How to Write (9 page)

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Authors: Gertrude Stein

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Grammar is an item that blames carpets which have lily as their distributing.

This is the way they may.

Grammar correctly leads Ada to have been either or there. Hesitation destroys grammar.

What is the meaning of grammar. Grammar arouses without doubt that invitation. Supposing that there is a building at each corner is there one in the middle and if there is one in the middle and it is a shrine all three are in use. This can be seen from many distances although there cannot be any certainty that in the whole there are four or five. It has not been decided but it is known, that it is alike.

Grammar may be what they will give with it.

Louise a grammar omelet and carrot carrot and omelet.

Louise a grammar.

Wood which is able to be burnt.

Alice a grammar.

Article is the same as an article.

Henrietta has been triumphant but not laterally.

Winifred a grammar.

A grammar is the difference between grain and what has been rewarded. Grain which has been rewarded.

Simon a grammar.

Simon is capable of a tiger jealousy.

Simon is very much is very suspicious.

Simon a grammar.

Anthony is certain that George is not an animal tamer.

Katherine a grammar.

Katherine Tardy was a name that was engraved on a Maltese cross and it seemed a very pretty name.

Grammar refers to names as very pretty names.

That is a little better that which is a little better is that.

Counting daisies is not an occupation whenever they can be found.

Whenever daisies can be found it is not an occupation to count the daisies which have been found. Why not. Because if any of them are lost they have not been counted as an occupation.

Grammar does mean arithmetic.

They act quickly.

Grammar matters if they add quickly. If they add quickly they make a counting of what they are adding and they have added them quickly.

Grammar is made to be by them with their renown. Adding fifteen to twenty-seven makes them have an addition.

A sum which assures them that if they add it it will be correctly added.

Grammar makes it be very much more than three days rain.

If the spring has come and nothing can stop it now it is the same with three days of rain it has come nothing can stop it now.

This is whether addition is known as formerly grammar.

Grammar is pronounced.

Addition is adding.

Grammar which is pronounced addition which is adding.

Grammar which is being pronounced. Grammar which is being in adding. Grammar which is adding add it in adding. If there is a rainbow and it is not complete and another rainbow is there there are two incomplete uncompleted rainbows there are or were two rainbows which were there.

Which were rainbows incomplete rainbows of which two were there.

Not having had it and lost it.

Grammar has had it and has not lost it.

Genevieve Geronimo straightened it out without their finding it out.

George in our ring.

Grammar makes George in our ring.

Grammar makes George in our ring which Grammar makes George in our ring.

Grammar makes leave where they can.

An old lieutenant is as old as when he left. He has not left. He has been as old as again when he went as he did not leave again. He has left again whenever he has been and gone unexpectedly.

No one should feel it too much.

Grammar is as disappointed.

George in are ring.

Grammar cause really.

Grammar causes it rarely.

Because grammar can cause it barely.

What is grammar. Grammar is part of it which has to be why they carefully a mare. It is doubtful if a horse is sought. When in seen oxen can they be sold.

Grammar returns to need.

What is grammar. Grammar is what they state.

Bertha Geronimo has a mother named Danny.

Grammar is in origin.

Bertha Geronimo has a mother named Danny and a brother named Danny. Bertha Geronimo has a mother and a brother named Danny.

Grammar makes it be different if they have the use of it if their mother is named Daniel and if they have the use of it. The use of it is the use of it.

Grammar is undated if they have a mother who has the name of Daniel and is called by it Daniel Geronimo Daniel is the use of it.

Grammar makes plates which have the appearance of a very peculiar ink-stand.

Grammar is how are you.

Grammar is how are you.

They while they are without being nervous make hay while they are able and as they wish to finish early.

Grammar is not a matter of seasons or of finishing early. Or of finishing early.

They are right as they wish to finish early.

They are right to finish early.

They make Saturday come soon and will they like it after some have not come.

There is a grammarian who was born where they now make pale cake.

Nestle beside above where it is.

It is made with them to of having for furnishing of course.

Grammar may in their having caught a leave out hammer which is a bird seen to be having mixed one which was as if which tiding deciding they all were not ready then when they were not going in without direction which it is not of course not known.

Grammar reaching makes use of names.

Thank you very much for an island of a church and trees.

Thank you very much for an island of a church and trees island on land.

There may be in grammar two sentences that commence as one.

Look alike.

Grammar has an amount of receding so that any one can be annoyed by their ill health.

