His Number One Fan (7 page)

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Authors: Danyell Wallace

BOOK: His Number One Fan
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As soon as I close my door, I don't even cut the lights on. I place my purse on the bed and I remove my clothes. I walk over to the dresser and pull out an extra-large t-shirt and throw it on.


Pulling the covers back on my bed, I get in and pull the covers over my body.  Grabbing my purse, I pull my phone out and I send a text to Caleb letting him know that I was home, then I send a quick one to Mason.


When I’m done, I place my phone and purse down on the night stand, I lay back against the pillow, and begin looking around my dark room at nothing in particular. My mind kept replaying tonight's events.


A light tapping noise on my door, interrupts my train of thought.


“Who is it?”




“Come in.”  I say loud enough for him to hear.


He walks in and sits on my bed.


“So how was your night?” He asks me.


“Interesting.” I respond.


“Would you mind going into more detail?”


“Why didn't you tell me that Mason's grandma had cancer?”


“It's not my place to tell. What all did he tell you?”


“Not much. I accidentally found out, and then the mention of his grandma having an Oncologist was all I needed to know.”


“Did he tell you what kind of cancer?”


“No.” I say shaking my head. “It's bad enough she has it. I'm not going to ask him either. I can tell by looking at him that he's having a real tough time.” I pause for a minute, when another question comes to mind. “Does he have any other family members in the area?”


“Nyla it's not...”


“I know your position to tell? Come on Caleb!”


“This is between you and me. Do you understand?”


“Yes! Now would you tell me already!”


“Well he knows nothing about his dad, and his mom is currently serving a twenty-year jail sentence for possession of drugs and attempted murder.”


“Twenty years?”


“Yeah. Could have been longer, but she took a plea deal. She's been in and out of prison since Mason was six. Eventually DHR stepped in and his grandma was awarded custody. She adopted both him and his sister and has been raising them ever since. So you can imagine what he's going through. His grandma and sister mean the world to him. Sometimes you may hear him refer to his grandma as ma.”


“I really hate to see him and his sister go through this. I wish there was more I could do for them. I know I just met him, but I wouldn't wish this on anyone.”


“I know Nyla. That's why I know you're going to be an awesome doctor. You've always been the caring type.”


“Thanks Caleb.”


“Yeah, yeah.” He laughs. “Well thanks for texting me to let me know you made it home. I have a pretty thang waiting on me back in my room so I'm going to leave you so you can get some rest.” He says standing up from my bed. “Oh I'm having a couple of people over for a barbecue tomorrow night. Did you want to catch a movie before then?”


“Sure. That would be nice.”


“Alright. Well good night big head.”


I grab a pillow off my bed and I throw it in his direction, only to miss when he darts out the door and closing it behind him.


I lay back down, and my phone chirps alerting me that I have a text message. I grab it off the night stand, and I see a text from Mason.


Mason: I can't sleep.


I can only imagine.
I think to myself before responding.


Nyla: Me either.


I lied


Mason: How about we help each other out?


Nyla: What do you have in mind?


Mason: You'll see...


What did he mean by that?


Nyla: Mason?


Mason: I'm on my way to your room.


He's what!


I scramble out of my bed and rush into my bathroom to make sure I looked presentable. I'm running my hands through my hair when I hear my phone beep.


Mason: I'm outside your door.


Nyla: Come in.


I leave my bathroom just in time to see Mason's figure walking across my room. I walk over to the small desk in the corner to cut the light on, and see Mason standing there in a pair of gray cotton pajama pants and a black



“Hey.” He says in a low voice.


“Hey. Have you checked on your grandma?”


“Yeah. Brooke said she's still asleep.”


“Good. I'm glad she's resting well.”


We stand there in silence not knowing what to do next.


“Mason why are you here?”


Before responding. I watch as his eyes trail over the length of my body. He was looking at me in a way that should make me feel uncomfortable, but instead it made me feel sexy as hell.


