Hold On Tight (Take My Hand) (27 page)

BOOK: Hold On Tight (Take My Hand)
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Chapter Thirty-Three



need to buy
curtains today. I swear some guy was staring at me eating my Cheerios last
night,” Sarah grumbled as she faffed around with the new cushions she’d bought
for her couch yesterday.

“I’m sure he was just passing by,” I assured her, trying not to laugh at
how genuinely annoyed she was.

“Well he should’ve passed by faster. I feel like I’m living in a
goldfish bowl.”

We’ve been back in England for three days and apart from Sarah’s curtain
dilemma, everything is going great. The house Chris picked out for Sarah is
perfect. It’s small, but not tiny. The kitchen is separate from the living room
and the bedrooms are surprisingly spacious. Sarah offered to have me and Dexter
stay with her, and the fact her spare room is so much bigger is awfully
appealing, but Chris’ place is closer to the garage so until I summon up enough
courage to go and pick my car up from London, it makes more sense to stay where
we are.

“Fancy curtain shopping with me today, honey?”

“Ah, sorry, Sarah I can’t. I’ve got to get to the garage. I doubt Chris
has even looked at the books while I’ve been gone. Dexter’s already there. I’m
meeting them both in half an hour. Don’t you have to go to the hospital today?”

“Yes but not till four. It’s just an informal meet and greet. Would you
think I was silly if I said I’m super nervous?”

“Course not. It’s a
for you, Sarah. We’re all facing big changes. It’s going to take a while to

“You’re right,” she agreed with a nod. “It’s exciting too. But, I’m just
not too sure how well I’m going to fit into this country. It’s all so…

“Believe me I understand - I felt just the same when I was staying with
you. But it gets easier. You get used to all the little differences. In fact, I
think I’ve got some re-adjusting to do myself. Chris looked at me like I had
seven heads when I referred to a packet of crisps as chips last night.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever really thanked you, Emily,” Sarah said with a
heart-warming smile after a few moments silence.

“Thanked me?”

“Yes. You’ve changed not only Dexter’s life but mine too. I feel so
privileged to have you be a part of this family. I love you, Emily.” Oh crap…
when did the bloody tears start falling down my face? All I knew is that now
they’d started, I couldn’t seem to stop them.

“I love you too, Sarah. You’ve been like a mum to me.” A better one than
the one I’ve got, I wanted to say but somehow restrained myself. Sarah opened
her arms and I fell willingly into them. I let her cuddle me for a few minutes,
feeling safe… appreciated - protected by her motherly embrace. “I’d best be
off,” I mumbled reluctantly.

“Sure, honey. Give my love to Dexter and tell him I’ll see you both

“Okay. Good luck at the hospital. I’m sure you’ll do great. After all,
delivering babies can’t be that hard right?” I winked at Sarah before turning
to the door. I heard her chuckle as I opened it and then I hollered a ‘catch
you later’ before stepping out into warm, summer air.




Chris and Dexter were buried under a car when I arrived at the garage. I
didn’t announce my arrival straight away, choosing instead to admire how well
they seemed to be working together.

“You need to remove the engine before tackling the subframe. Get
everything out the way. Then, see these tower bolts here? Remove them one at a
time – but always double check the jack first.” My heart did a tiny
little dance in my chest hearing Chris teaching Dexter. He was so calm and
patient with him. I couldn’t help the beaming smile that took over my face as I
stared at two sets of greasy-overall clad legs belonging to the two most
important men in my world.

“Oh… hey, Emmie,” Chris greeted, sliding out from beneath the car.
Dexter followed upon hearing my name, wiping his oil-covered hands on a filthy
rag as he jumped to his feet.

“Hey, doll.” I pushed my hand out in front of me when he leaned over to
kiss my cheek.

“Don’t you even
touching me while you’re covered in all that greasy crap,” I ordered.

“Stop being such a girl,” he teased before purposely smudging a trail of
grease down my cheek with his finger.

