Hot Wired (8 page)

Read Hot Wired Online

Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #PolyAmour

BOOK: Hot Wired
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“I’ll get the heavy things, beauty, and you carry our dinner. Okay?” Her heart fluttered at his ordinary chitchat that was the norm between lovers or husband and wife.

Moving in
. Her actions hit her hard while following Sham up the winding front walkway to the door, him carrying her crap and her toting their dinner. She had a crazy urge to giggle at the absurdity of it all. She took a deep breath, smiling at him as he stepped aside to let her enter the house first. No one had ever treated her with such deference. At that moment, she wanted to throw her arms around him and just feel him holding her, shielding her from her silly indecision.

She found her way to the kitchen and stood looking around at the immaculate room. The only thing out of place was a coffee cup and empty sugar packs. Sham had taken her belongings upstairs.

Where had he put them? Their room?

She stood like a frightened deer, eyes trained on the doorway when she heard his footsteps.

He looked around the door and pointed to a cabinet above her head. “Plates are in there, and silver is next to your hand.”

“Let’s not make a big deal out of a bucket of chicken.” She bit her tongue. “I mean, let’s eat on the floor in the living room. No shoes, no tablecloth, just us and the chicken.”

“Good idea.” He took several plates from the stack and forks from the drawer she couldn’t seem to find. “Grab a handful of napkins, honey. I’ll bring the food in.”

Glad to be doing something, she pulled a handful of napkins from the holder and hurried into the spacious living room. It was clear these guys didn’t do anything in a small way. The flat screen TV was huge and the furniture plush and comfortable looking. She barely remembered what it looked like from her earlier visit.

She chose a spot in front of a paisley print wing chair and slid to the floor. The thick area rug made a comfortable seat. She had just placed the napkins on the coffee table when Sham came in the room carrying their food. “I’m starved.” She sat forward, looking in the bucket. “What’s your poison, Sham? I’m a wing woman myself. And, all the rest.” She grinned at his brief look of question. “That means I like it all.”

He didn’t hold back. He picked out a large crispy breast and tore off a hunk with relish. “My favorite.” He wasn’t discreet about where he looked either. His dark gaze moved over her body in an unhurried, sensual stroke. When he spoke to her, his voice drifted over her body like a light stroke. “You’re the perfect woman, Carol.”

Almost choking on a bite of mashed potatoes, she laughed and attempted a suitable reply. “I wouldn’t go that far.” After getting the food down, she teased him. “But I do have an eye for great men.”

He used the remote to turn on the huge television in the entertainment center before commenting. “We are a long way from being perfect.” He moved closer to her, listening to the soft music. “I can promise you there will never be any reason for you to be sorry about spending time with us.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” She wanted to lose the serious feeling in the room and stuck her finger into the cherry pie he’d brought in for her. “Open your mouth, Sham.”

She wondered if he sensed the spiraling heat making its way through her every nerve. The moment his lips closed on her finger and sucked, her sensors flared with smoldering desire. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the brush of his fingers trailing down her neck to her shoulder. He’d gotten the message, opening her blouse to cup her breast in his hand, pressing his lips to hers, coaxing and deepening the exploration in urgency. He released her hands to unbutton her shorts and pushed them down her legs with her help. She eagerly pulled off her blouse and threw it behind her.

He dragged her arms up to his shoulders, and she tightened her grip, giving herself over to the unbearable ache in her pussy. She loved his body, leanly muscled and on fire for her, the press of his hard cock assuring her he was game for what she wanted. He was in no hurry, laying her back on the floor to ease in between her legs. She stretched out, arms above her head while he licked and sucked her nipples until they stiffened into sensitive peaks. His hair was too much temptation to resist, and she managed to take the braid apart and wrap the sleek ebony strands around her hands.

He sat up, quickly unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them from her quaking body. He looked down at her, his soft midnight eyes, heavily lashed and slumberous, stirring her to fever pitch.

“Here,” she whispered. “Let me do that.” He relaxed, allowing her to unzip his pants and push up his shirt. “Take it off. I like the feel of your skin on mine.”

“I want to taste you, beauty.” He finished undressing, tossing his clothing to the side before bending to her throbbing slit.

She stiffened with extreme pleasure when his fingers parted her nether lips, his thumb making light circles around her clit until she gasped. She bit back the desire to scream like a savage at the wet, warm pressure of his mouth. He sucked her pulsing clit into his mouth and licked fast and hard, nibbling on her until she arched her hips to get more of heaven.

Her orgasm was so near tiny flares of heat and sweet agony rushed through her until he moved up to fill the space between her legs. Aware of his sweet cock’s little secret, she bucked up to take him in, fast, not slow, until the empty space inside her filled with his hot length. He thrust deep, kissing her into wild oblivion. Nothing seemed real but them being one, thrusting, clenching, and struggling to achieve the star-wrapped explosion. Greed set in, and she locked her legs around his lean waist, feeling him at the end of her channel until the pleasure was too great to hold on any longer.

“I’m coming, Sham,” she gasped. She didn’t know if he heard her, but his rhythm was doubled until she went into a swirling, lightning charged orgasm, her body on fire with the release. He held her so tight her ribs ached when he came. They collapsed in delicious exhaustion, their kisses gentle and lingering.

