Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5) (11 page)

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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“I so didn’t picture you with a big house,” she murmured as she stepped inside and slipped off her coat. “Do you have roommates?”

“The other Mofos used to live with me, but one by one…”

“And you’re the last man standing,” she nodded in comisseration. “Why didn’t you move out, too? Or get new roommates? It must feel kinda lonely after a bit.”

“Maybe if you’re a girl,” I scoffed, and she responded with a chuckle as she followed me into the greatroom.

“So, what’s up? What’s the reason for this clandestine meeting?”

“Um… well…” I didn’t want to tell her. I had to. I knew I had to.

… I didn’t want to.

“I got a text yesterday,” I began, and looked at her as my mind tried to figure out the least dreadful way to tell her what I had to tell her.

“Okay,” she carefully replied. “So you got a text. And?”

“It was a link, sent to me by one of the Copperline regulars.”

“As in one of your groupies?”

“We refer to them as the bar sluts, actually,” I corrected her, as though that sounded any better. “They don’t limit themselves to the Mofos.”

“How equanimous of them,” Rain uttered with a distasteful twist to her lips. “What was the link for?”

“A video… on PornHub.”

“So one of your groupies—”

“One of the bar sluts,” I corrected.

“Right,” she shrugged, “one of your bar sluts sent you porn.”

“Not my bar sluts, remember?”

She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. What does any of this have to do with me?”

“The video is me, Cole… and you.”

At first, she just stared at me, a blank expression of shock on her face.

“That can’t be right,” she whispered after a moment. “Who would have… there weren’t cameras or—”

“My guess is it was someone with a cell phone. Good one, judging by the quality.”

“You watched it?” Her voice trembled.

“Yep,” I quietly replied.

“Holy fuck,” she gasped, pausing for a moment to let it sink in. “Can you tell it’s us?”

Her tongue darted out to touch her lips, a nervous motion that was entirely too tempting.

“Yep.” My voice sounded gruff. It was all I could do not to grab her and lay her out on the couch. My mind waged war with my body.
Stay strong
, I thought.
Don’t do it. It’s wrong. It’s all so wrong.

I don’t fuck students…

Yet she radiated some overwhelming pull that made me continue. Made me admit something I should have never said.

“You… you’re amazing in it. It’s got a pretty awesome rating, especially for amateur porn, and lots of comments. Most are about you. How beautiful you are. The look on your face when you come.”

Her breath caught and rushed out in a broken huff. I could see the goosebumps rising on her arms. I could see the tendrils of her hair vibrate from her shaking body.

Finally, she opened her eyes, looking up. She was so close. One little dip and I could kiss her. I could drink her in again, intoxicating myself with her sweet addiction.

“Can I see it?” she whispered.

Oh fuck.

“Are you sure?”

“I am. I,” she inhaled deeply before she continued, “I want to see it.”

“Jesus…” I trailed off.


“I shouldn’t show you.”

“Please… Justin.”

Fucking hell
, she said my name again. How was that even hotter than when she called me Professor in class? And the way she said it. A little breathless and with the word please. I loved when chicks said the word
that way. Experience had shown me that it often came before the words

And, to be fair, she really had every right to see it.

Distance, though. I needed distance.

“Give me your number, and I’ll send you the link.”

“Or you could just show me now.”


Massive boner.

I don’t fuck students. I don’t fuck students.

“I should really just send the link.”

“I know,” she breathed. “But I want you to show me.”

“You shouldn’t even be here.”

She looked at my lips as I spoke, seemingly hypnotized. “I know that, too.”

I had to say something. I had to stop this. It was wrong. It was everything I’d avoided ever since I started teaching. I’d gone to great lengths to keep something just like this from happening.

“Please,” she repeated.

Yeah, fuck it.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.



It started with a bunch of people standing around drinking.
by Finger Eleven played in the background. A few people high-fived the videographer as he meandered through the crowd making his way down a packed hallway into a large bedroom.

That bedroom.

The crowd thickened at the entrance. A few people looked at the cameraman and stepped aside to allow him access.

“Dude, get up there,” one of the bystanders said. “Fucking hot chick taking on two guys!”

“Make way,” another dude said, nudging a few people aside to clear a path for whoever was capturing the moment.

A few more people stepped aside.

And then, there we were.

By the time the video focused on us, she stood almost naked before me, only wearing lacy red underwear and strappy heels, as Cole stood behind her. Her eyes were closed tight with her lashes dark and thick on her cheeks as his hands moved over her exposed skin.

