Holding You (29 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Holding You
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My heart felt as if it had stopped beating. I would never lie to Lauren, but I wasn’t sure how she would feel about me talking to her father about her. Closing my eyes, I whispered, “Yes.”

Soft lips touched mine as I opened my eyes. Lauren barely pulled her lips back from mine as she spoke. “Thank you.”

Feeling my heart slam against my chest, I was overcome with the sense of relief that she wasn’t mad at me and also with my love for her. “There isn’t a damn thing I wouldn’t do for you, Lauren. I will forever be by your side no matter what.”

Moving in closer to me, Lauren gave me a sexy smile. The air in the room was charged as my dick slowly came back to life. “No matter what?” Lauren asked as she moved her hand up and down my chest.

“No matter what, Lauren.”

Snuggling her face into my chest, she let out a deep breath. “I feel so safe like this. Like nothing in the world could ever possibly tear us apart when you’re holding me.”

Pulling her in tighter, I whispered, “I plan on holding you forever.”

“Mmm, I like the sound of that.”

Lauren quickly fell asleep in my arms as I held her. We didn’t leave my room the rest of the night. I woke Lauren up twice during the night to make love to her. After giving her body the attention it deserved, I soon fell asleep, finally able to push down the uneasy feeling that kept creeping up every time I thought of our future.

as Lauren took Mighty Mike around the track at a slow and steady pace. It was almost as if the stallion knew how precious she was to me, so he was being extra careful.

Trotting up to me, Mike stopped on a dime and flared his nostrils at me. “He feels amazing. Powerful, yet I can tell he’s holding back.”

Nodding my head, I ran my hand down Mike’s neck. “He is for sure powerful. Mr. Betrim, your dad’s new trainer, said Mike’s probably one of the fastest horses he’s ever worked with.” Lauren was running her hand up and down Mike’s neck and I could almost see it in his eyes he was falling in love with her. Standing in front of him, I said, “She’s mine, dude, so don’t even think about it.”

Lauren giggled. “Jealous are we, Mr. Mathews?”

Giving her a wink, I held up my hand to help her down. Sliding off with ease from the giant horse, she walked around him. Her hand on his body at all times. “He’s built for speed that’s for sure.” Worrying her bottom lip, she kept walking while I held Mike’s reins.

“What’s running through your mind, Lauren?”

Glancing up at me, she said, “Breeding him. He needs to be with a broodmare that’s built for speed as well.” Picking up Mike’s front left leg, she took a look and dropped it. Standing, she walked in front of the horse and brought his head down to hers. They stood there for a good three minutes, just staring into each other’s eyes.

“Mia,” Lauren whispered.

Pulling my head back I asked, “Lucky One Time, Mia?”

Smiling, Lauren looked up at me. “Yep. Mia. She’s a beautiful sorrel quarter with the perfect temperament for this guy. Her fifteen hands and strong build will hold up to him I have no doubt.”

Looking back at Mike, I nodded my head. “Who was the sire?”

Lauren smiled, “One Time Jack. Dam was Lucky Lady. I’m telling you, Colt, we put those two out to pasture and not only will they breed but I’m almost positive Mia will give him a run for his money. I think leaving them to be on their own, they’ll work it out. I’m positive.”

Damn I was turned on just listening to Lauren talk about horses. Reaching down, I adjusted my growing dick. Lauren followed my hand, then snapped her eyes up to mine. “Are you getting turned on Mr. Mathews by horse talk?”

Licking my lips, I slowly smiled the smile I knew melted Lauren’s panties. I watched as her eyes darkened and her body perked up. Taking a step closer to her, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. Wrapping her arms around my neck, we quickly got lost in our kiss. Before things got too carried away, the new man in Lauren’s life put a stop to it. Mike nudged me with his head and pushed me away from Lauren. Laughing, Lauren quickly kissed me on the lips.

“Do you think if we put them out to pasture they could get it done on their own, Colt?” Lauren asked as she began to walk Mike back to the barn.

My heart felt as if it would burst out of my chest as we headed back to the barn. This was what I picture our future as. Lauren and me working and doing the one thing we both loved . . . and doing it together.

