How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (3 page)

BOOK: How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance
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He held the door open. She swished past him, her green dress hugging her curves. She wouldn’t be your typical model but she wouldn’t be plus sized either. Not runway model, but she had great skin, so maybe a print model for make-up ads. Not one to discount anyone’s potential talent, he still wanted to know what she was like. When you didn’t need the money you could pick and choose clients. No one on his payroll was a diva.

He showed her to the couch, a red velvet number that probably wasn’t meant for sitting on. He’d carried their drinks and she took it from him, her plate on her lap. With ruby red lips, she sipped her drink.

“Let me hold that while you eat,” he said.


He waited until she was done chewing before asking her any questions. “The food’s pretty good.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Have you ever done any modeling?”

He was cutting through the bullshit and spoke his mind. He didn’t much care what people thought of him. His friends knew and liked him, and that was all that mattered.

She looked at him as if he had two heads, her eyes blinking. “Modeling?”

“Yes, modeling. Someone takes your picture...” He joked.

She laughed. “I know what modeling is. No, I’ve never done any.” She stood. “Is this where you ask me to pose for you and then I end up naked and in porn?”

His eyes opened very wide. “Uh, no. Nothing like that. Please sit.”


“Why should you sit? Because I’d like to keep talking to you.”

“To get me in naked pictures? Not interested.”

She spun away from him, then spun back, almost losing the food on her plate. She snatched her glass from him.

“Wait, Ellyn. I’m not trying to get you naked.”

Of course, at that moment, all conversations in the hallway ceased. Everyone heard him say that. In a quieter voice, he said, “I run a modeling and talent agency, a legitimate one. None of my models pose nude unless they want to.”

Ellyn glanced at the crowd. “Take a picture, it lasts longer.”

Everyone turned away from them and Colton wanted to smile, but decided she might not be happy if he did that. Ellyn turned back to him. “How do I know that you’re legitimate?”

He pulled a card from his pocket. “Here. And you can ask anyone at this party.”

She looked at the card as if it were a snake. She finally reached for it with the hand that had her drink in it. He tucked it between her fingers, hoping she wouldn’t spill the champagne on him.  Her eyes roved over his business card and he felt almost naked in front of her.

Her shoulders drooped. “Okay, you seem legit.” She sat back down, looking at both hands.

“Once again, let me hold your drink.”

“You didn’t drop anything in it?”

“Suspicious much? Would I admit if I did?”

“No, I guess not.”

He signaled to a waiter who happened to be out in the hallway. “Here, give him your drink and take a fresh one.”

She did as he suggested, then handed him the drink to hold. Glad to be a mule. This woman clearly had no idea who he was or what power he wielded. That was refreshing. Instead of fawning over him like many women did, she was treating him like everyone else. How intriguing and beguiling. He held her fresh drink as she cleaned off her plate. Then she traded him the plate for the drink.

“Why are you interested in me?”

“I think you are amazingly beautiful, very interesting-looking.  You could make a killing doing face work.”

“Face work?”

“Just photos of your face.”

“Not my body?” She sipped her champagne.

“You’re too short for that kind of work.”

She laughed. It came out true and clear. No pretensions. She didn’t seem to care that several people turned to look at her. She’d thrown her head back. “You don’t sugarcoat things.”

“This is my business. I have no time to coddle anyone but when I see someone I’d like in my client list, I ask them.”

“And does anyone ever turn you down?”

“Not often.”

“Well, then I guess I’m in the minority,” she said.

“You’re going to turn me down?”

“You haven’t offered anything so yes, I guess I am.”

He rubbed his chin. “Let’s have dinner tomorrow night and discuss this.”

For a moment, he though he saw panic on her face, then her features softened. “Let me check my calendar.”

“My numbers are on the card. Call me when you know you’re free.”

Those eyes with the gold flecks glanced back at him. “Okay.”


Ellyn didn’t know what to think of this man in his tailored suit and ice blue eyes. His hair was cut short but not too short. She didn’t think he had any product in it, which meant he wasn’t vain. He had a presence about him and when he walked by, women noticed. He didn’t seem to see that happening. Points in his favor.

“What do you do?” he asked.

“I’m a graduate student. I’m going for my Master’s in Business Administration at NYU.” If she was going to lie, she was going to make it a doozy.

“I see. You’re pretty set on this career path?”

“Yes, I am.”

“That’s why you aren’t so keen on modeling.”

“I don’t know if I’m keen on modeling. You’ve been pretty vague so far,” she said.

She had no idea what this guy’s game was, but this was a fun time. She’d leave and never see him again. Not thinking he was serious about the modeling gig, she had no desire to call him. She glanced around, but Shalia was nowhere in sight. The time was getting late and she didn’t want to miss the last train up to the Bronx. It would be a long walk, especially without coats.

“You looking for your friend? Last time I saw her, she was dancing with Doug. I think he’s in love but I would caution your friend. He isn’t a long term kind of guy.”

“She can take care of herself.”

What story was Shalia giving the host? That was ballsy of her to be with him. If Colton hadn’t talked to her, she might’ve been content to stay under the radar. That wouldn’t have netted her a billionaire but Ellyn wasn’t sold on that as a possibility, anyway.

“How much longer do you have at school?”

“Two semesters.”

How did all of these lies roll of her tongue so easily? She should wash her own mouth out with soap. She glanced at her phone to see what time it was. Late. Later than she wanted to be.

Her son would have her up early on a Saturday morning. That would be increasingly painful as the night went on. She might not get into bed before the sun came up. And if the sun was up, so was Derek.

