Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State (59 page)

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Article 15 of the legislative decree of the Duce, “Nuove disposizioni concer-entii beni posseduti dai cittadini di razza ebraica,” Jan. 4, 1944, Gazzetta Ufficiale, no. 6, pp. 7-12, was explicitly about confiscating Jewish money. On Hungary, see Gerlach and Aly, Kapitel, pp. 235-36.
Wehrmacht Dimensionen, p. 155. According to the military commander’s report, city administrators “confiscated the apartments left behind by Jews and sold them off to needy local residents.”
On the anti-Semitic legislation, the MBiF, and the French government, see Tables des textes concernant la situation des biens juifs, SAEF B 47361.
Account by Department Wi I/1 (fragment), AN AJ 40/614 (5). Michel’s subordinates in the “de-Jewification” campaign worked for the OKVR (Dr. Blanke) and the KVR (Stenger, Dr. Mangold).
VOB1F, no. 79 (Dec. 9, 1942), pp. 451-52; ibid., no. 97 (Sept. 27, 1943), pp. 553-54; Dreyfus, Pillages, pp. 107ff.
Economics division, MBiF, military commander in France to the delegate of the military commander in France responsible for German assets in occupied French territories, June 4, 1942, AN AJ 40/616.
Niedermeyer, July 4, 1942, BA-MA RW 35/1188.
See, for example, the communiqués of the Aero Bank, Paris (a branch of the German Aviation Bank in Berlin), where Niedermeyer set up his general accounts and depots, AN AJ 40/621, vol. 5. Niedermeyer, too, worked primarily with French administrators, and he increasingly liquidnt seized businesses (vol. 4).
RFM (Litter), Massnahmen gegen die Juden in Frankreich [Measures against the Jews in France], Feb. 13, 1942, BA R 2/14567, pp. 200ff.
RFM to MBiF, Settlement Staff, Potsdam, Oct. 11, 1944, BA R 2/305, pp. 9ff.
On the evolution of the Treuverkehr Deutsche Treuhand, see AN AJ 40/591 (Treuhandstelle Organization); on its founding, see VOB1F, Jan. 9, 1941, p. 166; Feindvermögen [Enemy Wealth], AN AJ 40/589, p. 89.
AN AJ 40/589, p. 90.
MBiF (Michel) to Treuverkehr Deutsche Treuhand AG, May 21, 1942, AN AJ 40/591 (Treuhandstelle Organization, p. 37).
MBiF, economics division for the head of the military administration, Feb. 25, 1944, AN AJ 40/591 (Treuhandstelle Organization, p. 44). War administration counsel Stenger at least partially served as a representative of the Military Command at the General Commission on Jewish Questions. Ibid., Grundsätzliche Judenfragen [Fundamental Jewish Questions], p. 77.
Final report of Treuverkehr Deutsche Treuhand, Paris, 1941, vol. 1, AN AJ 40/591 (Rapports de la Treuhand sur sa propre activité). On the SCAP in general, see Verheyde, “Looting,” pp. 71ff., and Baruch, “Perpetrator,” pp. 193ff. Thanks to Wolfgang Seibel, who is supervising a thesis by Martin Jungius on the SCAP, for clearing up misunderstandings about this office.
Treuverkehr Deutsche Treuhand, Paris, report for 1941, introduction, March 14, 1942, AN AJ 40/591.
Stenger to General Commission for Jewish Questions, Dec. 4, 1942, AN AJ 40/617, bundle 4; see also March 31, 1943, 618A, bundle 2.
Scheffler to Union syndicale des banquiers de Paris et de la province, June 21, 1941, AN AJ 40/1027 (File 5).
Feindvermögen, AN AJ 40/589, p. 16.
Printed in République Française, Spoliation.
75. Feindvermögen, AN AJ 40/589, p. 400. Dreyfus (Pillages, pp. 91ff.) doesn’t recognize the clear financial and economic orientation of German policies of “de-Jewification.”
Final reports of Treuverkehr Deutsche Treuhand, Paris, 1942 and 1943, AN AJ 40/591.
Feindvermögen, AN AJ 40/589, pp. 93-94.
legung Treuhandgelder [Investment of Escrow Money], AN AJ 40/595A; Revision der Treuhand und Revisionsstelle des MBiF [Review by the Trustee and the Review Office of the Military Commander in France], Oct. 16, 1944 (notarized German translation of French original), LArch Berlin, B. Rep. 039-01/355.
Chapter 9: Subsidies to and from Germany’s Allies
Speech on Feb. 5, 1939, in Lipscher, Juden, p. 25. On Mach, see Tönsmeyer, Slowakei, pp. 114ff.
Kaiser, “Politik,” p. 402.
Lipscher, Juden, pp. 33-34.
Ibid., pp. 40ff.; Tönsmeyer, “Raub,” p. 77.
