Howling Moon (28 page)

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Authors: C. T. Adams,Cathy Clamp

Tags: #Romance:Paranormal

BOOK: Howling Moon
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When the hotel
phone rang the next morning, Cat groaned and rolled over.
Go away!
Didn’t whomever it was realize that she’d been up until almost two in the morning? She was
damn it!

The ringing stopped, for all of a minute. When it started up again Cat threw the covers off and, grumbling mightily, grabbed for the receiver.

“This better be good.”

“And good morning to you, Cat.” Ivan sounded awake, alert, and
damn it,

“Good morning is an oxymoron.”

He laughed at the joke. “I have your birth certificate and the title for the automobile you requested. We will come with the limo to pick you up in a half hour.”

“The movers aren’t due at Ned’s until one o’clock.”

“If you truly
on going to Boulder, it is better if we arrive early. It is always safer to do the unexpected.”

“Fine, fine. I’ll meet you downstairs at seven.”

“Again, no. Wait in your room. Answer the door for no one but me, and use your nose. Voices can be duplicated much more easily than scents.”

Cat wanted to argue, but she didn’t. Ivan knew what he was doing. He’d been chief of security for Charles for as long as she could remember. Nor could she honestly claim it wasn’t necessary. But she hated it. Just as she had hated the necessity of the endless self-defense classes her parents had insisted upon. She trusted his expertise. Eventually Cat would arrange it so that Ned’s property became a veritable fortress, with high, electrified fences, video and audio surveillance.

Until then, she needed to stay away from the pack as much as she could. It wouldn’t be easy. There was still Holly’s change and Ned’s movers to deal with – and, of course, the courtship. Still, she’d do the best she could.

Truthfully, she was looking forward to starting the fake life. First thing tomorrow she was going to pack her things and get ready to leave the hotel. Once the stores opened she’d need to change her appearance and get a picture taken for Charles to give to the expert who would create her new driver’s license. With a valid license she’d have everything she needed to set up a bank account and start applying for the corporate cleaning jobs. She’d need to learn how to switch the file Jack hid, as soon as she found it. Then, she needed to pick up used furniture, and set up her new apartment.

Once she had a place to work, she’d begin getting the materials to start the replacement file. In short, she had enough work to keep her busy for
without a single pack or romance-related crisis. The thought was positively refreshing. The bulk of today, however, would be spent up at Ned’s. And while she hated to admit it, Cat was very glad that Ivan, Raphael, and Raven would all be there with her. There were too many enemies lying in wait for her. The constant, unrelenting pressure was pushing her very nearly to the limit. But she held on, stubbornly determined not to give up. Because she’d found something worth fighting for in Raphael. Between the two of them they
defeat Jack,
find a way to have a life together. She just had to be strong until then.

With that Cat got up and started the bath water running to get ready.

At exactly seven o’clock there was a knock on the door to the suite, followed by Ivan’s voice saying, “It’s me.”

Cat started for the door and stopped just short. She called out, “Just a minute. Be right there.” Then she stepped just to the side of the door and bent down to the crack, taking a deep sniff. Raphael was there, but she
two people. Whoever was with him was wearing that damned cologne. There had to be a way to check the identity of the man at the door without putting her eye to the peephole and
a bullet to the brain.

Use your telepathy, Jack suggested.

She started and bumped her head against the wall. Damn it! I
wish you wouldn’t do that.

He chuckled. Which is, in no small part, why I do. Besides, I have to see how your training is progressing. I want you to be a challenge. I
want you to be


Don’t take that cavalier tone with me! I won’t stand for it! Just as I won’t stand for your coupling with Ramirez.
I saw you last night. Saw Raphael’s “challenge” with Inteque’s puppy.
Believe me,
decide to fight him for you,
will be the one to crawl, and beg – before I kill him and feast on his entrails.

You don’t want me. You want Fiona.
am not Fiona.

He paused and she heard his voice shift again, to the sane suaveness she’d heard on the television. No. If you were Fiona, you’d be safe from me. But
will never be safe, Cat. Not as long as I draw breath. Perhaps I need to remind you of that.

