Hot Off the Red Carpet (14 page)

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Authors: Paige Tyler

BOOK: Hot Off the Red Carpet
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Then, without warning, he rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Addison blinked, surprised by the move, but excited by it, too. She’d never had a guy do that before.

Trevor let her sit there for a moment, allowing her to catch her breath before he slowly began to thrust into her pussy.

“Ride me,” he commanded softly.

Placing her hands on his chest, Addison slowly moved up and down on him, lifting all the way up before sinking back down on his hard length again. The motion drove his cock deeper and deeper inside with every thrust, and she moaned.

She was just getting into a rhythm when she felt Trevor’s hand smack her ass. Startled, she let out a little yelp of surprise. But as a delicious warmth spread over her bottom, her lips curved into a sexy, little smile.

“Mmm,” she breathed. “Do that again.”

Beneath her, Trevor’s eyes danced as he lifted his hand to spank her ass again. Even though she knew it was coming, Addison let out another little squeal as the smack landed squarely on her already stinging ass cheek.

“Keep riding me,” he ordered, his hand coming down on her other cheek.

Addison squealed again, but did as he ordered, moving up and down on his hard cock in time to the rhythm of his spanks. Each time he smacked her ass, her pussy clenched tightly around his shaft, sending little shivers of pleasure through her body.

Trevor continued to spank her, alternating from one cheek to the other, delivering smack after stinging smack until he finally grabbed her burning ass cheeks with both hands and began pumping into her wildly.

She gasped at the feel of his strong hands squeezing her tender bottom. “Harder!” she cried. “Fuck me harder!”

He obeyed, gripping her ass and pumping into her so forcefully that she couldn’t have stopped herself from orgasming even if she had wanted to. She came with such soul-shattering intensity that she thought she might actually faint from how incredible it felt. Beneath her, Trevor groaned long and low as he found his own release, Knowing he was coming with her only made her own orgasm that much stronger and she cried out even louder.

Afterward, all she could do was collapse forward to lie on his chest and try to catch her breath. They stayed like that, his arms around her, neither one of them saying anything. Addison would have been content to spend the whole day there, but then a loud, embarrassing growl from her stomach interrupted the moment.

Trevor chuckled, the sound a deep rumble beneath her ear. “I guess someone’s hungry.”

She laughed, her face coloring. “Maybe a little.”

He tilted up her chin to give her a kiss. “Come on. Let’s go see what Maribel made for breakfast.”

By the time she and Trevor showered, however, it was well past breakfast and already lunchtime by the time they got downstairs. Of course, that probably had something to do with the fact that Trevor pulled her into his arms for a long, drugging kiss the moment they stepped under the spray of the shower. They’d ended up having sex again, this time with her bent over and him taking her from behind. She could definitely get used to waking up like that every morning.

The fact that she and Trevor had both “overslept” wasn’t lost on Bob and Maribel. As they ate, the bodyguard and cook peppered her and Trevor with teasing, little comments like, “I guess you two must have sleep well last night,” and “You would think with that much sleep, you two would look more refreshed, but you look exhausted.”

She and Trevor acted as if they had no idea what the man and woman were talking about, but it was hard not to smile from here to Texas. Addison had enjoyed last night’s extra-curricular activities immensely and definitely hoped for more of the same in the evenings to come.

But then it struck her that Trevor hadn’t confessed their budding relationship to Bob and Maribel. What if he hadn’t mentioned it because he was embarrassed? What if he had no intention of ever letting it go past anything more than sex? What if he only slept with her because she wasn’t a Hollywood beauty? She’d read in Cosmo that some movie stars preferred to date women less attractive and famous than they were so they could feel wanted, powerful and sexy. What if Trevor was like that? The piece of tomato she was chewing suddenly got stuck in her throat and she swallowed hard.

Stop it, she told herself. She was being foolish. Trevor wasn’t the type of guy to have issues like that. He was way too confident and secure. She was just doubting herself, like she always did. Sure, there was no guarantee that what they had would go anywhere, but then no relationship came with a guarantee. Maybe the reason Trevor hadn’t said anything to Bob and Maribel was because he thought he had a shot of making something with her since she was genuine and real instead of some Hollywood fake. She cringed inwardly at that. Okay, well maybe not so genuine. She was lying through her teeth to Trevor about who she was, after all. But she’d been honest about everything else, like how she felt about him. That was what mattered.

Beside her, Trevor flashed her a sexy grin, and Addison felt herself relax. Halfway through lunch, Leo came in to join them, and the conversation shifted from how late she and Trevor had slept to the pick-up shots he’d done at the studio yesterday.

Then she completely lost track of the conversation as she remembered the tall, dark-haired man who had been playing one of the extras. Yesterday, she had been sure she’d seen him somewhere, but hadn’t been able to remember where. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the memory of where she had seen him before popped into her head. He’d been one of them men pictured on the front page of the website for Total Empire Investment Trust, the firm handling Trevor’s investments.

She frowned. That didn’t make any sense at all. Why would an investment firm hire an actor to play one of their executives? She must be mistaken.

Trevor reached under the table to put a gentle hand on her knee. “You okay?”

She blinked. “What?”

The corner of his mouth edged up. “You look like you were a hundred miles away. You okay?”

“Oh.” She gave him a small smile. “I’m fine. I just remembered I have to confirm some interviews for you. I’ll be right back.”

His brow furrowed. “You don’t have to do it right now. Let it wait.”

“I can’t.” She gave him an apologetic smile. “I’ll just be a minute.”

Putting her napkin on the table, Addison pushed back her chair and hurried from the room before Trevor could stop her.

