Read Hot Off the Red Carpet Online

Authors: Paige Tyler

Hot Off the Red Carpet (18 page)

BOOK: Hot Off the Red Carpet
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Trevor’s hands glided over her hips and up her abdomen to cup her breasts through her top.  Her nipples tightened in response to his touch, straining at the thin material, and she sighed against his mouth as he rubbed his thumbs over their sensitive tips.

Murmuring something unintelligible against her mouth, he broke the kiss to pull her top over her head.  He made quick work of her bra as well, sending it sailing across the room.  He cupped her breasts in his hands again, bending to suck one rosy red peak in his mouth even as he took the other between his forefinger and thumb and gave it a squeeze.

Addison arched against him, clutching his broad shoulders as he swirled his tongue around first one nipple, then the other until they were both wet and tingling.

Groaning, he lifted his head and turned her around so that she was facing the bed.  Placing his hand on her back, he urged her forward until she was leaning over it.  Addison thought it was so he could spank her again, but after unzipping her skirt and pulling her panties the rest of the way down, he dropped to his knees behind her, then cupping her ass, spread her wide so he could bury his face in her pussy.

Addison caught her breath.  She’d never had a guy give her oral sex in this position before.  She automatically arched her back, sighing as Trevor ran his tongue along the slick folds of her pussy.  She leaned further forward and thrust her ass even higher in the air, hoping his magical tongue would find its way to her clit.  He must have been able to read her body language because a moment later she felt his velvety tongue on her plump, little nub.

She moaned, spreading her legs even more as he began making slow circles round and round the sensitive flesh.  In this position, she was even more sensitive than usual and when he ran his tongue along her pussy and dipped it inside, she thought she might actually come just from that.  Before she could find out, however, he moved back up to her clit again.

Instead of making slow, languorous circles on the plump flesh

like before, he flicked his tongue over her clit once, then twice, before closing his mouth over the sensitive bud and gently sucking on it.  Addison gasped, sure what he was doing was going to send her tumbling over the edge, but Trevor was obviously determined to tease her because he went back to making circular motions on her clit with his tongue.  Damn, he knew how to get her hot and bothered!

Addison closed her eyes, gyrating her hips in time with his tongue and letting herself get lost in how good it felt.  It was like every nerve in her body was concentrated inside her clit.

All at once, her breath started coming in quick, little pant as she got closer and closer to climax.  The sensation was so intense, she was barely even aware of what Trevor was doing as he lapped her clit with his tongue.

Her orgasm swept over her with the force of a tidal wave, and she dug her fingers into the bedding, her screams echoing through the house as Trevor coaxed every trace of pleasure from her body.

Afterward, all she could do was lie there draped over the bed.  Behind her, Trevor pressed a tender kiss to her still-tingling ass.  She sighed, barely aware of him getting to his feet.  When she heard him unbuckle his belt and push down his jeans, she wondered if she should push herself up from the bed and turn around, but then she felt Trevor’s hands on her hips.  Her breath hitched.  He was going to take her from behind.  She’d had sex in that position before, of course, but there was something so much hotter about doing it like that after she’d just been spanked.  She blushed as she imagined how she must look, bent over the bed, her freshly-spanked red ass on display.

Addison waited breathlessly for him to enter her, but instead Trevor teased her by running the head of his cock up and

down her wetness.  She moaned.  While what he was doing felt delicious, she wanted more.

“Stop teasing me.  I need you inside me,” she demanded.  “Now!”

She was half afraid Trevor might tease her anyway, but to her relief he tightened his grip on her hips and slid his hard length into her pussy in one smooth thrust.

For a moment, he stayed like that, his cock nestled deep inside of her and Addison caught her lower lip between her teeth, her body shuddering at the feel of his cock pulsating inside her.  Then he slowly began to pump in and out with agonizing slowness.

She rocked back against him.  “Harder!”

Trevor obeyed.  Tightening his hold on her, he began to

move his cock in and out of her faster and faster.  The force  of his thrusts shoved her against the bed and she grasped hold of the sheets so that she could push back.

“Yes,” she cried. “Just like that. Harder! Fuck me harder!”

He did.

She knew from the deep, husky groans he was making that his orgasm was only moments away, and she held her own back, wanting to come with him.  When he finally exploded inside her with a release of cum so hot she swore she could feel it, she let herself go, and the climax that swept her away was more powerful than any she’d ever had in her life.

Sliding out, Trevor took her hand and together, they crawled into bed.  Addison snuggled up to him, her arm thrown across his chest, her head pillowed on his shoulder.  She didn’t know where this thing with Trevor was going, if anywhere, but right then she didn’t care.  She had never been happier.  To think, she’d almost left after her first day on the job simply because he’d put her over his knee and spanked her.  Now, she couldn’t wait for him to spank her again.

While the thought made her smile, it also made her realize if ever did want this thing with Trevor to go somewhere, she was going to have to come clean with him, just like she promised herself she would.  Now wasn’t the time, though.  They were both so exhausted they could barely keep their eyes open.  She would tell him everything first thing in the morning.


Chapter Eight



Addison didn’t know what time it was when the phone beside the bed rang. She knew it had to be early because the sun wasn’t up yet. She snuggled against Trevor’s chest, hoping the darn thing would stop if they ignored it. No such luck.

Mumbling something under his breath she couldn’t make out, Trevor fumbled for the phone and held it to his ear.

“This better be important,” he growled.

Her lips curved at the unconventional greeting. Fortunately, only a handful of people had his private number, and none of them would be insulted by the curt words.

“What?” He frowned into the phone. “No, I’ll talk to them. Just give me time to get some clothes on.”

He dropped the phone back in its cradle. “Dammit.”

