How to Be a Submissive Wife (6 page)

BOOK: How to Be a Submissive Wife
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“Come and
stand in front of me Honey.  I want to look at you.”  Joe
his fingers as he said this.  Sarah
hesitantly came to stand in front of him.  “Take the coat off and place it
over the back of that chair.”  He indicated a chair used by visitors to
his office.  With suddenly clumsy fingers, Sarah unbuttoned her over coat
and threw it over the indicated chair.  “Turn around.”  She complied
stopping to face him again.  “Come and stand in front of me.  Lift
your skirt.”  Blushing, Sarah lifted her skirt
.  She could feel the moisture pooling on her
exposed labia.  “Closer, I want to touch you.”  She shuffled closer
so he could trace her lips with one blunt finger.  Suddenly, he pierced
her folds with that finger working it in and out until she let out a soft moan
from slightly opened lips.  Her knees bent and opened to give him better
access.  Pulling his finger out, he popped it in his mouth to clean it

…sweet as always.”
Sighing and rubbing his hands on his thighs he looked up at her with slumberous
hazel eyes.  “I got a little side-tracked Sweetie.  I really called
you here because I felt like getting a blow job here in the office.  I
think it would help relieve my stress.”   He grabbed her hips as he
was talking to her and squeezed his fingers into her buttocks as he spoke

“I want you
to take off your dress, drop to
knees and suck me off.”  Sarah looked at him in horror, blue-green eyes
opened wide. “But, we’re at your office.  What if we are
discovered?”  He smiled at her with a glint of steel in his eyes. 
“That is one demerit,
.  Do you want to go
for two?”  Shaking her head no, Sarah stripped her dress off with alacrity
and threw it on the chair with the coat.  Standing there naked except for
garter and stocks and high black heels, she looked extraordinarily beautiful to
Joe.  Her blonde beauty was highlighted by the hectic color on her
cheeks.  He could see arousal and embarrassment fighting for supremacy in
her face.  Finally arousal won and she dropped on her knees in front of
him.  As she leaned forward to undo his belt and unzip his pants, her full
breasts jiggled and brushed the edge of his office seat.  Joe reached down
and started pinching her nipples and pulling them tight before releasing
them.  Sarah moaned low in her throat at this stimulation and attacked
Joe’s rock hard erection.   Sucking and fisting his cock, Sarah
attempted to take it deeper than she’d ever done before.  Joe rewarded her
efforts by groaning and straining his hips towards her as his head dropped to
the back of the chair.  As his penis lengthened and his balls tightened to
release his load of cum, Joe pulled his cock out of Sarah’s mouth and sprayed
her breasts and torso with his seed.  Leaning back he rested his head on
the back of his chair while breathing heavily.  Sarah’s head rested on his
thigh.  His hand tangled in her hair, absently mussing it as he petted her
head.  Once he’d recovered sufficiently, he leaned forward and very methodically
spread his cum all over her breasts and stomach.  “Don’t wash it
off.  I want it on you when I get home tonight.  Do you
understand?”  Looking at him with wide eyes, Sarah nodded her
head.   “Bring me your dress.”  Sarah stood on wobbly legs and
brought the dress to him.  “Get down on your knees again.”  She
complied.  Gently pulling the dress over her head, Joe pulled it down and
carefully patted the fabric onto his drying sperm.  Smoothing her hair
back, he said.  “Stand up now and serve me my lunch.”  Standing on
shaky legs, Sarah pulled his food out of the container and laid it out before
him.  Joe sat and ate his lunch while Sarah sat nearby watching him. 
Once he was done, she cleaned up the mess and looked at Joe.  He pulled
her to him and sat her on his lap.  “That was wonderful Sweetheart. 
I will punish you tonight for your reluctance but I promise to keep it
light.  Okay?”  Sarah nodded her head in understanding.  “Thank
you Sir.  I promise to comply immediately if you decide to have me service
you in your office in the future.”  “Good girl.”  He smoothed a hand
over her head again as he said this.  “You need to comb your hair and go
so I can get back to my work.”  With these words, he set her on her feet
and smacked her ass.  Sarah grabbed her purse and brushed her hair. 
Checking her face in the small mirror in Joe’s coat closet, Sarah saw that the
only change from when she came in was that her cheeks were slightly
flushed.  Hopefully, none of the bank employees would know what they had done
behind closed doors!  Wrapping
again in
the overcoat.  Sarah leaned over to give Joe a kiss goodbye.  

