His Forbidden Princess (7 page)

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Authors: Jeannie Moon

BOOK: His Forbidden Princess
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She looked away. Turned her face toward the bay and locked her eyes on some point in the distance to keep her focus.

“The other thing is, and this is the most important consideration, I can’t be distracted. My focus has to be on your safety.”

“Of course.” She nodded once, never taking her eyes off that focal point off shore. “I wouldn’t want to distract you.”

“I want you safe—“

“I understand. And that being the case we should probably forego our outing.” She stood and nailed him with her fiery green eyes. “It wouldn’t be a very safe thing to do, and quite frankly, having a traditional body guard would only attract attention.”

“That’s probably true.”

“So, since going out would require us to appear to be in a relationship, that was the plan, correct?” Ian nodded even though he knew he was being out maneuvered. “I guess we’ll be staying here, then. Or at least I will.”

Now he felt like an ass. “We can still go into town. You’re not a prisoner. We just have to be aware of certain protocols.”

“Protocols? I see.” Taking two steps toward the house, Sofie stopped and then faced him.

Her face had turned to stone. He couldn’t read her if he wanted to, and that wasn’t something Ian thought would affect him, but it did. “Very well. Please be ready to detail all procedures for me, Special Agent Stuart. I require a full briefing and itinerary before we leave the house, and what would be the most appropriate behavior on my part, given the circumstances.”

Special Agent Stuart
. The Princess had reentered the building. “Yes, ma’am. We’ll head out about noon, so I’ll give you your briefing at eleven-thirty.”

“Very good.”

She vanished into the house without another word and only a quick nod to Uncle John who returned to the patio with a steaming cup of coffee and took his seat at the table. “Hmm,” he said. “She looks angry.”

“That would be accurate.”

“What did you do?”

Ian was getting tired of playing this game with his uncle. “Nothing. All you have to know is that I will be following protocols with the princess to the letter. Her safety is my only concern.”

“I didn’t say it wasn’t. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” Hands folded on his belly, Uncle John stretched his legs like he didn’t have a care in the world. “You’ll keep her safe. But be careful. She’s a hell raiser, that one.”

“Don’t I know it?”

Sofie sat at the small table in her room, looking out at the bay. The view was stunning and she couldn’t imagine ever tiring of seeing the blue water and the town of Greenport in the distance. She was furious at herself for being so forward with Ian last night. She should have realized that he’d pull back, that his honorable nature, his sense of duty, would outweigh his desire for her.

He felt something for her—that was obvious the night before when she kissed him. He responded passionately, pulling her close, letting their mouths engage in a sensual dance. But as quickly as the heat flared between them, Ian doused the flame. In his arms, Sofie felt alive, safe and normal--like a woman. In his arms she wasn’t a princess, or a target, or a pawn in someone’s sick game. She was just a woman, being held by the man she loved.

When she saw Ian again, it didn’t take Sofie long to realized that the graduate student she’d fallen for was still there. At his core he was still the brilliant, compassionate, loving man who had stolen her heart, but he’d gotten better. Stronger, more confident, and even a little more handsome. Ian possessed a kindness and respect for others that was unyielding. Couple that with his intelligence, and she didn’t have a chance. Now she was trapped with him in the house, wanting him, but not being able to have him.

“Damn you, Ian. Why did it have to be you?”

“I’m sure he feels the same way. About you.”

John Stuart stood in her doorway with his arms folded. He flashed an easy smile, the same smile she’d seen on Ian when they were students. There’d been no sign of that easy good nature in Special Agent Stuart, but that was most likely her fault. Ian had a lot of reasons not to be cheerful around her.

“I guess this is proof that you never get away from your past.”

John smiled. “Our pasts define us. Why would you want to get away from it? Even

painful pieces have made us who we are, and I don’t know if that’s bad. What do you think?”

“I think I’m unprepared for a philosophical discussion. You obviously know about my history with your nephew.”

“I do. I was stationed in Germany at the time. We met up in Scotland after you left and he went on a three day bender. I think he was hungover for the better part of a week.” The man was chuckling at the memory, but Sofie felt her heart break all over again. Those days after she went home were spent curled in her bed watching sentimental movies with her dog while she cried her eyes out. There was nothing funny about it.

