How to Be a Submissive Wife (3 page)

BOOK: How to Be a Submissive Wife
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As the week
wore on, Joe got more and more assertive in his sexual demands.  Sarah
found herself giving him a blowjob at least
other day.  Sometimes he would want her to suck his cock dry and sometimes
he would pull it out of her mouth at the last minute to ejaculate over her
breasts and stomach.   When he did this, he would often rub his seed
into her skin with a possessive look.   Many nights, Sarah fell
asleep with his cum drying on her skin. 

Joe also got
more creative in how they would make love.  More and more often, Sarah
found herself on her knees her face turned to the
side on the bed with Joe drilling into her pussy from behind.   This
position allowed for incredibly deep penetration with Joe’s cock hitting her
cervix on almost every stroke.   Sarah climaxed so hard in this
position she was incapable of speech, shaking and arching until Joe ejaculated
inside of her. 

Outside of
the bedroom, their relationship became more loving and intimate.  Joe
often kissed Sarah on the lips when he left for work in the morning and when he
came home at night.  They cuddled more while watching television in the
evening.  Sarah continued to defer to Joe and found that he was starting
to take over the household projects he’d
deemed unnecessary.   She glowed in how much better she felt
submitting to him in every way on a daily basis.   For his part, Joe
seemed to grow larger and more masculine in contrast to Sarah’s soft


Chapter Five - Handing Over
the Reins

“At this point, you should
be experiencing the benefit
s of
submitting to your husband…greater peace of mind, more marital harmony and a
rekindled sex life!   Now it is time to take that final step and
submit to your husband’s discipline as well.   Use the promo code on
the last page of this book to buy the companion book for your husband. 
Give it to him to read this week.  He may have questions about why you
want to do this.  You need to be as honest and loving as you can be in
your answers.” 
Excerpt from
How to Be a Submissive Wife by Penelope Wiggins

Sarah chewed her thumb nail nervously.
She was supposed to give a book about dominance to her husband?   
That scared her a little bit.  She wished that she could read it before
she gave it to him but the marriage manual was very clear that the companion
book was only for her husband’s eyes.   Looking over to Joe on the
other side of the bed, she cleared her throat nervously.  “Uh, Joe, I’m
going to be sending you an e-book to read soon.  Could you please read it
for me?  It is important…”  Her words trailed off nervously as he
looked at her interrogatively and said, “Okay, I’ll look at it.  I don’t
usually like the same books as you.  Do you really think I’ll like it?”

“It is a non-fiction book that is number
two of a two part set.  The first book is for wives and the second book is
for husbands.  I think it will answer any questions you might have about
the changes you’ve seen in me the last few weeks.”  Looking down, Sarah
noted that she was twisting her fingers together nervously.  “Please Joe,
it is important to me.” She reiterated.  Joe nodded his head and
smiled.  “Okay, I’ll start it as soon as I get it on my e-book.” 
Sarah’s face bloomed with relief.  “Thank you
She leaned over to kiss him on the check.  Joe’s hands went to cup her
breasts.  “I think I’m done reading tonight.  Come here wife.” 
With blushing cheeks, Sarah willingly complied.

Halfway through the first chapter of
How to Be a Dominant Husband,
Joe couldn’t believe his eyes.  His formerly
bitchy wife harbored the desire to be his submissive!  Her softer, more
feminine demeanor over the last three weeks now made sense to him.  Now,
according to the book, he was to take it one step further by setting down rules
for her and punishing her if she broke them!   These punishments
could include a whole spectrum of options like spanking using either a hand or
some other tool, whipping, orgasm control and an assortment of
humiliations.   His cock started to stir as he read about these
disciplinary measures.  How many times over the last few years of their
marriage had he fantasized about pulling her over his knees and whipping her
ass until she stopped nagging him?  His cock hardened to full readiness at
this thought.   He’d often thought that she would get a lot more done
if she had more discipline.   He would be more than happy to provide
it for her! Sitting the e-book on the bed’s side table, Joe turned on his side
to look at the back of his sleeping wife.  He was so excited at the
prospect of turning her ass red on a regular basis; he scooted in behind her
pushed up her nightgown, lifted her leg and speared her with one hard thrust of
his throbbing dick.   She was wet for him since he had already fucked
her once today.  Her channel rapidly moistened even further as he drove
into her with deadly intent.  He could feel her awaken as he ravaged her
cunt.  Her breathy moans intertwined with his harsh grunts as he drove
home.  Turning her to her stomach, he continued fucking her senseless
lifting her hips to the proper angle with his hands.  Leaning over to her
ear he gritted out, “You want discipline Baby?  You’ve got it!”  With
these words he came and came filling her with even more of his cum.  
Though she hadn’t come, Sarah’s vagina fluttered and milked Joe’s penis while
she lay there quiescent.  With these actions, no words were needed. Her
body had accepted his seed and his domination over her.

