Holy Shift! (11 page)

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Authors: Robert Holden

BOOK: Holy Shift!
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Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and future, which do not exist.

There is no fear in the present when each instant stands clear and separated from the past, without its shadow reaching out into the future.

Each instant is a clean, untarnished birth, in which the Son of God emerges from the past into the present.

And the present extends forever.

It is so beautiful and so clean and free of guilt that nothing but happiness is there.

No darkness is remembered, and immortality and joy are now.

Text-15. I. 8:2-7.



Each day a thousand treasures come to me with every passing moment.

I am blessed with gifts throughout the day, in value far beyond all things of which I can conceive.

A brother smiles upon another, and my heart is gladdened.

Someone speaks a word of gratitude or mercy, and my mind receives this gift and takes it as its own.

And everyone who finds the way to God becomes my savior, pointing out the way to me, and giving me his certainty that what he learned is surely mine as well.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 315. 1:1-5.



His grace is given me in every gift a brother has received throughout all time, and past all time as well.

My treasure house is full, and angels watch its open doors that not one gift is lost, and only more are added.

Let me come to where my treasures are, and enter in where I am truly welcome and at home, among the gifts that God has given me.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 316. 1:3-5.



Trust would settle every problem now.

Text-26. VIII. 2:3.



I am the means by which God's Son is saved because salvation's purpose is to find the sinlessness that God has placed in me.

I was created as the thing I seek.

I am the goal the world is searching for.

I am God's Son, His one eternal Love.

I am salvation's means and end as well.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 318. 1:4-8.



The ego thinks that what one gains, totality must lose.

And yet it is the Will of God I learn that what one gains is given unto all.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 319. 1:5-6.



The Son of God is limitless.

There are no limits on his strength, his peace, his joy, nor any attributes his Father gave in his creation.

What he wills with his Creator and Redeemer must be done.

His holy will can never be denied, because his Father shines upon his mind, and lays before it all the strength and love in earth and Heaven.

I am he to whom all this is given.

I am he in whom the power of my Father's Will abides.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 320. 1:1-6.



The freedom to leave behind everything that hurts you and humbles you and frightens you cannot be thrust upon you, but it can be offered you through the grace of God.

And you can accept it by His grace, for God is gracious to His Son, accepting him without question as His Own.

Text-11. VI. 6:3-4.



There is nothing outside you.

That is what you must ultimately learn, for it is the realization that the Kingdom of Heaven is restored to you.

For God created only this, and He did not depart from it nor leave it separate from Himself.

The Kingdom of Heaven is the dwelling place of the Son of God, who left not his Father and dwells not apart from Him.

Heaven is not a place nor a condition. It is merely an awareness of perfect Oneness, and the knowledge that there is nothing else; nothing outside this Oneness, and nothing else within.

Text-18. VI. 1:1-6.



Here is the only “sacrifice” You ask

of Your beloved Son; You ask him

to give up all suffering, all sense of

loss and sadness, all anxiety and

doubt, and freely let Your Love

come streaming in to his

awareness, healing him of pain,

and giving him Your Own eternal

joy. Such is the “sacrifice” You ask

of me, and one I gladly make; the

only “cost” of restoration of Your

memory to me, for the salvation

of the world.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 323. 1:1-2.



Father, You are the One Who

gave the plan for my salvation to

me. You have set the way I am

to go, the role to take, and every

step in my appointed path. I

cannot lose the way. I can but

choose to wander off a while,

and then return. Your loving

Voice will always call me back,

and guide my feet aright. My

brothers all can follow in the

way I lead them. Yet I merely

follow in the way to You, as

You direct me and would

have me go.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 324. 1:1-7.



This is salvation's keynote:

What I see reflects a process in my mind, which starts with my idea of what I want.

From there, the mind makes up an image of the thing the mind desires, judges valuable, and therefore seeks to find.

These images are then projected outward, looked upon, esteemed as real and guarded as one's own. From insane wishes comes an insane world.

From judgment comes a world condemned.

And from forgiving thoughts a gentle world comes forth …

Workbook-p II. Lesson 325. 1:1-6.



Father, I was created in Your

Mind, a holy Thought that never

left its home. I am forever Your

Effect, and You forever and

forever are my Cause. As You

created me I have remained.

Where You established me I still

abide. And all Your attributes

abide in me, because it is Your

Will to have a Son so like his

Cause that Cause and Its Effect

are indistinguishable.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 326. 1:1-5.



