Hometown Hero (Hometown Alaska Men Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Hometown Hero (Hometown Alaska Men Book 2)
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Tawney pushed away from the door.

She didn't know, but the time had come to find out.

*    *    *

Rick didn't sleep well. Around three a.m. he heard a noise outside. His gun in hand, he peered out the window. The red glare of taillights was the only thing he saw.

Had the car been idling outside his place, or was he hearing things? This car had had its lights on, unlike the car from the previous night. He hated to admit it, but the almost hit and run had made him jittery.

He'd done the right thing asking Tawney to go to the cabin with him. He wanted out of town, and he wanted Tawney with him. He'd hit a wall with the Seattle Police Department. With no Phil and no report he was at a dead end. He'd left a message with the detectives working the case. So far, no call back.

Dead ends all the way around.

He wanted answers.

Satisfied that the car outside was gone, Rick set his gun on the bedside table and crawled back into bed. Sleep eluded him, and he tossed and turned until it was time to get up.

At eight a.m. he loaded his bag and some groceries in the Jeep.

Tawney crossed the yard. Dressed in her brown parka with the fur collar, jeans tucked into brown boots, she'd never looked better to him. Just seeing her lightened his mood.

"Good morning," she said. "I hope you had an uneventful night." Her teasing tone brought a smile to his lips.

"Sleepless night," he said. "Couldn't wind down."

"Sorry." She smiled. "I slept like a baby. I think the last couple of days have taken a toll on me." She tossed her bag into the Jeep.

They made the drive easily, the roads clear, last night's snow not enough to stick. He made the turnoff to the cabin and the tight coil inside him started to unwind.

"Ah, there it is," Tawney said when the cabin came into view. "As pretty as a picture on a Christmas card."

Rick smiled.

They unloaded the Jeep. Rick got the heater running and started a fire in the woodstove. Tawney unpacked the groceries, then put some coffee on.

It was so easy between them now. They'd been at the cabin together enough times they had a routine of sorts. Rick liked that, liked that Tawney was comfortable in his home. The feeling warmed the cold place in his heart.

After they finished their coffee, they headed outside for target practice.

"Do you remember what to do?" Rick asked her.

"Yes." Tawney aimed her gun at the target and fired.

Rick smiled. She didn't seem at all afraid of the weapon now. He worried about her wrist, but she assured him it felt fine.

"Can I try your gun?" Tawney asked, her eyes bright. Her cheeks were pink from the cold.

"My gun has a kick," he said. "Not sure your wrist could take it."

"What if you brace me, absorb some of the shock?"

"We will try once." He moved behind her, helping her steady the weapon. His arms went around her, his mouth near her ear. Her scent wound its way through his body like a silky ribbon.

Her right hand held the gun.

"How does it feel?" His lips grazed her hat.

"Good." She brought the gun up, leveled it, using her left hand to brace the weapon.

Rick's hand closed over hers in such a way that he would take the kickback. She settled back against him.

He let out a breath, trying to clear his head and focus.

"I'm ready," she said.

"Okay. Ready when you are."

She fired the weapon, the action forcing her against him.

"I missed." She twisted around to look up at him. Their eyes met, held.

Man, he saw everything in her eyes, passion, desire, want.


He heard the desire in her voice. Her lips parted. His hands slipped lower, settling on her waist. Without thinking, he kissed her.

*    *    *

The moment Rick's lips touched hers, Tawney turned in his arms. This was what she wanted, craved. Her lips parted. Rick's tongue teased hers, danced with it, mated with it.

Desire took hold and she no longer felt the cold. Instead heat raced through her.

Rick drew her to him, his hands on her back, his touch bigger than life. She felt how much he wanted her through the pressure of his hands, the urgency. They were chest to chest now, the kissing going on and on.

At some point she realized she no longer held the gun. Her hands were free and she slid them up the front of his jacket, her hands cradling his neck. Heaven help her, she could smell the spicy scent of his shaving cream.

"Tawney," he said against her mouth. "I don’t want to do anything you're not ready to do."

