Hood Rich: The rise and fall of one of Brooklyn's Finest (6 page)

BOOK: Hood Rich: The rise and fall of one of Brooklyn's Finest
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“Damn that food smell good.”
I said as I watched Erik bust a trap. We stood in front
of Andrew’s Fish Market. I hadn’t eaten all day. I
watched him make small talk with the chick he’d just
sold weed to. She had a bag in her hand with smoke
rising out. I wanted to snatch the bag out her hand
and run.
“Girl they got the best crab legs and shrimp, with butter and garlic.” She said
Her words made me even hungrier. I looked at Erik
and plead my case.
“Erik, I’m hungry. I aint eat all day. I’m cold too, lets
go eat inside.”
Erik snapped at me quickly.
“Jocelyn, shut the fuck up. You complain too much.
Why this, why that, when this, when that… when I
say bitch! You lucky if I feed ya thirsty ass. You gone
wait ‘til my shift over and I got you.”
“But Erik, you could just get me some fries or something, come on.”
Again I tried to plead with him to buy me something
to eat. I had been outside all day following him up
and down Nostrand Avenue holding his weed and
coke for him. I figured the least he could do was feed
me. Instead he snapped and mugged me
“Fuck I tell you about nagging me bitch. I be wrong if
I smack the shit out you. Fuck away from me whore.
I’m done. Don’t come back down the jects either
stinking ass bitch.”
Tears showered down my face as Erik walked off. I
fucked up. Not only did I lose my place to stay, I was
hungrier than them African kids. The girl Erik sold
weed to stepped closer to me and wrapped her arm
around me.
“You okay?” she said
“No… now I don’t have no where to go and I’m hungry as shit.”
“Here, you eat crabs?”
She passed me a bag with platters inside.
“Thank you.” I said as I grabbed the bag with one
hand, and wiped my eyes with the other.
“So whats your name?” She asked me.
“I’m Akira… so Jocelyn where you from?”
I didn’t know what to say so I just made up something.
“Nostrand and Wilson.” I said. Akira burst out in
“Nostrand and Wilson don’t even meet!”
I put my hand on my head being duly embarrassed.
“Okay you got me. I’m from Jersey. I ran away two
weeks ago. I don’t even know where I’m at. I been between here and Marcy every day, that’s it.”
“Oh, how you know about Wilson Avenue?”
“The dude that bought me over here from Jersey took
me to a club up Wilson Avenue.”
“You can come chill wit’ me, fuck that nigga.”
I smiled. I didn’t know where I was going or what I
was gone do but at least I had something to eat and
somewhere I could stay for the night.
“You smoke.” Akira asked me.
“Yeah” I replied.
Akira cracked and rolled a dutch as we walked to her
house. We puffed along the way and once inside of
the house. As the chills left my bones, I felt a sense of
warmth. This was different. Someone actually did
something for me without expecting something in return.
Akira’s house was nice. She looked young though.
She looked close to my age or maybe a little bit older.
I began to wonder whose house this was. After we’d
finished eating snow crabs and mussels, I helped to
clean up our mess.
It was nice to eat and chill in a nice crib and not have
4 or 5 different niggas trying to run down on me every night. Now all I needed was a bath and some sleep.
I must admit I was dirty as shit. I hadn’t had a bath in
3 days. I had the same shit on. I took a few bird baths
but I had been fucking like a racehorse. I needed to
soak really good.
“Akira, can I take a bath?”
“Yeah girl, matter fact I got some shit you probly
could fit. You look my size.”
Akira smiled and led the way upstairs. She went into
the bathroom and ran water in the tub. She went into
the cabinet and took out a towel, washrag, and a
douche. She put the towel on a rack behind the door,
the rag in the tub, and the douche on the side of the
tub. I stood in the doorway watching.
Akira looked up at me.
“So who house is this?” I asked.
“Mine… and my boy, but he locked up. He’ll be home
soon though.”
Akira said as she walked out of the bathroom and
closed the door behind her.
I stripped down to my birthday suit and jumped into
the bath. It was relaxing. I soaked a bit before washed
and got out. I washed out my panties and bra and
hung them on the shower rail. I hope she didn’t mind,
but I needed to wash them out. No point in washing
and putting dirty underwear back on. When I came
out of the bathroom Akira was lying on her bed. I had
the towel wrapped around me. She had some Love
Pink sweat shorts and a sports bra laid out on the
chair. I was about to slip on the shorts when Akira
asked me.
“Aint you gone put some lotion on?”
“I guess so.” I said.
Akira got up and went over to her dresser. She had a
crazy collection of Victoria’s Secret lotions and body
sprays. She picked out strawberries and creme. When
I thought she was about to pass me the lotion, she
told me to lay down.
