His Number One Fan (6 page)

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Authors: Danyell Wallace

BOOK: His Number One Fan
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I'm sitting in the passenger seat, looking out the window at our surroundings while listening to the roar of the V8 engine, as we cruise the vacant streets. After several minutes of going over bridges, and traveling down winding roads, Mason cuts on the high beams and pulls onto a dark dirt road, slowing his speed so he could maneuver around branches, holes, and the bumpy surface.


“I hope I'm not scaring you.” He breaks his silence.


“No. But it would be nice if you could tell me where we're going.” I say looking around the dark space.


“You're safe. I come out here all the time when I need to clear my head.” He says as we continue down the dark road.


“If you make this right up here.” He says pointing towards another dirt road. “Go all the way down and you'll find my grandma's house. It's the third house on the right.”


“How long have you lived here? In Sacramento I mean.” I ask looking in his direction.


“Practically all my life.” He responds.


“I don't remember you. Did you attend school in this area?”


“No. Before my grandma adopted me and my sister. We both lived with my mom on the west side of Sacramento.”


“Oh.” I respond wondering what kind of life he must have lived.


The car starts to slow down a little more. I tear my gaze away from Mason and at the view in front of us. When the car comes to a stop. Mason cuts the engine, and gets out the car.  I open my door, but before I could get out on my own, Mason is already there helping me out. Shutting my door, he places his hand at the small of my back and walks me to the front of the car.


“Watch your step.” He says beside me.


We stop in front of the car and I can't help but to notice how beautiful and peaceful the view was.


The sky was dark, and the only light around us came from the moon shining bright, reflecting itself off the lake water in front of us.


“What do you think?” Mason asks, coming to stand beside me, leaning his weight against his car.


“Peaceful.” I respond.


“That's why I love coming out here. You're the only one that I've shared my secret spot with.”


“Why is that?”


“To tell you the truth. I don't know. Call me crazy, but there's something about you. I just haven't figured it out yet.”


I look around the lake at the many trees surrounding it while getting lost in the calmness of the place.


“Do you come out here often?”


“Just about. I have a lot going on right now, so I'm out here almost every day. Rain or shine. It beats trying to solve my problems with booze and sex.”


I look at him kind of concerned and shocked at the same time. I stare at him, trying to choose the right way to respond to his confession.


“Someone like you, I would think you would enjoy having a different girl in his bed from time to time. I mean you're a lead singer of a band. I bet you have girls fighting for your attention all the time.”


He turns and looks at me with those dangerous gray eyes of his. His eyes stay locked on mine for a couple of seconds before they travel down to my mouth, and down the length of my body.


“Well when your grandma busts up into your room and finds you in bed with two girls you don't remember taking home with you. There's beer bottles everywhere and used condoms and wrappers thrown on the floor and on the bed. Your grandma is yelling and wondering why you would disrespect her house after all she's done for you. Does that sound like something you would enjoy?”


“I'm sorry Mason. I didn't mean...”


“Nyla. No worries. I was the one who fucked up. Me and my grandma are on good terms now. It happened a year ago. I was young and stupid at the time. Unlike some people, I've learned from my mistakes.”


“Well that's good to know.” I respond, trying to bring some type of humor into our conversation.


After a couple of seconds, we both bust out laughing.


“So what do you have going on in your life that you have to come out to this beautiful place?”


I turn my head to look at him and I catch him looking out at the water with a blank expression on his face.


My eyes wander over what I thought were perfect features. His short black hair was ruffled into a messy look. He had a perfect straight nose, and his lips had me curious to know how they would feel against mine and my body.


My eyes travel back up to a pair of eyes looking at me with a look of curiosity in them, and if possible. Sadness. For a moment I regretted asking him the question.


“We don't have to talk about it. If I get too personal, just let me know.”


“It's not that.” He responds coming to stand in front of me. “I actually would rather be doing something else right now.” He responds in a huskier tone, while staring at my lips.


My breathing picks up a bit, and my heart is pounding in my chest.


Stepping in my personal space, he looks down at me and cups my face with his hands.


“What are you doing?” I ask him.


“This might sound crazy, but since meeting you. All I've wanted to do is kiss you.” He says while rubbing one callous thumb against my lower lip.


“You expect me to let you kiss me after your mouth was all over Cassie's tonight?”


“She kissed me.”


I lean in closer until my lips are less than an inch apart from his.  “That may be but I didn't see you fighting her off either.” My eyes linger to his lips. They were pink, full and kissable. I lick my own, then I pull away.


“What are you getting at Nyla?” He asks removing his hands from my face.


I look up at him then I shrug my shoulders.


“If I wanted to be with Cassie tonight. She would be the one standing here with me instead of you.” He says somewhat in a cocky tone.


