Holding You (17 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Holding You
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We spent the rest of the evening laughing, drinking, and learning tricks to please our men. My favorite part of the evening was learning how to apply a condom with your mouth. Taylor kept gagging every time she tried until she finally gave up. “That’s it. I’m not meant to be the type of girl who gives blow jobs. I’ll end up puking on the poor bastard.”

Laughter echoed through the room as Libby said, “Don’t worry, Tay. You can’t help it if all that knowledge went to Meg!”

Maegan raised her glass of wine and smiled proudly. “Hell yeah it did!”

After taking a break and eating some food and chatting, Anna got back down to business. Picking up one of the silicone looking blobs she held it up. “Now, for the masturbation sleeve. This can be a lot of fun for your man, especially if you’re not feeling it, maybe it’s that time of the month, or you both want to just play, this can be a great tool to use.”

Taylor reached for one and said, “What if he likes this better than you?”

Grace grabbed it from Taylor. “Tay, if any guy ever tells you he wants to use this thing rather than stick his dick in your pussy . . . you better kick him in his junk and walk out the door.”

Anna chortled and pointed to Grace. “That was way better than my answer.”

I walked Anna to the door and thanked her for everything, I was feeling pretty damn good. My buzz was borderline being tipsy, which probably meant I was drunk. Taylor for the first time ever had a pretty strong buzz going on but she wasn’t drunk. She knew when to back off and quickly began drinking water for the rest of the night.

“Thank you, Anna for the fun evening. I haven’t laughed that much in a long time.”

Anna reached for my hand and gently shook it. “It was my pleasure, Lauren. Have fun tonight.”

Giving her a naughty grin, I responded. “Oh I plan on it.”

Turning to walk back inside I heard someone coming down the driveway. My quickening heartbeat left me feeling breathless as that familiar ache between my legs began growing. “Colt,” I whispered.

Pulling up and parking, he jumped out of his truck and gave me that crooked smile of his. My grin was so big I couldn’t contain it. Wetting my lips, I tried to push the naughty thoughts of taking him with my mouth away.

“Hey,” Colt said as he sauntered up to me.

“Hey,” I whispered back.

Stopping right in front of me, I inhaled a deep breath. His cologne swept around my body and instantly had me walking into his arms. “I missed you,” I said into his chest as he wrapped his strong arms around me.

“Yeah? Well I missed you too, sweetheart. Did y’all have fun?”

Pulling back I gazed up into his eyes. How in the world did I ever push this man away? Why in the world did I push this man away? “I did. I learned a lot on my practice dick and then I ate it.”

Colt’s eyes widened in disbelief as he tilted his head and said, “Come again?”

Giggling, I placed my cheek on Colt’s strong broad chest. I loved his body. He was built, but it had nothing to do with playing football. It was from all of the hard work he would do on the ranch. “Colt?”

Running his hand over my back softly he asked, “Yeah, sweetheart?”

“Will you take me home? I want to be wrapped up in your arms.”

Holding me tighter, he whispered against the top of my head, “Nothing would make me happier.”

I was wiping the palms of my hands on my pants every few seconds. Lauren was sitting next to me in my truck talking a mile a minute. She was for sure tipsy. I heard all about their cucumber dicks, Maegan eating her dick, Taylor drinking wine and getting a buzz, and how there was a suctioned dildo on the table. That you never want to have more than two Altoids in your mouth before giving a blow job and that if I ever liked a fake vagina she’d kick me in the balls. The last one still had me thrown for a loop.

Trying not to chuckle at some of Lauren’s innocence, my mind drifted to what I had been doing the last few hours.

Luke and Will had decided to go out for dinner and meet up with a few guys from high school. I headed on over to Lauren’s house and spent the next few hours transforming her room into what I hoped would result in a romantic evening.

Candles had been placed all around the room. Rose petals started from the door through the house and up to her room. I had made a playlist of some of Lauren’s favorite songs and had that ready to go.

Gripping the steering wheel tighter, I started getting nervous and I had no idea why.

Dropping her head back against the headrest, Lauren started laughing. “Man oh man. I’m just talking your ear off, aren’t I?”

Reaching for her hand, I brought it up to my mouth as I placed my lips on her soft skin. “Don’t stop. I love hearing you talk.”

Lifting her eyebrows she asked, “Why?”

Shrugging my shoulders, I pulled into her driveway and replied, “I love everything about you, Lauren. The way you laugh when something really tickles you. Or how you hum when you brush your teeth. The way you do a little dance when you get excited, or how you skip around without a care in the world. The list is endless.”

Parking in front of her house, I turned to look at her. Lauren stared at me as I watched her eyes fill with tears.

Reaching over I placed my hand on the side of her face. “Baby, are you feeling okay?”

Biting on her lower lip, she nodded her head and quickly wiped a tear that began to fall. “It’s just . . . I mean . . . I love you so much, Colt and I know we’ve only been dating for a month.” Looking away, she wiped another tear. Turning back to me her eyes were on fire. “I don’t think I could survive a day without you now that you’re mine. I need your touch every single morning or something feels off for the rest of the day. It scares me how much I love you, Colt.”

Moving my hand behind her neck I pulled her to me. Unbuckling her seat belt Lauren leaned closer to me and pressed her lips to mine. “I love you, Lauren. I love you so much.”

“Colt, please make love to me. I need you.”