Love always answers, being unable to deny a call for help, or not to hear the cries of pain that rise to it from every part of this strange world you made but do not want.

Text-13. VII. 4:3.



It is only because you think that you can run some little part, or deal with certain aspects of your life alone, that the guidance of the Holy Spirit is limited.

Text-14. XI. 8:4.



Father, I thought I wandered

from Your Will, defied it, broke

its laws, and interposed a second

will more powerful than Yours.

Yet what I am in truth is but

Your Will, extended and

extending. This am I, and this

will never change. As You are

One, so am I one with You. And

this I chose in my creation,

where my will became forever

one with Yours. That choice was

made for all eternity. It cannot

change, and be in opposition to

itself. Father, my will is Yours.

And I am safe, untroubled and

serene, in endless joy, because

it is Your Will that it be so.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 329. 1:1-9.



Healing is release from the fear of waking and the substitution of the decision to wake.

The decision to wake is the reflection of the will to love, since all healing involves replacing fear with love.

Text-8. IX. 5:1-2.



You love me, Father. You could

never leave me desolate, to die

within a world of pain and

cruelty. How could I think that

Love has left Itself? There is no

will except the Will of Love.

Fear is a dream, and has no will

that can conflict with Yours.

Conflict is sleep, and peace

awakening. Death is illusion;

life, eternal truth. There is no

opposition to Your Will. There

is no conflict, for my will

is Yours.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 331. 1:3-11.



Fear binds the world.

Forgiveness sets it free.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 332.



Father, forgiveness is the light

You chose to shine away all

conflict and all doubt, and

light the way for our

return to You. No light but this

can end our evil dream. No

light but this can save the

world. For this alone will

never fail in anything,

being Your gift to Your

beloved Son.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 333. 2:1-4.



Today I claim the gifts forgiveness gives.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 334.




When a brother behaves insanely, you can heal him only by perceiving the sanity in him.

Text-9. III. 5:1.



In quiet may forgiveness wipe away

my dreams of separation and of sin.

Then let me, Father, look within,

and find Your promise of my

sinlessness is kept; Your Word

remains unchanged within my

mind, Your Love is still

abiding in my heart.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 336. 2:1-2.



My sinlessness ensures me perfect peace, eternal safety, everlasting love, freedom forever from all thought of loss; complete deliverance from suffering.

And only happiness can be my state, for only happiness is given me.

What must I do to know all this is mine? I must accept Atonement for myself, and nothing more.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 337. 1:1-4.



The Thoughts of God are far beyond all change, and shine forever.

They await not birth. They wait for welcome and remembering.

The Thought God holds of you is like a star, unchangeable in an eternal sky.

So high in Heaven is it set that those outside of Heaven know not it is there.

Yet still and white and lovely will it shine through all eternity.

There was no time it was not there; no instant when its light grew dimmer or less perfect ever was.

Text-30. III. 8:1-7.



Father, this is Your day.

It is a day in which I would

do nothing by myself, but

hear Your Voice in

everything I do;

requesting only what You

offer me, accepting only

Thoughts You share

with me.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 339. 2:1-2.



Be glad today! Be glad! There is no room for anything but joy and thanks today.

Our Father has redeemed His Son this day.

Not one of us but will be saved today.

Not one who will remain in fear, and none the Father will not gather to Himself, awake in Heaven in the Heart of Love.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 340. 2:1-6.



Father, Your Son is holy. I am

he on whom You smile in love

and tenderness so dear and deep

and still the universe smiles

back on You, and shares Your

Holiness. How pure, how safe,

how holy, then, are we, abiding

in Your Smile, with all Your

Love bestowed upon us, living

one with You, in brotherhood

and Fatherhood complete; in

sinlessness so perfect that the

Lord of Sinlessness conceives

us as His Son, a universe of

Thought completing Him.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 341. 1:1-3.



I let forgiveness rest upon all things.

For thus forgiveness will be given me.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 342.



The mercy and the peace of God are free.

Salvation has no cost.

It is a gift that must be freely given and received.

And it is this that we would learn today.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 343. 2:1-4.



Today I learn the law of love; that what I give my brother is my gift to me.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 344.



I offer only miracles today, For I would have them be returned to me.

Workbook-p II. Lesson 345.



Father, I wake today with miracles

correcting my perception of all

things. And so begins the day I

share with You as I will share

eternity, for time has stepped aside

today. I do not seek the things of

time, and so I will not look upon

them. What I seek today transcends

all laws of time and things perceived

in time. I would forget all things

except Your Love. I would abide in

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