Hometown Hero (Hometown Alaska Men Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Hometown Hero (Hometown Alaska Men Book 2)
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"Wow." She cupped his cheek in her hand. "We have more in common than I thought. How do you see your future? Will you go back to law enforcement?"

That was the million dollar question. "I don't know. I'm not sure I want to do undercover work any longer. Angie's death will stay with me forever. I keep wondering if it's my fault she got caught. With both Angie and Tony dead I may never get my answers. I still love the law, but maybe a different path? Small town cop? Lawyer? Prosecutor? All interest me."

She nodded. "I like those choices."

"What about you? Are you content working at Karma Fitness?" He wanted to understand her, know everything about her.

"For now." She smiled. "Dancing will always be a part of my life. Do I want to dance in Vegas again? No. My days of being ogled are over. The more anonymous I can be the better. I don't need or want the attention of random men. Fox cured me of that."

"And Alaska? Is this a permanent stop for you, or are you just passing through?

"I don't know," she said. "I never thought I could be content here, and I'm still not sure I can. You?"

"I don't know either." His hand trailed up her arm to her shoulder. "I do know I'm loving the right here and now."

"Hmm," she said, her blue eyes glowing. "Me, too." Using her good arm, she pushed him over onto his back.

Rick helped her climb aboard. Her dark hair cloaked them as she leaned down for a kiss. She felt wild and untamed in his arms. When he attempted to take the lead, to make her as crazy for him as he was for her, she brushed his hands away. She became the aggressor, and Rick gave himself over to her touch, the feel of her lips on his skin.

She brought him to the breaking point using her mouth, and then he was inside her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, head thrown back, breasts thrust forward, lips parted slightly.

And then he was lost, the sensation so powerful she left him gasping before she found her own release.

Only when he floated back to reality did he realize how much he'd grown to care for her, and that scared him, making him hold onto her a little tighter.

*    *    *

Tawney had never experienced a day like this before.

Pure bliss.

She and Rick spent the rest of the day in bed, leaving only long enough to bring up a cheese plate and a bottle of wine. Sometime during the early evening it had begun to snow.

As they sat up in bed sipping their wine, Tawney realized she had never felt so at peace. She didn’t ask about tomorrow. She didn't care. The wine mellowed her. Well, the wine and all the physical "exercise" she'd had today. She set her glass on the nightstand and snuggled under the covers, sleepy, sated.

Rick did the same. He gathered her to him, stroking her back. Warmth cocooned her, them, and she drifted to sleep. When she woke again, it was late. Parched, she carefully slid out of bed, not wanting to wake Rick, who snored softly.

Cold air prompted her to pick up Rick's flannel shirt, slipping it on. She crept down the stairs to the kitchen. Outside the snow gave off enough white light she didn’t need to turn the overhead light on. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and twisted the cap off, taking a long drink.

A movement to the right caught her eye. Before she could register what she'd seen, a hand clamped over her mouth. Something hard poked into her back.

"Say a word and I'll kill you," a voice said. "Understand?"

Tawney nodded.
Her heart hammered. The breath froze in her lungs. Was she dreaming one of those dreams where she tried and tried to scream but nothing came out? She couldn’t think.

"You are in the wrong place at the wrong time, lady," the man said, the words barely audible. "I’m afraid you're going to be a casualty in all of this and have to pay for the sins of your boyfriend."

Wrong place?
Her boyfriend?
This was about Rick. Her mind clicked on. Her gun was in her purse. Rick's gun was in the drawer of the desk. His second gun was upstairs in the nightstand. The water bottle was in her hand. Could she use the bottle as a weapon?

Tawney moved to step behind him, but he seemed to recognize the self-defense move, stopping her with his knee.

"So you want to fight?" he asked, and she knew in that instant she had to survive.

Tawney used her elbows, shoving with all her might. If she was going to die, she was going down fighting.

He grunted.

Her arms free, she threw her water bottle. There was a crash. Tawney ran, but he caught her shirt dragging her to him. Tawney screamed. She swung at him. His gun rammed into her temple.

The light came on upstairs.

"Tawney?" Rick called.

