How to Write (10 page)

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Authors: Gertrude Stein

BOOK: How to Write
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A sentence is made by coupling meanwhile ride around to be a couple there makes grateful dubeity named atlas coin in a loan.

This is what they all do.

Supposing it is ours a dress address name can be opposed to name and tame.

They all have a difference to within renowned that is the available in cowed they govern might final in main repeal how comes with.

The great difficulty in going on is that their is an end of mine mining but not that they disappeared.

Tell everybody how old that they are.

I would rather have a Buic car.

If he knows what he thinks there is a plate with tapestry included.

As ally.

Why do they apply. This to that.

Not a thing nothing with added fined a candelabra found how far farther bother other handkerchief indeed wager clover in covered mind habit in case made in reminder do vainly farm holding theirs dismantle region with feel yes do. A very easy failure takes place. Our comes back. Back comes our. He was neighbored by a bean. How can fixing be a mine. This is what she did this what we did she did covered quickly back in lain double will. Never selfish. How are they. Never selfish.

Jump up.

What could be few in tremble cowed by a let it consider does with avowed.

It is not possible that they made it fancy.

Does she love me if she admires him.

A sentence has to do with Lizzie or Lena which we will call Lucy or Nellie or Tillie or Louise.

A sentence is our paragraph. A supper which is without eight is made in danger of winding a street advantageously.

There is no need of liking their home.

There is no need of liking their home.

Commencing Monday to embroider.

Commencing Monday to embroider.

With whatever they are as jealous of in agreeable.

Leave without invitation. Closing attract have not payed as in which when thought of. If come. In come. Out in hour. By hour. They made gladly. Now then.

A sentence in sin.

A noun is hour by hour.

A verb is ever as wherever. It is acceptable.

By weekly. A cadence. Milked.

An adverb is appointing. Disappointing. Reappointing. Calling. Ferrying. Denounce. A plant of theirs. Is why they like it. Think of feeling. Think of the feeling.

An adjective have to be faced. An adjective in sound based on fugitives. Leave roads alone. They will be pleased. To cover it with however it is only there. An adjective and they will have had May. May Rider. Mary Riding. Minna Riding, Martha Riding, Melanctha Riding. Thank you.

An adjective in present leniently. What is a sentence. A sentence is why they are Miles Standish.

Listen to a portrait.

Harbour what they like. Once. Once and a fourth.

They must be silky.

She must be so sweet.

And very by nearly able.

That is leaning in a portrait.

Sentences may be alike.

Harbour this for me.

She harbours this for me.

Sentences make use of waning.

Lifting eighty into a house where they remained. Eighty are paid for their work.

Sentences covering around.

When they relish. That it is often. By nearly their allowance. With clearly bought.

The use of the sentence in immigration.

Coupled by a supper which is best.

They may be alike with their mother. They may not feel well. They may be waiting by their side. They may with their vanish. They are which ever. Wire known. There is no place for their being wicked.

A sentence makes a place for them.

What is a sentence. A sentence is however afterwards. Having thought that into is not as agreeable as in and to.

Words and sentences who makes whoever.

Are in place.

A little bit of in covered lend.

There is a left to right in their might.

I leave it.

What is a butter.

There may use in trays.

A sentence is why they find it.

If it resembles a showing of their in want. Want ridiculous.

When they find that they have shown what is why they were from here to have in there. This is a sentence with a marker they thought. A sentence in lain daisy. Inlain daisy makes it a call. He called on him. Without their knowledge they made their way without their knowledge. Leave roses as a sent in sense. Insence is alright. A sentence makes horses either.

What are adverbs.

Call around and see us and we are well to do. Well to do and aided by Charles.

An adverb is a change.

One and one makes two. How pleasantly. Everything is pleasant as they say. Come here as they say. In wailing, in veiling to be secured. Everything is able. An adverb makes partly their use.

Adverb adjective and noun.

Verb adverb and noun.

Participle adverb and noun.

Participle adverb verb adverb and noun.

What is a participle verb adverb and noun. Renown. They made their renown. This makes them like. This makes them like it that they made this which is what has made for them their renown.

Call has been replaced by called. They called, if they called they were there as if they had called it to him.

A different account. Of believing in.

Believing in readily.

Believing in readily is their announcement.

A sentence which is mediocre.

Believing in it readily.

A pronoun is when they are allowed. They make no mistake. In landed and leaving as a particular exception. What is a pronoun. They leave it alone.

Yes I have stood it well.

This is a pleasant reality.

Yes this is it.

She dreamed that she was confused and then it was like it was when he said yes yes, so he said, clearly. He said it was like it was when he would have to say yes yes. He would say yes yes in the case of which she had spoken.

A sentence in their place.

How can if make leaving it.

How are they to be named if they have always been well known although as it happens they have not been had here.

Wide with a will.

What is the difference between a sentence and words. A sentence has been ample.

Why are whites like it.


For this in case of bristle.

This made a Mabel.

Mabel little Mabel.

What is the difference between a sentence and a sewn. Pictures are important if they have been followed. Thank you for following. What is the difference between a sentence and a picture. A sentence sends it about most. Most is more than most. Most and best. A sentence is very mainly leave known.

How can a sentence have their hope. This makes it turn around. Leave a sentence in mainly.

She would like to be left with it.

A George a claim.

