Holding You (38 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Holding You
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“I love you too, Colt. So very much.”

“Are you tired?”

Shaking her head, she sucked her lower lip between her teeth. “No.”

Gently placing my lips to hers, I spoke softly. “Good, because I want to take you somewhere.”


Guiding Lauren back out into the living room, I had her sit down at the bar. “Want something to drink?”

Shaking her head, she took a seat on the bar stool. Turning, I grabbed my suitcase and Lauren’s and brought them both into the bedroom. Setting mine down on the luggage rack, I opened it up and pulled the ring box out and pushed it into my pocket. The gondolas were now closed but somehow my future father-in-law had arranged for one once we got here. I couldn’t very well marry Lauren tomorrow without asking her properly and giving her an engagement ring. Picking up the phone in the bedroom, I hit zero for the hotel operator.

“Hello, front desk.”

“Um, hello. This is Colt Mathews in room thirteen twenty-seven.”

“Yes, Mr. Mathews. We have that gondola waiting if you are ready.”

My adrenaline immediately rushed through my body. This was the first step.

“Perfect, on our way now.” Hanging up the phone, I dragged in a deep breath and held it for a moment in an attempt to calm my beating heart down.

Walking back out into the living room I reached for her hand. Giving me a sexy grin, Lauren slid off the bar stool and allowed me to guide her out the door. Making our way down to the plaza, Lauren snuggled into my side.

“Are you sure you’re not too tired? I don’t want you to overdo anything, Lauren.”

Letting out a chuckle, Lauren shook her head. “I promise, I’m not tired. I’m too excited to sleep right now, and I promise if I get to feeling bad, I’ll let you know.”

As we made our way over to where the gondola waited for us, I wrapped my arm around Lauren’s waist. Lauren went on and on about how Grace and Meg would go out of their minds with all the stores there. Nodding to the gondolier, he smiled and reached his hand out for mine. “Mr. Mathews? Ms. Reynolds?”

Lauren’s mouth dropped open. “How did you know our names?” Lauren asked with a wide grin. Knowing how much Lauren loved surprises, I couldn’t help but smile and fist pump internally at how happy she looked.

Holding Lauren’s hand in mine, I helped her into the gondola. The gondolier got in and began taking us down the indoor river. As we moved about, the gondolier sang two songs while I held Lauren in my arms.

“Oh, Colt. This is so romantic.”

Smiling, I placed my cheek against her cheek. “Grams and Gramps honeymooned in Venice.”

Turning and looking at me, Lauren smiled. “Really?”

Shaking my head, I said, “Yep, they sure did. If there is one thing I want to do Lauren, it’s make you happy for the rest of our lives.”

Leaning her head back into my chest, Lauren closed her eyes and said, “Colt, you make me so happy. I can’t imagine being any happier.”

Having already taken the ring out of my pocket, I held it in my left hand. Lauren still lay against my chest with her eyes closed. Peeking up at the gondolier, he smiled and gave me a head nod. Reaching my hands out, I opened the box and held it in front of Lauren.

Brilliant round diamonds that extended down the bands surrounded the princess cut diamond. The light it was casting off was breathtaking.

“Lauren, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man on Earth, and say you’ll marry me?”

Lauren still had her head rested against my chest with her eyes closed as she let out a giggle. “I’m pretty sure I’ve already agreed to this, Colt.”

Placing my lips to her ear, I whispered, “Open you eyes, sweetheart.”

Opening her eyes, Lauren looked at me and smiled. Glancing back to the gondolier, she saw the ring and let out a gasp as she covered her mouth. Leaning forward, Lauren dropped her hands and whispered in a shaky voice, “Oh. My. Glitter. Look at it . . . glitter.” Turning around in her seat to face me, she shook her head. “Colt, it’s . . . it’s beyond beautiful.”

A single tear rolled down her face as I reached up with my thumb and wiped it off her face. “Is that a yes?” I asked with a wink.

Letting out a giggle, Lauren nodded her head. “Yes! Yes of course it’s a yes!”

Taking the ring out of the box, I slipped it onto Lauren’s finger as people surrounding us began to clap. I was glad it was in the middle of the night and not that many people were around. Lauren wrapped her arms around my neck as she began to cry. “Colt, thank you for making this so special. I love you. I love you so much.”

Holding her tightly, I closed my eyes tightly and thanked God for not taking Lauren from me. “I love you so much too, Lauren. So very much.”

We spent the rest of the gondola ride talking about our future. I would never take for granted the moments Lauren and I shared together. Not one single moment.

Lifting her chin and looking at me, Lauren smiled. “I’m exhausted. If you want me to be awake tomorrow when you marry me, you better take me to bed. Now.”

The gondolier pulled over and Lauren and I thanked him for the amazing experience. I picked Lauren up and carried her back to the elevator as she nestled her head into my neck. By the time we got to the elevator, my princess was fast asleep in my arms.

Riding up in the elevator, an older couple smiled at me as the wife nodded her head and said, “Your wife?”

My heart about exploded. “Fiancée, we’re getting married tomorrow.”

The couple smiled and both said, “Congratulations.”

Smiling, I said, “Thank you.”

The couple got off one floor below ours. Trying to get the door open and hold Lauren proved to be difficult, but I somehow managed to do it.

Walking into the bedroom, I gently put Lauren down on the bed and brushed her blonde hair from her face. After carefully undressing her, I picked up one of the chairs and carried it over to the side of the bed and sat down. Smiling, I watched Lauren sleep. It was the first time since she’d been out of the hospital I could watch her sleep and not have this ache in my chest that she was going to leave me.

Tucking her hand up under her face, Lauren let out a soft moan that moved through my entire body, lighting it up until I felt nothing but pure love coursing through my veins.

