Read Hornet's Nest Online

Authors: Jaycee Ford

Hornet's Nest (8 page)

BOOK: Hornet's Nest
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GOOD MORNING! GET dressed. I have a surprise for you.

I read his text three times. My heart thumped harder each time I read it. I glanced up from my phone and stared out of my window. I was going to see Lance today. I looked back down at the text and couldn’t help but wonder if this was a good idea. My chest clenched with anxiety. I shouldn’t reply back. Or maybe I should reply back and say no. It was a Saturday and this was short notice. I sighed. I had an opportunity. Should I take it?

And what do I wear for this surprise of yours?

I knew I would kick myself if I didn’t take the opportunity. I still didn’t know if it was in my best interest. But was anything concerning Lance in my best interest?

Whatever you want. You always look good. ;-)

I swore to myself that I didn’t like him. I swore to myself that I didn’t want to have anything to do with him. My cheeks ached like never before. There was an opportunity to be with Lance and I was going to take it.

He didn’t give me a time for this surprise, but I went ahead and got ready, thankful I had already showered for the day. I dressed in a pair of leggings, a purple blouse, and flats. I decided to leave my hair down. I had no clue what was going on, but I assumed I looked nice enough for a daytime outing. I had just shut the drawer in my bathroom vanity when a knock rapped on my door. I exhaled a slow breath as I walked back through my living room. As I approached the front door, I placed a hand on my stomach to settle the flutter and breathed out one final time before looking through the peep hole. I leaned up and peeked through. I gasped upon sight and threw open the door. Not only was Lance standing in my doorway, but he was holding my godchild and my best friend stood beside him.

“Oh, my God,” I said as I scooped Mary into my arms. I brushed past Lance and wrapped my free arm around Jordan as tears clouded my eyes. I glanced over at Lance as his cheeks lifted into a genuine smile, not the shit eating grin I had been accustomed to.

“We need to talk,” Jordan whispered in my ear. I pulled back and looked at her. She knew. She knew everything. I thought I would have been mad at Lance, but a weight lifted off my chest. I was relieved that after all this time I was finally able to talk to someone and not hold it in.

“Hey, Tom!” I said as I gave him a hug and kissed Pearl on the head as he held her. “Y’all come in!”

I held the door open as Jordan and Tom walked in. Lance hung back, coming in after. He caught my eye with a sweet smile, and I mouthed,
Thank you

He gently brushed his thumb down my one cheek and kissed the other. His eyes caught mine again, and suddenly I was glad my stubbornness didn’t win. If Lance ever gave me an opportunity, I would take it. Every time.

We all settled in the living room as I hugged Mary tight. “This is the best surprise ever! Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“Well, then it wouldn’t be much of a surprise, would it? Now, quit hogging my godchild,” Lance said. I glanced over at him as he held out his hands for Mary. I stood and walked over with her, placing her on his lap. Our eyes locked and I knew he felt what I was feeling: we could have been doing this with our own child. I stared at him, holding Mary for just a moment longer. It just felt natural.

“So, Lance, since you rigged all of this up, what are the plans for today?” I asked as I turned away from his stare and took Pearl from Tom.

“I thought we’d get some lunch and go see Jordan’s parents, since I’m sure they would love to see their grandbabies. The four of us can get some dinner and then see where the night takes us.” He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. He was proud of his plan; more so because it was working. And I was willing to let it.

“That sounds great! Y’all are staying here, right?” I asked, peering at Jordan.

She laughed and said, “Yeah, we’ll stay here.”

“Tom, let’s go get your stuff out of the car,” Lance said. Tom stood up.  Catching Lance’s eyes for just a moment, my heart fluttered along with the butterflies in my stomach. He and Tom wandered out of the apartment. For the first time in a long time, hope warmed my heart. My cheeks widened as I turned toward Jordan, and my smile vanished from my face when I met her frowning scowl. I winced and turned my head away. The best friend reprimand was about to ensue.

“Why the—” She stopped herself and changed course. “Why the
, did you not tell me about Lance!”

I groaned as I fell back into the cushions, looking away from her. I couldn’t stand Jordan’s glare. Never could. “Because I thought he played me and I was embarrassed. You know I’m not one for bed hopping!”

“Well, I know Katherine,” she said easing up. “But this was kind of big.”

“How much did he tell you?” I asked as I looked back at her. My shoulders slumped at her sad eyes. “Everything, huh?”

She grabbed my hand and whispered, “You know you could have talked to me.”

I nodded. “I know.”

“So, what’s the deal with y’all now?” She moved away from the miscarriage subject, which I was glad for. I didn’t want to go down that road tonight.

“I don’t know to be honest. He seems like he’s making a play for me, but he was hugging some chick the other night, so I have no clue anymore. But he’s messing with my head. This was a really big gesture today. How can I hate him now?” I
wanted to hate him, but it appeared as if it was some twisted sort of fate. I really couldn’t believe he did this. How could he have known that this was exactly what I needed?

