Read How to Love a Blue Demon Online

Authors: Sherrod Story

How to Love a Blue Demon (25 page)

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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Rierdane beamed, and gallantl
y kissed the back of her wrist Cyani style. “The pleasure is all mine, madam.”

“Cass,” she corrected.

He nodded.

“Leave us, Rierdane.”

Rierdane bowed again, and Cass shook her head as he shimmered and disappeared.

“I don’t think I’ll ever
get used to that,” she whispered.

Eyoen laughed. “You say that now, but I bet in just a few days it won’t seem like anything out of ordinary.” He stroked her from shoulder to knee. “Are you feeling better, my dear?”

Cass did feel better. A lot better. She didn’t know for certain if it was his pheromones or just her honest desire for him that was doing it, but suddenly she wanted to fuck him so bad, she could barely stand it.

“Yes,” she said, a
s she rolled from her side to her back and shimmied out of her yoga pants. Her t-shirt was the next casualty. A second later her bra sailed over the side of the bed, and her panties followed right after.

In moments she lay
legs spread, arms open, fingers wiggling as she beckoned him closer.

se,” she whispered.

One moment he was fully clothed, the next minute he was naked and positioning himself between her legs.

She groaned happily, loving his weight, the way his large body completely covered hers.

“Teach me something.”

Already half way inside her hot, slick flesh, Eyoen stopped. “What did you say?”

“Teach me how they make love on your star.”

He laughed softly. “It’s not much different than what you do here on Earth, my dear. But,” he paused deliberately, sliding the rest of the way inside her body, and back out, one hand squeezing a full breast until her back arched.

“But what?”

He shook his head.

“Tell me,” she insisted, throwing her hips at him slowly for a few strokes until he stayed her movements with a large, hard hand on her hip.

“But the way we fuck can be a little bit different.”

At the word fuck, Cass felt a wave of heat wash over her.
She began to tremble, and she knew he felt it when he gave her a sly sexy grin and leaned in to whisper, “Would you like me to show you?”

“Yes.” The word was drawn out into at least six syllables with a long line
of s’s for emphasis.

“Do I have your permission to do with your body as I wish?”

She nodded.

“Speak,” he ordered. “Answer me verbally.”

“Yes, you can do what you like to me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she insisted. “Don’t tease me.”

He gr
inned. “Very well,” he said, and it sounded like a promise. “At least, not too much.”

Before she could blink Cass found herself bound, hands and feet, to the bed. There was just enough play in what looked like silk ropes to let her bend her limbs comfortably, but as she tugged, she realized there was no way she could get free.

Ordinarily this would have made her crazy, desperate to get free. She didn’t trust anyone to incapacitate her in this way, but now her unease quickly faded in a haze of passion that strengthened with every hot look Eyoen gave her.

He was trying to look stern, but she could see the glitter in his golden eyes. He was enjoying this. As always, once he was n
ude, she found herself temporarily dazzled. His beauty was stunning as he stood beside the bed, an odd looking paddle in his hand, arms folded across his broad, muscular chest as he frowned down at her.

“Cass,” he said, in the sexiest rumble she’d ever heard. “You’ve not done everything you could to please me today. There have been many times since I awoke this morning when you should have been on your back or
even on your knees. Instead you chose to do chores, talk to others, send emails and other things that took you away from this chamber. I am not pleased with you at all, my dear.”

Cass was panting she was so
excited, and more than willing to play along she said, “I’m sorry, baby. What can I do to make it up to you?”

Eyoen slowed crawled over her until he was positioned on his knees over her hips. He set his paddle down on her chest, directly over her breasts where it seemed to warm and pulse, causing sensation to shoot
in a familiar but still scintillating path from her nipples into the core of her body. She jumped, looking down at the thing as though trying to figure out how it worked. Reclaiming her attention, he set his hands on either side of her head and leaned down to lick his way into her mouth. Cass moaned as they shared a deep kiss, but hissed her disappointment when he moved away a few moments later.

“It will take more than a kiss from your sweet mouth to get back into my good graces. You must be punished, my dear. How else will you learn the error of your ways?”

Cass blinked in shock. He was going to spank her? This was getting better and better. The closest she’d come had been that night on the side of the road when he’d smacked her ass a few times.

,” she breathed. “I guess you know best, baby.”

He grinned at her. “I do indeed.” He held out his hand and something appeared on his palm. He picked one of the objects up so she could see it.

It looked like a shell. It was about an inch wide and long, hard and pale with an iridescent sheen.

“You won’t like these much at first, my dear. The energy combs
won’t physically hurt you, but they are insistent. They feed on the internal energy from your body. Once they attach themselves, they will keep sucking until I remove them.”

Her breath caught in her throat.
That sounded dubious. Would it hurt? No, Eyoen wouldn’t hurt her. But he might dole out a little pain if it increased her eventual pleasure. Her heart sped up as he bent and removed his paddle. He placed it over her mound next, transferring the strange, lovely heat to her lower half.

What was in that thing?
Then he set the first little comb over her nipple. At first nothing happened, then she gasped as the formerly hard shell began to vibrate and move, forming a cup over her before it began to suck hard like a tiny mouth.

“Ahhh,” her eyes flew to his as he attached the other comb. Cass squirmed, shaking her chest and trying to dislodge the voracious little things, but they held on. “It hurts,” she said, surprised.


nodded, but the painful suction on her nipples was already fading and warmth returned as the rhythmic pulsing from the little mouths radiated like a caress over her breast. She sighed shakily. “No, not anymore.”

