His Surrogate For Hire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance (5 page)

BOOK: His Surrogate For Hire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance
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The part that was not so glamorous was the many trips to the doctor's
office. That was what kept Diana aware of the reality that she agreed
to be a surrogate. Between monitoring ovulation and her body's
hormones, as well as her diet and increasing exercise, Diana started
to feel like a guinea pig.

She was supposed to be inseminated, but after all of this poking and
prodding, she wondered if it would not be easier to just get pregnant
the old fashioned way. But that was not the option at hand. She had
to play by the rules, and with the pay off she was going to receive,
it would all be well worth it in the long run.

Although she was living it up in a mansion with a billionaire, Diana
did not want to take any of it for granted. Just yesterday she was
trying to figure out how to pay her bills. Today, she woke up in her
own suite, a space that was three times as big as her apartment.

Diana was not sure what she should do with her day. There were
twenty- four hours in a day and she did not have one thing on her
agenda. It was for the best anyway because she had to be available
for a visit with the doctor at the drop of a dime.

Between being held to a workout schedule and her diet being monitored
by both Charlotte and the in-house chef, Diana wondered how much more
strict things would become once a baby was on the way. She could not
imagine the staff letting up on any of the care and attention being
showered on her.

The phone rang, her friend Teresa on a video call.

"Good Morning," Diana greeted.

"You know I had to call on the video phone so I could get the
grand tour."

The two women began giggling like young girls as Diana walked around
the suite, holding the phone up so Teresa could see.

"I'm telling you, Teresa. This is like a fairy tale. I'm like,
like Cinderella," she said, figuring it out in the moment as
they spoke.

"So are you saying you found your Prince Charming?"

"I am definitely not saying that, Teresa."

"Well then what are you saying?" her friend asked.

"I am not really saying anything."

"Maybe you should be, Diana."

Diana hated when her friend made such valid comments. "Or maybe
I should just let things be as they may. I'm not sure this is the
kind of thing that needs to be pushed in any way."

Teresa scrunched her face. "That's up to you. Either you can sit
and wait for the man to really make a move or you can make some moves
happen. Which girl are you?"

It was like Teresa was some type of coach, calling out plays from the

"I am not going to mess up what I have going on here. For all I
know, Clay is just being pleasant to the woman who will birth his
child. I don't think it is anything more than that. I’m pretty
sure he would not be some complete jerk when I am not in a position
to be stressed by anyone."

Lips still pursed, Teresa conceded. "Fine. But I still want you
to consider what I'm saying. Keep your eyes peeled and pay attention
to what is going on there. I'm sure you will figure out what I'm
talking about in a minute."

"I have to go." Truth was she did not have anything else to
do, but he wanted to end the conversation. She had already made her
point very clear and knowing her friend well, Diana knew Teresa was
not going to change her mind.

They bid their goodbyes and Diana threw herself on the bed. She had
not given much thought to anything other than the need to change her
life's circumstances. There was nothing she wanted to get in the way
of her windfall.

But Teresa was right, Clay would be a great potential catch. He was
intelligent, a bit on the eccentric side, but his unconventional
wisdom and personality was part of what made him attractive.

The fact that she used the word attractive to describe him briefly
got under her skin. He was her employer. And besides that, he was way
out of her league. A man with the kind of money he had and the
lifestyle, he could afford could have any girl he wanted. Just
because they had some friendly conversation, it did not mean he was
interested in her for anything other than the job she was there to

There was no reason for her to start thinking that way at all. That
was not even the reason why she was there, moved in to his home. They
had not met with the intention to date or do anything other than the
work at hand.

Diana did not want to let Teresa's musings get her off track. She
would have to ignore her the next time Teresa brought up the subject.
She had to stay focused, but living a bit of the life of those on the
other sides of the track would not be so bad either.

Chapter 5

It only took about a month to settle in. The feeling that the rug
would be pulled from under her was starting to dissipate. She could
finally relieve some of the stress of the changes that happened
recently. Relieving that stress was going to be a vital part of
getting pregnant.

Clay had been out of town the entire month so there was no pressure
there. Diana could relax from the feeling that her employer was
watching her every move. Although it was great to have all of her
needs taken care of, she had always worked for herself and she was
used to making her own money. Diana just decided to treat it as the
blessing it was and take every day as it came to her.

The trials started for the insemination. Never had Diana thought
about meeting the right man, getting pregnant, and having a family.
That seemed so far off for her. She had not gotten her career where
she wanted it and with losing her job, Diana felt like she was
backtracking now. She was unsure how she would reach all of the
dreams and goals she had for herself. They now seemed unattainable.
And finding love was like the unicorn in all of the fairy tales she
read; beautiful, treasured, but not real.

Staring out into the garden, Diana tried to figure out how her life
had gotten to this point. Sure, being a surrogate was a blessing for
a potential parent that was physically unable to bear children, but
it was a concept Diana never thought of before she needed the money.

Diana never envisioned herself as the type that would do things
because of the money. She wanted to make sure her priorities did not
get out of line. There was much she wanted out of life and she did
not want one little thing like losing her job and her livelihood to
derail that.

But she was starting to think maybe Teresa was right. Maybe there was
something there with Clay. There had to be something to learn from
the entire experience. Clay was a smart businessman with many
connections. There was no way she should walk away from the situation
without having collected something. She wanted more in her life and
she wanted, most of all, to make sure she had some type of financial
security so she was never in this predicament again.

Waiting was killing her. Diana had never been the most patient woman
in the world, but she would have to wait to see if she was pregnant.
It would take a few weeks to see if the procedure was successful. In
the meanwhile, Charlotte made it clear that Diana was to stay on her
exercise and diet regimen. The woman was sweet but no nonsense when
it came to business.