“Well, what about Mr. Attorney?” Jordan asked, snapping out of my day dreams.

“Huh? Oh Josh! Well, I don’t know about him either.” I totally forgot about Josh. I went on a date with him last night. The hottest attorney at the firm and I totally forgot about it. She gave me one of those ‘go on’ looks. I sighed as I came face to face with reality. “He’s hotter than hot. The most glorious piece of man I have ever seen. He’s really sweet and nice to me…”


“But… I just don’t feel it. How can I not feel it? Jordan, I swear if you saw him, you would think I’m stupid.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” she said. “Lance is pretty hot, too, you know.”

I glanced down at Pearl and Mary, and said, “Jordan you have the most beautiful girls.”

“Stop trying to change the subject!”

“Yeah, Lance is pretty hot, too,” I conceded. As soon as the words left my mouth, the guys walked in with enough baby stuff to fill an orphanage. I sat back and laughed at Lance struggling to take off the two pink diaper bags hanging around his neck.

“Oh, I’m glad you think this is hilarious.” He dropped all of the stuff to the floor, getting hung up on pink diaper bags. Jordan and I couldn’t hold back the laughter. I looked over at Lance and he smiled. I was pretty certain that this was going to be an interesting day.

• • •

The fall air had slowly crept over Charlotte, and the sun shined without a cloud in the sky. We sat under the shade of an awning while having lunch at a little bistro. The smile wouldn’t leave my face. Spending the day with Jordan, her family, and Lance was something I would have never dreamed of when I woke up this morning. Jordan and I shared a few bottles of wine while Tom and Lance sipped a beer.

Jordan and Tom’s attention turned toward the baby girls when they both got a little fussy. I twisted the stem of my wine glass as I felt that pair of green eyes on me. I bit my lip to contain a smile, but it was useless. Lance chuckled under his breath as he sat back in his chair next to me. He reached his hand across my knee and gently grazed his fingertips as he did so. I turned my head to look at him over my shoulder. He leaned in close and asked, “Are you having a good time, beautiful?”

I bit my lip because I couldn’t contain my damn smile again. I nodded at his question and bowed my head. A slight breeze rolled up the street, blowing my hair in front of my face. Before I could brush it away, Lance’s fingertips appeared, tucking my hair behind my ear. His fingers lingered against my cheek and I closed my eyes from the arousing sting left in their wake. There was no denying the pull between us. There always had been some sort of pull ever since that winter’s morning when I showed up on Tom’s doorstep. I just didn’t want to get played. He said he had called before. While a part of me believed him, I knew all about his past. I couldn’t judge a man on his past, though. But it was so hard not to with a man like Lance Walton.

He reached over and took my hand. “We’re going to have fun today.”

“Yes, I think we are.” I didn’t bother hiding the smile that time, and it was well worth it just to see his.

• • •

After the girls were settled at Jordan’s parent’s house, Jordan and I were dropped off at my apartment to get ready for dinner and drinks while the guys went to Lance’s. Small physical flirtations had started between the two of us. If Lance made a joke, I playful swatted him. He made any excuse to touch me: lint on my shirt, a compliment on my bracelet, moving my hair behind my shoulder. If it wasn’t Lance, I would have probably been creeped out, but it was Lance and I just wanted more of his touch.

After Jordan and I finished fixing our hair and makeup, she came out of the guest bedroom with a hanging garment bag. I had just poured us each a glass of wine to enjoy our few moments of girl time. She handed me the garment bag and said, “We tried to get Ellie and Paul to come, but Teague has been sick. So, she sent this as a replacement.”

I gasped knowing that anything underneath that plastic was going to be amazing. As I slowly unzipped the bag, the most beautiful shade of green popped and my heart started beating, excitement pulsing through my veins. As I unveiled a short sleeveless dress with an open back, there was only one thing buzzing through my mind: Lance was going to flip when he saw this. I really couldn’t wait to see his eyes take it all in.

A few moments later, we donned our heels and dresses and finished the bottle of wine. I went to the bathroom just before the guys were due to arrive. My stomach twisted in knots as I stared at my reflection and released a shaky breath. I was going to let the past go. His knock echoed from my front door, and then his voice carried down the hall. It was a moment of acceptation. I knew I wanted Lance. I wanted him in my life. I’d known it then, when I dragged him into the back of his Jeep, and I knew it now. There was no one else I wanted more than Lance Walton.

I walked out into my living room and my eyes locked with his. His jaw slacked as his gaze roamed down my body and back up to my eyes. If I hadn’t blushed at any point today, I was definitely making up for it now.


He walked over to me and bent down, placing a lingering kiss on my cheek. He whispered, “You look beautiful.”

