How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (18 page)

BOOK: How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance
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“Yes, honey?” She busied herself with mixing the ingredients for pancakes. Colton’s kitchen had a large cooktop which included a griddle for making pancakes. Or bacon which she sometimes made.

“Are you and Mr., I mean, Colton, going to share a room now?”

“We are. That’s what married couples do.”

“But you’ve been married for a few days. Why now?”

That was complicated. “Colton and I had a few things to work out first, but it’s all good. Do you like living here?”

“I do, Mom. I’m glad you married Colton. I like him a lot.”

She poured some batter onto the now hot griddle. The pancakes sizzled. “I’m glad, Derek. I like him a lot too.”

“Are you going to have more babies?”

The question stopped her dead. “We haven’t talked about it, Derek. What do you think?”

“I’d like a little brother.”

She nodded, taking that all in. She wasn’t ready for any more kids right now. Nor did she know exactly where she and Colton stood. All she knew is that she was going to be sharing his bed from now on.

What happened after that, she had no idea. She didn’t want to talk about it and jinx it. She just wanted to enjoy it.

After breakfast, Derek dressed himself and was ready for school on time. As if he knew that Ellyn wanted to get back to bed and Colton. Maybe it was just having the stability of a man in the house. Kids needed men. Little boys needed role models and Colton was an exemplary one.

Derek skipped alongside her as she walked him to school.

“Would you have a lot of kids?” Derek asked.

She tousled his hair. “You’re full of questions this morning aren’t you?”

“Well, a kid at school said his Dad married a new woman and they had a baby right away.”

Oh. That made sense. “Well, I have a career to get off the ground first, Derek. I’d like to be more established in my job before I stop to have another baby.”

He nodded as if he understood that. “Do you think Colton was serious when he said he’d take us to Disney World?”

“Yes, I do, but it may be a few weeks. Colton runs his own company and is very important. He can’t always take time off, so be patient.”

The arrived at the school. Derek took his backpack, hugged his mother, then skipped into school.

Ellyn’s heart was so full of love for her two men; she wouldn’t be surprised if her heart burst.


Ellyn returned to bed and woke Colton up. He made love to her again. They showered together and he went off to work. She was at home, moving her things into his bedroom.

Their bedroom now.

That made his heart sing. Now he was on his way home from work. To see his family. He’d had Paul drop him off a few blocks away, so he could walk the rest of the way. The day had dawned warm and sunny and he wanted to enjoy it.

Life could not get any better. Tonight was the night. He’d tell Ellyn how he felt. It was past time. She needed to know that he was in this with her and that he loved her. He’d never said that to anyone other than his mother. Not even to get a girl in bed.

To say he was excited to say it for the first time, was a no-brainer. And to say it to someone who was already his wife, was even better.

He whistled as he walked, not a care in the world.

Then someone yanked on his arm. And then yanked a second time when he was off-balance. He was a big man and the force with which he was taken off his feet, surprised him.

Someone forced his arm behind him and his body up against the wall.

“If you’re looking for money, my wallet’s in the front of my suit,” he said calmly.

This was probably why he never walked. He’d never wanted to be mugged. He felt impotent in the face of the knife that was clearly pressed into his back. He didn’t know martial arts.

Thankfully, Ellyn hadn’t been with him. Or Derek. He wouldn’t want to see either of them hurt.

How had this happened in his neighborhood? Whoever it was didn’t speak, just dragged him along the wall, further into the alley.

“Just take the money and go. I haven’t seen your face,” he said.

The person grabbed his hair and slammed his face into the wall. Colton was able to turn his head a little so he hit his cheek. He saw stars and couldn’t get his bearings for a moment.

The person yanked him off balance and onto the ground. Colton covered his head with one hand while he struck out with the other. He didn’t connect the first time. But the second time he grabbed a pant leg and yanked.

The person fell, but Colton was still too stunned to react. Then a foot connected with his ribs.


Still, the person didn’t speak and Colton was unable to open his eyes enough to see who was attacking him. No one had responded to his yelling. There was no one to help him.

“What the hell?”

Each time the person kicked him, Colton grabbed for his foot and missed. His coordination was going. He thought he heard some ribs crack. Why was this person doing this?

The pain seared through him and finally the person stopped. Colton tried to open his eyes and look around, but they were swollen shut from meeting the wall. He groaned and heard footsteps run away.

