Read How to Love a Blue Demon Online

Authors: Sherrod Story

How to Love a Blue Demon (22 page)

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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Cass shook her head frantically even as she pressed back against that invading finger, wanting him, not this titillation.

“Eyoen,” she cried, fingertips curling against metal as though she could score it with her short nails. “I need you.”

He came into her in one hard stroke and immediately began to pump, hard, but not fast.

“Good. However much you need me, it’s not enough. I want you to crave me. To need me inside you all the time. I want to invade every part of you. Your thoughts, your feelings, your dreams, but especially,” he reached through one braced arm and squeezed one of her breasts. “This beautiful body. It’s mine. I won’t let any other male touch you, my dear. Not even if I have to use every scrap of magic that I possess to keep you untouched by any hand but mine.”

moved forward hard as though to punctuate that thought. Hard, but perfectly, pummeling her quicker now as passion swept away his control.

“Cass,” he gasped, feeling his incisors growing inside his mouth
. “I need to bite you, baby. May I?”

She turned, her eyes widening when she saw his fangs, his lips curled back from his teeth in a sca
ry but sexy snarl. But she wasn’t scared; she was unbearably aroused by the sight. He looked crazed, out of control desperate, needy, the way she felt before he came into her and satisfied a primal need to connect. She saw that same need on his face, and her heart opened.

“Do it,” she whispered,
and cried out when he struck.

here was no pain. She didn’t even feel it when his teeth sank into her skin, all she felt was pleasure. It felt like someone had shoved a glow stick into her blood only there was no light, just a burst of intense, pleasurable heat that began with that bite and radiated throughout her entire body. Her legs began to shake as a fierce orgasm ripped through her, shaking and tossing her like driftwood in the ocean.

She bit her lip trying to hold back a scream, but it escaped anyway
, and his answering growl echoed it. The orgasm seemed to last forever. When the aftershocks finally began to fade, she blinked, let out a healthy sigh and realized her face was against the trunk. She grinned; it was all she was capable of. Eyoen recovered more quickly. He scooped her up and sat on the back seat with her in his lap, their legs hanging out of the car.

She sighed sleepily, yawning as they cuddled. Her eyes drifted closed.

He laughed softly. “My baby’s tired. You need to be in bed.”

When Cass opened her eyes next that’s exactly where they were. She blinked, slowly looking around at the familiar furnishings of her bedroom.

“Did you poof us home?”

“Yes, my dear. Is something wrong?”

“Did you bring the car back?”

“Yes,” he laughed.

“And our clothes?” That’s all she needed was some industrious soul to find their things on the side of the road, and put two and two together.

He gestured
toward the chaise where their garments had rested before they put them on for the party. Now they lay in the same spot, looking as fresh as if they’d never been worn.

She grunted sleepily. “That’s some talent you got there. Can you poof me into the tub? I’m beat.”

She opened her eyes to the feel of warm water and laughed.

Sitting across from her in the tub, Eyoen picked up one of her legs and began to massage her foot.

“Why do you laugh, my dear?”

She shrugged. “No reason, I guess. It’s just crazy the way you can bring my every thought to life like that.

“I w
ill always take care of you,” he said seriously. “It is my duty and my desire.”

Cass’ eyes narrowed with pleasure as he
gently pulled her toes and rotated her foot at the ankle. Outside of award season she rarely wore heels.

“What do you mean it’s your duty?”

“Sire,” Rierdane warned. “Don’t –”

“I’ve claimed you. It’s my duty to protect and care for you.”

The water sloshed as Cass pulled herself up. She would have pulled away but he didn’t release her foot.

“Claimed me? You
sound like a coal miner from rural Virginia in the 30s.” she yanked on her foot. “Let go.”

Eyoen reluctantly released her when he realized she was angry. “What’s wrong? Why are you upset? I’m merely stating a fact. You’re mine now.”

Cass stared at him, hoping for a smile to let her know he was joking, but he looked perfectly serious, and perfectly beautiful sitting there talking about her like some alien version of a coveted baseball card.

All of a sudden their conversation on the side of the road came back to her, the way he’d demanded that she never touch another man, the way he’d spanked her when she tried to reason with him. It had been beyond hot at the time, but now she realized that he’d been completely sincere not just in what he said, but in disciplining her as though she’d committed some sort of infraction.
Apparently there were more differences between Earth and Cyani than just the skin color of the inhabitants.

“You’re serious. You’re talking about me like I really belong to you, like an object. Is that how men and women, I mean, male and female demons interact on your star? ‘Cause I gotta tell you, baby. That shit’s not gonna fly here.
If you think for one fu –”

Eyoen moved swiftly to bri
dge the distance between them. So swiftly the water in the tub surged up and over the sides.

Cass instinctively hugged him back when he pulled her close.
But when she tried to pull away she found herself trapped.

“Eyoen –”

“I’m sorry.”

Cass sighed and let her face drop into his neck. She kissed him, licking at the water and inhaling deep to bring the scent of his skin into her nose.
She rubbed her breasts against his chest and wrapped her legs around his waist.

She tried to push herself back, not wanting to get caught up in his spell, but his arms tightened
around her, and she sighed. “Your damn pheromones are getting on my nerves.”

He leaned back
, blinking absurdly long lashes and looking so soulful and sad she had to hold back a laugh.

“Good grief. If this is the demon version of puppy dog eyes, I may never win an argument.”

He grinned. “Then let’s not argue, my dear. Let’s make love instead.”