Addison pushed herself up on her elbow. “What is it?”

He wiped his hand down his face. “That was Bob. There are at least fifty reporters at the front gate looking for an interview.”

Her brow furrowed. Trevor had already planned to do a few intimate interviews in the living room before the premiere anyway, then head over to the theater before everyone else got there so he wouldn’t have to deal with the whole red carpet craziness. After last night they should have expected that plan would get shot to hell.

“At this time in the morning?” she asked.

“I guess they all wanted to be the first to get the scoop.”

Since none of them had been able to get it last night. “Do you want me to get rid of them for you?”

Trevor sighed. “No. I’ll talk to them.” He reached up to push her long hair back from her face.  “I’d planned on keeping you in bed all day and making love to every inch of your beautiful body. Instead, I have to ask you to go back to playing my assistant and deal with this chaos.”

She smiled. “Dealing with chaos is my job, remember? Though I’d much rather stay in bed and let you make love to me. If we’re lucky, the reporters will be in and out, and you’ll be done in time for us to have time for a quickie before we have to leave for the premiere.”

He pulled her down for a long, lingering kiss. “And if we don’t, we can always do it in the limo on the way there.”

The image made her pussy quiver, and it was all she could do to drag herself out of bed. As she hurried downstairs a little while later, it occurred to her that she hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to Trevor about who she really was. She sighed. It looked like coming clean would have to wait — again.

Taking the reporters’ names and setting up a schedule would have been a lot easier if they hadn’t kept trying to interview her while she did it. They seemed just as interested in her role in last night’s adventures as they were in Trevor. Maybe more interested. She did her best to downplay her part in what had happened at the warehouse, but she wasn’t sure they bought it. When they continued to press her about it, she merely smiled and politely got them back on task.

In the interest of fairness, she gave the first slots to the reporters who had already been scheduled to meet with Trevor. Everyone else got a ten-minute slot to get their interview in. No cameras in the house, just recorders and notepads. There was a lot of grumbling about that little stipulation, but with Bob there to back her up, she stood her ground.

As usual, Trevor amazed her. He treated every reporter who interviewed him as if they were an old friend and answered each question as if he hadn’t heard it a hundred times before. Though they asked about his new movie, they were more eager to hear about Murray and his goons trying to kill her and Trevor. While Trevor was as open as he could be about the previous evening’s events, he refrained from giving any of them too many details, saying the police were still conducting their investigation.

“I really didn’t do much,” he told the female reporter who had most recently asked the question. “My assistant Addison was the one who figured out my manager was embezzling, and my bodyguard Bob was the one who saved everyone’s life.”

Addison wanted to say that wasn’t true, that Trevor had been the real hero, but even if she had corrected him, she knew he wouldn’t take the credit anyway.

The dark-haired woman gave Addison an appraising look before turning her attention back to Trevor. “There’s some speculation out there that Addison is more than just your assistant.”

Addison blushed at the question, sure Trevor must be as uncomfortable with it as she was. Where had the woman heard a rumor like that?

“I don’t know what you’ve heard, Rowena,” Trevor said, “but if you’re asking if Addison is important to me, the answer is yes.” He glanced at Addison, giving her a heart-stopping grin. “She’s very important to me.”

Addison’s breath hitched at the emotion in his dark eyes.  She tried not to read too much into his words, but when he looked at her like that it was impossible not to.  Which made it very difficult to concentrate on anything else for the rest of the day. Thankfully, there was only one more interview after Rowena, so she didn’t have to expend too much energy thinking about anything else.

By the time the last reporter left, she and Trevor had to hurry upstairs to get ready to the premiere. While it was fun to secretly pretend she was Trevor’s date for the event as she twirled in front of the full-length mirror dressed in the outrageously expensive gown he’d bought for her, she was back in personal-assistant mode when she hurried downstairs. Until she saw Trevor in his tux. The man wasn’t just handsome; he was sex-on-a-stick yummy.

He was talking to Bob when she came down, but he stopped mid-sentence when he saw her. His eyes caressed every inch of her body, lingering on every curve, and she felt herself blush.

“Addison,” he breathed. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She ran her suddenly damp hands down the front of the exquisite black evening gown with a flirtatious little smile. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

Trevor chuckled, the sound deep and sexy. He glanced at Bob. “Tell Leo we’re ready to leave, would you?”

Bob gave her a wink. “Sure thing.”

Trevor didn’t even wait for the Bob to leave before he bent is head to kiss her. “I know that’s going to wreak havoc on your lipstick, but I couldn’t wait until after the premiere to do that.”

She laughed and would have told him she didn’t care what it did to her lipstick as long as he kept kissing her, but he closed his mouth over hers again. He didn’t lift his head until Bob let out a discreet cough from the doorway, and by then she was breathless. She didn’t know how she was going to wait all those hours until the premiere was over and she could get him alone.

Addison put on more lipstick in the car, but not until they were near the theater, just in case Trevor wanted to kiss her some more. Which he did. Several times.

As she dropped the tube of lipstick in her evening bag, she leaned forward to remind Leo to drop her off at the side entrance before taking Trevor around to the red carpet.

“No need, Leo,” Trevor said. “Addison isn’t going in the side entrance.”

She looked at him in confusion. “I’m not?”

“No.” He reached out to push back a stray strand of hair that had escaped from her elaborate updo. “You’re walking down the red carpet with me.”

Her eyes went wide. “But

“No buts.” His mouth twitched. “Or I’ll think you don’t want to be seen with me.”

“Don’t want to be seen with you?” She almost laughed. “Are you sure you want to be seen with me? Trevor, if I walk up the red carpet with you, people are going to think we’re a couple.”

BOOK: Hot Off the Red Carpet
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