Walking into the barn a few other horses snickered as Lauren put Mike back in his stall and began taking off the reins and riding pad. “I don’t see why we couldn’t try. He’s sixteen hands, so not that much bigger than Mia. I’m pretty sure she can hold her own like you said. Go with your gut, Lauren.”

Lauren stared at Mike as she nodded her head. “Let’s go talk to Daddy about it.”

Grabbing her hand, we made our way out of the barn and to the house. I wasn’t sure how Scott was going to respond to Lauren. I prayed like hell he didn’t ask me what my thoughts were. He needed to trust Lauren on this one. Show her he believed in her.

Stepping into the kitchen, I smiled and looked away when we walked up on Scott kissing Jessie.

“Um, really Mom and Dad? Really?”

Jessie pulled away and smiled at Scott and simply said, “Really, Lauren.”

The way Scott looked at Jessie was the way my father looked at my mother. You could practically see the love pouring off of him. Peeking over to Lauren, I smiled as I felt my heart and stomach do that crazy little act they put on anytime I looked at Lauren. Thought about Lauren. Kissed Lauren. Hell just anything to do with Lauren.

Scott whispered something into Jessie’s ear and she blushed but quickly turned and headed out of the kitchen. “I’m off to go for a run. Colt, are you staying for dinner?” Jessie asked, peeking back around the corner.

“I wish I could, but I’ve promised Alex I’d go into Austin tonight to help her get some things for the wedding.”

Jessie smiled big. “I can’t believe Alex and Will are getting married in a few weeks. Unreal.”

Nodding my head, I agreed. “Yes, ma’am. My mother has been an emotional mess the last few weeks, along with Alex. It’s been hell for me and my father.”

“Amen,” Scott said as Lauren hit me, then her father.

“Stop it both of you.” Scott glanced at me and gave me a wink as he sat down at the table.

“So, tell me what you thought about Mighty Mike, Lauren?”

Swallowing hard, I sat down and let Lauren do all the talking. Even though Scott had given me full control over Mike, this was Lauren’s show.

“He’s amazing, Daddy. I could almost feel his power just as he trotted around the track.

Scott’s eyes quickly snapped over to me. “You rode him? How’d he do?” Scott looked at me as he asked Lauren the question. My heart rate began to pick up and I imagined what it would feel like to have Scott beat the shit out of me for letting his daughter get up on a horse that we still weren’t really sure about.

Wiping my sweaty hands on my pant legs, I turned to Lauren.

“He did great. It was as if he was holding back though. I could for sure tell he wanted to get something out of his system. I have a sneaky suspicion that Colt had Mr. Betrim run Mike before we got here this morning though.”

Scott nodded his head and glanced back at me. I could see it in his eyes. He was thanking me for looking out for his little girl. What he didn’t realize was that she was just as much my girl as his. The moment I found out Lauren was coming home, I made arrangements for Betrim to take Mighty Mike for a few laps around the track first thing this morning.

Scott rubbed his chin as he looked between Lauren and me. “Is that so?”

Giving him a quick wink and nod of my head, Scott smiled and turned back to Lauren. “Tell me what you’re thinking, darlin.’”

Lauren sat up straighter. I knew she wasn’t expecting that from her father. She was expecting him to ask me. “Oh, um, well . . . what I think is we should put Mike out to pasture with a broodmare.”

Scott nodded his head. “You don’t think we should try to control the breeding?”

Shaking her head, she continued. “No. I think Mike is the type of horse who is going to do things his way or no way. He needs that sense of freedom, I can see it when I look into his eyes.”

My heart was soaring as I sat next to Lauren and listened to her talk. This is what she was meant to do.

Scott nodded and motioned for Lauren to continue talking. Clearing her throat, she kept talking. “With Colt taking the reins on training Mighty Mike for racing, I’d like to handle his breeding.”

Scott pursed his lips together, attempting to hide the smile that I knew he was holding back. Glancing back at Lauren, I waited for her to continue.