“I see I’m too late for dinner.” Baron sat in a chair watching them regain their senses. “I’ll bet you two could use a shower. “ He got up to take a piece of chicken from the bucket. “You go ahead. I’ll be up later.”

Chapter Nine

Carol walked up the stairs behind Sham, still reeling from a mind-blowing orgasm, her legs and her mind unsure. She hesitated in the hallway, glancing around the elegant area.

“Sham, just a minute.” Shrugging lightly, she touched his cheek when he walked back to her. “Where is my space?”

“Anywhere you want it to be.” He tugged her a few feet down the hall to an open door. “I know this is hardly what a woman wants, but I was in a hurry.”

Poking her head around the door, she grinned. “What’s not to like? Damn, you’re good.”

The bedroom could have been straight out of a
House Beautiful
edition. A cream colored coverlet graced the four poster bed. Pale pink pillows had been propped up invitingly against the cherry headboard. Soft pink and white French silk curtains hung in the windows, and a beautiful cherry desk sat waiting for her near the windows. Sham touched her shoulder.

“It’s yours to do with as you please, baby.”

“I love it.” She turned to hug him, her heart full because of the caring man. “I have never seen anything so beautiful.”

He held her fast, meeting her gaze, his expression serious. “And I could fall in love with you, Carol. Deeply.”

Okay, sister. What now? Say what you’re feeling, even if it comes out all wrong

“I don’t use that word unless I’m sure.” She became flustered, embarrassed to be in that situation. “Love hasn’t caused me anything but trouble, Sham. I do know I love being with you. Is that okay for now?”

He laughed and took the clothing from her arms. “I’ll be happy with that and not ask for more. Let’s hit the shower.” He quieted for a moment. “Your bath is just off to the right. Unless you’d rather have me wash your sweet backside.”

“Some things a woman does best alone.” She patted his hard rear and sauntered off toward her private bathroom. “I’ll see you after I’m squeaky clean, and we can finish our dinner.”

Sham watched her walk away, his smile encouraging her to sway her hips more than usual. Inside the spacious bathroom, she leaned against the double vanity, considering her looks. Long, tousled brown hair and a fine whisker burn on her chin really made a great picture. How many times had she slept with Baron and Sham in just a few days? She’d never been one to keep track, but with her new guys, it seemed to be an endless activity.

She turned the shower on and watched the fine spray splash into the tub. Stepping into the shower, she pulled the curtains, her thoughts settling on her work. She couldn’t slack off on contracts she’d signed. She had committed to several new jobs, and her clients wanted the ad proofs as soon as possible. Now all she had to do was keep her panties on and get to work. Play would come later.

The pink bath bar she used released a soft fragrance of apple blossom, leaving her skin smooth and sleek after she dried off. Nothing but the best in this house left her with more questions about Sham and Baron. Baron was a ranch boy, but Sham came from surroundings where luxury was common. She concluded opposites attract, and this was a bang-up job.

Looking through the meager items she’d brought, she thought it more puzzling they had sought her out as a permanent companion. Looking at the simple white T-shirt in her hands, she shrugged off her questions.
What the hell, enjoy them and the sex for now. You’ll know when it’s time to cut the cord.

She’d just gotten her shorts and top on when Baron knocked on the open door.

“Hey, sweet cheeks.” He didn’t walk in, simply leaned against the door frame, sizing her up with a warm smile. “We have to go out for a while. You going to be okay here alone?”

She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to sound gruff. “What am I? Seven?” She brushed at her damp hair. “Sure, I’ll be fine. I’ve got work to finish anyway.”

“Great.” He turned to leave, but looked back at her. “There’s plenty of food left. It’s your house, baby. Help yourself to anything you want or need.”

She heard the murmur of their voices as they went out of the house and the rumble of Baron’s truck when they backed out of the garage. Silence closed in around her, and she didn’t like it. To calm her feeling of loneliness, she turned on the music center Sham had set up for her in her room. The soft rock music lightened her mood and gave her a boost in energy. It was a perfect time to work on the new designs.

How could you have been so stupid

She had brought two artists pens and nothing else to work with.

It was clear her emotions had taken precedence over common sense. That had to stop immediately. This was her livelihood and her way of never having to ask help from anyone.

Only one thing for her to do now. She slipped on a pair of flip flops and went downstairs to see if the guys had left keys to a car. She raised her arms in a show of victory after finding a set of keys on the kitchen counter. The logo on the starter key meant she would be driving Sham’s big-assed car. Well, Baron had said help herself to anything.

She picked up her purse and went out to the garage, getting into the car before she lost her nerve. Sitting in the seat where Sham’s rear had been gave her a little jolt of pleasure. She backed out of the garage and drove away without a hitch, the car easy to handle, much to her relief.

On her way, she made a mental note of all the things she needed to pick up. Definitely her perfume and maybe a decent dress just to be sure she would have something nice in case they went out for dinner.

The drive wasn’t long, and in ten minutes, she was back in her own driveway. The sun had gone down, and long shadows lay across her tiny lawn. She did a double take, noticing the lamp in the living room was on. She must have been in a hell of a hurry to be with Baron and Sham to have forgotten to turn it off.

She got out of the car and crossed the lawn, the damp grass cold on her toes. A sense of wariness touched her for a moment. Grimacing in disgust at her cowardly ways, she opened the door and went inside the quiet living room.

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