His Every Need (14 page)

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Authors: Terri L. Austin

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Allie wiped the back of her hand across her nose. “No, you need to care about your
family for once. Maybe focus on your daughters for a change. But you only care about
your sex life and that makes you worse than selfish, Dad. And Brynn can stay with
me as long as she likes, since I’m the only one who gives a damn.” She ran out of
the house, slamming the door behind her.

Chapter 13

“What do you think of Allie’s dress, dearest?” Mags sauntered into the office.

Trevor glanced up from the computer screen. “Sorry?”

Mags held a dress by the hanger. “Allie’s dress? For the wedding?”

“She’s wearing white? I thought that was the bride’s prerogative. Look, I’m very busy.
I don’t have time for this right now.”

She held the dress in front of her and examined it. “I’m tired of white. I’m wearing
red this time. Plus, Allie looks stunning in it.”

“Mmm hmm.” Trevor dismissed her and the wedding from his mind and returned to the
stock analysis.

“Although, I think Allie would make a lovely bride.”

There was always the risk in buying a stock on its way down. Most likely it would
go lower still, but Trevor always trusted his gut and his gut told him to buy.

“I want to be a grandmother.”

He bought a few hundred shares, sat back, and smiled. He didn’t care for gambling
in the casinos that much, but he loved gambling in the market. It was a rush to prove
the experts wrong.

“How many do you think you’ll have?” she asked.

What was she on about? Oh yes, Allie’s dress. “What does Allie think?”

Mags glided into a chair. “How would I know, darling?”

“Well, didn’t you have her try it on?”

With her head tilted to one side, Mags smiled. “You haven’t been listening to a word
I’ve said, have you? Just like your father.”

He pierced her with a look. “I’m nothing like him.”

“Oh, darling, why can’t you forgive him?”

“I don’t wish to discuss this. As I’ve said, I’m busy.” He clicked his mouse, shifted
to another monitor, and looked at the cost projections for a design team that wanted
to borrow money. Didn’t seem like a good fit.

“He’s made mistakes. But he’s sorry. Do make up with him.”

“He married Anna. I’m not likely to forgive that any time soon.”

Mags flicked her fingers. “I’m not thrilled with his choice either, but you and Anna
had broken up.”

“Yes, that was kind of him to wait. Would have been damned awkward if she and I had
still been fucking.”

She took a deep breath, her lip pursed. “He’s changed, Trevor darling. I promise.”

Trevor assumed a neutral expression. “I don’t really care one way or the other. When
are the two of you leaving, by the way?”

He picked up his phone and texted Allie, wondering how the talk had gone with her
father. Probably a disaster—much like the conversation he was having right now. Parents
were nothing but a pain in the ass.

“Not until after the wedding.”

“Mother please, we both know there’s not going to be a wedding. Go back to England
or, better yet, Italy. You’ve not had an Italian yet, and you do love the warm weather.”
He picked up his cup and took a sip of coffee.

“I think you and Allie should have a Christmas wedding. Think of how much fun that
would be. She could wear a white dress trimmed in fur.” Mags clapped her hands.

Trevor choked, coughing for a full minute. “How did we get from your marrying an Italian
to my marrying Allie? Which is never going to happen, by the way.” He set his cup
down with a little more force than was necessary.

“Why not? She’s a lovely girl. She’s caring and kind. She’ll give me beautiful grandchildren.”

Trevor eyed her with irritation. “You were a dreadful mother. What makes you think
you’d be a better grandmother?”

Mags winced, almost imperceptibly, but Trevor saw it. He’d hurt her. Too bad. She’d
never given a damn about him. He rubbed at his sternum and pulled a roll of antacids
from the desk drawer, popping a couple in his mouth. This fucking ache in the middle
of his chest was growing tiresome. “I need to get back to work.”

“Yes, of course, darling.” She rose from the chair and grabbed the dress before she
exited the office.

Trevor watched her go and pushed any guilt he was feeling to the side. What did he
have to feel guilty for? After all, he hadn’t abandoned

His phone vibrated. He glanced at the brief text from Allie. Things hadn’t gone well
with her father. He wasn’t surprised. No man liked to be told whom he should date.


Allie’s mind went over her father’s words. He wanted to be happy. Of course he did.
But at what price? Brynn had two and a half more years at home. She shouldn’t have
to spend it with her dad’s girlfriend. Seeing the woman at school and home? Every
kid’s nightmare. Why couldn’t her dad understand that? His newfound happiness came
at the expense of his daughters.

