swollen
and hot that the contact makes me moan and move my hips forward to increase the
Nathan runs his hands up the
insides of my thighs and nudges them apart, just enough that I feel the cool
air against my wetness.
Ethan is tugging
at my nipples in the same rhythm that Nathan is licking and it feels like my
body is being turned inside out and rewired.
There are connections inside me that I never even knew about, connections
that take me to the brink of orgasm so quickly I almost can’t believe it’s

In all my fantasies the twins had been great
In all my imaginings they had
made me come hard.
When I lay in bed at
night and thought about the things we are doing right now I would be writhing
in minutes.
I’m used to coming with them
inside my head but not kneeling in front of me or caressing me from
Looking at Ethan’s hands and
Nathan’s tongue doing its best is emotional overload.
I feel Nathan’s hand between my legs and I
know what he’s going to do.
He’s going
to put his fingers inside me and I won’t be able to help myself.
I know I’m going to come all over his
He’ll feel how wet I am and
they’ll both hear me moan because I won’t able to hold it inside like I usually

What’s coming is too big.

As at least two of his thick fingers nudge me open and
push in to the hilt I find myself leaning back on Ethan.

“I’ve got you, baby,” he whispers huskily into my
“Let it go.”

I shake my head but all he can say to my refusal is
“Yes, do it.
Show Nathan how good he can
make you feel.”

It’s that thought that has me closing my eyes and
moving my hips in short sharp motions against Nathan’s tongue.
Although part of me is still so ashamed that
I’m giving in to my base desires, the other part of me wants them to know how
much I love them.
And if I can show them
this way, I might as well do it with style.

Nathan pumps his fingers, the very tips of them
brushing against a spot inside me that feels so damn good.

“Oh god.”
hear my own frantic-sounding voice and almost don’t recognize it was my own.

“That’s it,” Ethan says.
I can feel his erection pressing against my
He drops one hand from my breasts
and I know he’s reaching down so he can touch himself. I feel when he’s pulled
out his cock because the wet head of it glides against my skin and Ethan’s hand
moves up and down in long slow pulls.
“That’s it,” he says again, this time almost dreamily.
“Fuck her with your fingers, Nathan.
Open her up so she can take us.”

I feel Nathan’s fingers parting inside me like opening
scissors and that’s it.
I can’t hold
myself together anymore.
I come so hard
my knees give way.
The twins hold me up
as the most intense pulsing wave of pleasure washes over me.
My pussy clamps down so hard on Nathan’s hand
he would need to struggle to remove his fingers, but he doesn’t.
He just keeps twisting them slowly as the
orgasm carries me away to another place.
It’s beautiful and warm where I go. My head feels light, as though all
my troubles have been pushed aside and there is only peace.
I’m not there for very long, though.

Nathan’s phone starts to ring.





cheesy ringtone seems to cut the atmosphere like a machete.
His fingers are still up inside me and his
face is so close to my pussy I can feel his breath on my thigh.
Ethan still has a hold of one of my nipples,
but the hand that was holding his cock has gone still.
It’s like the real world has burst into our
little dome of pleasure and we’ve all woken up from the sex-filled dream we
were having.

No one moves.
The phone eventually stops ringing and I see Nathan looking over my
shoulder at his brother.
The music has
stopped now so the room is silent enough that when Nathan begins to pull his
fingers from me, the wet sounds are audible.

Then the phone starts ringing again.
Nathan gets up from his knees and goes to check
the screen.
His expression is guilty
when he looks over at us.

“It’s Dad,” he says.
“I’d better answer.”

“What the fuck?” Ethan barks.
“He probably just wants to make sure we’re
all home. Leave it.”

Nathan shakes his head and swipes to answer the call.
“Hey, dad,” he says, sounding ridiculously
happy and totally fake.

I can hear the muffled sounds of Wendell talking and
Nathan’s expression drops again.
happened?” he says, sounding shocked.
immediately pull away from Ethan and go to grab my pants from the floor,
pulling them on hurriedly.
Ethan touches
my arm, and when I look around at him, clasping my hands to my chest, he shakes
his head.

