The Billionaire's Son 6 : Initiation (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Son 6 : Initiation (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica)
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The Billionaire's Son



By Arabella Quinn





The Billionaire's Son

Copyright © 2012 by Arabella Quinn


All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.





The Billionaire's Son


Derek swung his car around to the side of his father's estate and parked. He hoped like hell that Julia was in her offic
e. He needed to see her, but he wanted to
be extra cautious
not to
compromise her identity to
the members of
The Club. His private investigator, Scott, had gotten her home address and phone number, but he didn't want to lead anyone right to her doorstep. Stopping by her office seemed the least risky option.

He hadn't seen or talked to Julia since the night they had spent together at his townhouse, and that was about
. Julia was probably wondering what happened to him, but he had been entangled in all sorts of business. First, Scott had found out that The Club was investigating his fake identity. Being so close to finding
out what happened to
now more than ever,
Derek didn't want his cover blown. Plus, he wanted to make sure that no one had discovered Julia's identity. Then his father started acting quite suspiciously, sending him on a
urgent business trip that turned out to be a wild goose chase. He still wasn't sure what Jackson was up to.

Sliding out of the car, he glanced around. No one seemed to be watching. He had gotten used to scanning his surroundings and several times he had thought he spotted a person tailing him. Today, all seemed quiet. Scott had warned him that The Club had been digging deep into his cover story. So far, everything seemed to have held up.

He strode to the side entrance and slipped into the estate. On his way to Julia's office, he struggled with how much information to tell her.
Ultimately, h
e decided to tell her everything; after all, she had already experienced The Club
's dubious activities
first hand. But he would make sure that she was kept
away from
its clutches from
now on. If only he could keep her away from Jackson too.

Derek paused at her office door, which was cracked open a few inches. Julia was sitting behind her desk pouring over stacks of paper. Her long wavy hair partially obscured her face as she tapped a pencil absent-mindedly against the
top of the
desk. Derek felt his cock tightening as he remembered their
passionate encounters. He
Julia, naked on t
he desk, her long legs spread
in invitation.
His cock was growing hard and thick with
need just
ing the scene
. Derek shook his head, forcing himself to erase the sexy images from his mind. He needed a clear head to talk with Julia today.

Before he could compose himself and
on the door to break Julia's concentration, she glanced up directly at him. Derek felt his
cock twitch
as he held her gaze. Julia's eyes widened when she spotted him and her cheeks flushed rosy. The air seemed electrified with sexual tension, as Derek stood motionless
ing her.

As Derek watched, Julia's eyes narrowed in annoyance. The spell was broken. Julia looked down at her papers and resumed her work, brushing him off. Derek released the breath he
n't even realize
he was holding.
Hell, she's mad.

knocked lightly
on the door. "Julia, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Derek heard her annoyed sigh before she motioned for him to enter. "I'm pretty busy, you'll have to make it quick."

He stepped inside, assessing her face. What could have changed since they last saw each other? That he had to leave before she awoke? Or that he hadn't called her yet? He wasn't sure, but he could feel the anger emanating from her.

He stood in front of her desk, but she didn't even stop her work to look up at him. "
I can see that you're annoyed with me, Princess. Want to tell me why?"

Julia very deliberately put down her pencil and then finally looked up at him. He saw a look of innocence and hurt cross her face before the cool look of indifference masked her obvious anger. "For starters, you haven't been honest with me."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about exactly. In fact, I don't remember a whole lot of talking going on
all our times together."

Derek watched a blush of embarrassment heat her face and neck as she squirmed under his

She picked up her pencil and started tapping it against the desk again
"Okay. How about you tell me why you took five million dollars out of Vaughn holdings?"

Derek narrowed his eyes. "I'm not sure that it's any of your business, Julia. And that's not why you are so angry with me anyway. It's something more…
. And I want
tell me
exactly what it is."

Julia couldn't meet his eyes. She looked everywhere but at him.
Derek stepped toward her desk, leaning closer. "Does this have something to do with Jackson?"

Julia jumped up from behind the desk and crossed over to look out the window. Derek wasn't about to let her escape so easily. In two strides, he was standing behind her.

She flinched slightly as his hand reached for her shoulder, turning her towards him. "No! Well, Jackson did ask me to look into the
million dollars. But I'm not sure what to think about you anymore, Derek."

Derek softened his tone. "What have I done wrong? Just tell me, Julia."

The air crackled between them. "Well, Saturday morning. After everything that happened, I woke up and you were gone. Then you just show up here after disappearing for days…"

Derek pulled her into his arms, stroking her hair. "That's what I came here to
tell you about
today. I'm sorry I didn't contact you earlier, but I wasn't sure if anyone was following me or intercepting my phone calls.
kept my distance because I
just wanted to make sure you were safe."

Julia seemed to press closer against him,
causing his cock to surge with desire
. "Derek, what is going on exactly? Marcy said you were here on Monday fighting with Jackson."

Derek looked puzzled. "Who's Marcy?"