Once in her office, she closed the door and booted up her computer, then immediately logged on to the bank website, thankful that she still remembered the login and password. She scrolled down the page until she came to the investment links at the bottom. She took a deep breath and clicked on the one for Total Empire Investment Trust. A moment later, she was staring at the company’s board of directors.

Holy crap, she’d been right. Right there, in the middle of the group, identified as Mr. Rutherford P. Chester III, Chief Financial Officer, was none other than the tall, dark-haired actor she’d seen at the studio yesterday.

Addison sat back. So, she was right, but what the hell did it mean? She really doubted the CFO of an investment company worked part time as an actor. It just didn’t seem likely he was really a rich investment banker scratching an acting itch.

Which meant he was either Rutherford P. Chester’s less-than-successful identical twin, or he really was an actor who had been hired by the investment company to play one of their executives. Being an identical twin herself, she knew she shouldn’t discount the possibility, but instinct told her that wasn’t what was going on here.

Maybe it was standard practice for companies to use actors to portray the real businessmen. Maybe the board members wanted their privacy. Either that, or they were too dishonest or sappy looking to get anyone to invest money. She chewed on her lower lip, considering the possibility, then shook her head. No, that just seemed too fishy.

Then a terrifying thought came to her. Oh God, what if the company was a front for something illegal, like money laundering? Stuff like that happened in movies all the time. Trevor could be involved in the whole thing and not even realize it.

Reaching for the phone, she dialed the company’s number. Just to see if it was legitimate. A machine answered, stating that she had reached Total Empire Investment Trust, but that due to an incredibly high call volume, it was recommended she call back later or leave a message.

She hung up and stared at the computer screen. The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced that Total Empire Investment Trust was running some kind of scam. She needed to tell Trevor right away.

She was halfway to the door before she stopped. Maybe telling Trevor wasn’t such a good idea. What if he thought she had been snooping into his financial affairs? Things were going so well right now and she didn’t want to risk messing anything up by being a busybody. Maybe she should check into it a little more first before she said anything to him.

But how was she going to do that? She supposed she could Google the company or call the Better Business Bureau. Why do that, though, when she could simply go to the company’s LA address and check things out herself?

Addison was just heading for the door when Trevor came in. He grinned.

“I was thinking we could spend the day together. Maybe take a drive or something. Just the two of us. What do you say?”

Addison caught her lower lip between her teeth. She couldn’t believe she was going to turn him down, but finding out what was going on with this investment firm was too important.

“I’d love to, but I just remembered that I have to be somewhere.”

He frowned. “Where?”

“Um, a meeting,” she lied. “With the studio. About the premier.”

“Call and tell them you’ll meet with them tomorrow.” He bent to nuzzle her neck. “Better yet, do it over the phone.”

His lips brushed her ear and Addison had to bite her lip to stifle a moan. She was on the verge of saying the hell with playing private investigator and giving in to Trevor. But she couldn’t. She was doing this for him. So, even though she felt horrible, she gently pulled away from him.

“I can’t,” she said. “I have to meet with them today. We can go for a drive when I get back if you still want to.”

He sighed, but nodded. “Yeah. Sure.”

She went up on tiptoe to kiss him. “I’ll be back as quick as I can.”

Ignoring the look of disappointment on his handsome face, Addison hurried out to the garage. Once there, though, she stopped. Dammit. She’d been in so much of a hurry that she hadn’t even thought to check MapQuest for directions to the investment company. Unfortunately, she was terrible with maps and would never be able to find it without directions. Going back inside to look them up on the computer was out of the question, though. There was no way she’d have the strength to walk away from Trevor again, especially if he tried to talk her out of leaving.

She glanced over at Leo. He was washing the limo and hadn’t seen her come in. As Trevor’s driver, he probably knew all the streets in LA by memory. Hoping he’d knew where 2582 Condor Road was, she hurried over to ask him. Luckily, he knew where it was and gave her directions. Thanking him, she jumped in her car and left before he could ask any questions.

Even with Leo’s directions, it took her a while to find the address. In fact, she drove by it several times, mainly because it was smack dab in the middle of the warehouse district and she was sure she couldn’t be in the right area. But she was.

With a frown, she put the car in park and shut off the engine, then grabbed her purse from the seat beside her. Even though it was clearly an abandoned warehouse, she got out of her car and walked up to the front door anyway. She’d come all this way, after all.

“Can I help you, miss?”

Startled at the words, Addison jumped and spun around to see an older man dressed in a security uniform standing behind her.

She smiled. “I’m looking for 2582 Condor Lane. Is this it?”

He nodded. “Yes it is, but the place isn’t occupied at the moment. If you tell what you’re looking for, maybe I can help?”

Addison hesitated, unsure whether she should say anything. “I’m looking for Total Empire Investment Trust. Did they ever have offices here?”

His brow furrowed as he repeated the name. “I’ve worked here for fifteen years and I’ve never heard of the place. Are you sure you have the right address?”

She gave him another smile. “Seeing that it’s an empty building, I guess not. I’m terrible with directions. Thank you.”

Hurrying past him to her car, she pulled out of the parking lot and headed back the way she’d come, more curious and frustrated than before. Regardless of what she’d told the security guard, she was sure she had the right address, which meant the information listed on the Total Empire Investment Trust website was obviously bogus. She was willing to bet the phone number was fake, too. She could probably call from now until doomsday and never get a real person. But why would a company have a number that no one answered and give an address that led to nowhere? They wouldn’t, not unless they were a front for something illegal.

Just then, a nagging thought struck her. What if Trevor knew all about it and was involved? She shook her head. No, she wasn’t going to go there. Trevor couldn’t be part of anything underhanded, he just couldn’t. There had to be another explanation. Someone was clearly trying to pull something over on him. But who?

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