“What?” I questioned her, being shocked.
I wasn't into no dike shit. I didn’t want to tip though,
especially because I needed a place to stay. If I had to
let this bitch rub lotion on me then oh well. I let niggas run the train before so this really wasn't nothing.
“Damn girl, I’m just gone rub lotion on you.” She
I grabbed her hand instinctively.
“That’s crazy, what you gay?”
“Naw, I just like putting lotion on.”
I laid down and rolled over on my stomach. I loosened up as Akira’s soft hands massaged the lotion onto my skin. I rolled over on my back and she rubbed
lotion on my stomach. My nipples began to harden
and my pussy started getting wet. I had never been
touched like that by a female. I wasn’t gay or nothing,
but that shit felt good. I couldn’t help myself, I started
moaning. I called out to Akira.
She stopped and looked at me.
“Akira, don’t stop.” I said as I placed my hand on my
breast. Her hand was frozen. I was scared to ask her,
but I had to.
“Akira can you rub lotion on my chest?”
Akira’s hands went in motion again. I looked in her
eyes as she rubbed my breasts down with lotion. I
slipped my hand behind her neck and pulled her
closer to me.
Our lips touched. There was an awkward moment,
then we both opened our mouths up to each other.
Our tongues intertwined. Out fingers found their’
ways to each others wet spots. We fingered each other
into ecstasy.
I couldn’t believe what I was doing and what I was
feeling. It felt so good. I never thought about being
with a female, but it was good. That shit couldn’t replace dick though.
The next morning I woke up refreshed. Akira was
next to me smoking a dutch.
“What up?” I asked her.
“Chilling.” Akira replied as she passed the dutch. I
puffed and we sat there talking for a few minutes. We
didn’t talk about the night before. That was good. I
didn’t have to feel awkward.
Over breakfast we talked about our lives. She told me
about her and Rich. I told her I ran away from home
in Jersey and become the Marcy smut of the week,
just as she had done. I told her I ran away from my
pimp and ended up at Marcy. Along the way I’d met
quite a few ballers as well as some broke ass niggas.
“So whats up wit’ some of those ballers, cause I need
some bread… I got bills!”
I looked at Akira and smiled.
“I don’t know, but I did meet this dude down Wilson
Avenue that own Club Wet. He told me I could have
a job there if I want. You know how to get there?”
“Naw bitch, I take cabs, we can go tonight.”
“It’s a strip club though, but fuck it, we need that
Aight, spark up another dutch then.”
We sparked up and smoked.


Club Wet was poppin’. It was a Friday night in February. There was a line of niggas at the door waiting
to get in. Me and Jocelyn walked up to the door and
the door man looked at us.
“Can I help you.” The door man said, as he looked us
up and down.
Jocelyn cut him off as soon as he opened his mouth.
“Is Kevin here.” Jocelyn asked.
“Yeah hold on… do you have an appointment?” He
“He told me I could have a job.” Jocelyn replied.
The doorman called Kevin on his cell phone. They
spoke briefly and he let us in. He instructed us to go
to the back and up the stairs. The door was open.
As we walked into the club, I saw the first stage. A
dancer was hanging upside down on the pole. There
was three smaller stages with dancers collecting tips
from salivating admirers. The bartender was even collecting tips. I could just smell the money in the air.
Jocelyn walked into the room first. There was a guy
sitting behind a desk. He a was dark skin fat guy. He
took his attention from the security video monitors
and fixed his eyes on Jocelyn.
“So you came back ma.” He said to Jocelyn.
She smiled.
“I need that job, I brought my home girl wit me too.”
Kevin looked at me and smiled.
“You two are babies. I got you being no older than
17… you know I got a lot to lose, like my liquor license. I can’t put you on any of my stages. Why you
wanna dance anyway?”
I was listening but I wasn't trying to hear that shit.
“Look, we both fucked up, we need that gwap. I got a
house and bills and shit… please.”
Kevin folded his hands on the table.
“Okay, I’ll let you do lap dances and dates.”
A female entered the room. I could tell she wasn’t the
average stripper. She was fully dressed, dark chocolate complected, tall, and slim. She had two of the
most perfectly rounded d-cups. They stood out like
the twin towers. Her hair was long and silky, and her
skin was smooth and shiny. The way she waltzed in
was as if she owned the place.
She wore a pink Apple Bottom fitted dress that
hugged her body like it was wet.
She walked over to Kevin and kissed him on his bald
head. She looked us up and down and returned her
attention to Kevin as he spoke.
“Coffee, I want you to meet my two new young
bitches. Take these bitches to the dressing room and
give ‘em the house rules. No stage time, just lap dances and dates in the VIP.”