Then he heard footsteps come back. “You okay, sir?”

“No. Someone jumped me.”

“I’ve called an ambulance. I’m Steve, the doorman at the building you are by. I didn’t get a good look at the man, sorry.”

“Help me up.”

He didn’t want to be laying on the alley floor.

“I don’t think you should move, sir.”

“Then help me sit up.”

The man took his arm and pulled. Colton gritted his teeth as he was becoming upright. He leaned against the alley wall, his breathing painful.

“Can I call someone?”

Colton thought of Ellyn. He didn’t want to worry her. He’d probably be home a little late. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, then handed it to the man. “Look for Ellyn. Tell her I’m okay.”

His head was beginning to spin and he wasn’t sure he was going to stay conscious. Did he have a concussion?

“Ellyn?” the doorman said. He explained who he was, then Colton heard him tell his wife what had happened. Or at least what he’d thought had happened. “She wants to talk to you.”

Colton shook his head. “Tell her I’m going to the hospital and I’ll be home late.”

He was sure if she heard him, she’d know how hurt he was. He didn’t want to burden her with that. She was a good woman who’d had a tough life. He wanted to protect her. Save her from this.

The doorman handed the phone back. “She’s worried.”

“I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t look fine, sir. Was that your wife?”


“Then she needs to know where you’re going.”

“I don’t even know where I’m going,” Colton said.

Everything was spinning inside his head. He couldn’t stop it. He wanted to throw up so he leaned over and stuff came out. Holy shit.

At least no teeth came out.

“Aw, man,” the doorman said as he put a hand on Colton’s shoulder.

“I didn’t get your shoes, did I?”

“No, but there was some blood in there.”

“Aw, crap. Guess I’m worse off than I thought.”

Then his world went black.



When Ellyn hung up with the doorman, she was livid with Colton. Why wouldn’t he talk to her? She was his wife.

Derek was at school so Ellyn called them to see if they could keep him longer. They could. With that done, she had to figure out where Colton had been taken.
I would think the closest hospital.
and once
she thought she'd figured out where he must have gone, she called Paul.

“I’m not sure why you weren’t driving him, but Colton was mugged. He’s on his way to the hospital.”

“He wanted to walk part of the way home. I thought it was odd, too. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. I never left the city just in case he needed me again,” Paul said.

“I think I know where he went.”

“I can take you there. I’ll stay with you. What about Derek?”

“He’s staying at school.”

“Let me know if I can have someone pick him up.”

“I have some leeway. Just get here.”

She paced in the lobby, waiting for Paul. He heart raced. Why hadn’t Colton talked to her? Was he that hurt?”

When Ellyn saw Paul, she didn’t wait for him to get out of the car. She jumped in.

“I guess I could have walked.”

“No, you couldn’t. I’ve heard from Colton. He wasn’t taken to the nearest hospital. I know where he is.”


She sat back, hoping the trip wouldn’t take too long. She was furious and worried at the same time.

“He’ll be okay, Ellyn. He didn’t sound too bad.”

“He wouldn’t get on the phone to talk to me. Why would he do that?”

“Because he probably didn’t want to worry you,” Paul said as he maneuvered through Manhattan traffic.

“I’m his wife. I’m going to worry.”

She stared out the window, willing the cars to get out of their way. This was useless, as this was Manhattan. An island with too many people on it. Of course, Colton would go to a private hospital. Not some public one anyone could get into. He was always himself.

Paul pulled into a lot. “I’ll drop you off at the door of the emergency room and I’ll park.”


Ellyn stepped out of the car and found her way into the hospital.

“I’m looking for a patient who was brought into the hospital by ambulance.”

The woman at the computer didn’t even look up at her. “Name?”

“Colton Hamilton.”

The woman typed. “He’s in room 4A, but the doctor is seeing him now.” She pointed behind her. “You can wait in the waiting room.”

“I’m his wife.”

“Then you can wait outside the door to 4A.’

“Which way is that?”

“Past me to the right.”

Clearly having been dismissed, Ellyn went in search of 4A. Nurses bustled in and out and Ellyn tried to catch one of them. Finally one stopped. “Are you his wife?”

“Yes. I’m Ellyn Hamilton.”

It had been the first time she’d said her name to anyone. Sounded odd to her ears.