“Shall I attach one to
your –?”

Her eyes doubled in size. “No!” She had no way to remove the thing if she became over
stimulated, and it was a little too freaky to entertain the idea of the comb so near that opening in her body.

“Good. I have something else in mind for that lovely pussy of yours.”


“Patience, my dear. The best punishments take awhile.”

“You’re making me nervous.”

Eyoen just smiled. “That’s okay. All will come right in the end.”

Okay. That sounded ominous. And these little combs were something else. Cass shifted restlessly, her legs touching his as she moved. The heat from his flesh made her shiver. This seemed to agitate the little combs because for a moment they sucked harder. The steady suckling was making her run wet. She wanted Eyoen to make love to her badly.

“You already know that demons are magical creatures.” He waited until she nodded. “You also know that Cyani royals have a few unique characteristics that set us apart, aside from this distinct shade of blue skin. You’re familiar with my pheromones, which enhance your physical pleasure.
You’ve seen me manifest different objects here and there, or poof things, as you like to say. But I haven’t really shown you the real me, not entirely.”


He shook his head. “No. There is really nothing that I can’t do with my body.” He leaned forward and stroked her bound wrists. “Or yours.”

Cass wondered if she should be nervous. She was tied up and he was telling her there were
no limits to what they could do sexually. But instead of fear or concern or a desire to get free all she felt was excitement. Energy seemed to hang in the air over their bodies. Smart or not she couldn’t deny she was looking forward to whatever he’d concocted.

“Do your worst, demon,” she whispered.

Eyoen smiled slowly. “As you wish, my dear.”

raised a brow but said nothing.

“Don’t be nervous,” Eyoen crooned when she began to fidget.
“You’ll like this.”

He picked up the warming paddle and teased her between the legs with it.
She jerked in surprise when electricity zinged her wet flesh.

“Feel that?
Long ago this paddle was used to discipline children on Cyanus. It delivers a small, nonthreatening shock. My father had the practice outlawed when he took the throne, but the device found a new use as a sex toy not long after. Personally, I suspect it was always used for that, in secret.”

Cass yelped when he shocked her again

“Do you know why my countrymen decided this instrument made a better sex toy than punishment?”

Cass thought she might have an idea. She was panting heavily now. Between the energy combs and the feelings that came after the shock faded, she could barely catch her breath. She wanted to get up and run for miles, that or fuck the absolute shit out of the demon currently torturing her with pleasure. She moaned softly, yanking at her bonds.

“They noticed that after the children’s tears dried, they had more energy. Many often got into
even more mischief. It was like they couldn’t help themselves. They could run and hide and play and tear things up for hours. Teachers would be absolutely exhausted by the time the children were just starting to wind down.”

Eyoen leaned down slowly, his heart leaping h
appily when Cass arched, straining upwards to meet his lips. When their mouths touched she tried to swallow him whole. She groaned happily when his weight came down to cover her.

“When we finish making love I imagine you too will want to run around, but first I’ll do my best to help you expend some of the energy
generated from the paddle.”

Cass was already
feeling its effects. She couldn’t seem to stop moving, her limbs twisting and pulling restlessly at her bonds. She wanted to beg him to make love to her, but curiosity kept her silent. It was starting to look like they might be into some kinky stuff on his star.

“Thousands of years ago, demons discovered that sex was much more powerful when they engaged mind and body together.”

“Are you going to lecture me? I didn’t know I was going back to school. Should I take notes?”

Eyoen shook his head at her teasing. “Hush, my dear. Now where was I? Oh, yes, the mind body connection.
I have all sorts of little toys that I could use on you, like the energy combs, but I’d prefer to keep this organic. Is that okay with you?”

Yes! Let’s see what you got.”

Eyoen grinned and inclined his head. “As you wish. Now, a human man has to rely solely on his senses. What he can hear, see, touch, taste and smell. You know I have access to more data that those more tangible things. I can read your mind.”

“And I can read yours.”

, you can,” he said, with some satisfaction. “But I can also read your intentions, tap into your instincts and anything in your subconscious that might not have surfaced yet. It affords me considerable access, my dear. More access than you’ve ever really imagined.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m saying that I know what you want before you do.”

kay. Prove it.”

“Patience, my dear.”

“Damn that! You’re a clit tease.”

He burst out laughing.

“You heard me. You’re running your mouth like you’re giving a speech or something. I want you to put up or shut up. I don’t think they do
anything different on Cyanus. I think you’re just gassing my head up ‘cause you like looking at me restrained.”

Eyoen knew s
he was trying to goad him into making fast and furious love to her. He just shook his head, looking at her like any adult would a stroppy toddler.

“This is what they call topping from the bottom, sire,” Rierdane informed him.

“You’re trying to top me from the bottom,” he told Cass who blinked.

? You’re into BDSM now? ‘Cause I’m not.” She yanked on her bonds irritably. She was getting more frustrated by the minute. What she really wanted was a little magic of her own so she could conjure a gag for his mouth, a pair of scissors for the silk ties, and a fresh set of them to use on him.

Eyoen’s brows shot up
. “You would gag and tie me down, hmmm? You’ve gotten awfully mean all of a sudden.”

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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