Lifting his eyes to mine, he walks over to me and tugs at the hem of my t-shirt. “I love this look on you.” He says with a sexy smirk on his face.


Damn he's dangerous.


“I thought we both agreed we would help each other get some sleep?” He continues.


“Actually you didn't give me a chance to agree, but that's fine. We can talk some more if you want.”


I walk around him and make my way back to my bed. I get in and slide under the covers.


With that same sexy ass smirk on his face, he removes his shirt, cuts my lamp off and joins me in my bed.


“Then let's talk.” He responds.


He fluffs up two pillows, then lays on his side looking at me.


“So you want to be a doctor?” He asks me.


“That's my plan.” I respond with a yawn.


“Doctor Nyla.” He says my name making it sound like the sexiest thing ever.


“So who in your family is in the medical field?”


“My mom.” I pause letting another yawn take over. “Is an Emergency Room Nurse, my aunt is an Ob-Gyn Doctor, my uncle is a Nurse Practitioner, and my grandfather was a ER Doctor. So it kind of runs in my family.” I finish my sentence sounding exhausted.


“How many years of school do you have left?”


I close my eyes, thinking over his answer. “About nine and a half years.” My voice drifts out in a lazy and sleepy sound.


Mason doesn't say anything else. There was nothing but silence between us. I snuggle my head deeper into my pillow, and I pull the covers up higher on my body.


The bed shifts a little and I feel Mason's hand on my hip. I turn on my back and to my other side facing away from him. His hand comes around to my stomach and he pulls me back until my body molds against his.


“Good night Mason.” I whisper.


He kisses the back of my head, and I fall asleep.



I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. I glance at the alarm clock on the night stand and notice that I was up earlier than normal considering I had nowhere to be until that afternoon. After several failed attempts of trying to go back to sleep I get up and start unpacking several other items I didn't get to yesterday. After a long shower, I get dressed and decide to go for a ride. I grab the spare keys to Caleb's car, and I send him a text letting him know I had his car.


I'm driving and trying my best to go by memory alone, since it was dark when Mason traveled down this street. I eventually slow down and turn off onto the familiar dirt road. I keep straight and continue my way down then I make a slight right and I keep driving until Mason's grandma's house comes into view. I pull up into the yard and park beside Mason's car. I cut the engine and I sit there for a minute realizing that it was possible that his grandma wasn't home. I get out and l look around the yard and I start walking around the house where I would hopefully find Mason.


A small white barn that could use a paint job comes into view. The large wooden doors were wide open and the sound of blues music could be heard. An older model Honda sat in the space with its hood popped up. As I get closer I can see Mason's shirtless form working underneath it. He had on a pair of old ripped jeans, work boots, and he had areas on his body that were covered in oil and sweat.


“Shit!” He yells.  The rag he had in his hand was thrown to the ground. He looks up and sees he has an audience now. “Nyla?”


“Hey.” I walk around to get a better view of what he was working on. “I see you got your tire fixed.”


“Yeah a buddy of mine hooked my car up to his truck and brought it here for me. I just finished replacing the tire.” He responds.


“So this must be your sister's car. Do you need any help?”


He stands there looking at the sundress I had on before answering me. “You probably should take that dress off. I would hate to see what a little oil and sweat will do to it.”


“I think I'll keep it on.”


“Just know I gave you a fair warning. If anything gets on that cute little dress of yours. It’s not my fault.” With one more quick perusal of my body he turns his attention back to his task at hand. Giving me a back view of his body.


My eyes trail over the muscles in his back and arms, and I watch as they tighten with every movement.


“So what brings you here? Did you miss me that much that you couldn't wait until I got back?”


I couldn't help the laugh that slips from my mouth.


“Actually I wanted to see how your grandma was feeling. Is she home?”