For the remainder of that week, Joe spent
his free time on his laptop writing up the contract that they would both
sign.  Knowing what he was working on, Sarah walked around with flushed
cheeks and a wet pussy anticipating the addition of discipline to their
marriage.  She was excited and a little fearful to see what he’d include
in the document.   For their part, the children didn’t notice
anything different between their parents other than they seemed to be a little
more affectionate with each other.  Kate, with her teen radar, sensed
something was up and watched them with suspicious eyes.  Sarah was
grateful that her and Joe’s bedroom suite was on the other side of the house
from the kid’s rooms so the children weren’t able to hear the frequent
nighttime sounds of lovemaking from the master bedroom.


Chapter Six – The Rules

“In considering the
construction of your domestic contract, you will need to decide exactly what
aspects of your wife’s life you want to control.  Some dominant husbands
set up rules for behavior.  Some husbands set rules for appearance.  Other
men see the need to set a daily schedule for their wife as well.  The more
control you demand, the more vigilant you must be in enforcing these
rules.  If you aren’t swift with discipline, your submissive wife will
lose her respect for you and begin to backslide into her usual pattern of
bitching, nagging and perennial
You must avoid this regression at all costs!” 
Excerpt from
to Be a Dominant Husband by Penelope Wiggins

Sunday night finally rolled around. 
After the kids went to bed, Joe got up, turned off the television and held his
hand out to Sarah.   Blushing, she allowed him to pull her up from
the couch.  They walked hand in hand to their bedroom.  As they
walked through the door Joe said, “I will need you to strip for me please.” 
Sarah looked up in surprise.  “But...”  A hard slap on her butt
stopped her protest.  “Strip now.  If we are going to do this, I
expect you to do what I say when I say it, no questions asked.”

With cheeks
blazing red and pussy starting to cream, Sarah hurriedly complied with his
request.  Once she’d stripped, she stood in front of Joe, head
lowered.  “Come here and straddle my lap facing away from me.
”  Joe was sitting on the chair in the corner of
their room with a sheet of paper in his hand.  Sarah walked over and
gingerly sat on his jean clad lap, facing away from him.  Joe placed her
knees on the outside of his and then split his legs apart too.  This
position left her pussy fully exposed.  “I call this my truth detector
test.  While we are reading the contract, I’m going to be monitoring your
cunt.  I should be able to find out which items really turn you on by your
body’s response.”  Having said this, Joe reached around in front of her
with his right hand and inserted his middle finger down to the second knuckle
in her vagina.  Holding up the piece of paper in his left hand Joe cleared
his throat.  “This is our Domestic Contract.  I want to go through it
item by item to make sure you feel comfortable with all of my Rules.” 

He took a
breath, “
The first section is the rules
for Appearance and Self Care.  Each demerit for appearance and self care
will earn you five smacks with a bare hand.  These rules are as follows:

Sarah must maintain hair free armpits,
legs and pussy at all times.  Regular intimate waxing treatments will be
covered in her household budget. 

Sarah will get pedicures and manicures on
a regular basis.  These services will also be covered in her household

Sarah will now sleep naked at all times.

Sarah must be showered and dressed in a
flattering knee length or shorter dress first thing in the morning.  No
more track suits all day! 

Hair and makeup must be done every day
after her morning shower.

Panties are only allowed when Sarah
leaves the house or with Joe’s permission. 

Stockings are allowed with garters in
colder weather.

Shoes should be attractive with at least
a small heel…wedges and boots are okay.

Pants are allowed with prior approval. 
No underwear allowed.  Joe may insert a Butt Plug in the morning before
Sarah gets dressed in the pants.”

Joe stirred his finger in
Sarah’s suddenly moist slit.  “Hmmm…you like that idea huh?”  He
continued reading.

Sarah must do some form of aerobic
exercise on her own at least three times a week for a minimum of thirty
minutes.  She will work out with Joe in their home gym at least two nights
a week.

Sarah will eat regular meals.  She
will not skip a meal for any reason.”

Joe paused and went on to the
next section.  “
These rules are
related to Behavior and Attitude.  Each demerit for behavior and attitude
will earn you five smacks with a hairbrush.”   Sarah stirred and
looked back at him in askance.  “You have been a sharp tongued bitch for
too long Honey.  I aim to curb that tendency.”    Joe
laughed while slowly stroking his middle finger in and out of her slit, “It
feels like your pussy isn’t adverse to a little corporal punishment with the
brush.”   Sarah blushed and lowered her head.  Joe continued
with his rules.   “So, the rules are…

Sarah will obey direct orders from Joe
without talking back or reluctance.

Sarah will address Joe as “Sir” in the
bedroom or when requested by Joe.

Sarah will treat everyone with respect
and courtesy

Sarah will keep her spending within the
budget set by her and Joe.

Sarah will have sex with Joe when ever,
however and wherever he demands it.  All locations and situations will be
discrete.  There will be no exhibitionism or wife sharing.

Sarah will not stimulate herself to
orgasm without Joe’s permission.”

Joe cleared his throat. 
“The final section is
a Daily Schedule
for your Monday to Friday daytime hours.  I expect you to follow this
schedule.  If you need to change it, you will need to talk to me for
permission.  Any unauthorized divergence from this schedule will earn you
five smacks with a bare hand.

6:30- 8:30 AM   Make breakfast
for your family and clean up the kitchen.

8:30- 9:30
Exercise at least 3 days a week/Do dinner prep Tuesday and Thursday

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