“You have to be somewhere?”

“I have to be up early in the morning. Shalia, my friend, does not.”

“I could give you a ride home if she’s not ready to leave.”

A ride home? The last thing she wanted if for this man to see where she lived. Even if she wasn’t sure she was going to pursue him or his modeling gig, she wanted to leave her options open.

“Uh, no. I wouldn’t want to tear you away.”

“I’m ready to leave. I don’t mind.”

She shook her head. She couldn’t think of a place he could drop her in the Bronx that might not look as bad as where she lived and she’d still feel safe walking home. Nope. This was not going to happen.

“No, but thank you.” She was getting the impression that he didn’t want her to leave. She must be wrong. He’d been attentive and sweet and she didn’t want to be rude, but she really did have to get home.

“Okay. I won’t push but think about it. I have a car that can take you back to where you live. May I ask where that is?”

She bit her lip. She didn’t have a ready lie for that. “I just met you. Not sure you need to know that yet.”

He waved a hand. “Right. Shouldn’t have asked.”

“Not a problem.”

“Shall I help you find your friend?”

“Sure. That would be great,” Ellyn said.

He rose and held out his hand for her. She took it. This was only the second time they touched and once again, his hand infused her with warmth. Part of her didn’t want him to break contact with him.

He led her into the ballroom. Shalia was on the dance floor. Had they been dancing this whole time? Only her friend would dance with the host of the party that they crashed. Ellyn was not that brave.

“Looks like they are having a good time. I’ll offer my car again; we can take you anywhere you want,” he said.

Ellyn didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to travel home alone but she couldn’t seem to get Shalia’s attention. She and Doug were gazing into each other’s eyes. She’d have to suck it up and leave on her own. She sent a text from her phone to Shalia’s telling her that she left.

“So what did you decide?” Colton said.

“I’m leaving without her. I sent a text.”

“She won’t be mad?”

“No, she’ll understand. She knew I had to leave earlier than she did.”

“So, a ride?”

She smiled up at him and his eager expression. The idea that he liked her warmed her heart. Would this work? Could she pull of this charade? “I really appreciate your offer but I need to get back home and I’d rather do it alone.”

He nodded. “Fair enough. I can walk you out.”


Colton noticed that Ellyn stiffened at his third attempt. Her eyes said she wanted to stay and be with him, but her body said the opposite. She was hiding something, but everyone was. Or he made her uncomfortable. He knew his height could make him intimidating, but he’d tried to keep out of her personal space. Tried, being the operative word. She currently held onto his arm. She hadn’t let go yet and he didn’t want her to. Those incredible eyes turned to him. She bit her lip. What was she unsure about?

He could send her in his car without him. He wouldn’t have to know where she lived. “How about you take my car and I’ll promise not to ask the driver where you live?”

Her face showed a myriad of emotions but she wasn’t sure which one of them she settled on. “Would he be obligated to tell you?”

“Not if I don’t ask. And I promise I won’t.” He put a finger on his chest. “Cross my heart.”

She smiled at the gesture. He wanted her to feel safe with him. He didn’t know why, but that seemed important.

“Cross you heart, huh?”

“Yep. Stick a needle in my eye and all that.”

“That might be extreme.”

He figured if he just let her sort it out in her mind, she would decide the right thing. The time was late and frankly, he didn’t care where she lived, she shouldn’t be heading home alone. He was far too much of a gentleman to let that happen.  Even if he never saw her again, he wanted her to be safe. He had resources. He might as well use them.

“What do you say? I’d feel better if I knew you arrived home safely,” he said finally.

“Okay. Just to keep you feeling better. I’ll take the ride.”

“Will you at least text me when you get there safely?”


He put a hand on her back; he loved the feel of her back. He bet it was sexy and for a moment, he had a vision of kissing each vertebrae as his lips traveled down to that luscious butt. Blinking, he shoved that vision down for a more appropriate time.  Like when he was alone or in the shower.

“You need your coat?”

“I didn’t bring one.”

“Then take my jacket until the car arrives.”

He retrieved his coat from coat check then put it over Ellyn’s shoulders as they walked out to the street. He dialed his driver’s phone. “I need you to take a young lady home. She’ll tell you her address.”

“Okay, boss. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

He disconnected the call. “He’ll be here in ten minutes.”

“How will you get home?”

“He’ll come back for me,” Colton said.


“I really want you to call me, Ellyn. We can meet for dinner. I want to discuss your future.”

“You make it sound so serious. I have a future.”

“I know but I have another idea for you. I think you have options.”

“I’ll think about it.”

He opened the door for her when his car arrived. “Good night, Ellyn.”

She handed him his coat. “Good night, Colton.”

He watched his car drive off then turned to go back inside. He wanted to say his goodbyes to Doug though, he wasn’t sure he could tear him away from Ellyn’s friend. Hope she knew what she was doing, Doug had a short attention span.

His friend was just coming of the dance floor. The woman was on his arm, her smile broad.

“Hey, Doug.”

“Colton, this is Shalia,” Doug said.

Colton nodded at her. “Nice to meet you. I just put your friend Ellyn in a car. She’s on her way home.”

“Ever the gentleman, Colton.”

Doug looked at Shalia as if he had other ideas about what to do with her. Sending her home was not on his list. Ellyn had said Shalia would know what she was doing, but should he warn her that this might only be a one night event? Doug would make sure she got home safely but not until he fed her breakfast. How Shalia was looking at Doug, Colton figured that she wanted this as much as he did.

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