"Why don't you come on down?" the man said. "No tricks or your lady friend will die."

Rick appeared at the top of the stairs dressed in his boxers. "What the hell? Joey Malone?"

Tawney winced as he pressed the gun deeper into her skin.

"Throw down your gun," Joey said to Rick, "or I'll kill her."

"He'll kill me anyway," Tawney said. "He told me so. Shoot him, Rick."

"Shut up." Joey shook her.

Rick put his hands up in surrender. "My gun is in the waistband of my shorts."

"One hand," Joey said, "get the gun, remove the clip, set it on the floor."

Rick did as he asked.

"Now toss the gun," Joey ordered.

Rick's gun rolled down the stairs, landing with a thud.

"What are you doing here, Joey?" Rick asked. "I don't understand. Last I heard you were living in Mexico."

"Don't talk to me like you know me," Joey Malone said. "You don't."

"I know of you," Rick said. "It was my job to know everything about your brother."

"You son of a bitch," Joey ground out. "You don't know how I feel. Because of you my brother is dead. I should put a bullet through her head, then maybe you'll understand."

Tawney gasped.

"No," Rick said his voice calm. "I didn't kill your brother."

"That's right," Joey said. "Your partner did. You are guilty by association."

"So what, you're here to avenge Tony's death?" Rick asked.

Joey didn't answer.

"Let Tawney go," Rick said. "She has nothing to do with this."

"No, I think she's the key," Joey said. "Now you will understand my pain while you watch her die."

Rick stepped off the top step.

Joey swung the gun toward Rick, loosening the grip he had on Tawney, giving her enough room to move.

She raised her knee and kicked back toward Joey's kneecap.

"Ahh!" Joey lost his balance.

Tawney lunged for her purse. Rick launched himself off the step as a gunshot rang out.

*    *    *

Rick vaulted down the stairs and was on Joey before he could recover. He had to save Tawney. He couldn't fail. Fear rose up, spreading through his chest like a fast growing weed, choking him. "Tawney," he called out as his hand closed around Joey's wrist.

"I'm okay," she said.

"Drop the gun!" Rick smacked Joey's wrist against the edge of the counter and his gun went flying. "Tawney, are you hit?"

"No," she said. "Stop or I'll kill you, Joey. Ask Rick. I'm a crackerjack shot."

"Stay back, Tawney," Rick warned. "Don't shoot."

Joey twisted, throwing his weight at Rick. Rick hit the ground, Joey on top of him. Rick struggled to get Joey's gun, but the weapon was out of reach. Joey backhanded him. Rick saw stars, then the gun was pressed to his throat.

"Stop it," Tawney shouted.

"Try anything and he's dead," Joey said to Tawney. "Bring me your gun."

Tawney did as Joey asked, setting her gun on the floor near Joey.

"Go over by the sink," Joey said to Tawney. "Get on your knees."

Rick struggled to process; memories from the warehouse assaulted him, paralyzed him with fear. He couldn't save Tawney. He was going to die. His heart hammered in his chest. He couldn't breathe, swallow.

"Where's Phil?" Joey demanded. "He seems to have disappeared. So I thought I'd use you to send him a message."

"What?" Rick asked, confused. "No."

The gun pressed deeper into Rick's neck.

Rick struggled to focus. Told himself he needed to get the upper hand. He looked beyond Joey to Tawney. Her eyes were wide with fear. He had to be strong for her.

A surge of adrenaline-based strength roared through him. Rick kicked out, catching Joey off-guard, causing him to topple over. Rick rolled away, picking up Tawney's gun.

Then everything happened so fast. The cabin door opened and Phil was there, followed in by the local police.

There was shouting. Joey stood, holding his hands up in the air. The police were on him, throwing him to the ground, cuffing him.

Rick lowered the gun.

"You okay?" Phil asked, giving Rick a hand up.

"What are you doing here?" Rick asked, unable to believe the scene before him. At the same time, he turned, locating Tawney who still kneeled by the sink. He helped her up, hugging her to him. "You okay?" He never wanted to let her go.

"I think so," she said, her concern for him written all over her face. "How are you?"

