Hometown Hero (Hometown Alaska Men Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Hometown Hero (Hometown Alaska Men Book 2)
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"It doesn't, doesn't it?" Destiny smiled.

And Tawney had to admit, Destiny did look great. She wore a low cut midnight blue dress that ended above her knees. Even though the dress was probably at least one size too small, Destiny pulled off the look. Four-inch high black boots, boots Tawney recognized as a designer brand, showed off Destiny's great legs. Her long blonde hair had been foiled to perfection. Her nails were freshly painted blood red. Yikes!

"There's the bride-to-be." Destiny hugged Star, then Cade. "Hi, handsome."

"Destiny," Cade said. "Glad to see you. Is John in the other room?"

"No, afraid not." She gave them a sad smile. "He wasn't feeling well, so I came alone."

"Mom, is everything okay?" Star asked.

"Right as rain, honey, no worries." Destiny turned toward Tawney. "Hey ya, kid."

"Hi, Mom." Tawney hugged Destiny. Destiny might be a rotten mother, but she was the only mother they had. And right now, Tawney had never been happier to see her. "Good to see you."

"You, too, my tiny dancer. What's this I hear about you living in town now?" Destiny pulled back to look at her, her sharp eyes missing nothing. "What's wrong?"

"Mom, nothing," Tawney said. "I just got lonely in Vegas."

"Lonely my ass." Destiny took Tawney's arm, pulling her away from the others. "What's going on? I heard from Sal that you had a stalker. Fox Lassiter. Why didn't you tell me? Fox is a scary man, Tawney."

Tawney sucked in her breath. Her mother knew about Fox! "I know, Mom. That's why I'm here."

Destiny shook her head. "I had my own run in with Fox once. The difference between you and me is that I played my hand with him."

"Mom, yuck. I could have lived my whole life without knowing that," Tawney said.

"He's a rich, good-looking guy, but he's so dangerous. I was lucky that what we had burnt out and there were no hard feelings. He loves the chase. He doesn't like to lose."

"He doesn't know where I am," Tawney said. "You didn’t tell Sal, did you? She has a big mouth."

"Of course I didn’t tell Sal," Destiny said in hushed tone. "I’m not an idiot."

"Mom," Brandi called, heading toward them with baby Will.

"Look, we'll talk more later," Destiny said. She gave Tawney's arm a squeeze before turning toward Brandi. "There's my grandbaby."

Tawney was staring after her mother when Rick asked, "You okay?"

Tawney pressed her lips together. Suddenly she wanted to cry. Good grief, her mom and Fox. Really? "I'm okay."

"You're not," Rick said, his tone compassionate. He put a hand under her elbow. "Come on."

He led her out of the kitchen to the family room, closing the double doors behind them.

"Sit," he said.

Tawney sat on the leather sofa.

"What did she say to you?" Rick asked.

"She slept with Fox. They had a thing. She heard that he was stalking me through her friend Sal."

Rick sighed. He sat beside her. "Great."

"I know, right?" Tawney looked at him. "I wonder if that's why he won't leave me alone. Maybe he's one of those guys that likes to do the mom and the daughter. That's so sick and twisted."

"Most likely he thinks you are both beautiful women."

"He didn’t have a problem getting Mom into bed. She liked him." Tawney shuddered. "Yuck. Mom has the worst taste in men. Thank God he lost interest in her before he became my stepfather."

Rick held her hand. "Take a deep breath. Like I said before, you are not alone. Look around. There are so many people in your corner. You are not easy prey here."

His calm tone eased her back into reality. "You're right. It's hard to be around Mom sometimes. She so, so—Destiny."

Rick laughed. "She's one of a kind all right. Let's go and toast the bride and groom. For tonight let's just have a good time. What do you say?"

"I say okay." Tawney stood. "Thanks for being my cheerleader."

"I think I'd do just about anything for you, Tawney O'Hara."

She felt eighteen again, vulnerable, believing everything he told her.

Tawney couldn't help herself.

She kissed him.













Tawney's lips met his. She only meant to give him a peck, but her lips lingered. When she realized what she was doing, she broke the kiss.

