Holding You (23 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Holding You
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Swallowing hard, all I could think about is how Lauren and I had made love last night with no condom. Sweat began to build on my forehead as I reached up and wiped my brow. Tilting his head, my father stared at me. Then he started laughing his ass off. “Seriously, Colt. You have always been so easy. Scott’s not going to kill you. Can’t promise he wouldn’t hurt you if you ever hurt Lauren though, so don’t.”

Closing my eyes, my shoulders dropped. “I hate you right now, Dad. You scared the piss out of me and I wasn’t even sure why. I didn’t say we were getting married.”

Pointing at me, he said, “You said the M word and that’s close enough.” Opening the door to his truck, my father climbed up into the driver’s seat. Starting the truck, he looked at me. “Seriously though, Colt. Always use protection, you’re both too young to be starting a family right now.”

Feeling my face heat up, I nodded my head. “Yes, sir.”

“Stop staring at the pasture and go find something productive to do. I’m sure Scott’s got something he can put you on. When do you start working for him?”

“Next week. He wanted to give Lauren and me a couple weeks off. I’ll head on over there now and see what he’s got going on.”

“Good, it will keep your mind off of Lauren and before you know it, she’ll be back,” my father said as he smiled big. Nodding in agreement I took a step away from his truck. “See you for dinner, Colt.”

Lifting my hand I said, “See ya later, Dad. Thanks for the talk.”

Laughing, he started pulling off but not before sticking his head out the window and shouting, “You should have seen your face! Priceless!”

Letting out a chuckle, I turned and headed to my truck to make my way to Scott and Jessie’s place. A part of me didn’t want to head over until Lauren came back. I knew she was still struggling with her father and the business. I made a mental note to talk to Scott about it before Lauren came back.

barn, I heard Scott talking to someone. “You honestly think this horse can’t be trained?” My interest immediately piqued.

“Listen, Scott, I appreciate that you’ve been doing this for years and your daddy did it for years before you. I think on this one you need to stick to what you do best. Find a good match to breed him to and leave it at that.”

Scott huffed and he shook his head as he let out a frustrated sigh. Glancing over he gave me a quick head pop and turned back to the older gentleman in front of him. “He’s fast, Jon, and he’s got it in him to be a damn good racehorse. He just needs the right hand when it comes to training him.”

I’d never seen the man standing before Scott. He looked to be about the same age as Gramps. His cowboy hat and boots had seen better days. I was almost positive the man was worth a few million, most of Scott’s clients were. Scott had some of the best stallions and mares in central Texas, almost all from bloodlines that would make the queen of England envious.

“I don’t know, Scott. He’s temperamental and won’t for the life of him breed with a mare. He acts like he has no interest in them at all. That’s why I brought him to you. I’m not interested in racing a horse who won’t even move to breed.”

Clearing my throat, both men looked at me. “You’ve got something to say young man.” Looking to Scott for permission to speak, he smiled and motioned for me to speak.

Walking to Jon, I reached out my hand and gave him a firm handshake. “Colt Mathews, sir.”

Raising his eyebrows he asked, “Gunner Mathews’ boy?”

Smiling wide, I replied. “Yes, sir I am.”

Looking me over he nodded his head. “Well speak, son; I’m eighty-two years old and don’t got all day.”

Chuckling, I nodded my head. “Your stallion, you say he isn’t interested in the mares. Could it be it’s because he’s interested in something else? Say for instance, taking off around that track? I heard my Uncle Jeff tell a story about a stallion who, every time they walked him by the track, he’d go insane. Wouldn’t have anything to do with the mares and carried on day after day in his stall. My uncle took him to the track and the horse stood there and stared at my uncle. Taking a chance, he climbed up on him and next thing he knew, the horse was running the fastest lap he’d ever recorded on his track.”

Giving me an incredulous stare, Jon slowly nodded. “So, are you willing to climb onto this big boy’s back and prove to me what you’re saying?”

My heart began to beat faster as I looked over at the bay colored stallion. His nostrils flared as we made eye contact. I felt something there though. Not really sure how to put it into words, I walked over to the horse and ran my hands down his neck. Feeling the horse shudder, I slowly made my way around him. Touching him the entire time. It was something Lauren had taught me to do. Connect with the horse on every level, she would always say.

“Has he ever had anyone sit on him?”

Laughing, Jon said, “He has yes. He doesn’t mind you getting the saddle on and climbing on top, but the moment you try to get the stubborn ass mule to move, he just stands there.”

Looking over my shoulder back to Jon and Scott, I smiled. “Let’s saddle him then.” Scott’s face beamed with pride and I knew this was showing Scott I could step up to any challenge. I wished Lauren had been here though. She would have been able to show her daddy how ready she was to take on more of the business.

Fifteen minutes later I was climbing up onto the back of Mighty Mike. Good name for this horse. He sure was Mighty Mike. Scott checked everything on the saddle once more and shook his head. “You got a feeling, Colt?”

Smiling, I nodded my head with confidence. “Yes, sir. I very much do. Look at how the muscles in his legs are twitching. He wants to be let loose.”

“Be careful, Colt. No telling what this horse is capable of.”

Giving Mighty Mike slight pressure with my legs, he started walking. The closer we got to the track the more I could feel his body reacting. Placing my hand on his neck, I leaned down. “Steady there big boy. I know what you want. Let’s show them what you’ve got.”

Walking the horse onto the track I held him for a few seconds. “You ready, buddy?”