"I'm ready for everything," she whispered back. "I don't want to wait anymore. I'm tired of living half a life."

He smiled, kissing her, then they were trudging through the snow. In the cabin, he unzipped her parka while she worked the zipper on his jacket. They removed their coats. He tore off his hat, then hers.

Heat rose between them, thick and hot.

Rick raised the hem of her sweater. "You're sure?"

"Yes." Her sweater sailed to the floor.

Rick stilled, taking the time to look at her bra, hot pink lace. His eyes filled with fire, and she knew she'd made the right underwear choice. For him, she wanted to be sexy. Only for him. She didn't want to cover up, hide her assets.

"You're gorgeous," he said. "I'm honored."

Honored? She fell in love with him all over again.

Urgency filled her as her fingers worked the buttons on his flannel shirt. His eyes never left hers, the moment erotic. Underneath he wore a T-shirt. Tawney made quick work of that.

"Upstairs?" he asked.

She shook her head no, leading him to the bearskin rug in front of the fireplace. Rick jerked the throw blanket from the sofa, tossing it onto the rug. They tore each other's jeans off and came together on their knees in front of the woodstove wearing only their underwear.

Rick set her breasts free. Tawney had no shame when it came to her body. Instead, pride and happiness filled her. Desire lit Rick's eyes, turned them a smoky green.

"You are more beautiful than I imagined," he said. "And I've done a lot of imagining."

Together, they sank down onto the rug.

Rick kissed her foot, then her ankle, her knee. His lips grazed her inner thigh.

She thought she might lose it then, tumble over the edge into orgasm. No man had ever touched her like this. He peeled her panties away. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, so great was the anticipation.

"Perfect," he said, kissing her in her most intimate spot.

Tawney moaned.

He touched her, stroked her, and she dissolved into a million pieces, the pleasure so intense she couldn’t catch her breath. "Rick, now, please."

He moved away and she opened her eyes in time to see him roll on a condom. She couldn't look away, knew that his sex would be inside her soon. Never had she seen a more beautiful man. All hard muscle, taut skin, pure sexual energy.

He parted her legs, settling between them.

She felt his sex at her opening.

His lips brushed against hers. Hands found her breasts kneading them. Instead of entering her, his mouth moved lower, kissing her breasts, his tongue going over every inch of her nipples. When he sucked on her nipple she said, "Enough. Please."

With a growl, he moved. He entered her slowly, giving her time to adjust to him, but Tawney was beyond caring about going slow. She rose up to meet him.

Rick kissed her as he filled her completely.

Tawney climaxed, never wanting to let go of the exquisite sensation. She tightened around him.

"Man, Tawney." Rick moved inside of her, faster and faster. Harder.

She gritted her teeth so great was her pleasure.

His pace quickened, then he stilled, and she knew he'd found his own release.

Tawney raised her hips, pushing against him, wanting him to feel as good as she did.

He moaned, a sound of primal pleasure. His weight sagged against her. A sheen of sweat covered both of them. No one was cold now. The sound of their labored breathing filled the cabin.

Still joined together, Rick rolled to his side, taking her with him. He stared deep into her eyes, his hand stroking her cheek. "You okay?"

She smiled. "Perfect."

"You were worth waiting for," he said softly.

"Ditto." She smiled, totally contented. There was no one but the two of them. No problems. Just the here and now and she intended to savor every second.

*    *    *

Rick squinted against the brightness.

Beside him, Tawney stirred.

They'd slept. For how long he had no clue. He smiled. Damn.  At some point she'd turned away from him, leaving him a clear view of the smooth contour of her back, the round curve of her butt. She was that one in a million woman, the one woman who would always look gorgeous. At least to him.

He had no illusions about her. She was a strong-willed goddess. She was human. They both were. The road from here was not going to be paved with rose petals. In fact, his gut tightened at the thought of keeping her safe, protecting her from predators.

Tawney flipped over, giving him a full view of her breasts. "Hey."

"Hey." He laced his fingers with hers.