“You might want to wait in the waiting room. The doctor might be a few minutes,” the nurse said. “Someone will come get you.”


She couldn’t see into the room, but she wouldn’t be happy until she could see Colton. What was going on in there?

Ellyn found the waiting room, then paced it. Paul came in a few minutes later.

“They aren’t telling me anything,” she said.

“You want me to go try? Sometimes they talk to a man.”


Paul left her, but was back a few minutes later. “I got chased away, too. All they told me was that he was going up for surgery.”

“Surgery? Oh, my god.”

Paul put an arm around her. “He’ll be fine. He’s a tough bird, Ellyn.”

A nurse entered the waiting room. “Are you Ellyn Hamilton?”

“Yes,” Ellyn said.

“Your husband is going for surgery. He isn’t conscious or we’d let you see him. He has some internal injuries and they need to be fixed. I do need your signature on the consent form since Mr. Hamilton is unable to sign.”

Ellyn’s had spun. Surgery. Internal injuries. Oh. My God. “Yes. I’ll sign it.”

The nurse handed her a clipboard. Ellyn scanned the papers, then signed the sheet.

“We’ll be bringing him up. I’ll have someone direct you to the surgery waiting room in a few minutes.”

“Is he going to be okay?”

“He’ll be fine after surgery,” the nurse said. “He’s lucky he got here so quickly.”

She left before Ellyn could ask any questions. “What if he isn’t okay, Paul?”

“He’ll be okay. He’s Colton.”

Ellyn wrung her hands and paced. Depending on how quickly the surgery happened she need to pick up Derek.

“I can get Derek if you need me to,” Paul said. “You'd have to give them permission, probably.”

She shook her head. “You are already on the list. I just have to warn them that you’re coming.”

“I’m on the list?”

“Yes. It seemed like a good idea in case Colton and I were unavailable.”

Paul put a hand to his heart. “I’m touched that you’d trust me with your son.”

“Of course I do, Paul. You don’t need to pick him up yet. I need you for a little while longer.”

“You give me the word and I’ll get him. Otherwise, I’m glued to your side.”


Colton came awake, wondering if Ellyn had changed the alarm. He didn’t recognize the beeping that was going on around him. He reached for Ellyn to his right, but she wasn’t there. So he reached left and both times he hit the end of the bed.

Did he fall asleep in Derek’s bed? He struggled to open his eyes. Had someone glued them shut this morning?

Then it all came back to him. His walk home. His being mugged. Where was he? His body wasn’t in pain, but he felt as if he were floating.

He groaned. The sheets were clearly not his Egyptian cotton ones, so he must be in a hospital. Someone was holding his hand.

He shook his head and that hurt, so he groaned again.


Ellyn? What was she doing here? Not that he wasn’t glad to see her. Well, if he could open his eyes. Finally they did open and he saw her. Ellyn. His wife. His love.

He tried to say “I love you,” but it came out garbled.

“Don’t talk,” she said.

She stood over him, those lines etched into her forehead. She was worried about him. He tried to sit up.

“Don’t move. I’ll raise the bed a little.”

He heard a whirring and then he could see Ellyn better. “Hi.”

“Hi,” she said back.

“You came when I told you not to.”

“Of course I would come here. You’re my husband,” she said.

And that made all the sense in the world. He couldn’t keep any thoughts in his head and he knew he had something to tell her. “What happened?”

“Do you remember getting mugged?”

“Yes.” That had hurt. Who would do that?

“You’re in the hospital. Recovering from surgery. You had some internal bleeding, but they found it and repaired it. They say all of your organs are intact.”

“Oh. Good to know.”

She cocked her head. “You’re on some pretty good pain medication. The nurse warned me that you might not remember this conversation.”

He squeezed her hand. “I won’t forget.”

She smiled. “You will, but that’s okay.” Something made a noise. Ellyn’s phone. “Hold on, honey. It’s Derek’s school. I have to take this.”

Made sense. He settled his head on the pillow and watched his wife talk on the phone. His wife. The woman he loved. Oh, wait. Did he tell her that? When she gets off the phone.

When she disconnects, her eyes are wide. “Derek’s gone from the school. They say his father picked him up.”

“I was right here.”

She blinked at him for a moment. “No, they mean Chance.”

Chance? Oh, right, Derek’s biological father. Not Colton who wants to be his father.