How did she see him? As a coward? He'd let fear get the best of him before finally striking back at Joey. That fear emasculated him, leaving him feeling unworthy of Tawney.

"You saved me, us," she said, her hand closing around his. "We're okay."

Were they? Right now he wasn't sure about anything. Rick returned his attention to Phil. "What the hell is going on?"

"Followed Joey up here," Phil said. "I would have been here sooner, but I had to make sure Kelly and Grace were safe."

Behind them Joey muttered a steady stream of profanity.

"This SOB took a shot at me a couple of days ago," Phil said. "Pulled up right alongside my car. Looked me right in the eye. Kelly and Grace were in the car with me."

"Shit," Rick said. "Are they okay?"

"Kelly is scared to death, but physically the girls are fine," Phil said. "I knew if Joey was brazen enough to look me in the eye, he'd be back again. He'd seen my family, man. I had to think of Kelly and Grace first."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Rick asked.

"I didn't want to scare you, but when I found out he was on his way to Alaska, I came after him."

"A phone call would have been nice." Rick blew out a breath.

"Like I said, I didn't want to alarm you. You've been through enough," Phil said. "I didn't even consider that he'd come after you. I killed Tony, not you. And when I knew Joey was headed your way, I did call, but you didn't answer."

"My ringer is off."

"Yeah," Phil said with a head nod toward Tawney. "I can see you've been busy."

"Tawney," Rick said, remembering his manners. "Meet Phil, my partner."

"Hi, Phil," Tawney said, smiling.

"You've saved my life twice now," Rick said to Phil.

Phil shook his head. "You had this one, buddy. I'm just here for the clean-up."

"It must have been Joey who tried to run me down," Rick said.

"I'm only sorry I missed." Joey spit on the floor. "My brother is dead because of you two. You both deserved to die with that snitch, Angie."

"What do you know about Angie?" Rick asked. "Were you there that day?"

Joey's mouth clamped shut.

"You were there, weren't you?" Rick said. "It was you I heard arguing with Tony. Did you give Angie up? How did you know?" Anger filled him. Rick took a step toward Joey. He wanted to shake the truth out of him.

Joey kept silent.

"Rick," Tawney said, the voice of reason.

"Easy, buddy," Phil said. "We'll get our answers in due time."

Rick wanted answers now. In his gut he knew Joey had something to do with Angie's execution.

"It's not our case, man," Phil reminded him.

Rick nodded. He was good for now, but he intended to have his answers.

The time had come for him to face his demons and go home to Seattle.











Rick left the police station as the sun was coming up. An officer had taken Tawney home a few hours ago, her statement complete.

His gut felt raw. His PTSD had gotten the best of him last night. It was as if he'd made zero progress the past months. He was an emotional wreck, but he knew he had to get his head on straight if he wanted a chance at a life with Tawney. He'd already gone online and purchased his plane ticket. It was time to go back, face his fears, and get some closure on this case.

He dreaded telling Tawney, sure she'd see his leaving as abandonment, but this was something he had to do for himself.

Rick pulled into his driveway. He walked over to Tawney's and knocked on the door.

It took a minute but then she asked, "Who's there?"


The lock clicked as it was thrown open.

"Rick," she said, her eyes filled with sympathy.

He hated that she felt sorry for him, her pity upped his agitation, but that didn't stop him from hugging her. Nothing had ever felt so good, so right. And then he was kissing her. He had to have her, be inside her.

The need for physical release driving him, he scooped her up, carrying her to the bedroom. He tossed her on the bed, following her down. Tawney reached for him, as hungry as he was for release.

He yanked off her pajama pants, then unzipped his fly, freeing his sex.

She moaned as he drove into her. Their mating was fast, frenzied, more an act of frustration than love.

He cried out as release found him, not even sure if she'd found any pleasure in what had just passed between them.

Shame washed over him.

He rolled off of her and began to dress.

"What are you doing?" She sat up, her eyes worried.

"I have to go," he said. "I'm heading to the airport. I have unfinished business in Seattle."

"What?" she said, the word filled with confusion. "Take me with you."



"I'm angry. I'm scared. This is something I need to do on my own. I'm not good for you or anyone in this frame of mind."

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