“You aren’t making me feel better.”

“I’m not trying to.” He took a breath and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Your

Highness, you and my nephew have a history, as you said, and for whatever that’s worth, it shouldn’t be something you try to block out. It was very important to both of you.”

“It was, but I believe your nephew would disagree. He wants no reminders. Nothing that would
him from his work.”

“You know, he could have gotten someone else to take on your protection.”

“He was ordered to do this. My father…”

Uncle John chuckled softly. “The Archdukerand Duke has no power here. He made a

request, and as a show of diplomatic courtesy, it was granted. But if Ian had informed his superiors of your past involvement, he would have been pulled from the case.”

“He’s here voluntarily?”

“Yes. He didn’t like the idea of you being shuttled to some isolated safe house in the Midwest. In his opinion, the location could have been compromised. Too many people inside different security agencies know where those safe houses are. Enough people that it was deemed a security risk. You would have been in more danger.”

“So he brought me here.”

“Yup. Visitors come in and out, but it’s easy to disappear, no one thinks much about us.

Honestly, it was a stroke of genius getting you out of the city the way he did and bringing you here.”

“I’m grateful. I do feel secure, but it’s still dangerous. I mean this is your family home—

anything could happen. The people after me are lunatics. Fanatics.”

“We are both well aware of that, but I think it should be obvious he’d risk everything to keep you safe. And I fully support his decision.”

“Will your family support it? It’s not just you and Ian.”

“We trust each other, Sofia.” It was the first time John had broken protocol and not addressed her formally. “If he wants you here, you’re going to stay.”

Sofie stood, overwhelmed by John’s words. She approached and did the most natural

thing in the world, she gave him a hug. The kindness, the concern, overwhelmed her and it was the only way she could think to properly thank him. “You are a prince, John Stuart.”

“He cares about you. Be careful with him this time.”

Stepping back, she met John’s gaze, Sofie’s eyes burned. “I never meant to hurt him. I loved him so.”

“Then don’t do it again. You have a chance to change the way things ended up between the two of you. If you don’t intend to take it, make it very clear.”

Sofie stepped away and wiped her eyes when she heard Ian’s footsteps on the stairs. He had a black portfolio that contained his iPad and his bearing said he was ready for the briefing.

It didn’t take him long to figure out something had transpired between her and his uncle, but Ian didn’t say anything, he just looked from one to the other and shook it off. He was all business and that made her sad.

“I’m going to go over our itinerary. Uncle John, we’ll be out so if you want something from the market, let me know.” Special Agent Stuart was most assuredly running this show.

And it only made Sofie want to kiss him stupid.

“I’m almost out of Twinkies.”

“Do you still eat those things?” Ian couldn’t contain his disgust, but Sofie was curious.

“What’s a Twinkie?” she asked.

“You don’t want to know,” Ian responded.

“Sure you do. Hold on.” Not having any idea what either of them were talking about, Sofie was desperate to know about this Twinkie.

“Twinkies,” Ian grumbled. “The man has the palate of an eight-year-old boy.”

“I’d love to know what you’re talking about.”

Ian rubbed his hand across the back of his neck, obviously frustrated and ridiculously adorable. “A Twinkie is a snack cake. It’s a yellow sponge cake filled with a sweet cream.”

“That sounds quite delicious. You know I like sweets. Is there a baker in the town who makes these Twinkies?”

“Not even close,” Ian smirked. “They’re mass produced, packed in cellophane sleeves, and have a shelf life of between thirty and fifty years.”

As if on cue, John reentered the room with a china plate, which he held out for her. “Your Highness, something for you to try.”

“Uncle John, don’t feed her that.” Ian was quite annoyed, but Sofie loved his uncle’s attempt to charm her.

“Why not?” the older man asked.

“Yeah,” she said turning on her best New York attitude. “Why not?”

Uncle John continued and Sofie was enjoying the battle of will between the two men

immensely. “There are things you eat that aren’t exactly gourmet food.”

