Holding You (6 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Holding You
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Water splashed all around us as I moved liked I was an expert and knew what I was doing. Maegan would be so proud of me. This was one of the hottest moments of my life. Colt’s eyes danced with a desire I’d never seen before and it was because of me.

Dropping my head back, I played with my breasts. Colt mumbled something I couldn’t understand as he placed his hands on my hips and helped me. Pulling me and up and slamming me back down onto him, I let out a moan. This way felt so different. It felt deeper and Colt felt bigger. Pulling on my nipples and twisting them, Colt gripped onto me harder. “Motherfucker, Lauren. Hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen is my girl riding me and playing with her breasts.”

Smiling, I went faster, harder. I was sore, but the hot water seemed to be helping, or maybe the friction of the water was making it feel more amazing. Whatever it was, I didn’t want this feeling to end.

“Tell me what you want me to do, Colt.”

Colt’s eyes turned dark and my mouth parted open slightly. “Fuck me, Lauren.”

Mother of all things good. Colt talked dirty to me. And I liked it. I liked it a lot. “Yes,” I called out as I did what he asked.

Placing my hands on the sides of the tub, I used the leverage to lift up and slam back down onto Colt. My body was being worked up into a frenzy. Colt leaned forward and took a nipple into his mouth and began sucking and pulling on it. “Jesus, what is happening? Colt! Oh God, Colt!”

“Fuck yes, Lauren.” Dropping his head back, Colt let out a low growl from the back of his throat.

My orgasm began to build in a painfully slow way.
Would it always feel like this? I wonder why it feels so good? The water? The way I was positioned over him? Colt’s amazing penis? Oh God . . . I can’t believe I just called it a penis! I hate that word. Focus, Lauren! Focus!

Shaking my head, I focused on squeezing myself around Colt’s dick and that’s when it hit. “Ohmygod! Colt!”

My whole body trembled as my orgasm hit me full force. I wanted to scream out
Yes! Yes! Yes!
But all I could think of was a cheesy porn flick. So I screamed out Colt’s name.

The next thing I knew, I heard Colt. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Okay, if Colt can do it . . . so can I!
“Yes! Yes! Oh God, yes!”

Pulling me off of him, Colt jerked back and let out a grunt. His face was amazing and I was pretty sure he was coming, but why did he push me away?

Oh no. He didn’t like the porn movie talk!

When he finally seemed to come to his senses, I felt embarrassed for the way I had acted.

Looking away, I said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to act so . . . brazen like that, Colt.”

Standing up, I stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. Shit. It was soaking wet from our little fucking escapade. Glancing around, I carefully walked across the room and pulled another towel down from the shelf. I was so embarrassed, I didn’t want to even turn and face Colt. Taking a chance, I peeked over my shoulder. Colt was sitting in the tub, staring straight ahead with a stricken look etched on his face, trying to catch his breath.

Wrapping the towel around myself, I cleared my throat. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to act so . . .”

Colt turned and looked at me. Shaking his head, he asked, “Wait. What?”

Looking down, I barley mumbled, “I’m going to guess you didn’t like that? I just got so turned on and it felt so incredible. I’m so sorry, Colt.”

His eyes widened as he stood up. I let out a whimper as I let my eyes roam across his body. My God. He had the most amazing body I’d ever seen. The way his muscles moved as he moved was hot as hell. I wanted to run my tongue along his V under his abs and take his dick into my . . .

Shaking my head, I pushed my naughty thoughts away.
Stay in control, Lauren. Control is the key here.

Colt stepped out of the tub and walked directly over to me. Placing his hands on my arms, Colt looked into my eyes. “Lauren, that was fucking amazing. I mean . . . I don’t even have words to describe how fucking hot that was.”

Slowly letting a smile play across my face, I whispered, “It was, huh?”

Chuckling he said, “Yeah, it was. I know why it felt so fucking good.”

Standing up straighter, I purred, “Cause I know how to ride?”

Colt tried to keep a straight face, but rolled his eyes. “Baby, we forgot a condom.”

My smile immediately fell and I’m sure my face turned white as a ghost. “What? Colt, how could we forget?”

Swallowing hard, Colt closed his eyes and shook his head. “Lauren, I’m so damn sorry. I know better than to ever risk something like that. It’s just, you took me by surprise, and it felt so damn good and I didn’t want to stop, and I wasn’t thinking. The moment I realized why it felt so good I pushed you off of me and came. I wasn’t in you when I came.”

Dropping my shoulders, I couldn’t help but smile and do a little jump. “Oh, thank God!”

Nodding, Colt said, “I know.”

“No, I thought you were turned off by my porn talk. I’m so relieved that’s not why you pushed me away.”

Colt gave me an incredulous stare. “Wait. What porn talk?”

Dropping my eyes some, I said, “You know. When I yelled out yes, yes, yes.”

Looking back into Colt’s eyes, he narrowed them as he continued to look at me with a confused expression. Then he started laughing. “Lauren, how is you calling out yes over and over . . . porn talk?”

