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20. Q. How to live? A. Let life be its own answer

This account of Montaigne’s death is based mainly on Pasquier’s: Pasquier,
Choix de lettres
48–9, cited Frame,
304–6. “Pale and weeping servants”: I:20 81–2. Bernard Automne: Automne, B.,
Commentaire sur les coustumes généralles de la ville de Bourdeaux
(Bordeaux: Millanges, 1621), cited Frame,
305. A discussion of the precise causes of Montaigne’s death, hosted by the Société des Amis de Montaigne in 1996, concluded that a stroke may have finished him off: Eyquem, A. (et al)., “La Mort de Montaigne: ses causes rediscutées par la consultation posthume de médecins spécialistes de notre temps,”
Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne
, series 8, no. 4 (juillet–déc. 1996), 7–16.

Brach’s account: Pierre de Brach to Justus Lipsius, Feb. 4, 1593, cited Villey,
Montaigne devant la posterité
350–1, and Millet 64–6.

“His heart was placed”: Montaigne,
Le Livre de raison
, entry for Sept. 13. On his burial in the church, see Legros, A., “Montaigne, Saint Michel de,” and Balsamo, J., “Tombeau de Montaigne,” in Desan,
683–4 and 983–4 respectively.

The Feuillants: Balsamo, J., “Tombeau de Montaigne,” in Desan,
983–4. Montaigne on the Feuillants: I:37 205.

Inscriptions on tomb: cited Millet 192–3; translated in Frame,

Posthumous adventures of Montaigne’s remains: Frame,
306–7, and Balsamo, J., “Tombeau de Montaigne,” in Desan,
983–4. Revolutionary reburial: Nicolaï, A., “L’Odyssée des cendres de Montaigne,”
Bulletin de la Société des Amis de Montaigne
, series 2, no. 15 (1949–52), 31–45.

“Life should be an aim unto itself”: III:12 980. Virginia Woolf: in her diary, she wrote, “More & more do I repeat my own version of Montaigne ‘It’s life that matters.’ ” Woolf, V.,
III:8 (entry for April 8, 1925). She said much the same in two other entries: II:301 (May 5, 1924) and IV:176 (Sept. 2, 1933), and in her essay on Montaigne: Woolf, V., “Montaigne,” in
IV: 71–81.

No longer any need for Montaigne? For an early postwar discussion of this possibility, see Spencer, T., “Montaigne in America,”
The Atlantic
177, no. 3 (March 1946), 91–7. We cannot gratify heaven or earth by committing murder: I:30 181.


Works written, translated, or edited by Montaigne

La Boétie, E. de,
La Mesnagerie de Xenophon, Les regles de mariage de Plutarque, Lettre de consolation de Plutarque à sa femme
. Ed. M. de Montaigne (Paris: F. Morel, 1572 [i.e. 1570]).

Montaigne, M. de,
Oeuvres complètes
. Ed. A. Thibaudet and M. Rat (Paris: Gallimard, 1962). (Old Pléaide edition)

——The Complete Works
. Tr. C. Cotton, ed. W. Hazlitt (London: J. Templeman, 1842).

——The Complete Works
. Tr. and ed. D. Frame (London: Everyman, 2005). (Originally published Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 1943)

——Le Livre de raison de Montaigne sur l
’Ephemeris historica
de Beuther
. Ed. J. Marchand (Paris: Compagnie Française des Arts Graphiques, 1948). (A facsimile edition of Montaigne’s family diary)

(Bordeaux: S. Millanges, 1580).

2nd edn (Bordeaux: S. Millanges, 1582).
3rd edn (Paris: J. Richer, 1587).
“5th edn” (Paris: A. L’Angelier, 1588).
A facsimile edition of the annotated “Bordeaux” copy of this edition was published as
Montaigne: Essais. Reproduction en fac-similé de l’exemplaire de Bordeaux de 1588
. Ed. R. Bernouilli (Geneve: Slatkine, 1987).
Ed. M. de Gournay (Paris: A. L’Angelier, 1595).
Ed. P. Coste (London: J. Tonson & J. W. Watts, 1724).
Ed. P. Coste (La Haye: P. Gosse & J. Nealme, 1727).
Ed. P. Villey and V.-L. Saulnier (Paris: PUF, 1965).
Ed. A. Tournon (Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1988).
Ed. J. Balsamo, M. Magnien, and C. Magnien-Simonin (Paris: Gallimard, 2007) (Pléiade).

. Tr. J. Florio (London: V. Sims for E. Blount, 1603). Tr. J. Florio (London: Everyman, 1915–21).

. Tr. C. Cotton (London: T. Basset, M. Gilliflower, W. Hensman, 1685–86). Tr. C. Cotton, ed. W. Hazlitt and W. C. Hazlitt (London: Reeves & Turner, 1877).

——Essays, Selected from Montaigne with a Sketch of the Life of the Author
. Ed. Honoria (London: T. Cadell, W. Davies & E. Harding, 1800).

——The Complete Essays
. Tr. M.A. Screech (London: Penguin, 2004). (Originally published London: Allen Lane, 1991).

——Journal de voyage
. Ed. M. de Querlon (Rome & Paris: Le Jay, 1774). Ed. F. Garavini (Paris: Gallimard, 1983). Ed. F. Rigolot (Paris: PUF, 1992).

——“Travel Journal,” in
The Complete Works
(ed. D. Frame), 1047–1270.

Sebond, R. de,
Théologie naturelle
. Tr. M. de Montaigne (Paris: G. Chaudière, 1569).

Other works

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