Grammar made grapes.

Grammar made grapes be known.

Grammar made grapes be known to be early.

Many poplars are chopped down are chopped down are chopped down many poplars are chopped down but not very much too early.

Grammar uses why they went to find out.

It was once as often.

Grammar makes it alone it makes it be happy alone and she said it was useful.

Grammar makes about whatever they do.

Grammar without peace they are after that they are after that it is after that it is grammar after that without peace. Grammar almost comes well to do, it comes after well and after very well it comes after very well and very well to have it to do. This is why they are avaricious.

Thinking about grammar is kindling.

Grammar is before they thought that they were used about how they were used to about it.

What is grammar. They do know how they will wish it to lose first.

Grammar is without their house which has been built without them.

Leontine grammar.

Mildred grammar.

Archie grammar.

Butler grammar.

How can they do it easily. By not fairly then.

It is preferable to prepare are prepared for it.

Very much easier.

The difference between grammar resting and grammar at once.

Grammar resting is resting ahead.

Grammar is that it is tender.

Grammar is that it is tender.

Remember just where we went.

Out of the cows eight are milked with out of cows eight are milked.

They move as quickly as cows.

As ease a grammar.

They might have no difference made between Alice and at least.

Then they go at once.

Without their being there aware.

Certainly they choose to bundle it out.

Disturbed a grammar.

Certainly they choose to be over secreted.

Return to grammar makes her name trout and love birds.

The grammar they will up and down and sit down and get up and walk around.

Louise a grammar. They establish branches.

What is a grammar. Is the river an ugly river or is it delicate. Do they surround a marsh with hills. This includes their account of their reserve. Without because of at an end.

Marshes a grammar.

Marshes are preferred to a river.

Marshes, a grammar.

Very well, a grammar.

Very well means white clouds which do not follow well.

A grammar realises deftness.

They saw birds.

A grammar realises deftness.

Is there a difference between shade and shelter and sheltering.

Confuse grammar with announcements.

Grammar makes butter fish.

Grammar makes they do have advice.

Grammar makes they do have children.

Arrange a long list of when they were born grammar arrange a long list of when they were born.

With does she mind covering.

Grammar may matter the matter of fact.

Grammar repeats how do you do.

A praying mantle was pale brown and reasonable. Having been accustomed to praying mantles being green. This makes grammar if they like a reason.

This makes grammar.

Grammar makes a dish.

She says game is fresh.

She says the game that she has is fresh.

Grammar follows what is the matter.

If a farmer calls his goods merchandise he is used to it.

With them. That is one sound.

Without him. That is one sound.

Without them. That is not a sound.

Grammar makes a refusal of a tree of a relaxation of a planning, it is used to mingling kitchen and that they are certain to be winding. Suppose there is less fruit then it will cost more.

Grammar is never description it is not their alas. Find out.

Grammar in owns.

Grammar makes not a doubt that the sun which is behind the hills has been and there.

This is a trinket of grammar.

When it in cousin of the daughter.

Why is there a case of some being fond of those younger.

There can be no confusion between a sun behind a cloud or behind a mountain.

Landscape is not grammar.

Neither is combination.

Following after is a part of grammar.

It is possible to see that alike.

The great difficulty is to tell by a hoarse voice if the voice is hoarse because of the city or because of the country. The voice is hoarse because of the city.

It is difficult to tell if the voice is hoarse because of the city or because of the country. This question is essentially grammar.

Patience with them if they have met them. Imply patient with them when they will have met them. Hoods are hoods housed.

Grammar makes Garfield simple.

Arthur Garfield is in case of their animation.

Suppose grammar was white with without about their pleasure.

California reason he pleased calling it without theirs.

Grammar is contained in father which made old men thinner and old men thinner. The edge with their without perhaps it fell.

Grammar is remained.

Begin for them he could be however if he could enchain their owls with whether. It is going as a care.

This is grammar that they are tying without doubt.

Grammar almond grammar.

This is as is a daughter.

Be very curious. He should be well.

When they have said said with out it they have said a remarkable thing.

Grammar is rarely belated rarely however with their hope.

Almond grammar.

Think there almond grammar.

This is a daughter.

With two.

With the farther that it enchains. Entails in totality in almond grammar.

Almond grammar.

Made remarkably with adding duly that it is heightening in a simmer in a cupidity that they call meat.

Grammar is very likely.

Having a fancy for remembering a recent event.

Grammar has nothing to do with form.