“I’m thinking Lucky One Time Mia would be the perfect fit for Mighty Mike. She’s tough and can hold her own so she won’t take Mighty Mike’s shit. He hasn’t lived out with a mare before, but I think since he hasn’t been used for breeding before it shouldn’t be a problem. I think they will get along well and Mia’s just come into season. She was trying to get Jumping Jack’s attention this morning. She has an impressive lineage and I think together their foal would be something amazing. Putting them out to pasture is what I’d like to do first.”

Lauren stopped talking and I could tell she was holding her breath. Reaching over, I took her hand in mine and gave it a light squeeze. Turning to me she gave me a sweet smile.

Scott nodded his head like he was taking it all in. I found myself holding my breath as well.

“I like it,” Scott finally said.

“What?” Lauren asked with a stunned expression.

“Your plan, Lauren. I think it’s a solid plan and I like the idea of using Mia as the broodmare. If we can get them to breed on their own, without him hurting her, I’d like to see that happen. Let’s use the west front pasture. Just those two.”

Lauren sat there stunned for a few moments before she jumped up. “Okay. Great. Yeah perfect. Right.”

Turning, Lauren looked at me and smiled as she did a little jump then composed herself. Taking in a deep breath she quickly blew it out. “Then, um, Colt I’ll just meet you in the main barn.”

Smiling, I nodded my head. “Sounds like a plan.”

Lauren quickly turned and all but ran out of the house. Standing, I walked to the window and watched her skip to the barn. Damn I love that girl.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Scott said as he stood next to me and watched his daughter.

Looking at him with a confused face I asked, “You’re glad to hear what?”

Scott laughed. “That you love my daughter. I’m guessing you didn’t mean to say it out loud.”

“Um . . . well I . . . I mean I do love her and well—” For the love of all things, Colt, stop talking.

Scott laughed as he slapped my back but continued to look out the window. “You know, Colt, you proved something very big to me this afternoon. Two things actually.”

Scott started to make his way to the back door. “Walk with me, son.”

Following him out of the house, I waited for him to continue talking. A light breeze was blowing and I inhaled a deep breath to relax myself. There was nothing I loved more than to smell horses, hay, dirt, and just good ole horseshit.

Nodding his head, he smiled and let out a gruff laugh. “Lauren is my entire life, Colt. In my eyes, no man was ever going to be good enough for her. He would never love her like I loved her. I was wrong about that though and you showed me that today.”

My heart dropped to my stomach as I swallowed hard. “Sir, I’m afraid I don’t know what I did.”

Scott walked up to the fence of the small arena outside the main barn where a mare had just been brought up. Reaching down he grabbed a handful hay from a bale that was sitting there and gave it to the mare.

“You arranged to have Mighty Mike ran this morning before Lauren saw him. Why?”

Looking back at the barn, I saw Mr. Betrim talking to one of the stable hands. I knew he would report everything I did with Mighty Mike back to Scott.

Clearing my throat as I ran my hand down the neck of the mare, I said, “Well, I knew the first thing Lauren would want to do is jump up on Mike. I’ve come to know that horse the last few days. He likes to run and usually it’s the first thing he wants to do. I figured if I had Betrim run Mike for a bit this morning, it would get it out of his system that way when Lauren got up on him he wouldn’t be so damn high strung.”

Grinning like a fool, Scott looked at me. “That’s what I thought. That girl is like her mother. Stubborn and wants to do everything her way. Remember that.”

Chuckling, I said, “I will, sir.”

Turning and leaning against the fence, Scott scanned the area. Pushing my hand over my head, I wasn’t sure why I was so damn nervous.

“The second thing you showed me is your respect for my daughter and your belief in what she is capable of doing. Something I wasn’t doing until you and I had that little talk.” Glancing at me, Scott’s face was serious. “You sat there and let her take control of the conversation. You showed her that you would stand by her side no matter what and I respect the shit out of you for that, Colt. Your daddy is a fine man. One of the best men I’ve ever had the privilege of calling a friend. I have to tell you that . . .” Scott’s voice cracked as he shook his head and cleared his throat. “I have to tell you, Colt. Your daddy should be damn proud to see the man he and your mother have raised. I’d be honored . . . um . . . I’d be . . . hell this is so damn hard to say.”

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