Allie rubbed her forehead as she drove. She still needed to find out Brad’s last name
and where Monica was staying. Trevor had hired a detective. Maybe he had some information
by now.

When Allie arrived at the mansion, she met Frances in the foyer. “Did Mags want to
go shopping today?” Aside from the actual shopping, Allie enjoyed spending time with
Trevor’s mom. She was funny and charming, despite the constant wedding talk.

“Mrs. Mags is in the garden.”

“Thank you.” Allie wandered outside and found Mags sitting on a bench under an arbor
covered with bright pink flowers. This early in the morning, the temperature was mild
and the sun felt good on her skin. “These are pretty.” Allie touched a whisper-soft,
cone-shaped petal.

“It’s a pink trumpet vine,” Mags said. She seemed distracted as she stared blindly
at the tinkling fountain in front of her.

Allie hovered near the arbor for a minute. When Mags didn’t acknowledge her, she moved
toward the house. “I’ll leave you alone.”

“No, I’m sorry, dearest. Do come sit.” She patted the bench. “But I warn you, I’m
not very good company today.”

Allie settled in next to Mags. The garden was so peaceful. She could see why Trevor
kept it, despite the cost. “It’s beautiful here. Almost doesn’t seem real.”

“Yes, quite.”

Allie closed her eyes, listened to the birds chirp, the splash of the fountain. Inhaling
deeply, she sighed. She could almost relax—if only she could forget her problems.

“He hates me, you know.”

Opening her eyes, Allie turned to Mags. “What?”

“Trevor. He hates me, well, really, both of us. I can’t blame him. We’ve been quite
useless as parents.”

Allie reached out and touched Mags’s hand. “He doesn’t hate you.”

“We probably deserve it. I am worried for him though, that he’ll wind up bitter and
alone. But you’re good for him, Allie. You’re the light to his darkness.” Mags squeezed
Allie’s hand and looked at her with a sad smile. “Please don’t hurt him. His heart
is very fragile, you see.”

Fragile? Trevor? He was sarcastic and uncaring. He was a hardened businessman who
got what he wanted.

stay? Why did he offer to find Brad?

Because he wasn’t totally hardened. That didn’t make him fragile, though. Just made

Withdrawing her hand, Allie shook her head. “Trevor and I aren’t like that.” She contemplated
the fountain, some kind of sea serpent with a twisted body and water shooting out
of its mouth. “I mean, we don’t have that kind of a relationship.”

“Don’t let him fool you, dearest. He cares for you. I can tell.”

“Well, I think he cares for you too, Mags.”

“All right,” Mags sniffed, “that’s enough. Self-pity is dreary and I’m tired of it.
I think we should go cake tasting. I want something spectacular, with so much fondant,
my teeth will ache.” She stood and looked around. “You’re right, it is beautiful.
My son has very good taste.”

Allie stood as well and smoothed down her skirt. “Do I have time to stop in and see
Trevor first?”

“Yes. I’ll get ready and meet you in the foyer in an hour.”

They parted once they entered the house, and Allie made her way to Trevor’s office,
but for once he wasn’t there. She found Frances in the Asian room.

“Is Trevor home?”

The maid adjusted a sword on the wall, then shifted a porcelain bowl to the left.
“He’s at the indoor pool.”

“I didn’t know there was an indoor pool.”

“In the very back of the garden, toward the bougainvillea and to the left. It’s a
glassed-in structure.”

Allie really needed to take time and explore the garden—the rest of the house too.
There were probably a dozen rooms she had never seen. Trevor’s room in particular.
But surely she would have seen a bloody glassed-in pool. Uh-oh. She was picking up

She walked outside, took a left at the red bougainvillea, which climbed up the brick
wall. She picked her way through the narrow flagstone pathway and finally saw it—a
glass rectangle, completely surrounded by shading palm trees, like an oasis.

When she stepped inside, the warm, moist air hit her and the smell of chlorine was
strong. She watched Trevor cut through the bright blue water with powerful strokes.
A pair of lounge chairs and a table stood off to the side, and Allie made herself
comfortable until he was finished.

He must have seen her out of the corner of his eye because as soon as he touched the
end of the pool closest to her, he dipped his hair back in the water, then leaned
his forearms on the concrete. “Take your clothes off and come for a swim.”