He turns his head and looks over his shoulder at me. He looks at me for several quiet moments before turning around again to his work. “She’s inside getting her rest. Doc prescribed some more medication and told her she needs to stay in bed.”


“Did they say anything else?”


“If they did she didn't tell me. Can you pass me that flash light and wrench that's behind you on that table?”


I turn around and grab both items off the table and I hand them to him.


“So what's the problem?” I ask referring to the car.


“Nothing.  Now that I've fixed it. I'm changing the oil now and I'm just making sure everything else looks fine.”


“Do you have a lot of other jobs lined up?”


“Not really. I've turned a lot of jobs down. Most of my time has been spent with the band, since we have the tour coming up.”


“So when you're not working. How are you...”


“What paying the bills?” He asks with irritation in his voice.


“I didn't mean it like that. You told me that you support your grandma and sister. I know it has to be tough.”


“What do you know about struggling? I bet your parents get you anything you want. Including that dress you have on.”


“I'm not some rich girl that gets whatever she wants. Yes, my parents have money but that doesn't mean I see a dime of it! Matter of fact I've worked my ass off to get the scholarships I've earned to put me through to the school of my choice. The day I told my parents that I didn't want to go to their alma mater. They told me I would have to figure out a way to pay for it. So I did.”


“And what does that have to do with struggling? Huh?”


“You know what? Fuck you Mason! I'm leaving. I have plans with Caleb anyway.”


“Well I hope you're going home to change first.”


“What's wrong with what I have on?”


“It's dirty.” He responds.


I look down at my dress confused to what he was talking about. I look up in time to see Mason walking in my direction. “Don't you even think about it.”


“What?” He asks all innocent.


“Stay away from me Mason.”


I turn around to make a run for it, but I don't get too far. Mason grabs my wrist, turns me around to face him and pulls me against his body. “I think you knew exactly what you were doing showing up in this dress. Especially when you know how bad I wanted to fuck you last night.” He says into my ear, then he lowers his head and kisses the side of my neck. “How about we stop playing these games and give each other what we both want. Hmm? I promise you'll like it.” He whispers against my skin.


The sound of someone clearing their throat catches our attention.


“Hey Nyla. Mason. I'm sorry to interrupt your little fuck fest but I was wondering Mason if you were done with my car? I have my last class of the day in two hours.”


Mason pulls away from my neck and I turn around and see his sister Brooke standing there with a smirk on her face. I pry myself away from Mason and I turn around and run my hands down my dress.


“If you would like Nyla. I can give you the number to my cleaners?” Brooke says while looking at my dress that was now covered in oil and Mason's sweat. I look up at him and see him smiling down at me.


“I told you to take it off.” He says.


“Jack ass.” I mumble under my breath. I turn around and make my way out the garage. “Brooke please let your grandma know that I came by to see how she was doing.” I say over my shoulder and continue across the yard.


“Nyla!” I can hear Mason shout my name. I stop and turn around.


“I'm sorry.” He says with a smile on his face.


“This isn't funny Mason. This isn't coming out!”


“I'll buy you another one.” He says placing both of his hands on my hips. “You can't show up here looking this sexy and expect me to keep my hands to myself. He grabs my right hand and places it over the front of his jeans. “Do you feel how bad I want you right now?” He lowers his head and kisses me on my lips. “I'm sorry for what I said back there. Let me make it up to you.” He says against my lips before sliding his tongue between my lips. Wrapping his arms around my waist he pulls me tighter against his body and squeezes my ass in the process.


I tear my lips away and create space between us. “I have to go.”


“Are you sure you don't want me to come with you. I can help you with your dress.” He says then winks at me.


“No. I'll manage.” I turn around and walk to the car.


“Nyla!” I hear Mason call out my name again.


“Bye Mason.” I call over my shoulder.


I lower myself into Caleb's car and I look ahead and see Mason still standing there. I cut the car on and I put it in reverse. With a honk to the horn, I put the car in drive and I make my way back to the main road.

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