Read Hornet's Nest Online

Authors: Jaycee Ford

Hornet's Nest (10 page)

BOOK: Hornet's Nest
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“WHAT ARE YOU laughing at?” Lance smirked as we walked hand in hand down the corridor.


“And why do you keep laughing at me?” He wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Because you look like you’re meeting the firing squad.” I also curled my arm around his waist, shocked how comfortable we were together. This time just yesterday I was getting a text from him about a surprise. Talk about a surreal twenty-four hours.

“Well, I kind of feel like I am. I didn’t think I’d be meeting the parents today.”

I winced at his statement. I did kind of spring that on him, but I wasn’t missing the game. I knew he would want to come. I wanted to do something nice for him as he had done for me. When we arrived at my parents’ VIP suite, I turned toward him before opening the door and held onto his biceps in preparation of a pep talk … any excuse to touch his muscles.

“Don’t think of it as meeting the parents. Think of it as a bunch of fans gathering to watch a game.” I stared at him as he exhaled with a small smile. I grazed my fingertips down the light stubble on his cheek and asked, “Are you ready, baby?”

He answered with a nod and pecked my cheek as I grabbed his hand. He wasn’t in this alone. I pulled open the door and we walked into a packed suite. He tightened his grip on my hand as he stiffened beside me. I didn’t want him consumed with it. I didn’t want him to feel overwhelmed. I tugged him over to the bar and asked, “What do you want to drink?”

His eyes focused around the mass of people in the suite. Nudging him, he turned his head back to me with a look of astonishment. “You said this was your father’s?”

I nodded, trying to avoid the question. His eyes wrinkled as he looked at me and asked, “Katherine, what the heck does your father do?”

“Well… he… ah, well…”

“Katherine, honey!”

I exhaled in relief as I turned around. “Hey, Mom!” I hugged her and continued, “Mom, I’d like you to meet Lance Walton, a good friend of mine.”

He let go of my hand and extended it toward my mother. “Mrs. Klein, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

My mother giggled as she shook Lance’s hand and said, “I’m Diana. Mrs. Klein is my mother-in-law. Let’s get y’all a drink. Katherine, are you having wine or beer?”

“Beer for me. Lance, do you want a beer?” I looked up at him as he smiled down at me.

“A beer would be great.” His eyes never left mine. I didn’t want to trust my heart, but it was so hard to not let go with him.

The bartender placed two pints of beer in front of us as my mother said, “Honey, I’ll be right back. I just saw Vivian come in.”

As she left, Lance picked up his beer and held it out to mine. After meeting his glass with a
, we both took a sip of our drafts. We leaned up against the bar and looked around at the throngs of people eating and drinking. After taking another sip, he asked, still in awe, “Do you know all of these people?”

“Yeah, most of them.” I turned my face toward him as his eyes squinted. Luckily, I didn’t have to explain myself because I saw the best looking guy in the room walking toward me. I smiled from ear to ear as he came closer, and I threw my arms around him.

“Hey, Daddy.”

“Hey, little pumpkin. How are you doing?” he asked, giving me a breath crushing hug. Tapping his shoulder, I faked gasping for air as he laughed and kissed my forehead.

“I have someone I want you to meet,” I whispered.

“Well, lead the way, pumpkin.” He smiled his warm smile.

I held my father’s hand as we stepped over to Lance. Seeing the two men of my life facing each other, my jaw dropped. They both were the same height, the same build, and they both stood with their hands on their hips. The saying had to be true about daughters wanting to be with men who were like their fathers. My eyes darted between the two men as I said, “Dad, I’d like you to meet my friend, Lance Walton. Lance, this is my father, Geoffrey Klein.”

My dad held out his hand toward him. “Lance, it’s nice to meet you. And don’t even start with the Mister stuff. The name is Geoff.”

Lance laughed as he shook hands with my father. “It’s nice to meet you, Geoff.”

“So, what sort of business are you in, Lance?” My father crossed his arms over his chest, puffing it out in order to appear intimidating. In the boardroom, he could be, but at a Panthers game, not so much.

“I work at the same firm as your daughter,” Lance answered as he shoved his hands in his pockets, submitting immediately to my father and receiving bonus points for that gesture.

My short, red-headed mother wrapped her arm around my father and asked, “Oh, are you an attorney, Lance?”

I winced. Poor Lance… the twenty questions had started.

“No ma’am. I work in accounting with Katherine on the payables side.” His pride beamed ear to ear.

“That is a very prestigious law firm,” my father said. “Is that where you two met?”

“No, Lance is best friends with Tom, Jordan’s husband. We were paired up at their wedding actually.” I smiled up at Lance as a calm grin eased up his cheeks.


I looked at my mother as she glanced between Lance and me. I narrowed my eyes as she snapped out of it and continued, “I heard the wedding was lovely. We were so upset we couldn’t make it.”

My mother’s eyes narrowed at me. What was she getting at? People started shuffling to their seats, so I shook it off for now.

“Lance, make sure you eat and drink all you want,” my father said as he and my mother departed for their seats.

Lance and I were alone at the bar, and I whispered, “Are you ready for some football?”