Kaiser, “Politik,” p. 409.
6. Aly and Heim, Vordenker, pp. 253ff.
Lipscher, Juden, pp. 65ff.
Final report of the German Army Mission, Slovakia (Herzog), May 10, 1941, BA-MA RH 31/IV/11.
Kaiser, “Politik,” p. 522; Lipscher, Juden, pp. 77.78; Tönsmeyer, “Raub,” p. 78.
Annual report of the governor of the Slovakian National Bank (Korvas), Feb. 27, 1943, BA R 2/13492, pp. 356ff.
RFM, Nov. 1942, no signature, BA R 2/30703.
Lipscher, Juden, p. 119.
RFM, Nov. 1942, no signature, BA R 2/30703; Boelcke, Kosten, p. 120; A. J. van der Leeuw, review (Nov. 8, 1962) of securities seized and delivered to the “Bankhause” Lippmann, Rosenthal & Co. (Fortsetzung I), LArch, Berlin, B Rep. 039-01/322, p. 10.
Bescheinigung der kroatischen Juden-Abteilung [Certificate of the Croation Jewish Division], May 17, 1941, fur Hermann Bosnjak (Blühweiss) and Cilika Pick über die Beschlagnahme verschiedener Wertgegenstände [On the Confiscation of Various Items of Value], LArch, Berlin, B Rep. 039-01/294, pp. 37ff., 59, 59a; Rückerstattungssachen [Restitution Matters for] Sternfeld und Anica Polic, verw. Ehrenfreund und weitere Fälle [Widowed, and Further Cases], pp. 67ff.
Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Munich (Auerbach), to Wiedergutmachungskam-mer [Reparations Board], Berlin, Oct. 32, LArch, Berlin, B Rep. 039-01/294, pp. 2-3.
Frankfurter Zeitung, Jan. 5, 1943, BA R 2/60251.
Hilberg, Vernichtung, p. 764.
Neubacher, Sonderauftrag, pp. 58, 66; Aufstellung der Dt. Gesandtschaft Sofia [Disposition of the German Consulate in Sofia] (Feb. 3, 1941), über Reisekostenvorschüsse “an die Mitglieder der Sonderdelegation Gesandter [About Advances of Travel Costs to the Members of the Special Delegation under Envoy] Dr. Neubacher” (classified state secret). Other members of the delegation were Dr. Reinhard Koenning (RFM), Dr. Reinhardt (RWM), Reichsbank director Rudolf Sattler, intendancy counsel Kaltenegger (OKW), Dr. Biehler (OKW), and intendancy counsel Dr. Ullrich (OKW), PA AA 10565 (Neubacher personal file), pp. 57-58, BA-DH, ZA/ZE/6900 (Sattler personal file), pp. 203-05.
Administrative council to RKK main administration (Scholz), Feb. 17, 1941, BA R 29/1, p. 90.
RKK administrative council (Kretzschmann), March 3, 1941, BA R 29/1, pp. 108ff.
RKK administrative council, April 9, 1941, BA R 29/1, pp. 138-47; RKK, Sofia, to Reichsbank (Waldhecker), April 15, 1941, pp. 151-78.
RKK, Sofia, to RKK administrative council, June 5, 1941. On April 2, 1942, the credit limit was, according to the Reich Credit Bank, Sofia, 3.4 million leva, BA R 29/3, p. 168.
German consulate, Sofia (Richthofen), to Foreign Office, Berlin, May 31, 1940, Feb. 18, 1941, PA AA R 110010.
German consulate, Sofia (Beckerle), to Foreign Office, Berlin, Nov. 12, 1942. PA AA R 110010; RKK administrative council, Dec. 16, 1941, BA R 29/3, pp. 18-23.
RKK administrative council, Dec. 16, 1941, BA R 29/3, pp. 18-23; Mis-chaikov, “Bulgarien,” p. 52; monthly report, Bulgaria, Feb. 1944, NA T 71/59, microfilm 748-49; Reichsbank economics division (Eicke), July 8, 1944, BA R 2/13502, p. 175.
Hillgruber, Staatsmänner, pp. 338ff. (Hitler and Bozhilov, Nov. 5, 1943).
See the correspondence in BA-MA RW 7/1709a, pp. 77-156; Kontrolle der Ausfuhr von Waren aus Bulgarien [Monitoring of the Export of Wares from Bulgaria], ibid., 1710b, pp. 213-21; war log of the intendant of the German Army Mission, Romania, Oct. 31, 1941, BA-MA RH 31/I/v.l56, p. 6.
German consulate, Sofia (Beckerle), to Foreign Office, Berlin, March 12, 1942, PA AAR 110010.
Assa, Macedonia, p. 109; Matkovski, HistoryJews, p. 62.