Sitting beside her now, watching this again with her, I could feel the sensations of that moment. Like I was reliving every stroke and sigh and breathless whisper. I felt the caress of her fingertips in my hair and taste the tenderness of her breasts.

I could feel the aching urgency as we watched her frantically tug at the fly of my shorts.

“Damn,” someone off to the side muttered. “She wants it

I groaned a little as the camera focused in on her fingertips wrapped around my dick. A little harder as she dropped down to take me into her mouth.

I’d replayed it over and over in my mind since that day, remembering the overwhelming sensation of her lips and her tongue and her fingers. The dark, feral look in her eyes. It had become my primary spank bank material. Every time I closed my eyes, it haunted me. Last night, I’d watched the video over and over, too, beating off I don’t know how many times. I damn near wore out the pocket pussy Denny had given me.

Note to self, buy more lube for the pocket pussy

As erotic as watching it alone had been, though, watching it with her sitting here beside me was sheer torture.

I. Don’t. Fuck. Students.

On the small screen, her dark, thick lashes lifted to stare up at my face while the top of her tongue swept up my length. She choked slightly when she had taken me fully. I could almost feel the tightening of her throat and the caress of her tongue.

Beside me, Rain exhaled a shaky breath as she watched Cole move in. I could almost feel the rough grip of Cole’s hand on my thigh, and, judging by how her body trembled, she could almost feel something else. The cameraman stepped closer, aimed directly at what was truly a mouthwatering little pussy. Cole’s thick fingers pushed inside, then slipped out glistening and slick with her arousal.

“Holy fuck,” Rain whispered beside me.

Someone stepped forward to toss a bunch of condoms on the bed, and the camera jiggled a bit as everyone shifted. It focused on us again as I pulled her up to impale her. As Cole dipped low to wet his finger.

Her sob sounded on the video, and my muted voice could barely be heard, soothing her.

Just open up and let him in…

Flicking my gaze over at her, my mouth watered as I watched her lips fall open. The rise and fall of her chest coincided with a gentle tremble while her focus remained locked on the video.

Cole pushed up flush against her ass, and real life Rain’s gasp echoed her breathless sob on the screen. She reached out, grabbing my hand and gripping it hard. It was all I could do to hold the phone still enough to watch as our bodies began to rock together. I felt her body squirm beside me and glanced at the warm flush on her cheeks as she watched us pick up speed. As Cole’s glutes flexed to fuck the both of us.

My fingertips caressed the rapidly beating pulse in her wrist as she stared at the three of us fucking like animals.

Fuck… fuck yes… fuck me…

My painfully rock-hard dick about bust right out of my jeans at that point. Hearing her pleading whisper on the screen, feeling the tremble of her warm body beside me as she heard it too…
fucking hell.

We watched as Cole leaned over us stroking his cock hard and fast. As she lifted her torso to brace one hand on my shoulder and circle her hips over me. The camera zoomed in on her face to reveal the depth of sensation pouring through her until she suddenly stiffened, her nails digging into my shoulders and then she shattered all around me.

On screen, I took control. I rolled her, fucking her hard and rough, and her video cries echoed through my quiet living room. Cole shot his wad all over us with a thick grunting groan, a sound that chorused with my own as I peaked and collapsed on top of her shaking, naked body.

“Holy shit,” a voice muttered just before the video cut off.

Yeah… holy shit was right.






In the stillness of my living room, Rain’s shaky breathing was almost deafening. She sat unmoving for a minute, still staring at the screen that now showed a still from the clip. A picture of the three of us lost in the hazy heat of that moment.

She slowly turned to me, her eyes hot. Her skin flushed. In a nervous movement, her tongue darted out to touch her lips.

I don’t fuck—

Oh fuck it.

I groaned.

She moaned.

And our lips crashed together. I caught her in my arms and pulled her close, tucking her beneath me as we devoured each other.

Sense had completely disappeared. The knowledge that she was my student and that this was wrong on so many levels was pushed to the back of my mind as our hands and lips marauded the skin they explored.

Clothes flew to the floor. Her shoes and socks. My shirt. Her jeans.

Pure animalistic need in me took over, and I ravenously kissed her, trailing my lips down her neck. I yanked her shirt up over her head and jerked her bra down to feast on her breasts. Her legs locked around me and her nails dug into my shoulders.

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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