The walk out
of the bank felt much longer than the walk in.  Sarah could feel her dress
sticking to Joe’s cum as she walked and she could smell his scent rising up
from the neckline.   Nodding to the same employees she’d greeted on
her way in, she blushed wondering if they could see any change in her.  Of
course, who would ever suspect that the bank VP’s wife would be walking around
with his dried sperm on her torso?  With this thought, she laughed and
headed home.  That afternoon, Joe called and gave her permission to shower
before the kids came home.  Sarah gave a big sigh of relief.  She’d
been worried all afternoon that one of the kids might pick up on the faint odor
of cum she carried around on her since
Joe.  She did get her five smacks with the hairbrush that evening but she
also got a good fucking afterwards with a few orgasms.  Life was good!

The following
week they were all excited to get ready to go spend the four day Thanksgiving
weekend with Joe’s brother Greg and his family at a nearby ski area.  Greg
a condominium there.  
Joe was able to reserve a smaller attached condo nearby for their family. 
They all drove up on Thursday and spent the day skiing.   Sarah and
Greg’s wife, Brandi, had arranged to have the families eat Thanksgiving Dinner
at the nearby ski lodge.   This way, the two mothers could ski along
with their families instead of cook. 

Sarah had a great relationship with Brandi
and enjoyed their time together.  Unfortunately, a good portion of their
time was spent complaining about their husbands.  Sometimes, Brandi went
so far as to pick at Greg in front of Joe and Sarah.  Joe had warned Sarah
the night before that he had a zero tolerance policy for any lack of respect
towards Greg or himself. 

dinner, Sarah and Brandi had a great time talking
about and teasing their husbands.  Joe and Greg
looked on them indulgently until Brandi started saying things to Greg that were
thinly veiled criticisms.  After having a few glasses of wine, Sarah also
started to chime in on Brandi’s comments and adding some of her own.  Joe
gave her a harsh glare and tapped one finger on the table in her field of vision. 
Sarah disregarded him and continued making smart ass comments, egged on by
Brandi.  Joe tapped two fingers on the table and looked at her
meaningfully.  Seeing that she wasn’t paying attention, Joe signaled the
waiter for the check. “I think we should wrap this up and go back to our
condominiums.  Sarah looks like she might need to take a break before we
get together this evening.”

settling the bill, Joe asked Greg if the kids could go with him and Brandi to
their larger condo so they could play with their cousins while their mom took a
rest.  Greg readily agreed and told Sarah that he hoped she would feel
better soon.  Quaking inside, Sarah nodded and thanked him for his good
Joe wrapped his hand around
her elbow and firmly led her outside.  They were silent during the long
walk to their condo.   Joe opened the door and led her down the
hallway and into their bedroom.  Joe reached into his suitcase and pulled
out the hairbrush.  “Do I need to tell you why I am going to use this?” 
Head lowered, Sarah shook her head no.  Sitting on the chair in the room,
Joe motioned for her to come to him.  She delicately lowered herself over
his lap.  Joe pulled down her tight fitting ski pants, exposing her white
bottom with the handle of the butt plug nestled between the cheeks. 
Leaning over to whisper in her ear he said, “I’m going to give you
twenty.  I warned you about this before we came here and not only did you
ignore me, you ignored me twice!  I will not stand for that.  I know
my sister in law is a sharp tongued bitch but you are no longer allowed to
enable her…do you understand?”  “Yes Sir.”  Her voice came out as a
squeak.  “Count the blows as I give them or I will start
over.”    His hand grabbed her ass and squeezed as he said
this.  “Yes Sir.”  She replied.  He lifted the hairbrush and
brought it down hard on her left butt cheek. 
“One Sir.”
He started a flurry of blows, one after the other.  Sarah kept the count
with a shaking voice starting to cry at count ten.  As he progressed to
number fifteen, she was sobbing uncontrollably but still managed to keep
count.  By count twenty her ass and thighs were bright red and throbbing
with heat.   Sarah dropped her head down as her tears dripped to the
floor.    Joe lifted her up and sat her on his lap.  “I don’t
want to see you regress after all you have done to improve your demeanor in the
last few months.  I know you and Brandi are friends, but I’m not going to
allow you to disrespect my brother.  Do you understand?”  Snuffling
against his throat Sarah replied, “Yes Sir.”   “Now I want you to
leave your pants down exposing your spanked butt and go to the corner and stand
there until I come to get you.  I want you to think about what you’ve done
and think how you can repair it.  When I come to get you, I want you to
make things right.  Do you understand?”  “Yes Sir.”  Sarah got
up and shuffled to the corner with her tight ski pants around her thighs. 
Joe admired his handiwork, looking at the throbbing red cheeks presented to
him.   “I’m going now.  I’ll be back in a bit to get you.” 