“Oooooh, you’ve done it now, mate. I know my sister – she isn’t
going to let that one drop. I’d sleep with one eye open if I were you,” Chris
warned, barely containing his laughter.

“Ugh,” I groaned, exaggerating my annoyance just a smidgen. I knew all
it would take for me to melt in Dexter’s arms was one of his cheeky winks, and
what made me grumpier, was that
that too. “I’ll be in the office,” I deadpanned with an overstated flick of my

I literally huffed as I slammed the office door behind me. My probably
unjustified bad mood would have left as quick as it came if it wasn’t for the
fact I heard the cheeky sods laughing as I stormed off.
Well, what’d you know?
Chris and Dexter - laughing.
It didn’t matter that it was
at my expense. They were getting along. They were
For me.

The thought made me smile, and just like that, my bad mood was nothing
but a memory.

“I bloody well knew it,” I grumbled out loud to myself. As expected,
Chris hadn’t touched the books. I was under the impression Ernie was taking
care of them while I was away but from the wads of scrunched invoices shoved
into the filing cabinet I’m guessing he must’ve got distracted drinking his tea
and reading his motorbike manuals.

Removing the mass of crumpled paper, I spent the rest of the day
straightening them out and working through them one by one. By the time I’d
finished I wasn’t even half way through but if I looked at another number my
head would have exploded.

When it was time to shut up shop we all headed home together in Chris’
car. Along the way he mentioned a bookkeeping course he’d come across and asked
if I wanted to attend. I agreed without hesitation. Although I’m doing a pretty
good job figuring it all out on my own, I’m sure it takes me longer than it
should. Going off the mess I walked into this morning, I need to do
to improve my efficiency… and
fast. It was only when he started progressing onto accountancy and business management
courses, I changed the subject. Why the hell would
need to know how to run a business?

Chris hopped straight in the shower when we got back to his place and
while he waited for his turn Dexter sprawled out on the couch, draping a sheet
over the cushions beforehand to prevent oil stains. Everything was settling
into place perfectly. Was it
I couldn’t help but wonder. Would it last? Was this the calm before yet another
tornedo-blowing storm?

“Don’t do that, doll,” Dexter said, pulling me from my ill-timed

“Do what?” I asked obliviously, blinking my eyes back into reality.

“Wait for it to go wrong.” Jesus, how the hell did he know? “I know you,
remember? I know what all your different expressions and mannerisms mean,
therefore I know when you bite your top lip and draw little imaginary circles
on your knee with your finger, that means you’re doubting something.” My jaw
dropped open. Did I really
“Don’t doubt our future, doll. Remember what Jeff said? You can’t enjoy the
ride if you’re too busy obsessing over your destination.”

“Sorry,” I murmured. He was right of course. “You should shower and
change soon. I told Sarah we’d be at hers for seven o’clock. Bus or taxi?”

“Ugh. I need my bike, doll.” My head lowered of its own accord and a
deep sigh escaped my throat. “You can’t avoid her forever,” Dexter added,
referring to Rachel. “She’s your best friend.”

my best friend,” I

“Bullshit. You two are practically sisters. No matter what’s happened
between you, if you ever needed each other you’d drop everything. I’ve no doubt
about that.”

“Hmm,” was my copout response.

“I need my bike and you need your car. Plus all the other shit we’ve
still got down there. It’s looking like we’re planning to stay up north, so we
need to finish up any loose ends we’ve left in London.
her. Text her if it’s easier. She won’t push you away, doll.
She loves you.” God I hope that’s true.

“I will,” I resolved. “Just… not tonight.” Yeah I know - I’m a total
wussbag. I’ll give it a couple of weeks to settle in here, then I’ll call

I will! I swear it.

“I’m heading straight to bed, guys. I’ve got a cracking headache.”

