Hot Wired (9 page)

Read Hot Wired Online

Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #PolyAmour

BOOK: Hot Wired
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Something wasn’t right. The drapes stirred in a draft, and she couldn’t remember opening a window. A shadow fell across the open doorway, and her heart went to her throat.


The desire to scream was too much, so she shouted at her ex-husband.

“You scared the hell out of me!” Anger replaced fear, and it was all aimed at the slender man smiling at her. “How the fuck did you get in here, and why are you here?”

He shrugged and held his hands out to his sides. “You left your window unlocked, and I wanted to see you.”

“Why?” Anger mushroomed as she looked at the cause of a long miserable time in her life. “What kind of trouble have you gotten into?”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because that’s what you’re best at.” She stood with her hands on her hips, wanting to slap his lean cheeks. “A whole year of not hearing from you, and now you break into my house. I sure as hell got used to not putting up with your bull crap.”

“I’m sorry about that, babe, but I’m desperate.” He stuck his hands in his pockets. “I need a place to stay for a few days. I’ll leave before you know it.”

His pleading eyes struck a pity nerve in her. “Every time you’re around, trouble follows. I have gotten accustomed to not hearing sirens in the driveway and cops pounding on the door. I don’t want you anywhere around me.”

“We used to be close, Carol. I love you, and I’m in trouble.” He hung his head like he always did to soften her heart. “I know I’m a no good son-of-a-bitch who treated you bad and let you down.”

She could hardly find the words to scald him with. He’d been the worst part of her life, and here he was, hat in hand. Damn it. “You’re a grown man, Gordon. Get yourself out of this mess.”

“I’m really sorry for all the things I did, baby, but I’m in real trouble this time.” He raked his fingers through his long black hair. “I may go to prison this time. I mean it. Please.”

Her heart fell to her feet. Prison. No, she couldn’t turn her back on him now.

“Tell me it isn’t murder or rape or dope.” She couldn’t stop the shaking of her hands. “If it’s any of those things, you can get your sorry ass out of here right now.”

“You know me better than that.” He didn’t smile when he filled her in on a few details. “The Feds are on my ass over some little deal I made with another guy they’re after. Nothing like the things you said.”

With Gordon, that could mean any number of things. She didn’t want to know. She just wanted to get back to her new life. “Okay. I won’t be here anyway, so you can stay a few days.”

“I don’t have a dime on me, honey.” He looked like a puppy dog in trouble. “I don’t suppose you could loan me a few dollars.”

She dug in her handbag and pulled out her wallet. “I don’t have a lot of money, but you can have enough to buy groceries while you’re here.”

“What about gas money?” He took the bills she held out to him. “I’ll need a car.”

“My God, Gordon.” She gave him the rest of her cash, scowling at him. “Don’t wreck it or mess up anything in here.” What more could she say or do? The guy still seemed like family, and he needed her help. “I have to get some things, so just make yourself at home. Within reason.”

He stuffed the money in his jeans pocket, eyeing her with a grin. “I’d say Carol has herself a new set up with all the trimmings.” He gestured to the window overlooking the driveway. “Hot car. Must take a lot of lovin’ to earn something like that.”

She turned on him with a frown. “A, it’s none of your business and B, it’s still none of your business. One more word and you’re out of here. Got it?”

He laughed the way she had once found irresistible. “Got it. You coming back once in awhile? To see about me?”

She ignored his question because she was busy picking up sketch tablets and pens. In the bathroom, she found her perfume and birth control pills and quickly stuffed them into her purse. After taking a pair of jeans from the closet, she went back into the living room and found Gordon stretched out on the couch, the TV tuned in to a gangland documentary.

“Some things never change, Gordy, and you’re one of them.”

He smiled at her and bunched a pillow under his head. “I know you still love me, babe.”

“Like a broken leg.” She carried the pile of supplies to the door. “And I will be checking up on you. When you least expect it.” She opened the door, pausing to add a last comment. “Lock the door.”

He waved nonchalantly, mouthing the words, yeah, yeah. “See you soon, hot stuff.”

She got in the car, torn between kicking Gordon out and protecting him from whatever was chasing him. She turned the key in the ignition and drove away at a crawl.

Stop worrying about him. He’s a grown man.

* * * *

Baron groaned as he lowered his night vision field glasses. “That’s her, damn it.” He handed the binoculars to Sham and stared at the Escalade driving away. “What a mess this has turned out to be.”

Sham handed them back to his upset partner. “We could have just rushed them both and got her really upset and filled with hate for both of us.” He tapped the window several times before trying to soothe Baron’s ruffled feathers. “We can keep an eye on him until he decides to move on. She doesn’t have to know.”

“Bullshit. Something will louse it up. We have to make a move soon and take our chances.” Baron shook his head and started the truck. “And you know we can’t let him go.”

“I know, but it got your attention.” Sham let his seat down and closed his eyes. “Give her enough time to get back to the house. Wouldn’t want her thinking we’ve been spying on her.”

Baron nodded in agreement. “Wonder what she saw in that prick.”

Sham’s chuckle answered his question. She’d found him sexually attractive and probably a little unavailable. America’s bad boy. But he’d probably been easy pickings for her once she set her hot green cat eyes on him. Damn, the thought of it pissed him off. He knew that was a dumb way of thinking about this guy. Gordon Bell was nothing more than money in the bank.

Movement at his side roused Baron from his thoughts. Sham pointed ahead with a grin. “Let’s have a drink at Johnny’s before we head for home. I hear a beer calling my name.”