"She works for Jackson. She told me you two were having a huge fight
your girlfriend."

Understanding dawned on Derek.
So, that's why she's so mad!

Derek chuckled softly. "Oh, you're jealous! You're angry at me because you think I have a girlfriend?"

Julia tried to pull away from him, but he held tight.
She asked accusingly,
hen who is Elise?"

Reminded of his past failures, Derek sighed. "I haven't seen Elise in over eight months. And she
s the reason I'm involved in this whole mess."

Daggers shot from Julia's eyes. He repressed a laugh at her obvious jealousy and continued. "It's quite a long story. Unfortunately, I don't have much time, so I'll have to tell you the quick version. Let me just close the door so that we can have some privacy."

Derek didn't want anyone to overhear them, but more importantly he was aching to have his way with Julia. He strode across the room and closed the door
and then eyed the small arm chair
tucked in the corner
on his way back
toward Julia
. It was fairly small for his large frame, but it would have to work.
Julia warily watched him approach and then let out a sharp gasp when he grabbed her and
in one quick motion,
positioned her onto his lap as he sunk into the petite chair.

Julia struggled to sit up. "Derek, don't fool around. I want to know what's going on."

Holding on to her wiggling hips, he responded, "And I'm going to tell you. Sit still or I'm going to be too distracted to do any talking."

Quite unfortunately, Derek thought, Julia obliged him and settled into his lap. From his position he had a tantalizing view of the tops of her full breasts
peeking out of her shirt
; he was going to have trouble keeping his hands off of th

Julia's bottom rested deliciously against his straining cock. Only a few layers of material stood between him and what he wanted so badly. Julia looked up at him with questioning eyes. "Well?"

Struggling to remain in control of the salacious thoughts consuming him, Derek cleared his throat and began telling Julia the story. "I had been dating Elise for awhile when we decided that our relationship
working. Somehow, toward the end of our relationship, she started to become involved with Jackson."

Derek smiled when he saw the look of surprise and then anger cross over Julia's face. She had
assumed correctly
that Elise had cheated on him with Jackson and felt outraged for him. "Don't worry, Princess. I'm not too broken up about it - at the time I felt more betrayed than heartbroken."

Tucking Julia's errant curls back behind her ears, Derek continued. "Several months after we separated, I found out that Elise had disappeared. Her family hadn't heard from her and had involved the police.
With a little digging,
I have since found out that the last place Elise
seen was at a party - like the one you stumbled onto - here at Jackson's estate. And that was about eight months ago."

Julia sat up straight in his lap, her eyes wide with fear. "You think she was killed by those people?"

Derek gently guided her back down against his chest. "No. I think she's alive, but I wasn't sure at first. Once I got an inkling
the secret parties, I managed to infiltrate the group - they call themselves The Club - under a fake identity. I've been able to quietly poke around without Jackson or the others finding out who I really am. Then this past Friday, you handed me the clue I really needed. The Madame woman told me that she thought Elise was 'claimed' by a very rich and powerful member, just like I claimed you that night."

Watching the blush of embarrassment creep over Julia's face as she remembered that night made his loins burn with need. It had been one of the scariest nights of his life
and then had gone on to be one of the most incredibly sex
nights. Remembering Julia bound in the rope harness had his cock throbbing with desire.

squirmed again, torturing his cock further. "So where is she now?"

"I think I know who has her. Apparently you have to be pretty high in the ranks of The Club to gain admittance to the parties this man attends. The good thing is that when I had to claim you, my level seems to have jumped significantly. The bad thing is that it may have made The Club members suspicious. Scott
that they are checking up on me."

Julia looked concerned. "Would it be dangerous for you if they found out?"

Derek was thoughtful in his answer. "I'm not sure. I think my father, who is a high-ranking member, would back me
but I'm not sure. I haven't really caused any trouble for them, and I do have a lot of incriminating information in my back pocket to persuade them to leave me alone if need be. Most of these men can't afford to be caught up in a big sex scandal."

Julia sat quietly digesting his words. "This is all so crazy!"

"Yes, it is. But I'm so close to finding
out what happened to Elise. Her family is
stuck in an awful limbo
not knowing
what happened to her.
They suspect the worst - even though it turns out Elise may have disappeared willingly.

I've been summoned to meet with an elder tonight. I'll find out if my cover has been blown. So far, Scott thinks it has held up under their scrutiny. They also asked me to bring some money. That's why I've been liquidating some assets - to pay them off. It seems that maybe money can buy me the ranking that they know I didn't earn

Nodding, Julia looked at him. "So that's what the five million is for? It seems a steep price to pay just to be in a sex club
What am I going to tell Jackson?"

Anger threatened to bubble up in Derek. "So, Jackson has had you checking up on me? What exactly are you doing for Jackson, anyway?

Julia's brows furrowed. "Jackson hired me to look into some money discrepancies at his companies. He
very suspicious of you
though. He seems to think you are involved in something
and has warned me about you several times. But now I'm starting to see a clearer picture of what is going on
between you two

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