Shrugging my shoulders I said, “I don’t know. Isn’t it?”

“Fuck no. And if at anytime you want to talk dirty to me, baby, I’m all for it.”

Sucking in my lower lip, I felt the pull in my lower stomach. “Really?”

Pulling me to him, Colt wrapped me in his arms. “Really, sweetheart.”

I loved being in Colt’s arms. There was no other place I’d rather be than right here. Up against, his cold, wet, naked body.


Taking a step back and running his hand through his hair, I saw the worry on his face. “You need to dry off, and stop worrying. You pulled out before you came inside me. Plus, I got on birth control not too long ago.”

Colt’s face instantly relaxed, but then was quickly replaced with a look of horror. “Oh. Really? You got on birth control? How come?”

Tilting my head, I said, “Well, a certain hot football player from Texas A&M moved into the house I am living in. He has a very bad habit of walking around with no shirt on and let me tell you, his body is hot.

I’d never seen such a smile spread across Colt’s face. “Is that right? A hot football player?”

hot, good-looking football player.”

Reaching behind me, I took a towel and handed it to Colt as he asked, “So, why the birth control?”

Shrugging, I turned and headed back out to the other room. Turning and walking backward, I purred. “Because I secretly hoped that one day, I’d get to ride this hot good-looking football player and fuck the hell out of him.”

Colt dropped the towel and stood there stunned. Spinning around, I headed toward the bed, giving myself an imaginary pat on the back.

Me, one point. Colt, zero. Hugging myself, I fell onto the bed and wondered how long it would take for Colt to recharge for round three.

out of the bathroom, my mouth was gaped open. I wasn’t sure how I should feel. Lauren admitting that she had hoped we would end up together had me wanting to jump for joy like a girl. Lauren talking dirty had me wishing my damn dick would get hard again. Looking down at my guy, I pinched my eyebrows together. “Of all the times I need you to perform at top level, it’s now.”

“What did you say?” Lauren asked from the other room. She sounded sleepy.

“Um . . . nothing. Give me a minute or two to dry off.”

Quickly running the towel over my body, I dried off in record time. Walking back over, I unplugged the tub and let it drain. Turning to head to the other room, I stopped as I looked at the shower. “I’m gonna jump in the shower real quick to get this jasmine smell off of me, Lauren.”

Lauren responded back with a simple, “Mkay . . .”

Turning the water to hot, I stepped in and let it run over my body. I still couldn’t believe that Lauren and I were together. Shaking my head, I thought back to the night when our relationship turned. The night she wanted to make love and I said no.

truck, Lauren stared off in the distance. Turning her body toward me, I looked at her and smiled. “I don’t want to hide my feelings anymore, Colt. I’m . . . well . . . I’m attracted to you and I think you’re attracted to me.”

Grinning, I took her hand in mine. “Lauren, you’re all I think about.”

A blush swept across her cheeks as her eyes intensified. “Make love to me, Colt. I want you so much. Please.”

I wasn’t expecting Lauren to ask me to make love to her in my truck. I had no condom first off and there was no way in hell I was having sex for the first time in my truck, with the girl I loved more than anything.

Looking away as I gathered my thoughts, I turned back to Lauren. “Lauren, I don’t want our first time together to be in my truck. I want it to be special. I want to make you feel desired and show you how much I want you. Fucking you in my truck is not what I pictured.”

The moment I saw the hurt flash across her eyes, I wanted to take everything back and just take her in my arms and kiss her. I could have given her an orgasm and then maybe told her we needed to wait to make love.

Giving me a smile that did not reach her eyes, she turned back and looked out the front window. “I understand. Colt, if you don’t want to be with me . . .”

“What? Lauren, that’s not what I said. I want more than anything to be with you. It’s all I think about.”

Holding her hand up for me to stop talking, she looked my way. Tears formed in her eyes. “I think I’m tired and it’s been a long night. Will you please take me home, Colt?”

water, I pushed all memories of that night away. It didn’t matter anymore. Lauren was mine. She would forever be mine.

Stepping out of the shower, I reached for a clean towel and wrapped it around my waist. Inhaling a deep breath, I got ready for round three.

The moment I saw her asleep in the bed, my heart about burst from my chest. Her beautiful blonde hair was spread out over the pillow and her hand was tucked up under face. She wore a slight smile as she slept peacefully. I chuckled when I noticed the towel underneath her.

Walking over to her, I gazed upon her beautiful body. Turning, I walked to the closet in the hall and opened it. There was an extra blanket that I pulled down and took out of the bag. Heading back to the bed, I picked up my cell phone and checked it. I had two text messages.

: It wasn’t unnoticed son how you and Lauren were kissing while you were dancing and then you both left.

Blowing out a breath of air, I hit Reply.

: Is there a question or something in there dad?

: Remember how we raised you.

: I would never hurt Lauren. I love her dad.

Holy shit. I just told my father I loved Lauren. Dropping my head back, I stared at the ceiling until I heard my phone beep. Seeing my dad’s reply, I rolled my eyes. “Oh man.”

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