I raise my left eyebrow in question. Waiting on him to elaborate some more.


“When I left the club. I took her home. That's it. Then my plan was to drive back to the club and have a couple of drinks with the band, but of course that didn't happen.”


I shake my head, and begin laughing to myself. “Mason. You don't owe me an explanation.”


He stands there for a moment, not saying a word. Studying me like he's trying to solve a problem to a math equation.


“What's your story Nyla?”


“My story?”


“Like what's your favorite color. What kind of music do you listen to? What makes you happy, sad, or even cry?”




“What's wrong with me wanting to get to know you?”


“There's nothing wrong with it.”


“Okay. Then what’s your favorite color?”




“What kind of music do you listen to?”


“Anything and everything good.”


“What makes you happy, sad, or cry?”


“Why don't you stick around and find out.” I respond with a hint of challenge.


“How long are you here for?”


“Two weeks. Is that plenty of time for you to complete my biography?”


“Smart ass.” He says, showing off his gorgeous smile. “More than enough time.” He says stepping back into my personal space again. “Just one kiss Nyla.” He says changing the subject.


We stand there staring at each other in silence. Me staring at his lips, and him staring at mine. Then I allow the words to slip from my lips.             


“Then kiss me.”



Then kiss me.


Is what she tells me. So I will. But if only she knew how bad I wanted to do so much more.  Right now I wanted to peel this fuckin' dress off, so I could kiss, suck, lick, and bite every inch of her brown skin.


Putting my hands on the sides of her face again, I look down at a pair of lips that I so badly wanted to taste. They were thick and luscious.
I wonder how they would look wrapped around my dick?


I lower my head until my lips are barely touching hers.


Nyla places her palms against my stomach and

grabs a hold of my t-shirt, bunching it up between her fingers.


The feel of her tongue licking across my lower lip followed by her sucking my lip rings into her mouth causes me to fuckin' lose it.


When she releases my lip. I take the lead, and press my lips against hers, and we both moan into each other’s mouths in unison.


Slipping my tongue between her lips I become lost and dizzy. Just one taste was all it took. I stumble forcing me forward, and pushing her against my car.


I was trying to take my time with her, as if she had a notice stamped on her body that said handle with care. From what I knew about her through Caleb, I knew she wasn't like one of the many women I've a been with that fucked me the first time they met me. But in the back of my mind, I wanted her to be that kind of girl for just one night. That's how bad I wanted her. 


Placing my hands on her hips I push her further back on the car.  Then I run my hands up and down her thighs, gently squeezing them. She voluntarily opens her legs to accommodate me. Deepening the kiss, I lean into her and bring her lower half closer to mine so she could feel how bad I wanted her.


She turns her head, pulling her lips away from mine. Placing a kiss to her cheek, I work my kisses down to her neck.


“Mason is that your phone ringing?”


Taking my lips away from her neck. I lift my head to listen. The muffled sound of my sister’s ring tone was coming from my back pocket.


Groaning, I step away and turn my back to Nyla, I pull out my phone and answer.


“Brooke.” I answer in a calm voice. “Whoa, calm down. What happened? Is she okay? I'm down the road I'll be there shortly.”


I end my call and turn around and see Nyla on her feet, looking at me with concern on her face.


“Is everything alright?” She asks me.


“It's my grandma.” I respond jogging to the driver side.


As soon as Nyla gets in and closes her door. I floor the gas petal and speed to my grandma's house. I pull up in front of the house and put my car in park. I hop out without taking the keys out the ignition or even taking the time to close the door. I run up the stairs and rush inside.


“Brooke!” I yell looking around the house.


“In here!” She yells back in response. I follow in the direction from where her voice came, and I make my way to my grandma's room. As soon as I walk into her room, I hear the front door closing, totally forgetting that Nyla was with me.


My grandma was sitting up in her bed looking pale and exhausted, with Brooke by her side.


“What happened?”


“S-s-she started throwing up blood. I didn't know what to do.” Brooke responds while trying to stop her own crying.


“Brooke, I think it's just a side effect from my new medicine. My Oncologist said it may cause nausea.” My grandma responds in a weak voice, then starts coughing uncontrollably. She reaches over and grabs a tissue off her night stand and covers her mouth. When she's done, she looks up and looks over my shoulder. “I see we have a guest.” She continues.


I turn around and see Nyla standing in the doorway.


“I'm sorry to intrude. I'll go wait for you in the living room.” She says to me.


“Young lady wait. Mason who's this beautiful young lady that you left outside. Didn't I ever teach you any manners?” My grandma speaks up. Voice sounding stronger than before. “What's your name sweetheart?”




“Well Nyla my name is Trisha, and as you probably already know I'm Mason's grandma and this young lady next to me is his younger sister Brooke.”


