His Surrogate For Hire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance (4 page)

BOOK: His Surrogate For Hire: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance
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Diana stepped to the side and let the two of them in. She could not
believe her good fortune. That drastic change finally happened and
she was going to hopefully get the reprieve she needed.

She threw a few things in her duffle bag and proceeded to pack up two
suitcases. Since she would have the chance to come back and truly
pack, she did not worry about taking too much with her.

David helped her with the bags and she locked up her apartment. On
the way down to the town car, Charlotte discussed all of the things
that would happen over the next few days. She was to move in and get
settled. Then she would get a chance to come back to her apartment
and get anything else she wanted. The first phase was to get
pregnant. She would of course stay during pregnancy. After the baby
was born, she would be allowed to stay at the mansion for six to
eight weeks until her first post birth doctor visit.

All expenses would be paid during the time she was pregnant, up until
the first post birth doctor visit. Then she would be set up with a
trust she could use for the next year to get on her feet due to not
working for the time during the pregnancy. She was to agree to
staying healthy and to absolutely no stress during the pregnancy. The
terms were agreeable and seemed rather simple.

She sat back in the car, watching as her surroundings changed. They
went from the city where she lived toward the suburbs, a part of town
she did not frequent much. All of her life, she lived in the city and
loved the pulse of the movement and the activity. The suburbs seemed
like the place you went when you had kids and a family.

The scenery became more lush and things became more and more spread
apart. The houses became bigger and Diana knew they were going to a
place that had been out of her frame of reference. Now she was going
to get a chance to see how the other half lived.

The car pulled off down a long and winding road that seemed to lead
to nowhere. Diana craned her neck to see if she could make anything
out, but she couldn't. It was almost a mile before she could see the
palatial home that sat perched in the back surrounded by an ongoing
wrought iron gate. Charlotte scanned her fingerprint on the
identification pad which gave them access through the gate.

Diana could not believe her eyes. The sheer expanse of the home was
mesmerizing. A feeling of anxiety started to settle over her. She was
not sure how this entire thing would work out. Looking at the home
made her feel a lot of pressure to get pregnant, because that was the
only way she was going to be able to stay in that home and change her

"Welcome to the estate, Diana. You can call this home for the
next few months. I hope you make yourself comfortable. Please follow

The car stopped in the crescent shaped driveway, right at the front
of the door. She was unable to take it all in.

"Thank you," she said. Diana did not want to look like an
out of place tourist so she tried her best not to gawk at her

Charlotte led her inside with David following close behind with the
bags. The marble floors were beautiful and there was gold crown
molding on the ceilings. Statues and sculptures she knew were
expensive, decorated the foyer and there were columns that were like
roman architecture.

Charlotte's heels clicked on the floor and she did her best to be a
welcoming tour guide. "Your room is in the west wing of the
house. There you will have your own suite complete with amenities.
The chef will be on hand to cook you whatever you desire as well. The
elevator takes you to the second floor where there is a gym. The
massage therapist comes twice a week, more if needed. You will have
your own kitchenette so please make a list of the things you want to
fill your pantry.

"If you would like to go somewhere, please let David or myself
know. We will have the car take you wherever you would like to go."

Diana had not thought of that. "I have my own car I can bring

The smile on Charlotte's face was a pleasant one. "No. We can
put that in storage for you for the meanwhile. Our car will take you
anywhere you would like to be. Coffee with friends, to the mall, the
doctor. Wherever."

Charlotte turned back around to complete the tour. "The theater
is also on the second floor. If you would like to relax, watch
movies, that will be your sanctuary. And there is also a meditation
room next to the gym where you can relax by the fountain or do yoga
if you like. The gardens are especially beautiful this time of year.
I suggest you make your way out there to enjoy their beauty."

They stopped at a set of double doors. "This is your private
space. Housekeeping comes daily and like I said, if you have any
specific requests for your pantry, please let me know."

Charlotte pulled open the doors to a lavishly decorated room that in
fact was even more spacious than her own apartment. The floor to
ceiling windows overlooked the garden area which was complete with
gazebo and fountains. There was a sunken-in den space with a
sectional couch, flat screen, and stereo system. Her bedroom was off
to the right down a hallway. It was the size of her apartment, and
included a full bathroom with Jacuzzi tub and an open shower with
multiple showerheads.

"What do you think?" Charlotte asked. She directed David to
put Diana's bags in her bedroom.

"I think I will most definitely be comfortable here. Thank you."

"Great. Why don't you get settled in? Wander around, get to know
the place and make yourself comfortable. Lunch is at noon. If you
would like you can eat in the garden or wherever you would like. Clay
will be here later this evening and the two of you can talk then."

David followed Charlotte out of the room, leaving Diana alone. She
wanted to do back flips and jump all over the bed like a little girl.

Suddenly, the worry she had been experiencing vanished. This was a
wonderful way of starting off her day. She dialed Teresa to share the
news. Diana figured if she shared the story with someone else, maybe
saying it out loud would make her believe it herself.

Chapter 4

Clay did not show up for lunch, but it did not bother Diana. She was
able to eat and get a little rest. Sleeping in a king sized bed with
fluffy pillows and white down comforters was enough to make her nap
well into the evening. This was the first time she laid her head down
without stress, giving her restful sleep.

She woke up to find a red envelope on the floor in front of her door.
Flipping it open, she read an invitation to dinner. Everything was so
formal and extravagant here. A red invitation written in script all
for her to come down to the dining room and eat a meal.