Wait. Chance isn’t supposed to be able to pick up Derek. “Chance?”

“Oh, Colton, I have to go find him.”

Yes, go find our son
. Colton blinked.
Our son
. Yes, he was beginning to think of Derek as his son.

“Get Paul to help you. Is he here?”

“He’s outside waiting for me,” Ellyn said.

A nurse entered his room. “You have to go, Mrs. Hamilton.”

Mrs. Hamilton. Was his mother here? Oh, wait. That’s Ellyn. She’s Mrs. Hamilton, too. He wanted to laugh. He hadn’t thought about that. Ellyn leaned down and kissed him. “I’ll be back later, honey.”

Honey. He liked the sound of that so he smiled at her as she left.

“Your wife is very beautiful,” the nurse said. He took his pulse and felt his forehead. “Are you in any pain?”

He was still thinking about Ellyn. “I love her.”

“I’m sure you do. That’s why you married her.”

Of course, but he’d forgotten to tell Ellyn how he felt. How could he forget? What was wrong with him?

“You should get some rest,” the nurse said.

“No, Derek’s missing,” Colton said.

“Who is Derek?”

“Our son.”

Yes, Derek was going to be his son when he adopted him. He wanted to do that. He could take Colton’s last name or not, but he was going to raise Derek. With Ellyn.

“How old is he?”

Colton had to think about that. “Five.”

“That’s got to be scary.”

“It is, but Paul will help. Derek’s with Chance. That’s who beat me up.”

The nurse gave him an odd look. “The police want to talk to you about that. Are you up for it?”

Colton felt sleep wrestling with him. He was going back to dreamland. “No. I want to sleep. Someone else will have to find Derek.”

The nurse smiled at him. “You sleep. You need rest. You’ve had surgery.”

“Right. Surgery. Tell Ellyn to wake me when she gets back. I think she went for Derek.”

The nurse laughed this time. “Okay. Hopefully she’ll find Derek.”

Derek? “He’s lost?”

“You just, oh. Never mind. You get some rest. The doctor will visit you in a few minutes to check on your incision.”


“You had surgery, Mr. Hamilton,” the nurse said.

“Oh, right. Surgery. Am I okay?”

“Yes, you’ll be fine, Mr. Hamilton.”

“Call me, Colton.”

“Okay, Colton.”

He smiled at her as his eyelids closed.


Ellyn slid into the back seat. Paul turned his whole body to look at her. “Where to?”

“I truly have no idea. I don’t know where Chance hangs out.”

“I have the address of his wife.”

“You are resourceful,” Ellyn said.

What would she do without Paul? Or Colton? She didn’t have the resources to deal with this situation.

“I’m not just a pretty face.”

Ellyn laughed, but she even heard the bitterness in it. Chance had Derek. Of that she was sure. Did he have any idea how to take care of a five year old boy? He’d have to bring the boy back to his wife’s house. He had no other place to live, she was sure.

“Where does she live?”

“In New Jersey.”

Ellyn wanted to laugh again. Chance. In the suburbs. Who would have thought? Not her.

Paul drove her out of the city into New Jersey through a tunnel. Being after rush hour, the traffic wasn’t too bad. Or so Ellyn thought. She didn’t get out of New York often and couldn’t remember the last time she was.

Growing up poor in the Bronx didn’t lend itself to travel.

Once out of the tunnel, it actually didn’t look that much different than Manhattan. Just not as many tall buildings. They soon left the crowded area of Hudson County and into a little less-crowded area with more single family homes.

Still didn’t seem like a place Chance would want to live.

“We’re almost there.”

Paul had remained quiet, leaving Ellyn to her thoughts. She wasn’t sure that was a good thing or not. Night has fallen by the time they arrived at Chance’s wife’s house.  A porch light was on as were some in the house.

Ellyn climbed out of the car and looked up at the unassuming house. Why did this woman marry Chance? She already had her own house. Paul came to stand next to her. “You ready?”

“As I’ll ever be,” she said, taking a deep breath and releasing it.

She was not sure what she should feel confronting the woman who Chance had deigned to marry. What Chance had never offered Ellyn. All those visits in prison grated on her now. She hadn’t expected him to marry her, but she’d expected him to at least pay child support.

Now, she wouldn’t bother. She was pretty sure that by kidnapping Derek, he’d lost his chance at custody. That was the silver lining in all this.

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