We left the room with Coffee and she gave us a tour
of the club. After touring the public part of the club,
we toured the third floor where we quickly learned
the meaning of the word “date”.
There was a bouncer in the hallway. He was guarding
the entrance to eight private VIP rooms. Coffee
opened up one of the rooms that was not occupied.
We entered the room and she closed the door behind
us. She sat on a black butter leather sofa.
“I’m letting you bitches know right now. This shit is
about business. Kevin is your daddy and I’m his bottom bitch. You talk and answer to me and I talk and
answer to him. Don’t get the game fucked up. Go behind my back, and I’ll go upside your head… period.
First rule: Daddy gets a hundred percent of everything. I don’t give a fuck if you find a dollar on the
floor, it belongs to daddy. Don’t get fucked up over a
dollar. You work six days a week and get paid a thousand at the end of the week. Charge sixty for head, a
hundred to fuck, and two hundred for fetishes. Lap
dances are twenty for two songs.
I was spinning in disbelief.
“Wait a minute Coffee, I just wanted to dance, that’s
I could tell by Jocelyn’s facial expression that she felt
the same. Coffee’s facial expression said she really
didn’t give a fuck.
“Look bitch, this shit aint no daycare center, lap dances don’t pay the bills, and closed legs don’t get fed. I
aint got time for bullshit. You either wit it or you not.
Y'all got the game fucked up..”
“It’s just that I got a boyfriend, but he locked up. I
don’t wanna cheat on him.”
Coffee laughed.
“Look bitch, I’m not your social worker, you want to
get money or not?”
Jocelyn shrugged her shoulders in indifference. She
looked at me and we both replied:
Working at Club Wet was crazy. Some days I was so
tired I could almost fall asleep in the middle of a lap
Jocelyn was keeping up. Between the both of us, we
pulled two thousand a week. Everything was good.
As long as Kevin got paid, we got paid. Coffee even
allowed us to do private parties too. The niggas loved
us and the white boys loved us even more. At private
parties we made Kevin so much money he decided to
let us headline parties. We drew in more niggas and
kept them coming back to the VIP.
Jocelyn was a horse. This was just a job for me…
something temporary. Jocelyn was actually enjoying
fucking five to six niggas a day. She was addicted to
sex and this lifestyle.
We saved up ten thousand and I was ready to quit or
do something else. This was not the life for me. I
wanted out. I was in the bathroom at home looking in
the mirror. I missed Rich so much. Jocelyn was okay.
She was good company and good people, but she
couldn’t fill in the void that Rich left.
I was fixing my hair as Jocelyn walked into the bathroom. I looked at her through the mirror.
“Im tired Jocelyn. I’m ready to quit.”
“Akira you buggin’, we got a big party tonight. It’s
gone be crazy. It’s gone be mad ballers in there. I need
some dick too!”
“Girl you crazy. I’m serious. I’m tired of Club Wet.”
Jocelyn looked at me with those puppy eyes.
“I need you, I can’t do it by myself.”
I gave in. Me and Jocelyn had become close over the
last four months that we had been working at Club
Wet and living together. We had become best friends.
We made a pact that we would stick together, whenever, and wherever.
The billboard in front of the club read:
--Club Wet … Welcome Home Manny--
The club was packed with mad hustlers. Platinum
and white gold glazed with diamonds shined
throughout the club. Niggas was balling hard. In the
dressing room me and Jocelyn came out of our Apple
Bottom jeans and slipped into some lace shit. This
was a closed door private party, so everything went.
The whole club was VIP.
“This is a special party. Theres going to be a lot of
money in here tonight.” Kevin said.
Indeed it was special. Brooklyn’s Finest was in the
house. They had bought out the whole bar for the
There was two guys sitting by the stage across from
the DJ booth. One of them locked eyes with me and
motioned for me to come over. I grabbed Jocelyn’s
arm and she followed me over to them.
The guy that was staring at me looked into my eyes
and said:
“Bring ya pretty ass right here and sit on my lap.”
I sat down on his lap while Jocelyn led the other guy
to a private room without opening her mouth to utter
a single word. Damn she really was a born again ho!
I gyrated my hips and I could feel him getting hard
by the second.
“So whats your name?” I asked him.
“Zeke.” He said as he pulled out a bankroll. He
placed a few bills in my legstraps and whispered in
my ear.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“Why not.” I said as I called Coffee over and asked
her for Grey Goose and cranberry.
“Zeke pulled out five one hundred dollar bills and
dangled them in front of me.
“So shorty, can I take you home wit me?”
I thought about the rules… never leave the club to go
to a nigga’s house.
“Whatever you want me to do, I can do it here.” I
Zeke pulled a pen out of his pocket and wrote his
number on a napkin.
“Baby you look too good to be in Club Wet. You need
a nigga like me to wife you so you aint gotta do this.”