A sentence is that he came in. For which is there a noun. By which it is accommodated. A verb is next to crown. Crowned with success. An adjective is with their success. Intervene is made into a meadow. An adverb is painstaking if in intervals plainly laid. Begin a participle by their stretches. Transitive and intransitive aid obeyed with joy. Apprehend and wended and with attained as if with their enjoy. This is clear say with enjoy, and with enjoy he said antedated with joy and so lasted able mainly to felicitate. The compliment in grammar. The complement in grammar. The compliment in grammar. Do not make believe that you are injured very naturally. They are interested in the interesting even always although as aid as shown with Albert who is Alberst or reasoned with.

They may be liked then as an advantage for them.

There then with alike may then place beside them in agate made with the means of addition.

A sentence can retell that they wished they were strangle.

A sentence in wished they can tell that they wished that they were where very made which is a verification of estrange.

A sentence in well that is amount more namely save for save with which called are judged regain regard regards as plain as appear appreciate well bellow.

How can they compliment in a sentence. Below payment. Very nearly fatigued.

Out of out aloud.

A sentence. He writes very well.

A sentence. If it is at all that well he is loved because he has taken to be mistaken with them nearly all or after all. A sentence. They were after a fastener of their approach and so they leave out. Whatever they had.

A sentence. Recall repellent defeat without it actual as they count they count without however as they went and were preferred they make it do. He was closer to it than ever. To like a group who have been all. She might remain.

A sentence is made of their having heard.

A noun is made sink sunken.

A noun. With with ever which is sent.

A noun. With wither they will at all.

A noun. He is much better able to do. It is true of himself in a gain.

A noun. Made with their being rosy.

Verb. Inclosed.

Adjective Made receptively.

Curled as a sentence. This is important.

Very well allowed. Made in the way they chose.

A sentence which has equally a share.

Have hours had an opportunity to be defined. This is a plan. It is very easy to be through with whether they do. It is made in that case. A sentence in allowed.

They have allowed it. Wells in having. Wells are distinguished with their breadth. Wells are whatever it has been installed that they care. Carry or care. A sentence makes them may and makes them mention them in representing when in an element of their maturity. What is a sentence partly that that it is in request rained and their account on their account as they have the habit. A sentence in inquiry. Lament a sentence. A sentence does identify did and differently to be being cover and rested at in their immediately round as within without. What is a sentence. A sentence may be fairly in three. Three intense and composing for their which is why they rather other or be by sight. Thick and of a sentence. It is not necessary to know of them all. This is why they require does or other than theirs. It is not necessary to be after a while in spite of their willing that they are wished they are in their reprisal of in as much their means. This is a sentence by that time. That they are without it for them. Thanks having been before in along.

A sentence may make Mary have their care. What is it that is asked. They are named as they have them before them as they with whether as in call because in advance with theirs in train. A sentence needs recovering. Very little known. There is very little known. There is very little of it that is known. A sentence has a noun a noun is not only a name it is a manner, and reply. In so far as they mean noun they are scared and in place. Consider how they could be by hours by theirs if they made it. Made it by any chance. A noun needs recall needs being recalled needs recalling in order that they may not frighten them at one time. A noun is why they are daily rede-lighted. What is a noun. A noun is made by stretches. From there to there is a noun. Left to their own devices is a noun. Secure and security and readiness to be in theirs as when they have bought and brought neither as along which makes it after a delight that they are cherished. All this has theirs as a known noun. What is a noun a noun is a name and they are by it not without that and theirs where and remain. It is made for them without their having thought that they would recall it which wherever they did do in deference. Having understood everything three things are surprising. One and two and three. A noun is the name of the calling which they have made in their time as known. They will not be ten to advantage. What is a noun. They are right about it.

A verb is actually prepared by a sentence but not actually.

A sentence is this. Allow for it. A sentence is this in as indicated. A verb is without preparation their reason for resting. A verb. At once and when they repel. A verb is an adverse renewal of their reference to whenever they have cost it by themselves without their relieving in a management of their introduction which is improves without the having amassed without a doubt when left at all. What is a verb a verb is went and sent and in in elegant. This is a verb, he came and he asked but not when he was here he wished to be entitled to a management of reference and this is by the way which is a verb in plainly of course pressing them to their in allowance of training. This is a verb. What is it that was proposed. This which is partly their feeling. This whenever this is a verb they will allow their or themselves to be known for it as a cause of their following paper with cloth. Cloth can be of three things rubber, cotton and either both or better. This makes a noun follow a verb. What is a verb. A verb reissues a plaintive renewal of after all it belongs to them.

She imagines so.

Without a difference. She makes their having their with their claim.

What is a sentence with seventy.

One two of three is used with made a name. This is a sentence or thought for.

It is useless to wonder why they answered.

What is a sentence. They sent preserves.

Settled as an emotion how do they know that four into forty makes ten in twenty two for a time and he is sold sold however that it is prudent with their fish. This sentence means that Pablo Picasso is told that he is to add fold to add folded. Trying again of each one. A Russian, trying again of each one may them blame same in the same with the aim with them. If a sentence is a monagram what is a wear. A wear is what with why they relieve.

Commence again. If they do not bring an azalea have they waited.

This is better than stirred.

A sentence in a part.

She does not like to put it there.

Put it there pardy.

What is a sentence. A sentence is an imagined master piece. A sentence is an imagined frontispiece. In looking up from her embroidery she looks at me. She lifts up the tapestry it is partly.

What is a sentence. A sentence furnishes while they will draw.

Take a sentence. They mean.

If it is as if with owner appointed a class.

Take a sentence. He is sorry that she did not give him any credit. For taking such pains to happen to need it as they may. They do need it as she will. This makes all their went and their won. A sentence is not why they were worried.

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