“You will forever be mine, Lauren Reynolds. No one or nothing will ever come between the love that we share.”

Moving slightly, Lauren opened her eyes and smiled as she gazed upon me with a loving look. “Colt,” she whispered. “Please hold me.”

Stripping out of my clothes, I crawled into the bed and pulled Lauren closer to me. It didn’t take long for me to drift off to sleep. My dreams consisted of nothing but Lauren.

of the mirror, I stared back at myself. I wasn’t sure why I had tears in my eyes. There was nothing more I wanted to do than marry Colt. But now, standing here all alone, I felt so lonely. I wanted my mother here with me. I wanted her to fix my hair and do my makeup. Gush over me in my dress. I wanted Ellie to tell me how happy Colt was to be marrying me.

Turning around, I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the bed. Colt had gone down to check on a few things and hadn’t been back yet. How were we both going to get ready in the same room? I wanted Colt to at least not see me until we got down to the wedding spot, which I still wasn’t even sure where that was at. What if he sees me before the wedding? Isn’t that bad luck? Closing my eyes I wiped the tear away.

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Running off without our parents here. Even Colt seemed to be off this morning when he mentioned something about his parents. He’d been texting with them all morning. Was it really fair we didn’t include them in this? Colt seemed distracted all morning as he kept checking his phone over and over again. Maybe this was a rushed decision on our part.

Oh my glitter. What in the hell is wrong with me? I’m getting married today and being a Debbie Downer. Stop this Lauren.

Sitting up, I pulled myself together and was about to start putting my hair up when the there was a knock at the door. Smiling, I shook my head and let out a giggle. Colt must have forgotten his key. Opening the door, my mouth dropped open and I couldn’t believe who was standing in front of me. I immediately broke down into tears at the sight of my mother and Ellie standing there. My heart felt as if it was going to jump from my chest.

“Mom! Ellie!”

Both of them quickly wrapped me up in their arms as we all stood there and cried. When I finally took a step back, Colt was standing behind them with the most breathtaking smile I’d ever seen. The ground literally felt as if it shifted under my feet.

“Colt? Did you know?”

My mother stepped off to the side as Colt walked up to me. “There was no way I could let us get married and not have at least our parents with us, Lauren. The moment I hung up with you yesterday, I called your parents and told them our plan. Then I told my parents and they all made plans to be here early this morning.”

Turning to my mother, my mouth dropped open. “You knew the whole time you would be here?”

Nodding her head she placed her hand on the side of my face. “Colt wanted to surprise you, baby girl. While y’all flew here last night, we took care of arranging the wedding plans and the flights here this morning.”

Standing there I was stunned into silence. Colt Mathews truly was a Godsend. An angel sent straight from heaven, who would always protect me and take care of me. He seemed to know my feelings and emotions before I did. He knew my wants before I even expressed them to him.

The only thing that would come out of my mouth was, “Mr. Snuggles.”

Colt tilted his head and looked at me with a questioning look. “Huh?”

“You’re my . . . my Mr. Snuggles.”

Colt chuckled and said, “Okay. I’ll take it.”

Ellie and my mother both laughed. Ellie walked up to Colt and said, “Colt, honey, don’t you remember Mr. Snuggles. You gave him to Lauren on what . . . your seventh birthday I think?”

Nodding my head, I couldn’t pull my eyes off of Colt. His smile seemed to light up the entire room when it finally hit him who Mr. Snuggles was. Leaning down he gently kissed me on my lips and spoke softly against them. “Baby, I’ll be your Mr. Snuggles for the rest of our lives.”

Wrapping my arms around him I held onto him tightly. “I’m scared, Colt.”

His arms wrapped around my body tighter as he picked me up and carried me into the bedroom. Setting me down he placed his hands on my face and looked deep into my eyes.

“Do you love me?”

Nodding my head, I whispered, “Yes, so very much.”

“Do you trust me, Lauren?”

Swallowing hard, I felt my eyes burning. “With my life, Colt.”

“Do you believe me when I say I’ll love you until I take my last breath?”

A small sob escaped my lips as I whispered, “Yes.”

Brushing his lips across mine, Colt kissed me passionately as my entire body filled with a warmth I couldn’t put into words. Pulling back, he kissed my tears away. My body calmed down almost immediately. Knowing that our parents were here and knowing it was Colt who had brought them here had my heart wanting to burst from my chest. “I’ll see you at three, sweetheart.”

Biting on my lower lip, I nodded my head. “I’ll see you at three.”

Colt took my hand and led me out to the living room where he placed my hand in my mothers. Kissing his mother Ellie on the cheek he turned and winked at me. “I’m heading back to my parents’ room to get ready. See ya soon.”

Watching Colt walk out the door with his bag and the tux he picked up this morning, I wanted to call out for him, but I pressed my lips together. The door shut and I spun around. Looking at the two most important women in my life I took in a deep breath and blew it out.

“I don’t even know where to start,” I said with a nervous giggle. Ellie and my mother looked at each other and smiled before turning back to me with the most loving looks on their faces. Ellie pulled out the stool and motioned for me to sit down while my mother lifted her suitcase and placed it on the table. Giving me a wicked grin as she unzipped the suitcase, I let out a gasp when I saw all of the stuff she had packed. “Mom, did you bring your whole bathroom?”

Laughing she handed Ellie the straightener. “I haven’t forgotten how to make those curls with this thing.”

Before I knew it I was sipping wine while Ellie and my mother fixed my hair, and then makeup. I’d never laughed so much in my life. My heartbeat had steadied and became calm. As Ellie and my mother fussed over me I felt elated. The moment was perfect and one I would never forget. I couldn’t contain my smile if I had tried.

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