After locking
the bedroom door, Joe walked over to Greg’s condo and joined the rest of the
family.  He made his apologies for Sara’s absence and said that he’d go in
and check on her in a little bit to see how she was doing.  After about
thirty minutes, he excused himself to go check on Sarah.  Opening their
bedroom door, he saw her standing in the corner
plugged red ass on display, waiting for him.  He smiled to
himself and walked over to her.   Pulling her into his arms, he hugged
her and said.  “Good job Sweetie.  All is forgiven.  Do you know
what you need to do to make things right?”  She nodded her head against
his chest and said, “I need to apologize to Greg.”  “Yes you do
Honey.”  He hugged her closer and kissed the top of her head.  “Why
don’t you clean up your face and we can join everyone else?”  After
pulling up her pants, Sarah skipped to the bathroom, washed her face and
repaired her makeup. 

Joe led her
to the other condo with an arm around her shoulders.  “Here she is
folks!  All better after her rest.”  Joe hugged her to him as he
presented her to the group.  Sarah smiled and nodded at everyone and
accepted their good wishes.  Greg and Brandi were seated in a loveseat by
the fireplace.  Joe led her to the other loveseat and indicated she should
sit down.  Sarah gingerly sat down, trying to spare her burning
buttocks.  Joe sat next to her with a proprieta
ry arm flung over her shoulders.  Greg and Brandi
looked at them in puzzlement, not used to such PDA’s from them as a
couple.  Sarah looked up at Greg with vulnerable eyes.  “I am so
sorry for being such a bitch earlier.  I think you are a wonderful
person.  I hope that I didn’t offend you too much.”  Greg laughed
uncomfortably and said, “No, I’m used to it I guess.  Thanks for the
apology though.  I really appreciate it. “Sarah smiled at him and shifted
closer to rest under Joe’s arm.  The couples enjoyed the rest of the
evening talking about family and their children.  Later that evening, Joe
fucked Sarah from behind while she screamed her ecstasy into the gag he’d
thoughtfully supplied.  As they fell asleep, he said.  “I’m so glad
that I’m married to you and not that bitch Brandi.”  Sarah smiled as she
fell into an exhausted slumber. 

The next day,
they skied and had a wonderful time.  Joe and Sarah spent much of the day
skiing with each other and their children enjoying the feeling of new found
intimacy they’d created.  Joe liked to pat Sarah’s ass in order to tap the
larger plug he’d inserted in the morning
remind her to behave correctly.  Every time Joe tapped the plug, Sarah
felt a jolt in her pussy and blushed slightly.  They all decided to take
an après ski rest until dinner.   The men and the children retired to
their rooms to rest.  The woman sat by the fire with Hot Toddies and

“So, it looks
like you and Joe have re-kindled your relationship since we saw you
last?”  Brandi leaned in and looked at Sarah with interested eyes. 
“Uh, yes…we are looking at things differently now
and it has improved our relationship.”  Sarah demurred.  “

Hmmm…can you share any tips with me?”  Brandi

“I would
suggest that you start trying to keep from criticizing and ordering your
husband around.”  Sarah answered.  “I got a marriage manual that gave
new insight into how I could improve
my marriage.  I think it really helped.” 

Brandi cocked
her head and took a drink from her mug.  “What do you mean?” 

“I don’t feel
so stressed and overwhelmed anymore and I don’t blame my husband for
everything.”  Sarah replied.   

“So what is
the name of this miracle book?”  Brandi asked. 

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