Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5) (13 page)

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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She nodded.

“Directly, or like off a dude?”

“I’ve gone down on girls before.”

My dick jerked so hard that she felt it and smiled.

“Girls? Like more than one?”

She nodded, wrenching a moan from deep in my chest.

“Fuck me…”

“Your turn,” she said, tapping my chest with her finger. “I told you mine, now you tell me yours. ‘Fess up. Have you done that sort of thing often?”

I gave a short, careful nod. “Quite a few times.”

“With Cole?”

“Not just Cole. Denny, Drew, Brannon… most of my friends, actually. Except Cody,” I chuckled and puffed out my chest. “I guess I’m just too much man for him.”

She laughed, dancing her fingertips over my skin. Light touches and the barest scrapes of her nails. After a moment, she asked, “Ever only guys?”

“No,” My response came slowly, measured. Remembering how Cole’s touch felt, his fingers digging into my thigh, so different and erotic. He was the only man I’d shared with who touched me that way. “Although, I’ve
thought about being with a dude, but I guess… well, I really like pussy,” I grinned, smiling even more widely when I heard and felt the whisper of a chuckle emanate from her throat. “And tits. Tits are fun the way they bounce and shit. And I’m not just saying that so I don’t sound gay.”

“Of course not,” she said with a smile in her voice. Then, after another moment, she murmured in a low voice, “So, while you were having your group things with guys
girls, did you ever… um…” her voice trailed off.

“Did I ever what?”

“Have you ever touched another guy’s…” she trailed off.

“Kind of… but not like really trying to. More kind of incidentally.”

“What about… have you ever had a guy suck your…”

I quickly shook my head in a silent response before she could even finish asking.

“Gone down on another dude?”

“No,” I sorta choked out.

“Have you ever, um…” she shrugged nonchalantly, in spite of what she was asking, “…gotten it up the ass?”


“Why not?” she said with a breathy chuckle. “Because you’re opposed to it, or you just never really had the opportunity?”

“Both maybe?” My answer was unsure, a question… because I didn’t exactly know. It was kind of a big step, and not a lot of guys casually ask if they can poke you in the butt. “But my ass is a virgin. I guess I see myself as more of a pitcher than a catcher?”

“Have you ever…

“Um, not to dudes. Just chicks.”

She thoughtfully twisted her lips. “I suppose asses are kind of similar.”

“Some are a little tighter than others.”

“So nothing? Not even the slip of a finger up your butt? Like by a girl who was sucking you off?”

My dick had been alternating between rising and wanting to run and hide with this conversation so far. But the thought of her mouth… while her fingers… that started my mind down a deviant little path. In the beat of a heart, I was painfully swollen and stiff all over again. Ready to give it a go.

My brain took a minute to catch up. A long, silent minute that made her laugh. I realized my touch had changed from tender caresses of her curves to a firm grip of her butt. The image she painted in my head was way more tempting than I had ever imagined.

“You seem a bit intrigued,” she finally breathed. She shifted, just a little, but enough to brush her leg against my junk, her breath catching as she felt my erection. “Maybe more than a bit.”

With a dip of her head, she feathered a kiss on my chest. Another. Then another, just a little lower. A twist of apprehension stabbed through my gut, but not strong enough to stop her. I couldn’t wait to feel her wet, hot lips close over the tip of my cock. To feel her slide them down my length until the head pressed firmly against the back of her throat.

She kissed and tasted her way down my abs, and, for only a split second, my body resisted as she wedged herself between my legs, pushing them gently apart. With a long sweep of her tongue down my length, she coaxed my thighs further open, making me feel exposed, even in the darkness.

Her ethereal caresses trailed up to my balls, cupping, gently massaging as her head slowly lowered and rose. Her mouth felt amazing. Her touch mind-numbing. Her throat tightened around the head of my dick as she let out a quick choking sound, but she pulled back for a breath and dove back in.

Suddenly, I realized her fingertip teased the rim of my asshole. A ragged groan burst from my throat. She didn’t push inside or pull away, just toyed with the incredibly sensitive skin. Down along the path from my nads and back to my ass while she continued to fuck me slowly with her mouth.

Every second that she touched me made me want it a little more. I was so uncomfortable, yet I started to crave the slip of her finger into me. I was raging hard, and my balls were painfully tight, as though I hadn’t had sex in weeks when I’d just shot off my load less than an hour ago.

She lifted her head, breathing hot gasps over my cock as the silk of her hair swept over my hipbone. “Do you want me to, Justin?”

Fuck. Yes.

But my throat couldn’t make a sound other than a rough groan. My ability to speak had fled, leaving me mumbling incoherently.

Fuck. Please
, my mind begged.

“Tell me…”

“Yes…” I managed to croak out.

She traced her tongue down past my balls and wet her finger with saliva, then took my dick into her mouth once more as she slowly, firmly worked her finger inside me.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.


Her touch held still, allowing my body to absorb the intruding digit while her mouth gently nobbed me off. The familiar stroke of her tongue helped settle the instinctive panic of just where her hand was. Of how wrong and right it all felt. A gentle pull and push of her finger jolted that trepidation back, but her lips once again soothed all my misgivings.