Mighty Mike started bouncing his head up and down as I laughed. “Let’s go.” One small kick and he took off in a full-on run. All I did was hold on and let the horse take control. He needed to get this out of his system and I was gonna let him.

Four and half laps later, he finally slowed down and began trotting. Giving him a good pat on the neck I looked over at Scott. The smile on his face was all I needed to see to know I had just earned respect from him. I couldn’t wait to tell Lauren.

Walking up to Jon and Scott, I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face. Jon shook his head and let out a laugh. “Cocky little bastard, just like your daddy. You proved your point. I want you in on Mighty Mike’s training, if that is all right with you, Scott. I like his instinct with this horse. They seem to have a connection.” Mighty Mike bobbed his head as we all laughed.

Turning to look at me, Scott gave me a grin and said, “I’m more than all right with that, Jon. Colt here is wanting to come on board after college and help with the business.”

Clearing my throat, I said, “Helping alongside, Lauren.” Scott looked at me with a surprised expression before turning back and talking to Jon more about getting Mighty Mike started right away on a training schedule.

I handed the reins off to one of the high school guys Scott had working for him. Scott started walking Jon to his truck. “Give me a couple weeks with him and I’ll put him out to pasture with one of my broodmares and we’ll see if Colt’s theory is correct.”

“If you can make it happen and breed that stubborn ass horse, I’ll let you have a ninety percent control of the racing,” Jon said with a nod and smile before closing his truck door. Scott and I watched as Jon drove down the driveway.

Turning, Scott started laughing. “I want to kiss you right now! Holy shit, Colt. That damn horse ran four hundred forty yards in twenty-one seconds.”

My mouth dropped open. “Shit, I knew he was fast, but I didn’t think he was that fast.”

Scott rubbed the back of his neck as we headed back to the barn. “Could have been a fluke. Just him itching to get it out of his system, but I want you on his back every time that horse takes the track.”

Attempting to hold my excitement back, I played it cool. “Will do.”

“Now go muck out the stalls, Colt. Dinner’s at six. Your parents will be joining us.”

I stopped walking and stared at the back of Scott’s head as he continued to walk on. Once he turned the corner, I fist pumped and did a jump. Pulling out my phone, I sent Lauren a text.

Hey sweetheart! Are you having fun?

Not a minute later, Lauren texted back.

I am! I’d have more fun if Grace and Maegan would stop arguing about everything! What are you doing?

About to muck out stalls but your daddy let me get a stallion on the track today. It was amazing. I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Awesome! Can’t wait. Love and miss you.

Love you more! Miss you the most.

Walking into the barn, I grabbed a pitchfork and got to work on the first stall. I couldn’t wait to get started on Mighty Mike. I had a feeling this was going to be the best summer yet.

the Strater Hotel, we all let out an “Oh!” The hotel was beautiful. “Nice pick, Libby!”

“Thanks. Wait until you see the rooms.” Libby pulled up to the front of the hotel. “I booked three rooms so we’ll draw names to see who is bunking with who,” Libby said as she parked the Tahoe we rented for the trip. Once we all got out of the car, we started stretching.

Taking in a deep breath of clean mountain air, I slowly blew it out as I smiled. Taylor came walking up to me and was about to say something when she stopped. Holding up her hands she gave me a weak smile. “Now, Lauren. I don’t want you freaking out.”

My eyes widened as I stared at her. “What? You can’t start a conversation saying that. What’s on me?” I started jumping around as Taylor yelled for me to stand still. I immediately stopped moving. Alex walked up and put her hand over her mouth.

“Oh my glitter. Somebody tell me what is on me! Where? Get it off!” I screamed. That’s when I felt it. There was something crawling on my neck. Grace walked up with a bellhop. They both looked at me and Grace rolled her eyes. “There is a bee on your neck, Lauren.”

Screaming, I tried to get it off. The only thing I did was piss it off. The sting felt like a knife in my neck. Okay, maybe not that bad, but pretty damn close.

“It stung me! It stung me!”

Now it was the bellhop’s turn to chime-in. “Well yeah, I mean you tried to get it off your neck, but dude, he’s still there on your T-shirt.”

Screaming, I pulled my T-shirt over my head and began running around the car.
Oh my glitter! I hate bees! I really hate bees!
Of course my show wouldn’t have been complete if I hadn’t been swinging the T-shirt around like a mad woman.

“She’s gonna get us kicked out of here!” I heard Maegan yell. Alex walked in front of me and stopped me.

“Lauren, get it together woman! Put your shirt back on. I can see the bellhop’s hard-on from over here.”

Stopping, I looked around, then looked down. Thank God I had my pretty beige lace bra on. Quickly shaking out my T-shirt, Alex handed it to me as I pulled it on and covered myself. “Damn it! It hurts already.”

Grace laughed. “Well, yeah it hurts. Your damn adrenaline pumped that shit through your body in record time.”

“Grace!” Libby said as she gave Grace a push.

“Okay, well I’m going to start getting your luggage now,” the bellhop said as he walked to the back of the Tahoe.

Maegan followed him as she batted her eyes. He was probably close to our age and for sure easy on the eyes. “Bet you didn’t wake up this morning expecting to see a free show today, did you?”

The bellhop started laughing and said, “No, ma’am, I didn’t.”

“She’s taken, so stow away the woody,” Grace said over her shoulder as she walked with me into the lobby.

Dropping my mouth open, I glared at Grace. “Do you have no filter, Grace Johnson?”

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