For a minute they stared into each other's eyes, no words needed.

"I'm hungry," Tawney said, breaking the contact. "If you're not going to ravish me again right away, I'd love some food."

Ravish her again
. He liked the sound of that and already felt up for it. "I could use some food. Have to keep my strength up."

"Your strength seemed pretty up to me." She laughed, tossing the quilt back.

She stood, totally, gloriously naked, no shame or embarrassment, and he wondered about the life she'd led in Vegas. In his experience most women had body issues. They covered up with a sheet, a towel, one of his shirts. Not Tawney. She headed for the bathroom, uncaring that he devoured her with his eyes. The shower came on.

"Are you coming?" she called out.

Surprised, he leapt to his feet. She didn't have to ask him twice.











Happiness filled Tawney, warming her like nothing else could. After feasting on a veggie omelet, toast, and a delicious apple, she felt ready for anything so she'd suggested another shooting lesson. Rick had looked at her like she was crazy, and she had known he'd rather go back to bed, but she said, "Lesson first. Bed later."

Like before, he'd braced her using his body and arms. Only this time around he was freer with his hands—a lot freer. Tawney had trouble concentrating when he unzipped her jacket.

"Hey," she said as his hands found her breasts. "Be careful. I might accidentally shoot something you don't want shot."

He chuckled, his arms moving up to brace hers. "Okay, I'm serious now, take aim."

She did, hitting the target. Excited, she spun around. Rick took the gun from her, putting the safety on, and then he was kissing her. Slow, deep kisses that made her crazy for him.

His hand explored under her sweater, finding her bare breasts. "Inside," he said. "Now."

They ran to the house, stripping off their clothes on the way up the stairs. He took her on the bed, hard and fast, leaving her breathless.

She would never get enough of him.

They showered again, and after when they were dressed in their pajamas, he said, "Let's see those feet of yours."

"No." She laughed.

Rick came at her. Tawney backed up, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I told you they are ugly."

Rick went down on his knees in front of her. "They don't look ugly to me."

"Really?" she asked, the word sarcastic. "Look at my bone spurs. They are like circus freak feet."

Rick laughed. He picked up her foot, and holding it in his hands, he began to massage it. He worked her toes, the balls of her feet, taking extra care with her bone spurs. When he glanced up at her, her eyes held the shine of tears.

"Does this hurt?" he asked, massaging the bone spur.

"No, it feels so good."

"Then why do you look like you're going to cry?" He switched to her other foot.

"I don't know. For some reason it means something to me that you'd touch my feet."

He chuckled. "Tawney, there's no part of you I don't want to touch."

She closed her eyes. "This is better than sex."

Rick dropped her foot. "Lady, if you think that, I'm not doing it right."

Tawney squealed with delight as he jumped up, taking her down on the bed with him.

*    *    *

"What was your life like in Vegas?" Rick asked. They'd had a busy morning discovering each other's bodies. It was afternoon now, and never had he felt so sated, so satisfied.

He ran his index finger down Tawney's arm. She was curled on her side facing him, a contented smile on her lips, a smile he'd put there.

"If I had to pick one word," she said. "It would be lonely."

"Lonely? In a city that never sleeps?"

"Relationships are hard to have when you have trust issues." She looked pointedly at him.

"Are you ever going to forgive me?"

"You know I have." She curled her fingers around his. "Don't get me wrong, you really hurt me when you left me at the altar, but my issues with trust go way back to Destiny. Not only was she totally unreliable, so were the men she brought in and out of our lives."

Rick mulled over her words. Her childhood had been so different from his. He'd had parents who'd loved him until the accident, and his grandparents and Aunt June after. Love and security had been all around him. But he did have relationship issues. He had to admit that losing his parents had affected him profoundly. The fear of being left still stayed with him. He'd never realized it until this moment but he preferred to do the leaving.

"What about you?" Tawney asked. "What was your life like in Seattle?"

Ready to shake off his melancholy mood, he said, "Fast, sometimes dangerous, and I guess a little lonely, too."

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