              “It's nice to meet both of you.” Nyla responds.


“Well I wish it was in better terms. As you can see I'm a bit under the weather.”


“I'm sorry that you're not feeling the best. I overheard you've been throwing up blood?” Nyla asked.


“Excuse me but I don't think it's any of your business. This is a family matter.” Brooke says coming to her feet.


“Brooke.” I say through gritted teeth.


“Stop you two!” My grandma interrupts while looking between the both of us. “Yes Nyla. I've been throwing up blood.” She responds in a calm voice.”


Nyla walks further into the room and takes a seat on my grandma's bed beside her. Surprising me and my sister.


Reaching her hand out, Nyla places her hand on my grandma's head. “What kind of medicine are you on?”


“So she thinks she's a fuckin' doctor now?” Brooke asks under her breath.


“Miss Trisha I'm not a doctor but I'm currently in school to become one.” Nyla responds, answering Brooke's question indirectly. “Does your stomach hurt?”


“Nyla sweetheart. My whole body hurts.”


I stand there watching my grandma share personal information with someone she didn't even know.
A complete stranger.


“Again I'm not a doctor yet, but I do come from a family of doctors, and of course I pay attention in class.” Nyla says.


Both she and my grandma share a laugh, causing my grandma to cough a little.


“But I think the medicine your Oncologist has recently put you on has upset your stomach.  You could have a stomach ulcer or it could just be a new symptom you're experiencing from your treatments. All you can do right now is rest. Make an appointment with your doctor tomorrow to be on the safe side.”


“I will do that Doctor Nyla.” Grandma responds. “It was a pleasure meeting you young lady.”


“Take care of yourself Trisha.” Nyla responds.


Nyla stands and comes and stands beside me. “Your grandma could use some rest. If you want I can call a taxi to come and get me, so you don't have to leave.”


“I'll be alright now will everyone please leave so I can rest.” Grandma says in a sleepy voice.


Taking that as our cue. We leave my grandma alone to rest.


We make our way into the living room.


“I don't think my nerves can handle this Mason. I've never seen grandma this sick before.” Brooke says plopping down on the worn out love seat. Looking exhausted.


“Like ma said. It's probably her new medicine.” I say trying to figure out who I was trying to convince. The type of cancer she has and the stage she was in we knew she would possibly get worse.


“Brooke, why don't you go lay down and get some rest. With ma resting now, there's no reason for you to be up worrying, plus you have class tomorrow.”


“Alright big bro I'm going.” She responds with a yawn.


“I'm heading home. Call me if anything changes.”


“Of course. And Nyla I'm sorry for how I acted in there.”


“I'm sure I would have responded the same way.” Nyla responds. Giving Brooke a gentle smile.


Brooke comes to her feet, and smiles in her direction. “Well good night you two. And Mason.”




“You may want to keep her around.” Brooke responds.


“Mind your business Brooke.”


“I'm just saying.” She says walking away.


Shaking my head to myself I turn my attention to Nyla.


“Are you ready?”


Nodding her head yes. We walk outside and get back into the car. The ride back to the house was quiet. Which I was grateful for because I really didn't want to discuss my grandma. Only a few people knew about my grandma's cancer, and I wanted to keep it that way. It was already tough enough having to respond to questions about how she was doing when I already knew deep down that she didn't have much time left to be with us. A year ago when she was diagnosed with lung cancer, the doctor told her that she would only have six months to live. Boy did she prove them wrong. That goes to show you that it's not all about what the doctors tell you. What it boils down to is that the Lord will call you when it's your time. I don't attend church every Sunday like I should, but I do know that there's a God, and when it's my grandma's time. She will go home to be with Him.


After about a fifteen-minute drive, I pull up into the driveway. I put Caleb’s car in park, turn it off, and I get out and walk around to help Nyla out. Walking behind her, we make our way up to the front door. She looks through her purse and pulls out a key and opens the door. We step inside and as soon as the door closes she turns around and looks at me.


“Goodnight Mason, and thank you for taking me out to your favorite spot. It was beautiful.”


“You're welcome Nyla.” I say looking down at her beautiful face.


She reaches into her purse and pulls out her phone. “What's your number?” She asks me.


After reciting my number to her. I stand there watching her type away on her phone.


“Got it. I'll text you in a few minutes so you can save my number.” She says staring at my lips.


“Can I see you tomorrow?”


“We're living together now. Temporarily that is until I leave in two weeks, so I guess you will see me.” She smiles.


“Good night Nyla.”


Stepping forward, she stands on her tip toes and places her lips against mine. Pulling her head away, she steps back and turns around and walks down the hall to her room.  She steps inside and turns around to glance at me one last time before closing the door behind her.

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