Her hand went to her mouth. Before she could process, Rick's hands found her waist and he gathered her to him. Her eyes met his. She saw so much there, confusion, passion, heat.

He dipped his head, kissing her. It was the kiss she'd wanted ten years ago. Gentle at first, then he went deeper, his tongue touching hers, the heat between them like a burning fuse on a stick of dynamite. His arms tightened around her. The kiss went on and on until Tawney lost herself in him, became one with him. Never had she wanted any man the way she wanted him. It was happening again. He was consuming her. No. She wasn't about to let passion rule this time around.

Tawney turned her head. Her heart thudded in her chest.

Rick's mouth grazed her cheek.

"No," she said. "Wait. I can't."

"Why not?" he asked.

She moved away from him. She couldn’t look at him or she'd cave. "I'm sorry. I only meant to give you a kiss of gratitude, not give you the idea I wanted to sleep with you."

"Do you want to sleep with me, Tawney?" Rick asked, the words low and rough. From desire?

Oh, my.

She pressed a hand to the flutter deep in her stomach. "I'm not in any kind of shape to be starting anything right now, especially with you."

He sighed. "I'll admit, I want you, I always have. I know this isn't the time or place, but the kiss happened and it was a great kiss."

She gathered up the wits to face him. "It was, but I'm not ready. I don't even know who I am. I'm not the same girl you remember. I don't give away kisses easily. I'm not sure what I want."

"Do you want me?" he asked.

Boy, did she want him. Never had she wanted anyone or anything more. But it was his physical body she wanted. Not his baggage. Not the memories of how he'd already left her once when he decided she wasn’t enough for him. While those memories were fading, she just wasn't ready for more. Not yet. Maybe not ever.

"I like you, Rick," she said. "You know I do, but I'm not ready for more."

"Okay," he said softly.

"Okay?" She'd braced herself for an argument from him. That's what guys usually did when she said no. In her mind all men were wired the same. They'd say or do anything for sex. Was Rick trying to trick her?

"I can wait." His eyes looked so green tonight, the color reminding her of summer mint leaves. He grinned. "You've got to admit that was one hot kiss."

The tension between them dissolved. She appreciated that he was trying to put her at ease. Another trick to get her to let her guard down? Maybe. "Physical attraction was never our problem."

He nodded. "Come on. Let's rejoin the party. We have a wedding to get through tomorrow." Rick offered her his arm.

Tawney linked her arm through his and they left the family room, running smack into Destiny.

"Rick Tabor is that you?" Destiny asked, her tone frosty. "Tawney, what are you doing with him? Oh no, you have that just kissed look. For heaven's sake, what's wrong with you?"

Orbital death star indeed. Destiny might be obnoxious, but when it came to her girls, she protected them.

"Mom," Tawney said. "Come on." To Rick she mouthed, "Sorry," before leading her mother away.

"That man broke your heart once," Destiny said. "You hold the cards this time around. Don't give him the milk for free if you are interested in him."

"Mom!" Tawney shook her head. "I’m a grownup now. Stop."

"I'm just saying—" Destiny broke off. "If there is something going on between the two of you make him work for it, honey. If he really wants you, he'll put a ring on your finger."

Tawney groaned.

"What?" Destiny asked. "Look how many times I've gotten men to put a ring on my finger. I’m married to a medical doctor now. I have everything I want."

"If that's true, Mom, I’m happy for you. I have no intention of marrying Rick. You're right. I don't trust him completely. For me, if I ever do marry, trust will have to be an absolute."

"Good for you, honey," Destiny said. "That makes me feel better. Just remember what I said. Make him work for it and prove himself to you. He owes you that and so much more. Respect is key."

Tawney almost laughed. When did her mother get so wise? She was throw caution to the wind Destiny. Love is blind Destiny. Lead with your heart Destiny.

Her mother might be a lot of things but what she had said tonight made perfect sense. Tawney did want all those things: trust, respect; and she wanted the man to fight for her. Rick had walked away from her once. She'd lived on hurt and humiliation for months after. She wasn't an easy mark now, not for Rick or any man. Destiny was right, respect was key.

"There you two are," Brandi said. "Come on, toasts are being made. You're missing the best part."