He smiled back at me. Quickly, yet gently he brushed his lips over mine. “Let’s go!”

After leading Lance over to the two seats reserved for me, we sat down. I peered at his face. I didn’t think he could smile any bigger. I loved that I was able to share this moment with him. Even if tomorrow he acted like this never happened, it would still be a special weekend. I closed my eyes shut.
No negative thoughts. It would work out.

Nearing the end of the game, the Saints were winning and the stadium had somewhat cleared out. Lance’s arm hung around me as he nuzzled in close to my ear and said, “Katherine, I don’t even care that we’re losing. This has been the best game ever because I’m spending it with you.”

I turned to look into his eyes and nudged him. “Next time I’ll make sure they win.”

“So, you want there to be a next time?”

I bit my lip and then whispered, “If you do.”

His eyes flickered to my lips. “How much longer do we need to stay?  Because I really want to kiss you, but I don’t think it would be appropriate in front of your parents.”

“Let’s go.”

He grabbed my hand, and we made our way over to my parents to tell them good bye.

“Lance, it was really nice to meet you. You’re welcome here anytime,” my father said while shaking his hand. My mother just smiled in his direction with a blank face. I would have to talk to her about this.

I grabbed Lance’s hand to walk away as my mother said, “Katherine, honey. Don’t forget dinner tomorrow night.”

“Yes ma’am. Love you.” I kissed her cheek, and Lance and I hurried out of the suite. We hopped in the open elevator. As it closed behind us, my eyes were drawn like a moth to an emerald green flame. I felt as if I were melting into his gaze. Damn, this boy was going to hurt me. To hell with it. I was going to let him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I crushed my lips against his, and he didn’t hold back either. Too soon, the elevator dinged and opened up to the ground floor. We briskly walked to the Town Car waiting for us and hopped in.

“My apartment, please,” I instructed the driver as I pushed the button to glide the partition into place. Lance grabbed my hips as I straddled him, my heart pounding with need. I pressed up against the bulge in his jeans. The last time I did anything like this was with him. Even after all of the heartache, it was still the best damn sex I had ever had. I ran my fingers through his hair as his eyes became heavy with lust. He leaned into my chest and kissed slowly up my neck. He gently sucked on that one spot below my ear that made me swoon and my hips instinctively jerked forward as I moaned. He released my neck as he ran his hands up my thighs. I tried not rubbing against him, but he felt so fucking good. He wrapped his hand around my neck and captured my lips. His tongue flicked against mine and I circled my hips. He glided his hands down to my hips and held me in place as he thrust up against me. I moaned inside of his mouth. He coddled my cheeks and pulled his lips away. Our breaths intertwined as I still pulsed on top of him. He brushed his thumbs across my cheeks.

The car finally stopped in front of my apartment, and we righted ourselves while getting out. We strolled through the lobby and waited for an elevator as Lance stood behind me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. We stepped inside. I fidgeted, waiting for the doors to close. As soon as the elevator started to move, he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his hips and we resumed the rhythmic dance between our tongues. The blasted elevator dinged, causing Lance to abruptly drop me. We both laughed, practically running down the hall to my apartment. Time had taken its toll on us. The moment was finally ours.

As soon as the door shut behind us, Lance grabbed my ass. I jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. Our lips became fused together as one as he blindly carried me down the hallway into my room. His hand cradled my neck as he laid me on my bed and hovered above me. He brushed his thumb across my lip as he stared into my eyes. I saw the green in his darken. I craved that shade of beauty.

“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted this. How much I’ve dreamed of this. How much I’ve dreamed of you. I missed you so much, Katherine. So goddamn much.”

He captured my lips and my heart. I dragged my hands up his sides, taking his shirt with them. His mouth found mine again as I grazed my hands down his chest. His fingers traced my curves as he slowly pulled up my tank. He yanked it over my head as his eyes gazed down my body. My heart drummed as his lips found my neck. He reached around me to unclasp my bra and I arched up, giving him access. As it unsnapped, he pulled his mouth away and gazed over me while pulling down the straps. I hadn’t been this exposed since him. I didn’t care, though… because it was him.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

I pulled his lips down to mine as we both started tearing away the rest of our clothes. I pulled him close. I wanted him inside. I
him inside. He cupped my cheek, holding restraint, as his breathing heaved. “Baby, you have to stop me now if you don’t want this.”

I searched his eyes for the player he had once been. I couldn’t see it. My heart gave in. I found his lips, answering him the only way I could. His hands trailed down my body, cupping me and making me squirm. He slipped one finger inside and I gasped into his kiss.

“God, you’re so ready for me.”

Greed took over. I pulled his lips back to mine as I inched him forward. He pressed up against me, and I eased my hips up. His tip slowly entered and I pushed him back.


He scooted off me. “What? What?”

I bit my lip to hide my laughter as his eyes bugged. “Don’t you think we need protection?”

He winced as he reached over the bed and dug out a square foil wrapper out from his wallet. He slowly rolled it on and laid back down on top of me. His lips danced over mine as he eased himself in. I tensed in his arms. He gazed into my eyes as he moved slower.

BOOK: Hornet's Nest
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