Rivulets of water slid down his broad shoulders and she was more than tempted. “I
can’t,” she said, forcing her gaze from his chest to his face. “I have a date with

He rolled his eyes and sank beneath the surface. He reemerged a few seconds later
and hoisted himself out of the pool.

Allie followed his movements as he toweled his chest. He rubbed circles around his
pecs, his nipples were hard, and she remembered flicking her tongue over them the
other night. He had groaned when she did it and demanded she do it again. Her eyes
dipped lower. The navy swim trunks rode low over his hips, showing off the hard ridges
of his abdomen. Her fingers itched to touch him again.

Trevor walked forward and, reaching out, palmed her cheek. “If you keep that up, I’ll
bloody well fuck you right here and now.”

Shivering at his touch, she peered up at him, wanted to lick every inch of his body.
But that would take longer than an hour—well, if she did it right. Letting her eyes
roam over him, she noticed his hard cock was good to go. “We’re in a glass pool house.
Anyone could see us.”

“I’m willing to take that risk. With Brynn staying here, I can’t sleep with you at
night. My mother’s commandeering most of your day. Are you trying to kill me?”

“It’s killing me too, but I have to meet your mother in an hour.” That refusal should
have sounded firmer. But looking at Trevor practically naked…and wet—it melted her

Although she and Trevor had been together only a few times, she missed him. Missed
those hot lips on her skin. Missed his wandering fingers and his talent for finding
new erogenous spots. The man had skills.

And while she should be self-conscious about the transparent walls, instead, she was
completely turned on. She doubted anyone would come looking for them, but the possibility
made it a little naughtier.

Trevor tossed the towel back on the table and leaned down. Cupping the back of her
head, he whispered against her lips, “I can do a lot in an hour.” He kissed her then.
Not the demanding kisses from the other night. Tender and coaxing, this kiss seduced
her. She leaned back against the lounger and he followed her, placing his knee between
hers. His leg and swim trunks left her skirt wet, but she hardly noticed. Though his
skin was cool, his touch heated her as his free hand caressed her neck, tracing over
her collarbone and skimming the tops of her breasts. Craning her neck, she kissed
him back and clutched his shoulders.

She wanted this, needed it. It was the only thing that felt right lately, being in
Trevor’s arms. That didn’t make sense, but it was true. She felt like herself with
him. Her old self, before she had so many responsibilities. Free and alive and young.
She liked feeling this way. Even if it was only temporary.

He gradually pulled away, releasing her. She slid her hands down his shoulders, still
slick with water, over his arms to his wrists. “Forty-five minutes. I’ll have to shower
and change.”

“Deal,” he said. Allie stood and quickly shed her clothes while Trevor peeled the
wet trunks from his hips.

Feeling like a seductress, she sprawled on the lounger and raised her arms above her
head, drawing his gaze to her breasts. She knew he liked watching her, so she lowered
one hand and placed her index finger in her mouth. Allie almost grinned as she watched
his cock lengthen in response. Trevor grasped it in his hand and gave a tug. She liked
watching him as well.

Pulling her finger from her mouth, she drew it down her chest and around her areola.
Then she cupped her breast and pinched the nipple. Hard.

Trevor groaned and gave his cock another slow stroke. “You know I love it when you
do that.”

“I know,” she said. “Come here, English.” His eyes darkened and his breath became
labored. She loved that she had that effect on him. Made her feel like a goddess.

In a hot second, he lowered his body onto hers, thrust his hands into her hair, and
kissed her. Reaching down, Allie grasped his cock, rubbed her thumb over the head.
His hips were still chilly and damp. It felt good against the muggy air.

Trevor licked his way down her throat and latched on to one of her breasts. “Please
suck harder.” When he obliged, she moaned in pleasure.

Before she was ready, he’d left her breasts and kissed a trail to her stomach. He
stopped at her hipbone, biting hard enough to make her gasp. “Trevor.”

“Spread your legs wider,” he said. “I want to see you.”

Allie flattened her knees to each side, opening herself to him. “Lick me.” She didn’t
ask timidly this time, she demanded.

He glanced up at her. With his hair slicked back and his face flushed, he seemed wilder
than before. Maybe it was the atmosphere, maybe it was the filtered sunlight, but
the lust in his eyes heightened her own desire. “Lick you where, Miss Campbell?”

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