Order of the Bulgarian cabinet council, July 4, 1941, RKK, Sofia, July 5, 1941, PA AAR 110030.
Lemkin, Axis, pp. 189-90.
Chary (Jews, p. 62) estimates the total worth of assets owned by Jews in Bulgarian-occupied territory as 1.5 billion leva.
Kolonomos and Veskovich-Vangeli, Jews, vol. l, p. 125.
Bulgarisches Amtsblatt, no. 192, Aug. 29, 1942; German translation, LArch, Berlin, B Rep. 039-01/318.
Dannecker to Eichmann, Feb. 23, 1943, ET T 37/54.
Hilberg, Vernichtung, vol. O, pp. 804-05.
War log of economics officer, Sofia (June 1-30, 1943, summary), BA-MA, RW 29/81.
Chary, Jews, p. 64. (The sum would be 50 percent less if one were to take wartime inflation into account, but that has no significance in this context.)
German translation, LArch, Berlin, B Rep. 039-01/342, p. 87.
Superior government counsel Dr. Bersch was assigned to the Romanian Finance Ministry, while superior government counsel Schulte was responsible for price controls. With an eye toward the imminent war against the Soviet Union, a road-construction specialist and an agricultural expert named Fachmann were also sent to Romania. Clodius to Foreign Office, Berlin (Schwager), Dec. 13, 1940; Clodius to Neubacher, Oct. 19, 1940, PA AA 10565 (Neubacher personal file), pp. 28-30.
RFM (Breyhan), Meeting on Romania of Schlotterer, Landwehr, Reinhardt (RWM), and Neubacher, Oct. 12, 1940, BA R 2/30703.
“Das Siedlungswerk von 1942 in Rumänien,” Raumforschung und Raum-ordnung 7 (1943), pp. 62ff.; Ancel, “Seizure,” p. 46.
RFM, Truppenausgaben in Rumänien [Troop Expenditures in Romania], June 1942, BA R 2/60196.
RFM (Mayer), Rechnungsergebnis [Result of Calculations] 1941, Aug. 6, 1942, BA R 2/24250; zur Anfangsphase der “Abfindung durch Sachleis-tung” [On the Initial Phase of the “Compensation by Material Contribution”]; RFM (Bänfer), Anspruche der umzusiedelnden Volksdeutschen, [Claim of Resettled Ethnic Germans], Oct. 20, 1939, BA R 2/30011, pp. 15ff.
RB (Waldhecker), Jan. 16, 1941, BA R 2/30703.
Aly,“Endlösung,” pp. 130, 257-58.
Survey by the Institut für Zegeschichte (S. Fauck) on the persecution of Jews in Romania submitted to the Wiedergutmachungskammer [Reparations Board], Berlin, Sept. 20, 1961, LArch, Berlin, B Rep. 039-01/298, pp. 14ff.; Ancel, “Seizure,” pp. 47ff.
RFM (Breyhan), Oct. 12, 1940, BA R 2/30703.
Sattler personal file, BA-DH, ZA/ZE/6900, pp. 203ff.; Reichsbank (Waldhecker), Jan. 1942, BA R 2/30703.
Official trip of Reichsbank vice president Lange and Reichsbank director Kretzschmann to Athens, Salonika, Sofia, Bucharest, Belgrade, and Budapest, May 24-30, 1941, BA R 29/1, pp. 215-20.
Memorandum, Nov. 1940, in Goerdeler, Schriften, p. 824.
Reichsbank (Waldhecker, Trier), Dec. 13, 1940, BA R 2/30703.
Währungslage in Rumänien [Currency Situation in Romania] (Blessing), Bucharest, Oct. 8, 1941, abgefassl: im Auftrag Neubachers, dem Gouverneur der Rumänischen Nationalbank vorgelegt [Composed at the Behest of Neubacher and Presented to the Governor of the Romanian National Bank], BA-MA RH 31/I/v.66.
The military attaché and head of the German Military Economics Mission, Romania, Lei-Beschaffung [Procurement of Lei], Nov. 1941; Hitler to An-tonescu, Aug. 14, 1941; Vereinbarung über die Sicherung, Verwaltung und Wirtschaftsauswertung der Gebiete zwischen Dnjestr und Bug (Transnistrien) und Bug und Dnjepr (Bug-Dnjepr-Gebiet) geschlossen am 30.8.1941 in Tighina zwischen dem Königlich Rumänischen Grossen Gen-eralstab (Tataranu) und dem OKH (Hauffe) [Agreement on the Procure merit, Administration, and Economic Utilization of the Territories between the Dnjester and Bug Rivers and the Bug and the Dnjeper (Bug-Dnjeper Territory), Concluded on Aug. 30, 1941, in Tighina between the Romanian Royal General Staff and the Army High Command], BA-MA RH 31/I/v.66).

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