My shoulders sagged in awe.
Just don’t hurt me. Just don’t hurt me.
“Thank you.”

He threaded his fingers with mine and asked, “Are you ready?”

I glanced down at our hands linked together and exhaled silently as I looked back into his eyes.
Am I ready?

I guess I’d have to be. There was no turning back now. I was ready for whatever tonight had in store for me.

“Let’s go.”

SHE DIDN’T LET go of my hand the whole walk to the parking garage. Katherine and I followed our friends to Tom’s new SUV. Our hands didn’t separate once. Her cheeks remained slightly flushed ever since I showed up at her apartment. I could feel she was letting herself go around me now, her walls softening to my charm. She wasn’t fighting this thing happening between us anymore. For the first time since Tom’s wedding, there was a shred of hope. I gazed down at her as we approached the vehicle and I got lost in the sweetness of her eyes. I didn’t know what I had done right, but I was one damn lucky bastard.

I opened the door for her, as a gentleman should, and she climbed in. I followed. As the official designated driver for the night, Tom drove us around Charlotte. I drank in her features as she stared out the window, watching the city pass us by. Her hands rested on top of the bag on her lap. My hands felt empty without hers. I didn’t want to feel empty anymore. I reached over, covering her hand with mine. Her head bowed down as she saw what was happening. She looked over at me as I waited for her to pull away from my grasp. I couldn’t be
lucky, for her to be so comfortable with me. But as her eyes locked with mine for what might have been the millionth time tonight, she turned her hand up and laced her fingers with mine. I exhaled and smiled. She was all in.

The four of us talked the whole ride with Katherine and I stealing lingering glances at one another throughout. My chest constricted every time she looked at me. It was the weirdest ache, almost like a pain, but one I wanted to keep feeling. I never wanted this pain to go away. I didn’t even know what it was. I only knew that my heart was content. I could stay holding her hand forever and I would be happy. Sex with a dozen women couldn’t make me feel the way holding Katherine’s hand could. This country boy was confused, but I wouldn’t allow myself to dwell on it. All that mattered was that I was with Katherine, and I would never forget how damn happy it made me feel.

When Tom pulled into a parking spot, Katherine leaned up and looked out of my window. She said, “Oh, I love this place.”

“Really? I didn’t know that,” I replied as her eyes shifted in my direction. A smirk eased up her cheeks. I winked, got out and raced around the SUV to reach her as she was hopping out. “Patience, city girl. Country boys take their time.”

She laughed, pushing the door shut behind her as I reached for her hand. “You seem to have done enough already.”

I tugged at her, pulling her to a stop and allowing a little space between our friends and us. I gently cupped her cheek and whispered, “I haven’t done nearly enough. There’s no way I can do it all in one night either.”

“Well … I guess we’re going to have to have more than one night.”

“I’m hoping for many.”

She exhaled. I waited for her to say something, but she just squeezed my hand instead, and then led me inside the restaurant. She still had reservations about me, which I completely understood, but I needed her to realize that my intentions were genuine. I hoped I could prove that tonight.

We sat at the restaurant eating and drinking for almost two hours. Having Tom and Jordan with us worked in my favor. Katherine still had her guard up, but with each laugh and sip of wine, she relaxed more and more. Twenty minutes ago, she had placed her hand on my knee to get my attention while she spoke. I couldn’t remember what she’d said or what we were even talking about. All I knew was that her hand was still on my knee while I covered it with mine, rubbing my thumb across her knuckles. There was no chance I would hide my smile.

Jordan slapped her hands on the table, stopping all conversation, and said, “Okay, y’all. I’m kid free and need to dance. Let’s go!”

I snatched the bill from Tom before he could reach it and handed it back to the waiter, along with enough money to cover it. I caught Katherine looking at me from the corner of my eye. I turned my head and she whispered, “I could have gotten mine. You didn’t have to pay.”

I took her hand again and smiled. “Didn’t you get the memo? This is a date.”

“Oh, is it now?” She cocked her eyebrow with that sexy smile of hers.

I leaned up toward her, her lips inches away, and whispered, “Yep. And I’m nowhere near ready for this night to end.”

After leaving the restaurant, we headed back toward the SUV and some part of me
to be touching her at all times. I wanted to grab her and hold her in my arms, but I didn’t think that was appropriate… yet. As I opened up the door to the back seat for Katherine, she brushed past me, and I couldn’t help but remember the first time I opened up the back door for her. The way her hands slid through my hair when she pressed her lips against mine. The way she called out my name as her head fell back while she was taking us both over the edge. The way her naked body felt against mine while we were lying in her bed at The Inn. The way her skin tasted as I kissed every inch of her gorgeous body. I wanted to taste her again. Needing to feel close to her, I put my arm around her waist and pulled her to me. She rested her hand on my thigh, and our eyes locked. My God, she was beautiful. I gently pressed my lips to her forehead. I tried to hold back as much as I could, but it was no use. I would kiss her tonight.