Deep inside, her finger pressed firmly against my inner wall, rubbing a little circle in one spot that I thought was going to kill me off. I damn near died. Right then and there. Such an incredible blissful pressure that robbed me of any thought.

“Oh fucking God,” I gasped.

She pressed harder, slow and firm, making every muscle in my body tense up. Her finger worked my ass with a gentle rhythmic motion. I felt her gag reflex kick in, and she swallowed it back. I couldn’t stop the surge of heat. It all boiled up inside me so fast, encouraged by little moans in her throat that vibrated along the length of my dick. By the budding deluge of sensation with every stroke of her finger. Time stopped. The world stood still as I exploded in her mouth and down her throat.

The room spun in the darkness. Her tongue lazily swept along the underside of my dick down to my balls, then back up to the tip where the warmth of her mouth once again closed over me. Over and over, her lips dusted up and down my length. I could only lay there completely stunned as she savored the taste of my release. As she coaxed me back out of the overwhelming bliss.

I don’t even know how long we lay there in silence before I felt her kiss her way back up my abs and chest. My body felt boneless, my muscles like jelly. She lay her head on my shoulder and rest her hand low on my stomach. Innocently like she hadn’t just been devirginizing my ass into a mind boggling climax.

I could barely open my eyes, and even then, the room was so dark it didn’t do much good. Breathing out a long, slow, languorous sigh, I turned my head to whisper into her hair.

“Just for the record, I don’t usually shoot off quite that fast.”

I felt a smile where her cheek lay on my chest. “I’m aware. I’ve got first-hand experience from you fucking me right off the bed.”

Okay, she didn’t doubt my staying power.

“What you just did to me was…” My mind couldn’t quite seem to focus on words. “I just can’t even… Remember how you fainted from fucking?”

“Yeah,” she replied.

“I think it’s my turn.”

“All from a finger up your butt,” she whispered, causing another faint shiver to roll through me.

“That… that was something…” I sounded so lame, but I couldn’t summon up anything cool to say. My brain had melted.

“Maybe next time, we can try something bigger than my finger.”

If I hadn’t been practically unconscious, that would have made my ass yelp in fear. Seriously.

But, as it was, as blown away as I was by a seriously phenomenal orgasm, I couldn’t even muster up a whimper. I was too exhausted and elated, unable to do so much as feel a twinge of apprehension at her suggestion. I was too far gone, falling fast asleep.



The sun peeked over the mountaintops and the early morning eastern sky blazed pink and then gold, bathing the room in warmth.

She was awake. I could feel each brush of her lashes with every blink. Her fingernails caressed a pattern along the muscles of my shoulder and down my arm. At long last, she lifted her head to peer down at me.

“Have you told Cole?” she asked. “About the video?”

I shook my head. “Not yet. Just you. I’m not sure how to reach him. He works a few weeks on and a few weeks off in the Bakken fields. Not sure if he’s even in town at the moment.”

“What are his usual haunts?”

“I’ve only ever really seen him at parties. Once at the Copperline.”
Where we spit-roasted a cougar…
but I didn’t add that bit.

I thought for a moment, trying to figure out if I knew anyone who might be able to reach him. “I can ask a few people. He should probably know it’s out there.”

“It’s weird to think…” she trailed off.


“That it’s out there. That we are providing inspiration for mastubators everywhere.”

“I don’t even know what to do about it.”

“I don’t know that there’s anything we can do. Once it’s out there, it’s out there.”

“You okay? Do you feel… I dunno, violated or something?”

She laughed softly. “I should. The logical part of me keeps telling me I should be horrified.” She quietly paused, deep in thought, like there was more. More she didn’t know if she should share.

“But?” I prompted.

Her eyes met mine, and they were hot. “But I think I kinda like it,” she softly admitted. “Watching it last night, knowing others watched it… that they watched us… kinda does something to me.”

“Too bad we didn’t record last night then,” I grinned. “Hopefully nobody we know will see it, though.”

“Didn’t someone you know tell you about it?”

“Shit,” I groaned, “you’re right. I almost wish our faces were blurred, but…”

“But what?”

“You’re fucking gorgeous, and when you come…” I shook my head at the memory. “I’m glad I can replay that over and over.”

She laughed.

“Seriously,” I continued. “Even now, with my body bruised and battered from falling on the stairs and fucking you right off the bed, I’m ready for round three.”

I rolled our bodies so I was on my side, her lying on her back beside me. I had an opportunity, as the winter sun rose slowly in the east, to study her, and I gently slipped the flannel sheet down to reveal her full breasts. Her nipples were somewhat pale, darkening a bit as they hardened in the cool air right before my eyes. My hand traced the outer curve of one swell and down her waist to rest on her soft, pale stomach where I traced imaginary lines on her skin.

“Do you have any classes today?” I asked, watching my hand skim over her smooth abdomen, drawing up goosebumps.

“No,” she breathed.

“Good,” I muttered. “It’s Friday, so I’m due at the Copperline this afternoon, but I don’t plan to let you up for a bit yet.”

My eyes lifted from her hot little body to meet her gaze, witnessing the hunger that simmered inside her. Her lips lifted at the corners with a naughty smile.

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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