"Coming," Destiny said, taking Tawney's arm.

And Tawney had no choice but to follow the force that was Destiny.

*    *    *

Valentine's Day!

Star's wedding day.

Tawney woke up in the Copper Room at the B & B. The sisters and Destiny had stayed under Cade's roof last night so they could be on hand for every minute of Star's special day.

The entire wedding party was invited for breakfast heart-shaped pancakes with chocolate chips—Star's favorite. The wedding was at noon. The reception followed, lasting as long as there were people around to celebrate.

Tawney stretched, wanting to stay in bed just a bit longer. As one of Cade's groomsmen, Rick would be at the breakfast.

She couldn't stop thinking about the kisses she'd shared with Rick last night. His technique had come a long way from when he'd been a teenager. Had hers? She hadn't had all that much experience since, and on the few occasions she'd trusted a guy enough to let him get physical, she'd never really had that great of a time. For her, something had always been missing. She didn't know how to give her entire self—her soul—to someone.

In a lot of ways, she felt emotionally stunted, no doubt stemming from having Destiny as her number one female role model.

She'd grown up wanting to be the opposite kind of woman Destiny was. Tawney strove to be the kind woman that didn't bring strange men home or sleep with the first guy who tossed out a compliment or gave her a present.

Star felt the same way. No one had remained a virgin longer than Star. Tawney knew Cade was her first and only, and Star was proud to say it. Again, total extreme opposite of their mother. Brandi, too, had been only with Bud. Ruby—well she'd had a baby at fifteen, but Tawney knew that Ruby was far from an easy target when it came to men. None of the sisters trusted easily. None of them had especially high opinions when it came to the male sex.

Destiny had done a real number on all of them.

Tawney rolled over. She could hear voices downstairs. The scents of breakfast—coffee, pancakes, and bacon—drifted into her room from under the door.

Heart-shaped chocolate chip pancakes
Tawney smiled.

She made quick work of showering and dressing, making her way to the large, beautiful kitchen Star had helped remodel for Cade via her television show
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Star's work as a television production manager had originally brought her back to Alaska, but Cade had kept her here.

"There you are," Star said when she spied Tawney. "I was just about to send the twins up to look for you."

"Just enjoying a lazy morning," Tawney said.

Rick stood, holding out a chair for her at the table.

"Thanks." She took the seat. Was he just displaying good manners, or was he trying to show her that he cared? Confusion heated her cheeks. It continued to amaze her how easily he turned her into an embarrassed schoolgirl.

They were thirty minutes into the meal when Destiny flounced in wearing a pink robe, her hair piled high on her head.

"Good morning, all," she said, taking a seat at the table. She looked directly at Tawney, raising her eyebrows as if to say, didn't you listen to a word I said?

Tawney finished her coffee. "Star, what can I do for you today?"

Star smiled. "I thought all the girls could head upstairs after breakfast. I have a couple of gals coming in to do our hair and makeup."

"That sounds fun," Destiny said, helping herself to a mimosa. "Count me in."

"We're all in, Mom," Brandi said. "I'm so excited, Star. I've never had my makeup done before!"

The rest of the meal flew by, and soon they were all upstairs. Tawney enjoyed having her hair styled into an elegant updo. As a bridesmaid, her dress was taupe. The simple sheath style of the dress suited her. Last night Star had gifted all her bridesmaids with beautiful star-studded hairpins. Now each girl had the pins placed in her hair. Tawney loved the gift and knew she would always treasure the pins.

At straight up noon, the ceremony began.

Classical music began to play, the notes beautiful.

Tawney turned to Star, hugging her. "Love you." She was the first to head down the aisle.

"Love you, too," Star said, tears in her eyes.

Tawney started down the stairs to the living room where the ceremony would be performed.

At the base of the staircase, Rick waited for Tawney, looking more handsome than ever. He wore a black suit, white shirt, and a taupe tie with thin blue and black stripes. Again, she thought dress clothes suited him. Her heart tripped in her chest. As she neared the base of the staircase, he stepped forward and offered her his arm.

"Here we go," he whispered.

Arm in arm they walked into the living room and down the aisle to where Cade waited. At the makeshift altar, they parted.

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