He lifted her beneath the butt, obviously intending to slide in where he fit in.

“No. We need to talk about this. You can’t say stuff like that to me. Not and mean it. I’m a grown woman, Eyoen. I don’t mind you bossing me around in bed, but this whole never touching another man thing is crazy. What about Boyd? What about Lucky? Did you forget my manager? And Natty. We work together all the time, and he’s not the only one.”

Eyoen tensed at the mention of her friend and produc

“See? You’re like a
petrified board now and all I did was mention a man’s name.” She tried to push away. “Let me go,” she ordered when he would have held on.

He watched as she stepped out of the tub, water
sluicing off her long brown body. She ignored the tingles that spread as he licked his lips, his eyes tracing the water droplets path as they leisurely rolled down her back and over the curve of her ass.

“Cass, wait.”

She wrapped herself in a towel and turned expectantly.

“I understand that you
are upset by my, display. My – jealousy. But I want to explain myself. Please give me a chance. I know I can make you understand and forgive me.”

Cass sighed. “Get out of the tub before you turn into a prune.”

“What is a prune?” Eyoen asked.

She forced herself to turn away when he stood, water cascading down his tall muscular body. Jesus. No man should look that perfect, let alone be wet at the same time.

“A dried fruit called a plum.” In her room she quickly threw on a sleep shirt, knowing she was vulnerable if she stayed naked.

He appeared instantly, and she was happy to see he was wearing a pair of the low slung, black silk pajama bottoms she’
d picked out for him.

After they’d given Lee’s things away to charity, he’d been left with nothing, and she’d enjoyed shopping for him.
She got a little thrill every time the dressing room curtain went back and he appeared, holding those big hands up and out at his sides as if to say, well? Don’t I look gorgeous? And he did, so much so the sales girl kept tapping at the door asking if she could help with anything until an irritated Cass snapped at her to beat it.

Eyoen just grinned

Cass huffed indignantly. She was hot and bothered,
and she needed to strip him out of his clothes, but didn’t want to give in. She didn’t trust the way she felt. So much had happened in such a short period of time. Suddenly she wanted to be alone. For the first time in her life she actually wanted to run away, but Cass didn’t run away from problems. She ran toward them. So she stayed, eyeballing her extremely tall, extremely handsome, extremely happy problem, and managed not to clout him over the head or toss him onto his back.

“I could be a crazy jealous nut too, you know. Women aren’t exactly immune to you. But I trust you, even though we’ve been dating like five minutes, and you’re an alien.”



“I’m sorry, my dear. Please continue.”

She huffed and yanked on the bottom of her shirt, a futile effort to cover herself. Nearly all of her thighs were exposed, and she saw him looking, which perversely made her want to lift the hem and
show him everything.

“You are driving me crazy. You say things that are completely nuts
, and I still wanna lay down on the nearest flat surface with my legs wide open.”

She left for the kitchen, hoping a cold drink might cool her blood enough to think clearly.
She muttered as she rummaged in the refrigerator.

“I guess they don’t have sexism or gender equality on your star, huh?”

He shook his head. “We don’t need those things. No one is mistreated. No one wants to change how things are. We are content with our roles, and they are well established. The male takes care of the female and makes most of the decisions in the household. He works outside the home, and the female rules inside it. She uses the male’s credits, but she makes all of the domestic decisions and takes care of any offspring.”

Cass just shook her head. It sounded like a postcard for the 1950s
, only in blue. “And is that what you want for me?”

“Not at all. That would not be right for you.
Just as it is not right for some women on the star. For those uninterested in a more traditional domestic arrangement, they can freely choose a different,” he paused searching for the right word. “Career. Women take on all sorts of roles just as they do here on Earth. Like you. You are an artist. You must play music. It is your gift. You must share it.”

Cass relaxed a little when he said that. He sounded so emphatic.
That had to count for something. If she could just make him relax a bit they might be able to get over this.

“But I cannot stand these other men around you.”

Or maybe not.

“I don’t know how to explain it, but every time one of them gets near you, I can s
ee the lust in their eyes. I can smell it when they reach for you. Even your old friends, men you feel only affection for would fuck you without question if you gave them an opportunity. I don’t think you realize just how seductive and lovely you are, my dear.”

“You’re reading their thoughts?”

“Their thoughts, their body language, their desires, their fantasies.” He shuddered. “They batter me until I fear I will lose control and destroy them.”

Yikes. “Baby
, that shit sounds horrible. But I’m afraid it’s on you to cool out. Can’t you block their thoughts somehow? Because I gotta tell you. All men are like that, and I’m not ugly. I’m also a star, and I’m tall, and I got big tits and a lot of money. There will always be men around me.”

He bristled
and she held up a hand.

“But that d
oesn’t mean I want them.”

reached in as the refrigerator began to hum from having its door open too long and pulled out a beer. She twisted off the cap and took a long pull.

“Ever since, Lee, well, since he’d been gone, and you revealed yourself to me?” She shook her head and tipped more beer down her throat. “I can’t seem to stop wanting you. It’s kinda making me nuts.” She glared at him.

“I haven’t practiced in days. Haven’t written a word. I’ve barely answered my phone or an email. This is my down time, but this is ridiculous. I can’t see anything but you. I smell you, I wanna fuck. I see you, I want to bend myself over whatever’s handy with my ass in the air like a – ” she sighed and rubbed her forehead wearily. “It’s exhausting fighting this constant desire for you. And then you act like a neanderthal on top of it? I wish you’d turn those goddamn pheromones off!”

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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