After her shower, she went through her suitcase, trying to find
something to wear. Somehow, the items she had did not seem like they
were fancy enough for her wear to dinner.

The one thing she did have that was semi-formal in style was a cobalt
blue dress that belted around the waist. With a pair of black pumps
and her red and black hair in an upswept ponytail, she completed her
look with a pair of her best diamond earrings and a pearl necklace.
She wanted to impress Clay, but she was not sure why.

Winding through the hallways, Diana found her way to the dining room.
Everything was exquisitely decorated, from the lush red carpeting to
the fine china trimmed in gold, she felt both out of place and
excited at the same time. The table was long enough to seat an army
and she could not imagine having dinner with that many people.

No one was there when she arrived, so she just browsed, looking
around at all of the décor up close.

"I'm so glad you are joining me for dinner."

Diana turned around to see Clay standing there, looking dapper in a
pair of dark tan colored slacks and a long sleeved blue shirt.

"I guess great minds think alike," she remarked motioning
between the two of them to point out the fact that they were wearing
the same color.

"They most certainly do." He came to her, offering a glass
of red wine.

"Thank you," she said accepting the glass and taking a sip.

He held out his hand. "Come and take a walk with me."

"Alright." She followed him out toward the gardens.

"This is beautiful, Clay." Beautiful was an understatement.

"Thank you. I can really appreciate things that are eye
catching. This space is my sanctuary. With all of the stress and high
performance that goes into doing what I do, I need a space that is

"I bet. Tell me more about what you do."

Clay looked a bit confused at first, but he went ahead and gave her
the brief synopsis of what he did for a living and about his company.

"Sounds pretty interesting."

"You know, no one ever really asks me much about myself."

She sipped her wine. "Maybe you are associated with all of the
wrong people."

Clay threw his head back with a hearty laugh. "You may be

They continued walking around the pathway. "What about you,
Diana? Tell me about yourself."

She hesitated for a moment, but figured there could not be much harm
in sharing some information about herself.

"Let's see. I worked for a company for over ten years, only to
go to work one day and have them fire me. Actually, it was a bunch of
us that lost our jobs that day. Anyway, it was pretty horrible, and
I've spent the last few weeks trying to figure out my life."

Clay smiled. "That's because your work is not who you are. I
asked you to tell me about yourself."

She was stumped, but when she figured out what he was saying she

"I love romance novels, white cheddar cheese popcorn, the smell
of clothes fresh out of the dryer, and the feel of sand between my
toes when I go to the beach."

"Aahh, interesting."

Their playful banter was easily flirtatious.

"And you?" Diana asked.

"Well, I like long walks, going to the movies and especially
watching horror movies, playing a strong game of chess, and a stiff
drink at the end of the day."

She giggled. "That's quite a list."

He raised his glass to her. "Yes well, I know what I like."
His eyebrow raised, he smiled. She could not tell if he was talking
about his list or her.

"Are we late for dinner?" Diana asked.

"Late, no. But are you hungry?"

"Just a little," she replied pinching her pointer finger
and thumb together.

"Shall we then?"

Clay led the way back inside. It was such a warm night, she wanted to
stay outside and enjoy the weather.

"Would it be too much if we moved our meal outside?" Clay
asked as if reading her mind.


Things were going well and she practically forgot she moved in to the
mansion to become a surrogate. Instead, Diana felt like she was on a
first date, getting to know a potential beau.

While Clay went inside to ask the staff to set up dinner outside in
the gazebo, Diana took herself on a stroll, admiring the landscaping.
It all felt so surreal. Even though there was a trade off, she felt
so lucky.

"Diana, are you ready?" Clay beckoned her over to him.

"I am."

He led the way to the gazebo, which had been set up as exquisitely as
the dining room table had been inside.

"This is all so lovely, Clay."

"Only the best."

Diana hoped her stomach would not growl, she was so hungry. Being a
gentleman, Clay pulled out her chair. Dinner and conversation was as
wonderful as Diana hoped it would be. They laughed, talked about
nothing in specific, and had more of the friendly conversation flow
they had the first day they met.

offered her a fresh glass of wine.

you." By now, Diana could not remember how many glasses she'd

may be a bit presumptuous Diana, but I like you." Clay's smile
was friendly, but Diana was sure she could detect a hint of a budding

was happening, she wanted to make sure it was genuine and not a
result of the wine talking.

like you too, Clay." It was not entirely a lie. He was totally
different than what she thought he would be. He was more calm,
talkative, and much more friendly than she assumed he would be.

we call it a night?" he asked.

think so."

came around to her side of the table and held his hand out to help
her out of her seat. Their hands connected, Diana was unable to deny
the electricity that was surging between the two. It caught her off
guard. Just as the kiss he planted on her lips. She could not, and
did not back away. Instead, she found herself savoring the taste of
his lips. When she realized what was happening, the confusion set in.
Had she just kissed the man that was employing her? Diana stepped
back, trying to gain some focus and make sure she did not jump to

regarded her, staying quiet about what had just transpired.

I see you inside?" he asked finally.

thank you."

Clay walked her inside and bid
her goodnight, no further mention of their kiss. Instead, they ended
the night after two bottles of wine and good company. Diana slid her
shoes off halfway down the hallway, walking the rest of the way to
her room in her bare feet. The kiss both puzzled her and incited a
place in her that had not been awakened in a while, but she was going
to play the situation as Clay did. It was possible that it was just a
friendly kiss. She reminded herself not to get too caught up in the
lifestyle or any of what was happening because it was all temporary.
The only thing she needed to do right now was enjoy the fairy tale.
It was not meant to last forever.

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