Opening the door to my truck, I unbuckled my seatbelt and hopped out. Lauren crawled over my seat and right into my arms. Giving the door a kick, it shut as I walked up to the front door. Unlocking the door with the key that Scott had given me two years ago for emergencies, I walked us into the house and straight up to Lauren’s room.

It was hard trying to walk, carry Lauren, and climb the stairs all at once. Her sweet little whimpers and moans had my pants feeling too small. Stopping outside her bedroom, I slowly slid her down my body until her feet hit the ground. Cupping the sides of her face, I looked into her beautiful baby-blue eyes. “Lauren, you have and will always be, my forever love.”

Closing her eyes, I watched a tear roll down her cheek. Slowly opening her eyes she smiled. “Colt, you have and will always be
forever love.” My heart slammed against my chest. I knew Lauren knew how special those words were to me and for her to repeat them back to me meant more than anything.

“I’m going to make love to you all night, Lauren.”

Nodding her head, she sucked in her lower lip. “Um . . . I do want to try out some things I learned tonight though.”

Letting out a moan, I reached behind her and placed my hand on the doorknob. “Give me two minutes, baby.”

Looking at me with a confused expression, Lauren furrowed her eyebrows. “What?”

Holding up my fingers and making the sign for two, I repeated, “Two minutes.”

Scooting around her, I slipped into the room. Grabbing the lighter, I quickly began lighting all the candles. Walking over to the small ice chest, I pulled out the container full of chocolate-covered strawberries. Reaching down, I felt the pouch in my pocket. Taking a look around I smiled. It was perfect.

There was a knock on the door and I quickly walked over to the door. “Turn around and close your eyes, Lauren.”


Slowly opening the door, I smiled when I saw Lauren standing with her back to the door. Walking around to the front of her, I brought her to me and kissed her. Her arms immediately went around my neck as I walked her into her room. I wasn’t sure how long we stood in the middle of her room, completely lost in our kiss.

Pulling back some, I smiled at her. Lauren smiled and looked around. Her hands dropped from around my neck and went to her mouth. “Oh . . . my . . . Colt.” Spinning around, she took everything in. She wasn’t expecting this and by the look on her face, she was beyond happy.

“When did you do this?” Lauren asked as she walked up and ran her hands over the baby-blue lingerie I had laid out on the bed. Picking it up, she looked over her shoulder at me. “Did you buy this?”

Nodding, I smiled. “While you were at your . . . study group. I came over and set everything up. And yes, I bought that for you.”

Clutching it to her chest, she walked up to me. “It’s beautiful.”

“Do I get to see it on you?” I asked as I pushed a long curl from her face.

The air in the room instantly changed as Lauren gazed up at me with nothing but desire in her eyes. “Do I get to see you naked?”

Letting out a soft chuckle, I said, “I bet you will as soon as I see you dressed in this.”

Narrowing her eye at me she said, “Mmm . . . playing hardball, huh? Okay, give me a second to change.”

Spinning on her heels, Lauren walked into her bathroom. Glancing back, she gave me a wink and a sexy smile then closed the door.

Placing my hands on my face, I ran them up and down and tried to calm my beating heart.
What in the hell is wrong with me? I feel like it’s our first time.

Looking around the room, everything looked perfect.
Was it perfect though? Was it romantic enough? Shit.

Sitting down on the end of the bed, I let out a frustrated moan. What if I was moving to fast? We’d only been dating for one month exactly. Maybe I should I wait? The last thing I wanted to do was scare Lauren away. My heart was pounding against my chest as my head and heart duked it out. My heart eventually won.

The door to the bathroom opened and I jumped up. Lauren was standing there with her hand up high on the doorjamb as she gave me the sexiest smile I’d ever seen.

Barely being able to even speak a word, I whispered, “Wow.”

Lauren licked her lips and looked down at the one-piece teddy. The blue brought out her eyes so much they looked as if they were lighting up the whole room. I could see her hard nipples through the lace material and my dick throbbed in my pants.

“How does it look?”

“Better on you than the girl at the store.”

Lauren’s face dropped and I started laughing. Holding up my hands I said, “Sorry! Shit! I’m nervous as hell and I was trying to make a joke.”

Giving me a dirty look, Lauren walked closer to me but stopped just short of my reach. “That was a very bad joke, Mr. Mathews.”

Lacing her arms around my neck, my eyes traveled all over her body. “Very bad,” I mumbled.

Lauren gave me a seductive look. “Do you know what today is?”

Walking up to her, I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her to me. Making sure I pressed my hard dick into her stomach. Lauren closed her eyes as she dropped her mouth open slightly and let out a deep breath. “Today marks one month since we’ve been together.”

Lauren’s eyes danced with happiness as a beautiful little crooked smile moved across her face. “You totally just redeemed yourself from the bad joke.”

Tossing my head back, I laughed.

Lauren’s hands moved to my jeans as she quickly began to unbutton them and tried to push them down. “Colt, I can’t take it any longer. I need to feel you.”

Grabbing her hands, I smiled. “I have something else to give you first before we go there.”

Lifting her eyebrows, she asked, “What?”

Dropping my one hand, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the small velvet bag. Lauren looked down at it and smiled. “Colt,” she whispered as I dropped her other hand and opened up the bag.

Before I took the ring out, I looked into Lauren’s eyes. “I wasn’t sure how you’d feel about me giving you this since we just started dating, but I want everyone to know you’re mine, Lauren.”

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