Grammar is accountable.

Grammar carried dimples in clearness. Have made shovels.

It is very easy to eat often.

It is very easy to eat often.

That is named a place.

Grammar rushes to have pushes.

Grammar may rain.

It may thunder and it may lighten and electricity may give out may be out of order.

Grammar say yes awake hens and rabbits which are payed for.

Grammar is easily moved to usefulness.

Grammar may mean that they were preceded by another name.

Have at last have been at last have at last been there often.

Grammar is never opposed to secretiveness.

They have been very much protected by meaning then. Grammar remains partly whether, is there very pleasant weather without rain.

What is it.

Grammar does not relate how to however.

It does not relate secession to gardening.

Thinking of grammar makes it barely late.

A whole story told.

It is what they hope and they will achieve more than they hope however just as send without predicting that they were without theirs.

Simple Grammar.

As well as.

As well as ever.

They do find that they do like to do it as well as ever.

That is one at a time.

Completed grammar.

They like to do it with as well as ever for in ending one at a time.

Grammar does not consist in rain raining that has nothing to do with expectation.

What is grammar. Grammar is the sky rosy from lack of sun.

Grammar cannot pause all around because they must come quickly.

Think of grammar.

Are they here.

Think of grammar.

Without a virgin.

Think of grammar.

Who knew which way it was going.

Think of grammar.

Who knew which way it was going.

Grammar means that it has to be prepared and cooked and if they are used to one assistant it is because it was necessary not to have but one.

Any kind of complication is simple that is the real use of grammar. It all but says so.

The side of a rock can receive the rain.

That has nothing to do without it.

Visibly comforting.


I am a grammarian.

We will or we will not cry together.

These. Have not a cousin.

These have a cousin she is a nun.

Their cousin these have several one of them is a nun.

I love my love with a b because she is precious. I love her with a c because she is all mine.

This is very simple grammar. Who takes it there. This is not simple because it is not trained.

Grammar. If we cry, he cries he does not help himself as one without them.

Grammar is not against sailing. If they have not boarded a steamer.

He never thinks anxiously one at a time.

What is grammar. A grammar is forgotten that there is a dog. Now how could one which is different from what how did one forget.

Forgot forgot means forgetting or did not know there was one. How do you say Forgotten forget did know which he did not know as there was not formerly there is one.

Its all wrong they sit which is alright.

Which is alright with them what is the difference with them. Without them.

The thing that makes grammar is that they know but without doubt they come to be around.

Fifty times grammar.

Partly is the same as party.

Partly is the same as a mistake.

A grammarian there is a pleasure in the air which is agreeable.

Is agreeable to me.

As a grammarian.

Is agreeable to me. They remain so that they are by themselves and for them agreeable to me.

I am amazed that they spell with them.

Think how angry he is.

They are happy in not wishing to finish which they have begun to miss.

It is useless to know how to say so.


I made it do.

That is simple I made it do. Then I was hoping not to hear. If I made it do.

I am a grammarian.

They have to do it.


They have to do it.

Marguerite has to do it.

The subject is grammar.

Opposite to it.

The door was open as well as closed.

The door was open.

As well as closed.

Grammar. Fills me with delight.

I am having it as a habit.

Now the trouble with this is there is a conflict and not in thought, but in reality.

I am having it. Is that a possible tense. No it is not. No it isn’t. I am having it as a habit. As a habit has no meaning. I am having it as a habit. Is completely false in reflection. The use of the word so. As well, as much as a piece, so forth. There any one can feel easy. Any one can feel easy. Is not perfect. They can feel easy, is alright. Any one can feel that it is easy. The essence of grammar is that it is freed of following.

It was blown away by the wind. The wind has blown it away. The difference there is not interesting. If the wind blows you can see it.

Having made too little before now which it was you have given too much. That is a tense, to struggle. Struggle and straggle make it a reunion. Gave it a measure. They give it twice there are two afternoons.

Twenty days to two afternoons.

Why is it a triumph to say twenty days to two afternoons.

It is not a triumph to say Having made too little before now which it was you have given too much. It is impossible to have a triumph little by little and too much. There that is a commonplace in a mistake.

I am a grammarian in place.

The place edition.

Now in forty fortification.

To return to managing.

Having given too little and then added too much. Thank you.


An empty lot.

For which they paid.

They were able to pay for it.

Which it is very nice for them to do.

Now try to change that to which it is very nice for them to be able to do now just try.

They were not rich as they were poor.