“Nothing like that!” Ian exclaimed.

“Two words: Cheese Doodles.” His uncle held out the plate again. “Here you are Your Highness, your Twinkie.”

She took the plate and hadn’t felt this excited since her parents let her have wine with dinner when she was thirteen. It was just a drop, but it made her feel very grown up. “Do I need a fork?”

“Nope,” John said. “Just pick it up.”

Sofie grabbed the finger-shaped golden cake, feeling its sticky texture between her fingers before bringing it to her mouth and taking a bite. As soon as she did…

The cake was sweet and moist, melting in her mouth, and the cream in the center of the cake was sublime, rich, and delicious. “Oh, my. These are lovely.”

She turned her attention to Ian who was watching her eat the cake, and she had no idea what he was thinking. Uncle John had slipped out of the room, so it was Sofie, Ian, and a very sweet treat.

Licking her lips, she took another bite, and then another, letting the flavors blend together with each bite. She ran her tongue along her lips once more, hoping for some stray cream, and that was when she saw Ian staring at her. Staring, breathing hard and looking like he might take a bite out of her.

“I’m sorry,” she said to him. “I must look silly.”

“You have a little…” He stepped closer to her and dragged his thumb gently over her lower lip. They were both frozen, locked in place, with Ian’s thumb resting right near the opening of her mouth.

Sofie was not a temptress. She’d been called a lot of things by the European tabloids, but that was probably the most ridiculous. She didn’t date much and the men, other suitable Europeans with titles, apparently found her cold. So the thought that ran through her head at that moment surprised her. It was bold, brash, and without thinking too much, she decided to fully take advantage of the opportunity to drive Special Agent Stuart a little crazy.

Turning her head, Sofie took Ian’s thumb in her mouth and sucked off the cream.

The room had gone silent except for the sound of her own heart slamming hard into her ribs. Sofie licked her lips again, knowing she was playing with fire, and that was all it took, she could see it in his eyes…Ian snapped.

He dragged her into his arms, covering her mouth with his in the kind of kiss she’d only read about in romantic fantasies. This kiss was hot, hungry, and Sofie didn’t know if she could handle the man she’d unleashed. But his arms felt so good and his mouth devouring hers felt even better. As his tongue swept into her mouth looking to taste her, to take some of her essence, one of his hands clutched her head, his fingers warm against the skin of her neck. He angled her head to take more of her, to plunge deeper with his tongue, letting her know where he wanted this to go.

His other hand slid down her back to her waist and slipped in the back of her shorts, skimming over the skin of her bottom. He pulled her into him and she felt him. Felt the large erection pressed into her belly, and Sofie knew they weren’t so far apart after all. They still wanted each other, still craved the other’s body, and if she were right, their hearts were still calling for each other, as well. God knew, Sofie’s heart had never been the same since she’d left him.

Ian’s breath shuddered as he pulled back and his forehead touched hers. “Jesus. We can’t do that again.”

“Oh, Ian. I’ve missed you so.”

Easing her away, Sofie saw the strain on his face. “I’ve missed you, too, but I have to keep my head clear. I can’t…” His hand touched her cheek. “You were always so soft. I loved touching you.”

She loved being touched, being held. In his arms, the corner of her heart that had gone dark all those years ago became brighter, happier. And just like before, it wasn’t going to last.

There was no one who had ever, or would ever, make her feel the way he did.

“This isn’t going to be easy on either of us,” he said. “But if we get involved, it could make protecting you that much more difficult.”

“I know. I’m a distraction.”

“I need to be aware of what’s around you, what could threaten you. I can’t be focused
you.” His fingers brushed over the back of her neck, settling on her shoulder. “Nothing has changed; this isn’t going to work. We’re not going to be together.”

That truth hovered over them like a bad dream, but another truth, one that was just as compelling, had to be considered. “I understand, but, what if we went in with our eyes open this time?” she asked. “We could simply decide to be together for now.”

“For now?”

“For however long this situation lasts. When it’s over, we part amicably. It has to be better than the way things ended before.”

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