Howling Moon (43 page)

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Authors: C. T. Adams,Cathy Clamp

Tags: #Romance:Paranormal

BOOK: Howling Moon
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The crowd gathered
again in the clearing where the severance and binding ceremonies had been held just a few short days ago. Rumors ran rampant. A number of pack members were missing. Anger flowed and ebbed as humans and wolves milled nervously around. Raphael had called them, mind-to-mind. They obeyed, but they were not happy about it.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Cat stood, holding hands with Raphael in the deep shadows at the edge of the clearing. Tonight they were dressed alike, in unrelieved black.

to do this, Raphael corrected her. His expression was grim. The wolves in the clearing weren’t the only ones who were angry. Cat just hoped mere wouldn’t be a fight. She wasn’t sure either she or Raphael were up to it right now.

She was just about to ask what they were waiting for when she saw a familiar figure passing through the woods to join them. Ahmad by himself. The power surrounding him was enough to choke on.

You invited

I needed a witness. Raphael inclined his head in greeting.

Ahmad nodded in response. There was no mockery in his expression. “You survived. Congratulations.”

“Yes. We did. Thank you for coming.”

“My pleasure.” There was a hint of wicked amusement in his eyes men. Raphael ignored it, refusing the bait.

Let’s do this.

With a tingle of power the aversion he’d set flared to life. Ahmad flicked his tongue, tasting the air.

In unison Raphael and Cat stepped out of the shadows. They moved across the clearing by the light of the moon and the distant stars. The crowd parted and silenced as they passed. It was a weighted stillness, the breathless tension of an animal poised to attack.

He climbed to the top of the boulder and helped Cat to do the same. Ahmad stood at its base turning sideways to keep both the boulder and the crowd in his line of sight.

All eyes were on Raphael as he released Cat’s hand and took a small step to the edge of the huge stone. When he spoke, his voice carried clearly through the cold night air, reaching every last person gathered.

“A healthy pack functions through trust, teamwork, and mutual respect.” He turned, looking at familiar faces in the crowd. Cat felt his sadness, anger, and pain at their betrayal. “I have spent decades of my life in Boulder, as a pack member, as Lucas’s Second. I would have dedicated my life to doing what I believed was best for the pack – lived, and died, for its members.” The silence was complete. Even the wind had stilled.

Raphael couldn’t keep the bitterness from his voice. “But I was betrayed. My own people delivered my niece, me, and my mate into the hands of my worst enemy because they
us dead.” Again he looked out at the crowd, many of whom would no longer meet his gaze, their eyes downcast. And yet there were others who stood straight, eyes shining with defiance.

“Those who did the actual deed are no longer with us.” Raphael’s eyes blazed with his anger. “But what of the others: so many others, who knew of the plan, but chose to do

He turned and Cat stepped forward, into the curve of his arm. They stood in front of the crowd for a long, silent moment. Only Cat was close enough to see the tears that threatened.

“There are no secrets in a pack. Like it or no, word travels from member to member. I believe that nearly every wolf in this clearing
what was planned for my mate and me and chose not to interfere.” Raphael looked down to where Jake stood. His pain was a living, breathing thing. “Only
person tried to warn me, came to fight by my side.” The crowd murmured at that.

Cat felt Raphael gather his strength. “You say I must choose. I cannot be your leader and be with Cat. I choose Cat. You rejected me. Now I reject you. As of this moment, I am no longer your Alpha. I am no longer of the Boulder pack.” With a gesture, Raphael broke the bond which tied him to the pack, then leapt down from the rock and turned to help Cat descend. They passed through the crowd as they came.

Cat could hear bloody fights breaking out in their wake, as various wolves tried to claim the throne. She didn’t turn. She didn’t want to know.


Raphael picked up
the phone on the third ring. It took him that long to get to the damned thing. Healing ability be damned, he
But it was worth it. Oh, hell yeah. Despite the loss of the pack and the myriad of problems facing him, Raphael couldn’t keep from grinning.


“Raphael, it’s Carli, from Albuquerque.”

“Hi, Carli. It’s been a long time. What can I do for you?”

“Well,” she sounded sheepish. “I’m not sure. I got the weirdest call this morning. Some woman who claimed to be Amber Wingate’s twin sister called my private cell number and told me to ring you. She said we were the solution to each other’s problems.”

Raphael’s mouth went dry. He managed to choke out the word “Really?

“Well, that’s what’s weird. Last night Sam Meade challenged Jordan for the top spot. Neither one of them survived. The pack is in shock, and none of the other males in the pack are even alphic. I know your pack has a lot of strong males, and – “

“It’s not my pack anymore,” Raphael said softly.


“I’m mated to a jaguar. They told me to choose. I chose my mate.”

“Oh, my
Carli’s voice quivered with excitement. “Raphael, you wouldn’t consider… I mean, we’re really small, and none of us are particularly powerful, but – “ She was babbling.

“We’d have no problem with your lady. None. I swear. And the climate’s warm, which is great for a jungle cat.”

Raphael put his hand over the speaker to the phone and turned to Cat. “Sweetheart, what do you think about moving to Albuquerque?”

Carli pulled the
SUV off of the main road into a small subdivision. The houses were spaced far apart, each elegant home sitting on at least a three- or four-acre lot. They followed the curve until the road dead-ended in a circular court, the only house a gorgeous sprawling building of tan stone and weathered timbers, with a peaked cathedral-style roof and huge triple-paned windows to let in light, but minimize the heat.

She parked among a crowd of vehicles. As Raphael climbed from the car he could hear splashing and the sound of children playing. Would he hear children of his own splashing in a pool someday soon? He surely hoped so.

He smiled as he helped Cat out of the SUV, admiring the gold and diamond ring gracing her finger. She would have to return to Denver soon, but she insisted on being here with him today to see die house and meet Carli.

He hated that she would have to leave for a few weeks, but there was a lot to do. Arrangements had to be made for the running of her father’s business; men there were the closing for the sales of Violet’s house, his own, and the apartment in Denver. Ned had agreed to let Raven buy the mountain residence – just as long as the Boulder pack
had any part of it. Raphael had been surprised at how readily his son had agreed. Then again, he’d been appalled when he’d found out their part in the plot against Holly and his fattier.

Raphael was distracted by the sound of adult voices, too, carrying from behind the building. He raised an eyebrow in inquiry. Carli only laughed, her dark eyes sparkling. “They’re here!” she shouted ahead of them. He and Cat looked at each other in surprise.

“About damned time!”

Raphael recognized that voice.

Carli nodded happily. “And Betty, Star and Raven, and Lucas, and Charles and Amber, and – “

“Raphael! Did you know about this?” Cat’s voice was filled with excitement.

He shook his head in confusion. “Didn’t have a clue.”

Their steps quickened as Carli led him along a stone walkway from the driveway to a wide front porch, already furnished with Raphael’s own chairs.

A dozen people he didn’t know turned as he and Cat stepped through the gate to the back yard. They all, men, women and several children, immediately dropped to one knee and lowered their gaze to the ground. Carli’s solemn voice cut through his surprise. “The whole pack asked to be here.” She likewise bowed low as Lucas walked through the doorway, a plate overflowing with rare buffalo steak in each hand.

Raphael and Cat looked at each other, neither certain what to say or do.

Lucas’s voice was filled with both pride and sorrow as he handed them each a plate. “Welcome to your new pack, Alpha Ramirez. May you and your mate forever rule in peace.”

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