The Mabel Earls which is really the name of one of the daughters were not rich she was not rich nor were her sister or had her father as they were poor. There is no use in trying to change that.

A parlor is where the sisters receive their parents and their parents friends. It makes me smile to be a grammarian and I am.

They have to have friends.

It is a wonderful way the way in which they have to have friends.

Now thinking as a grammarian they are thinking.

She is going to stay.

That is one way of making it ammunition.

Do not bother with me.

Bother is a word that transgresses meaning.

Bother is a word that transgresses meaning.

I like to bother.

Very welcome.

She and he are very welcome.

The part that grammar plays. Grammar does not play a part.

If a sentence is choosing. They make it in little pieces.

I have practiced.

She has brought me.

Two know. Leave me alone a little.

To know. That they are well off.

A sentence would be the same as a peal. A peal is something that being chewed is to be wetted or rather perhaps before.

Now think carefully. How rare they are.

She moved very silently making a noise that is one thing to think about. Cliquet Pleyel. Makes twenty five a woman. That is a complexion and how do I do it.

Now be very gracious.

Now be very gracious.

I wish I knew how I did it.

Now be very gracious.


I wish I knew how I did it.

After a while.

I wish I knew how I did it.

Makes twenty five be a woman. I say the sense interests me. The sense interests me. That is not what I say. The sense interests me.

Divide noses from grammar.

Grammar little by little is not a thing. Which may gain.

There. Makes twenty five be a woman. The meaning of that does not interest me. It is a complexion that interests that makes ridiculous because that does not make it sound something else. But it does make them which is again me.

Makes twenty-five be a woman. I do not lose it. The color is there. Do you see. Dependent entirely upon how one word follows another. Who knows how Howard likes hearing. I can do it so easily it always makes grammar but is it grammar. Forget grammar and think about potatoes. Grammar after all has to do with why they were presented.

I see they observe they will feel well.

Now this can be considered as a sentence or as synonyms.

A darling dog. Is that a feeling or an expression.

Essentially grammar has no use for distinctions had no use for distinctions now had it. To grammar it is the same thing whether they are urgent or whether they are useful. Do you see Grammar leaves repetition to their nouns. Now think. If you see me I prefer to see you. Now in the place of repealing they make use of sentences.

It is very little to be able to count.

On the edge of grammar is why they make things.

Now again. It is easy to say he is obedient now.

There is no change of choice.

In grammar there is no change in choice. How is grammar different from other things.

The last time that I went I came here.

Ways to welcome painters.

Dutch painters.

French painters.

Urugayen painters.

A Polish painter.

Now grammatically. There is this which is the way to admit of painting.

Grammar does not mean that they are to limit themselves as if they were to be welcomed with it. Grammar does not make one hesitate about prepositions. I am a grammarian I do not hesitate but I rearrange prepositions. In grammar if there is no change in choice it is not a question of hesitating nor in changing of prepositions.

Now secure in see here. See if it is true that they see it here have seen it here.

Thousands count out loud.

The way thousands count out loud they do it with moving their lips.

Made a mountain out of.

Now this is perfectly a description of an emplacement.

If you think of grammar as a part.

Can one reduce grammar to one.

One two three all out but she.

Now I am playing.

And yielding.

To not attempting.

Think closely of how grammar is a folder.

To look back in the way they came. Now think. Who stands.

To look back in the direction in which they came.

In the direction in which they came.

To look back in the direction in which they came.

A grammarian is so.


Is a word.

To look back in the direction in which they came.

To look back in the way they had come. Now you see that means that others had come and others look back in the direction that others had come.

To look back in the direction that they had come. I mean that to look back in the direction that others had come.

Anybody can see nearly what I mean.

I am a grammarian. I believe in duplicates.

Duplicated means having it be twice. It is duplicated. There are beside duplicates. I am a grammarian and I do think well. Of it.

Think of duplicates. They duplicate or duplicated this. Think well of this.

To look back in the direction that they had come.

Think well of this. You cannot repeat a duplicate you can duplicate. You can duplicate a duplicate. Now think of the difference of repeat and of duplicate. I am a grammarian. I think of the differences there are. The difference is that they do duplicate. The whole thing arouses no contention.

Think well or melodiously of duplicate. They will never finish with their watches.

Oh grammar is so fine.

Think of duplicate as mine.

It stops because you stop. Think of that. You stop because you have made other arrangements.


Grammar in relation to a tree and two horses.

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