Most people would not complain about being able to be kept in a
mansion with people waiting on her hand and foot. Most would not
complain about the ability to be able to have all of her expenses
paid for. And Diana was not complaining about those things either.
She just wanted one other thing to make her life complete.


It was not a subject she had even truly given much thought to until
she met Clay. She spent most of her time working and not giving
herself time to start or nurture a relationship. Love was such a
foreign concept for her. Seeing lovers out strolling hand in hand,
kissing, staring into each other's eyes made her think she could one
day have that type of love too. She had not seen that in her own home
growing up. Her father had done the best he could to raise a young
girl on his own. Diana remembered the perpetual look of mourning he
wore on his face after her mother died. It was like he never got over
losing the love of his life.

Diana never wanted to feel like that. A few years ago, it dawned on
her that maybe she did not seek love in attempts to avoid it so she
would never know what it was like to lose someone. She watched the
lights dim in his eyes when her mother passed away and now with him
living in a nursing home, she felt her own sense of loss. She did not
want to endure the loss of having love, feeling love, and then having
it snatched away from her.

Somewhere along the lines, she supposed that not having love at all
was better than having it and losing it. So far, that kind of
thinking had served her well. It kept her heart protected. She
thought maybe she could have a shot at love later in life, when
things settled financially and she had her career in line. It was
something she continued to push to the back of her mind, but now that
she was a surrogate, ready to bring life into the world. That had to
count for something. And then there was Clay. He was, for all intents
and purposes, the kind of man she should go for, but with the current
situation at hand, that would make for an improper opportunity to
seek love.

She squeezed the pillow closer to her. The only thing she would be
doing now would be to do as she was asked and put everything on hold
to ensure she brought a healthy baby in to the world. Love would once
again have to wait.


Another month and another negative pregnancy test. The first had been
a false positive, this one was just plain negative. Diana was
starting to feel frustrated. She had not thought about what would
happen if it was hard to get pregnant. Getting pregnant was not
something she had ever tried to do before and she never thought about
what would happen if the pregnancy took a bit longer than expected.
Diana assumed since she was doing the insemination, things would work
out quickly. The longer it took for her to get pregnant, the more
Diana could feel her opportunity slipping away.

There was no clause specifically in any of the contracts that spoke
to what would happen if she did not get pregnant, but she did not
want to rock the boat on the issue. The one thing she wanted to do
was see this through.

The town car brought her back to the mansion. As they waited for the
gate to open, Diana suddenly felt dread. She hoped no one was there
so she would not have to look anyone else in the eye and admit she
was once again not pregnant. It was hard to deal with the
anticipation and the roller coaster of emotions.

Fortunately, only the chef was in the kitchen. Diana stopped in to
grab something to eat on her way back to her room. After eating, she
would go to the studio and do some yoga to calm herself and relax.
Charlotte would be back soon, inquiring about the results of the
pregnancy test and she would have to disclose the results.

Taking her food to her room, Diana tried not to think about what
would happen if she did not get pregnant. That would be an entire
opportunity to change her life down the drain. To watch that happen
would devastate her. It was not often the chance to completely
overhaul her life came along in one neat and tidy package.

Once in her suite, she kicked off her shoes and set the food on the
cocktail table. This was the kind of lifestyle that could spoil her
very quickly. She had all but forgotten about how it felt to be
stressed about the end of her lease and the fact that she lost her
job. It felt good not to worry about those things.

The food was so good, her full stomach lulled her to sleep. The sound
of a light tapping at her door woke her. She felt disoriented, trying
to figure out what time it was.

"Hold on." She slid her feet in to her slippers and made
her way to the door. Opening it, she greeted Charlotte.

"Come on in."

Charlotte was surprisingly wearing casual clothing.

"Thank you. I just came by to check on the results of the test
today." She rubbed her hands together, looking excited.

Diana motioned for Charlotte to take a seat on the couch. Charlotte
sat next to her.

"The results were negative."

Charlotte's expression dropped. She placed her dainty hands on top of

"You do know sometimes these kinds of things take a little time.
The key is not to get yourself stressed about it. You are not on some
type of time limit here. We just want you to be healthy so that you
can bring a healthy baby in to the world."

The statement almost made Diana want to cry. She had to fight back
the tears so they would not come spilling forth. But when she opened
her moth to thank Charlotte, they burst forth anyway.

"Oh, don't cry." Charlotte tried to comfort Diana. Although
Diana appreciated the kind words, she still felt like she was failing
Charlotte and Clay somehow.

Diana wiped her tears, trying to get herself together. "I'm so
sorry about that. I did not mean to start crying." She hopped up
off of the couch and went to the kitchen to get some tissues to dry
her eyes.

When she returned, Charlotte still sat there, her eyes full of
empathy. "Please, Diana, do not worry too much. The thing that
is most important is that we make sure you are healthy so there can
be a healthy baby. That is all Clay wants and well, I hate to see you
so stressed over this."

Diana exhaled a sigh of relief. "I did not know there would be
this much pressure to get pregnant. It's kind of stressful. I want
this to happen because I've, in a sense, been chosen. There is no way
I want to let you and Clay down. When I agreed to this, I never
thought about what it would be like if I did not get pregnant

"We did. It's not a clause or anything in the contracts, but it
was something that was thought of. These kinds of things are delicate
matters. And like I said, what is most important is that you are
healthy, mind and body. Don't feel so defeated. It will happen in
time, when it's supposed to happen. Relax. It's not like you are
getting put out tomorrow or anything."

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