I took his number to avoid being rude.
“When you ready to stop, call me.”
Zeke smacked me on my ass and handed me a c-note.
I got up and walked into the dressing room.
Coffee stormed in behind me and pulled me by my
“Bitch you got a problem? Fuck wrong wit you? You
here to make money, not sit to in the dressing room.”
“Coffee, I think my period coming on… I got
Coffee looked at me and frowned.
“I don’t give a fuck bitch. Your mouth and ass not
bleeding. You better go get your ass out there and get
daddy’s money.”
Coffee stared me down and waited for me as I walked
out of the dressing room. I saw Jocelyn coming down
the stairs to pick off another victim. I sat down at the
bar next to one of my regulars. I looked up and saw
Coffee staring at me. I just knew this was gone be my
last time working at Club Wet.
The club closed after the party. Kevin was going to
Philly for the week and his bother was going to be
running the club. I didn’t care because I had no plans
on coming back anyway. This was the last draw. Kevin drove me and Jocelyn home. On the way he let me
stop at Andrews Fish Market. Once we got in front of
my house Jocelyn got out the car. Kevin grabbed my
hand before I could get out.
“Akira, listen to me. You and Jocelyn are my number
one money makers. That’s why Coffee was so hard on
you tonight. Don’t get lazy and start slipping. Don’t
make me have to put my foot all the way up ya little
yellow ass. You doing too good right now.”
I looked at Kevin and he kissed my cheek. I realized
how serious he was. I got out without saying goodbye.
Jocelyn and I sat in the dining room and ate our crab
legs. It was silent for the first few minutes. I looked
Jocelyn in her eyes.
“Jocelyn, I’m tired, I’m sick and tired. We need to fall
back, for real.”
Jocelyn looked at me and laughed.
“And do what?”
“Chill… we got enough bread saved.”
“And when it runs out, then what? Besides, Kevin
and Coffee aint having that shit. Hold up you know I
need my medicine everyday!”
“What medicine?”
“You a fucking freak, how much dick you need? You
fuck like ten niggas a day.”
“Little dicks and minute men don’t count. It seem like
that’s all I get.”
I couldn’t believe what Jocelyn was saying. I always
knew she was a smut, but damn.
“So any of them get you off?”
“One did like two months ago!”
“I aint get one yet.”

I wrapped up the crab shells and took them out. Jocelyn was in the shower when I came up the stairs. I
headed to the bedroom. Seeing Jocelyn’s silhouette
made me fantasize about us having sex. We already
fingered each other, but we hadn’t done anything or
even talked about it since then.
I took my clothes and stepped into the shower behind
“I was about to get out.” Jocelyn said as she turned
around. I kissed her on the lips as soon as she faced
me. I grabbed her in my arms and we kissed under
the water. I grabbed Jocelyn’s ass and held her close. I
needed this so bad. I needed to be intimate. I needed
to be held, kissed, caressed, and loved. Fucking tricks
at Club Wet didn’t do any of that for me.
We washed each other and got out the shower. We
headed into my bedroom got straight in the bed. Once
in the bed I grabbed Jocelyn’s hand and I shoved her
fingers deep inside of me. It wasn’t enough. I wanted
more. I wanted and needed to climax. Jocelyn
stopped. I was confused. Why did she stop? She started kissing me and sucking on my breast. I felt her
tongue slide down my stomach and then into my
pussy. It felt so good. Jocelyn pressed her tongue
against my clit and stroked it up and down. I couldn’t
control myself. I moaned…
“Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
In a few moments I was knee deep in blissful orgasm.
Jocelyn got up and kissed me on the lips. She went
into the closet and pulled a strap on dildo out of her
bag. She held it up in the air.
“Can you do me a favor?” She asked.
I couldn’t believe my eyes. This bitch was a cold
freak. She had a high tech dildo with two dicks, a
strap, a cord, and a remote. I let her strap me up. Jocelyn laid me on my back. I had half the dildo in me,
with the other side in her as she straddled me. She
rocked back and forth adding to the vibrations of the
dildo. It felt so good. I could feel Jocelyn coming all
on me. I came a second time. She stopped and opened
her eyes.
“Damn that shit was good.” I uttered.
“I should of been took the Mandingo out the closet!”
Jocelyn said as she bursted in laughter.
The next morning I was awakened by a hard knock
on the door. I thought for sure it was Coffee coming
by to check on us. I didn’t bother to put on any
clothes. Jocelyn was already out of bed, and downstairs. I could smell the weed smoke that was rising to
the second floor. I stood at the top of the stairs as Jocelyn turned the music down and answered the door.

BOOK: Hood Rich: The rise and fall of one of Brooklyn's Finest
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