“What’s it calling you? Sucker?” Baron laughed at his own words. “She’s driving your car.”

“That’s okay.” Sham slid a CD in the slot and sighed. “You’re right, buddy. This will work itself out. Damn, I hope so, because if it doesn’t, we are not ever trying this again. Carol’s it for me.”

Baron sent Sham a look, trying to read his expression. “Same for me. We’ll have to make this work, one way or another.”

Sham nodded and clamped his hand on Baron’s thigh. “Let’s have a drink in celebration of finding our perfect mate.” He laughed softly. “She’s got it all. Looks, brains, and plenty of nerve.”

“Let’s not shortchange her supercharged sexual appetite.” Baron tapped the steering wheel, listening to his favorite country song. He shot Sham a mild look of warning when he lowered the volume.

“Okay, let’s get serious here for a minute, Baron.” Sham wasn’t smiling now. “She’s aiding and abetting a wanted gun runner. That puts her in danger as well as in big fucking trouble.”

“She doesn’t have any idea what he’s been doing.” Baron’s voice rose in anger. “Don’t you ask her about that bastard. It’s obvious she has a soft spot for the bum. We’ll wait.”

Sham shook his head and turned up the volume.

* * * *

Carol arrived back at the house with no trouble, yet her heart continued to pound in her chest. She carried her sketch pads and pencils up to her room and immediately crumpled into the slipper chair near the bed.

What the hell had Gordon been thinking when he picked her place to hide out? She should have booted him out.

She knew he would be on her mind until he fixed whatever he’d messed up. Lord, she hoped that happened soon. Gritting her teeth, she spread sketch pads and pens on the floor to make rough drawings of a new line of lipstick and a new pair of shoes from an established line. Her trademark was lacy background with the product placed in front. Lips, pouty lips and a fragile silhouette worked fine for the lipstick. She drew a pair of shapely legs with dainty feet sporting a pair of ridiculous strappy sandals for a start. Five hundred dollars for those, she grumbled under her breath.

An hour later, she crawled into the bed with the fancy sheets and comforter, wanting to sleep to escape the problems her ex had dumped on her. No, damn it. She refused to allow him to screw with her mind.

She piled the pillows behind her and leaned back, suddenly wondering where Baron and Sham had gotten off to. So there she went, unable to quiet her curiosity about their lives. Maybe it was being alone in a strange house that made her antsy. The sound of the garage door opening caused her to breathe a sigh of relief. Her men were home and she could relax.

She smiled, thinking how sweet they were to try to not wake her. Their consideration only made her want to be with them. No, she wouldn’t break into their time alone. Twenty minutes later, she gave up. The growling in her stomach reminded her she had not eaten more than a few bites hours ago.

Getting out of bed, she headed for the stairs, slowing her step when she noticed the guys’ bedroom door was open. A streak of playful humor hit her and she tiptoed to the door, planning to surprise them.

Her gleeful shout died on her lips, replaced with silent awe as the scene being played out on the big sleigh bed ended her desire for food.

Chapter Ten

They were kissing, eyes closed, and they were bare-assed naked. She enjoyed their naked male beauty and their complexions in stark contrast to one another, ebony hair next to dark blond and their artistic hands caressed each other with tenderness she’d never witnessed between two men.

Damn, woman, you’re spying. Make yourself known or slink away

She rapped on the door, surprised at her own cheerful greeting. “Hey, you two. Is this a private party or what?”

Baron roughed Sham’s hair and looked at her with a sexy grin. “We were just talking.” He patted the space between him and Sham. “Of course you’re invited.”

She swallowed the dread in her throat, happy they weren’t pissed at her intrusion. “I must have dozed off and didn’t hear you come in.” She ran for the bed and crawled over Baron to wedge herself between them. She sighed, accepting she was completely happy with both men. “Want to snuggle?” She smiled at them before throwing her leg over Sham’s waist. “Which one of you babes want to be first?”

Sham laughed and smacked her ass. “You’re a big tease, beauty.” He rolled onto his side to look into her eyes. “Why don’t we play a game? “

Lifting up onto his elbow, Baron took his turn at smacking her backside. “I’m in if it doesn’t require hiding.”

She licked her lips and sat up to remove her top and shorts. “I can think of two things I would like to hide.” She leaned back and rested her hands on her hips. “Show me what you got.”

Sham pulled her up onto his chest, turning her around for a sixty-nine. The warmth of his breath on her pussy charged through her like wine. His lips nibbled at her wet folds, stirring her desire for more. Shit! His tongue sliced between her feminine lips, and she jerked spasmodically, pushing back against his mouth.

He stroked her rear, running his fingers down the crack between her cheeks and into her slit. She groaned, dropping down to nuzzle the dark hair around his erect cock, licking her way to the tip. Baron knelt and straddled Sham’s legs, cupping and squeezing her hot and heavy breasts. His dick brushed her mouth as he played with her tits, and the temptation was too great to ignore. She leaned forward to suck him deep into her throat. Sham’s tongue plowed in and out of her pussy, his teeth nipping her clit. Rosy hot shimmers of passion cascaded through her. The excitement of having them both rushed through her body, and the desire to pleasure two men took the lead as she sucked first Baron’s, and then Sham’s dick deep into her mouth. She scraped Baron’s length with her teeth, swirling her tongue around the large tip and pulling him back into the warmth of her throat. Sham’s erection nudged her breasts, and she bent to lick the head of his beautiful cock.

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