• • •

I never wanted to kiss a man so bad before in my life
Lance’s constant close proximity was driving me insane, a welcoming insanity that I would gladly get strapped down for. The erratic drum of my heart kept my pulse pumping. Every touch of his hand stung my skin. Whatever was going on between us, I was going to accept it. I wasn’t going to push it away anymore. I couldn’t.

I was perfectly content wrapped in his arm, but when Tom parked I knew it meant Lance had to release his hold of me. He unwrapped his arm and held up his finger for me to wait. Both of the guys hopped out, and Jordan turned to me.

“You’ve got this. Don’t let me and Tom being here stop you, okay?”

I nodded and we both opened our doors. That was the shortest pep talk in existence, but it was all I needed. Lance reached out for me, and I eased my hand into his, hopping down to the ground while gripping him tight. He released his hold before wrapping my arm around his back and slinging his across my shoulders. I leaned against him as we walked into Whisky River. The country music crooned as we followed an attendant through the crowd. Lance pulled me even closer. All I wanted to do was melt in his arms.

Lance shocked me again with this planned spontaneous date and VIP treatment. This was awesome for a Saturday night. This place was packed!

A scantily clad blonde approached our table to take our orders. I looked over at Lance, expecting to see him drooling, but his eyes were on me. I was shocked. Maybe this playboy
changed. Tom ordered us all a round of beer and a shot of whiskey. As the drinks arrived, Lance held out his shot in the middle of the group and said, “Here’s to friends.”

We all clicked our glasses, and I tilted my head back, letting the burn sear down my throat. I grabbed my beer to put out the fire in the pit of my stomach. Jordan hopped up, grabbing my hand and said, “And now, we dance!”

We all danced and drank through the party songs. I didn’t sit down again, but I didn’t mind. I was with Lance. I noticed as the evening progressed, I found myself left alone with him more and more. With the way he was showing me his undivided attention, I didn’t mind either.

The DJ turned it up and I started to sway my hips as the beat began. My eyes locked in on his as I went to him in the most seductive fashion I could. His emerald eyes darkened the closer I got. As my hips met his, he wrapped his arms around my body. I grabbed the middle of his shirt and brought his lips within inches of mine, my heart pounding against his chest. Just to tease him, I pushed away as a smirk broke out across his face. I started to dance by myself, keeping my eyes locked on him as I slid my hands up and down my body. Thank God for the bravery of whiskey.

The DJ put on a slow song, clearing out the floor a little bit. I pulled away from Lance to walk back to our table when he latched onto my wrist and pulled me back to him. As he locked me within his embrace, he whispered, “Dance with me, Katherine.”

My eyes melted into his and I wrapped my arms around his neck with no hesitation. We swayed smoothly together as his stare met mine. My chest clenched as my stomach fluttered. I never wanted this moment to end. There wasn’t much of anything that would or could pull me away. He cupped my cheek and leaned in closer to me.

“Don’t say no.”

My heart thumped as his lips slowly met mine. Our past, our conflicts, our walls… everything vanished with my breath. He pulled away and searched my face. A smile eased up my cheeks and his lips met mine again. I kissed him back with every fiber in my body. I couldn’t say no. I could never say no to him.

He started to pull back, but I wasn’t having it. I ran my fingers through his hair and urged his lips back down to mine. His moan vibrated against my mouth, and I licked his bottom lip. Our tongues danced together as we stood still on the dance floor. I didn’t know how much I had missed the taste of him until I had it back.

When the song ended, he rested his forehead against mine. I breathed out as my fingertips brushed against the stubble on his chin. “Where are Tom and Jordan?”

He kissed down my cheek and buried his head in the crook of my neck. “They went back to your apartment.”

I reached around my back and grabbed his hand, whispering in his ear, “Let’s get out of here.”

We fled the club to a waiting cab. I hopped in as he followed, pulling me tight against him. The cab driver asked, “Where to?”

Lance looked at me with a nervous, yet hopeful expression. I confirmed with a nod, and he gave the driver directions to his loft. We didn’t speak the whole ride, but my arms were wrapped around him as tight as his were around me. The cab pulled over to let us out at the front of his apartment. The nerves began to sink in. I didn’t want to get played. I trusted him the last time. And for over a year, I kicked myself for doing so.
I can trust him
. I just had to keep telling myself that.

He grabbed my hand and led me into the lobby. We were in luck as an elevator was already open as if it were waiting for us, giving me a sign that this would be okay. We ran inside before it closed and started laughing at our silliness. As our eyes locked again, the humor swept away from his face. He took a step toward me and trapped me against the wall. After pressing his lips to mine, he looked back into my eyes and said, “I just want to hold you tonight, Katherine. Nothing else, okay?”

BOOK: Hornet's Nest
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