Jack withdrew from her thoughts then, but before he did she got an image of where he was. He had been standing on the porch of a log cabin, staring out at an expanse of desert as the sunrise painted the cloudless eastern horizon with shades of lavender and pink.

“Cat, are you all right?” Ivan’s voice came through the door clearly, with just the right note of concern.

Cat sent a tendril of thought outward. Raphael and
were on the far side of the door. They’d left Ivan out at the car. Tricky. Very tricky.

I’m fine, Raven. Good morning, Raphael. Cat answered in both of their heads simultaneously. She’d never tried it before, but it seemed to work just fine. Sorry for the delay. Jack dropped by.

Raven’s shout through the door was loud enough that Cat flinched in pain, since her face was still plastered against the wood.

She heard Raphael’s reply to his son. “Jack’s a telepath. He ‘visits’ Cat for fun.”

She could hear Raven swearing under his breath as she grabbed her purse and the leather trench coat she’d bought to replace the ruined biker jacket. She paused briefly at the mirror. The black turtleneck and matching jeans emphasized her figure, but the color was harsh. She looked older, and more than a little strained. Then again, it’d been a rough couple of weeks. A little more makeup might help compensate, but the boys were waiting. So she opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.

This morning Raphael was dressed in faded blue jeans that clung to his legs like a second skin, the fabric worn and soft looking. He’d left the first three buttons of his blood-red cotton shirt undone, showing just a hint of tan, muscled chest. His denim jacket matched the jeans; its red plaid lining picking up the colors from the shirt as well.

She had to touch him, needed to bask in the warm scent of him, to feel the tingle of electricity between them. Last night had frightened her, more than she’d like to admit. Things could have gone so badly for him. As it was, she’d felt both his anger and his hurt at how very many of his people had no faith in him. He would fight for them,
for them if it came down to it. But somehow it wasn’t enough.
wasn’t enough. Raphael hid his pain well, beneath a hard exterior and jokes filled with black humor, but she’d seen what was behind the curtain. And while she’d take the hurt from him if she could, she didn’t know how.

She went to him, putting her arms around his waist, laying her head on the warm skin of his exposed chest. She listened as his heart sped up, reveling in the scent of the emotions rising off of him. Yes, there was the musk of lust, but mingled with it was the scent of bread baking and cookie spices. Those were the scents of love. Even if she hadn’t read about it, she would know. She needed this, needed
She couldn’t have stopped herself if she wanted to; and she
want to.

With that thought everything seemed to fall into place. She suddenly understood about Michael, and Fiona, and even, in some dim way, understood the root of Jack’s madness. It was inexcusable, but it made

Raven gave a discreet cough. Raphael laughed, leaning down to give her a quick kiss before saying, “We’d better get moving. Charles and the others are waiting.”

Cat leaned back to look up into Raphael’s eyes. “Uncle Chuck and
the others?”

“The Chief Justice wanted to set up a secure meeting before he left town,” Raven explained. “The limo is large enough, and private, and the drive should give us enough time for the discussions we need.”

“Oh.” Cat stepped away from Raphael, feeling the magic stretch between them, as though it was reluctant to let him go. “Wish I’d known. I’d have dressed better.”

“You look fine.” Raphael gave her a reassuring smile.

Raven led. Cat followed, with Raphael bringing up the rear. Both men stood guard in front of her in the elevator, causing the elderly couple who rode down with them no end of heart palpitations. Cat knew because she smelled it –
it, loudly enough that it set her stomach growling, reminding her forcibly that she hadn’t eaten in a
long time.

They passed through the lobby without event, stepping out from under the awning into the early morning sunshine. A gleaming black stretch limousine pulled to a stop in front of them. Yusef climbed from the driver’s seat walking around the front of the vehicle to open the limo door as Cat stepped up to the car. She took a deep sniff and a quick look before climbing inside to join Lucas and Charles. Raphael and Raven followed her. Ivan was next. Cat was relieved when the car door slammed, because even a stretch limo could only hold so many powerful Sari. The scents were almost overpowering, and Cat felt magical energy crawling painfully across her skin. Raphael had slid a pair of sunglasses on.