“Another one?” I asked, concerned. “You made that doctor’s appointment

“Not yet.” I gave him a scolding glare. “I’ve been rushed off my feet
since Ernie left. I’ll do it tomorrow, okay?”

“Too right you will. I’ll make sure of it.” Rolling his eyes, Chris
saluted me and turned for the bedrooms.

“Right. Shower,” Dexter announced, standing from the couch. “Wanna scrub
my back?” he winked. A devilish grin spread across my face.

“Not just your back.” With that, he pulled me towards the bathroom. I
giggled as quietly as I could but when he pressed me against the ice-cold tiles
I couldn’t prevent the squeal that burst from my lips.

I’ve never seen anyone leap into a bathtub so quickly. Not that I’d seen
many people get into a bathtub at all… okay so none at all but you get my
picture. Dexter was stripped bare and under the running shower stream before
I’d even had chance to remove my top.

“What you waiting for, doll? Fuckin’ Christmas?”

Giggling, I removed my top and bra as quickly as I could. Then I tugged
my pants down until gravity took over, pulling them to the floor, before
shimmying out of my knickers and doing a sexy little shuffle as I did.

When I’d climbed into the bath and pulled the shower curtain over,
Dexter handed me a bottle of masculine-smelling bodywash. He grinned wickedly
as I squeezed a dollop of the cool crème into my palm and when I looked down I
could see
what he was
grinning at.

dirty, doll. You
might need to work a little harder scrubbing him clean.” Seriously, is that all
it takes to set my insides on fire? Yep, it seemed it was.

My eyes didn’t return to his face – choosing instead to linger on
the glistening beads of water hanging on for dear life along the rims of the
metal rings protruding proudly from the end of his whopping great erection.
After lathering the bodywash between my palms, I took hold of him and slowly
started to wash him up and down. Dexter grabbed onto his hair as he tipped his
head back and groaned. It was a magical sound from deep inside his chest… a sound
produced. It made me feel
powerful and sexy as hell. So, squeezing my fingers around his base, I worked
harder and faster until he slammed one hand against the tiles and ripped my
hand away from him with the other.

“This is gonna be over real quick if you keep that up, doll,” he moaned
- his hungry eyes devouring my naked body. Well, damn if that didn’t make me
feel like the most powerful woman in the world. “What are you…” I was on my
knees with my hands grasping at his strong hips before he could finish.

“I’m taking control this time,” I whispered against his taut stomach
before lowering my mouth to where we both wanted it to be. I felt brave and
rebellious. It’s so unlike me to be so cock sure (pardon the pun) of myself,
and it felt bloody amazing.

I started by licking the bulbous tip as warm water cascaded over our
bodies. I circled the rim tantalisingly softly with my tongue until his
impatient hips bucked him forward, forcing him deeper into my mouth. His
ravenous eyes stared down in what looked like awe – never removing his
gaze from what I was doing to him. I felt like Superwoman.

Shielding my teeth with my lips, I drew his length in and out of my
mouth. Lapping up the warm water washing over him, I traced his throbbing veins
with my tongue and almost fell apart myself when I felt him twitch against the
back of my throat.

“Fuck, doll,” he breathed through gritted teeth. “Your mouth feels
incredible.” I felt myself smile
against him. Every word, every moan, every breath that escaped his panting lips
fuelled the power inside my body. “Seriously… you…you… you need to stop…” he
tried to argue but my mouth refused to give up its relentless assault. I took
him deeper, firming my lips around him and using one hand to follow the trail
of my mouth while the other cupped his pulsating balls.

“Let me do this. Let me give this to you. I want to taste you,” I
whispered before taking him back in my mouth. Holy crap, where had this
confident, dirty-talking temptress come from? I liked her. A lot.

I worked him hard and fast with my mouth and my hand. Dexter fisted my
hair and would tug a little more fervently every time I slowed down to flick my
tongue across his piercings. Too soon, I could feel him getting close. He
started to swell against my lips and the intermittent twitches turned into full
on impatient throbs.

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