Read Hitler's Charisma Online

Authors: Laurence Rees

Hitler's Charisma (56 page)

BOOK: Hitler's Charisma
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Claus von Stauffenberg, the German officer who planted a bomb at the Wolf’s Lair in East Prussia in an attempt to kill Hitler on 20 July 1944. (
illustration credit i2.17

The damage Stauffenberg’s bomb did to the conference room at the Wolf’s Lair. Hitler said that he survived the attack because “Providence” wished him to continue his “life’s mission.” (
illustration credit i2.18

In the end, Hitler brought little but destruction to the world. Not just to Berlin—here with the ruins of the Reichstag in the distance—but to much of Europe. Hitler’s legacy included the most monumental crime of all history—the Holocaust. (
illustration credit i2.19


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BOOK: Hitler's Charisma
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