I frown and nod towards where Nathan is looking ashen
All he keeps saying is ‘okay’,
over and over and he’s writing stuff down.
None of it is seems like good news.
I find my cami-top and pull it on, clutching my bra and panties in
I move to look what Nathan’s
written on the pad.
It’s the address of
a hospital in a town about two hours’ drive from home.
I mouth to Nathan, ‘what’s going on?’ but he
shakes his head as though he needs to concentrate on the call.
He jots some stuff down.
policy documents, Maggie’s blanket

My heart skips a beat when I read the last thing.
Mum’s blanket is special.
Her nana crocheted it when she was
It’s one of her most treasured
Why would Wendell be asking
Nathan about it?
Ethan is by my side now
and he pulls me into an awkward hug which I resist at first but then I sink
I’m so grateful for his strength
because I know that something really bad has happened and in a few seconds
Nathan will hang up and then he’ll tell us, and I’m so damn scared.

“Okay, dad.
will,” Nathan says.
Then there’s

“What’s going on?” I can hear Ethan’s heart beating
fast in his chest.
It’s a rhythm that sounds
a lot like panic, and matches my own.

“There’s been an accident.” Nathan rests his hand on
my back.
“Dad got away with some minor
scrapes but Maggie…”
His voice trails
away and I snap my head around until I’m facing him.

“What?” I say frantically.
“What happened to mom?”

Nathan’s eyes look glassy and I fucking lose it.
“What the fuck, Nathan.
Just tell me.
I’m freaking out here.”

“She’s in the operating room.
Her liver was damaged and they’re trying to
repair it.”

For the second time that night my knees fail me and
both twins reach to grab me under the arms.
Ethan pulls me back against his chest and strokes over my hair,
murmuring things that I know are meant to be soothing but nothing is

My mom is everything to me.
It’s just been me and her for such a long
time and I can’t bear the thought that she’s hurting somewhere and I’m not

“We need to leave,” I say.
“We need to leave right now.”

“Okay.” Nathan starts to get dressed.
Ethan doesn’t let me go until his twin is in
a position to take over my care.
Then he
pulls on his clothes at record speed too.
I hear him open the door and walk down the hall to our parent’s room.
He opens and closes drawers, I assume to
gather the things he thinks they might need.

I feel like I can’t breathe and Nathan obviously
senses it because he pulls back and takes hold of my face.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” he says
calmly and firmly.
“When Eth is done,
we’re going to get in the car and drive down there.
By the time we get there your mom is going to
be out of the operating room.
You’ll be
able to see her, okay, Carrie?
You’ll be
able to see she’s okay.”

“You don’t know that,” I say, and the tears that I’ve
been fighting spill from my eyes and form cool trails on my cheeks.

“I do know.
Everything’s going to be fine,” Nathan says, and for some strange reason
I believe him.
He’s so strong and in
control it’s as though he could will things to be a certain way and they would
I pray to whoever might be listening
to my thoughts that they keep my mom safe, that they listen to Nathan and make
it just so.
I don’t know what I’d do if…

“I’ve got everything,” Ethan says from behind me.
“Let’s go.”

I look down at myself and realize that I’m in no state
to leave.
“I need to get myself tidied
I’m suddenly on autopilot.
That part of a person that kicks in to deal with
basic things in a time of crisis is there.
I pull away from Nathan and head down the hall to my room.
I hear the twins follow but I can’t look at
them now.
If I see concern on their
faces I’ll lose my impetus. I’ll break down and be no use to anyone. I pull out
some jeans and a hoody from my closet and some clean underwear.
I shed my lounge-wear and, when I’m dressed,
I look at myself in the mirror.
My lips
are swollen from kissing and I have a small mark on my neck from where one of the
twins was a bit over excited.
I’m marked
by what we did, and all the while my mom was suffering.
I take a brush and try to remove the muss
from my hair, tugging hard enough that it hurts.

My purse and phone are still on my bed where I left
them so I pick them up.

“Okay?” the twins ask in unison.

“Yeah,” I say.
“Let’s go.”

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