“Will Councilman al-Narmer be joining us?” Lucas asked politely.

“No.” Charles didn’t bother to hide his annoyance. “The councilman accomplished his mischief last night. He’s on his way to stir up trouble elsewhere. Some days I truly wish he weren’t such a
councilman for his people.”

“His people often wish the same.” Lucas smiled, and Charles chuckled. Cat could see ages of history between Uncle Chuck and the Wolven chief pass in a look.

“Good morning, Cat.” Charles was fully smiling now. Cat heard the motor of the car turn over, felt the vehicle shift as it started moving and Yusef pulled it into traffic.

“Cat, gentlemen, we’re here regarding Jack Simpson. Jack killed Cat’s family and turned her. He is insane. We all know he needs to be put down. The problem, of course, is Jack’s ‘insurance policy.’ Cat and I have spoken at length after ensuring Jack was unable to read her thoughts I’m likewise shielding this conversation. She has convinced me that she has a workable plan for neutralizing that file.”

Charles continued for some time.

Every question and comment was discussed at length. In the end, all agreed that, assuming the original file could be found, there was a good chance it would work.

“Raven, you are technically on extended leave. People would expect you to stay in Boulder because of your father. It is the perfect cover. While I dislike imposing on your rest, I see no way around it, and I expect the two of you to cooperate
with each other.”

Cat opened her mouth to protest. Charles silenced her with a gesture. “Cat, your life is in constant danger. I do
intend for this plan to fail in the event of your death. I trust my great-grandson implicitly. He is the absolute
we have. This mission will not,
must not

But she thought that… “Fine,” Cat agreed.

“The fewer people who know where your proof against Jack is hidden, the better,” Charles continued. “But I do
that you confide in at least one other person here other than Raphael. Again, in case of your death.”

Other than Raphael?

I’m mated. If you die, I die. Remember?

No, she hadn’t. She swallowed hard. When she answered Charles her voice sounded a little strangled. “All right.”

“I have purchased an apartment complex in Denver at your request. I trust you can make a unit available for Raven’s use?”

“I can.”

“Very well. The two of you can get together after this meeting so mat he can get the address and other information. Lucas and I will each provide Raven with our copy of the file to bring you when he moves in tomorrow. Raphael, as we discussed, I would ask that you put all of the evidence you have gathered against Jack over the years at her disposal. Does anyone have anything else to add?”


“Good. Ivan, would you be so kind as to pour me a drink? I’m parched.”

Ivan poured drinks for everyone. As Cat sipped the burning liquor she let her mind wander, not bothering to take part in the light conversation going on around her. Everything seemed so unreal. Part of it was the lack of sleep. But more than that, she was almost shell-shocked from the repeated blows to her reality. Her mind was having trouble adjusting.

Penny for your thoughts. Raphael’s voice slid gently into her mind.

Don’t waste your money. I’m not sure I’m capable of coherent thought right now.

Not a morning person? he teased.

No. But it’s more than that. Too much has happened in too short a time.

Life’s like that. Bouts of insane activity sandwiched between long stretches of boredom. He reached across the seat to take her free hand in his. Have I mentioned I’m proud of you? I don’t know anybody else who could have handled this as well as you have. I’d have gone completely insane long before now.

Are you sure I haven’t? I
hearing voices in my head, she observed dryly.

Raphael laughed, snorting his drink out his nose. He had to take a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe up the mess. He finished just as Yusef announced their arrival over the car speaker.

Cat said good-bye to her godfather, giving him a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for everything.” I’m sorry I was such a bitch the other night.

It was nothing. Charles gave her a quick return squeeze. And I deserve every bit of it. But do me a favor. Get rid of the file so we can eliminate Jack. Then I won’t have to try to justify the unconscionable.

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