His Dirty Secret - The Billionaire's Affair - Hot BDSM Erotic Romance (5 page)

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - The Billionaire's Affair - Hot BDSM Erotic Romance
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Tyler gave a grunt of appreciation as her whole body tightened, internally and outwardly. He slammed into her even harder, momentum making the desk move backwards, giving him more space to slam into her even harder with the next thrust. Sweat was coating his back and he felt his balls shift and tighten as his climax drew closer, but still he thrust into her; time and time again.


He leaned down to kiss her mouth again, giving little nips and tugging on her lips, his tongue lathing and soothing the tender skin afterwards. His hands came up to tangle in her hair, and he gently tugged her head backwards so that her neck was arched and at his mercy. Isobel moaned as his breath tickled her skin a split second before his lips blazed kisses down her throat, his teeth once again nipping gently at her skin.


She had never thought that she would be in to biting, but right now, right here, with him, she changed her mind. She had a feeling that this man could change her mind about a lot of things if he wanted. And she wasn’t complaining one little bit.


Her hands moved from his buttocks up to his shoulders, and then her fingers trailed a path down his back, loving the slick sweat she encountered and knowing that he was enjoying this every bit as much as she was.


The pace picked up even more, and even though she knew Tyler was enjoying fucking her, she had a deep-rooted feeling that he was holding back. There was an almost tethered ferocity to him, and while she could feel just how close he was to coming, it was almost as though he wanted to be doing so much more. Maybe it was in the way he was holding tightly onto her hair, or the way he was using his teeth. Or maybe it was just a sense that there was so much more yet to be unleashed. Whatever it was, she couldn’t help wonder.


Tyler looked down into her face and scowled, as though he could sense that her mind was not completely on what he was doing to her, and he slammed into her deeper than before, knocking the air out of her lungs and making her pussy quiver and tighten around his cock. “Oh God. Yes! Just like that!”


He grunted in response and thrust again. “You like it like that, huh?” His voice was breathless, but she knew that he was nowhere near exerting himself.


“Yes!” The single word was pushed out of her as he rammed into her again, and she moaned as she felt her climax racing up on her.


“That’s it, darlin’. Come for me.” He rutted into her again, his balls tickling her ass as his hips locked with hers and then withdrew. One more thrust and Isobel tumbled over the edge into an orgasm that left her breathless and shaking. She felt her pussy clench and unclench around his cock, and wetness coated him and the top of her legs.


“Good girl!” Tyler panted. “Such. A. Good. Girl!” Isobel felt his come as he uttered the words, warmth filling her as his man-juice hit deep inside her still quivering pussy; his balls emptying of every drop as he collapsed breathless on top of her with Isobel milking him as he shot streams of molten cum into her.


A few seconds passed, that to Isobel felt like minutes. Finally able to think straight, she couldn’t help but start to panic a little.
What if someone had heard? Or what if he now thought of her as a cheap slut and didn’t want her to work for him anymore
? All things that she knew she should have thought of before she’d let him fuck her, but she hadn’t and there was no going back now.


Tyler put her mind somewhat to rest a short while later. As he stood up and withdrew from her, he passed her a stack of paper towels that he had in one of his desk drawers. “You might want to clean up a little, darlin’.” He grinned at her playfully. “And then you can use the bathroom over there.” He indicated the other door in the office. “But, before you do, come here.” He pulled her to him and gave her a gentle kiss, his tongue briefly licking at her lips as he gave an appreciative moan. “Hmmm. You are so delicious.”


“Thank you, Tyler.” Isobel’s voice was as weak as she felt, but his smile had restored some of her confidence. She mopped herself up as best she could with the paper towels, and then collected her clothes off the floor and made her way to the bathroom and closed the door behind her.


Looking at herself in the mirror over the sink, she clapped her hands to her cheeks, feeling how hot they were. Her face was flushed and her eyes were shining, and her hair was a tumbled, tangled mess that fell around her shoulders and looked as though she’d just gotten out of bed.
Wishful thinking, Isobel girl
, she thought to herself, turning on the cold water and splashing her face to try and cool off some.


A few minutes later, Isobel had cleaned herself up and put her clothes back on. She had no idea where her hair pins were, so she had to be satisfied with combing through her tresses with her fingers, but it didn’t look too bad. She gave herself a last look in the mirror, took a deep breath and then walked out to whatever fate Tyler had in store for her.


He was sat behind his desk as though nothing out of the ordinary had taken place on top of it just a few short minutes earlier. He looked up as Isobel re-entered the office and smiled almost innocently at her.
Yeah, right. I know just how innocent you’re not
, she thought to herself.


“So, Isobel, I’ll see you at eight in the morning? I believe that the personnel office has all of your relevant details and your contract will be made up accordingly with hours of work and pay grade, etc. for you to sign.”


Isobel just stood there looking at him with her mouth slightly open.
She officially had the job? Seriously?
Her mouth snapped closed as she came to her senses. “Um, thank you, Tyler. I, um, I guess I’ll see you in the morning then.”


“Bright and early,” he replied with a twinkle in his eyes. “Come straight to my office, please. I’ll give you your orders for the day.” His head went back down to look at whatever he was reading on his desk and Isobel felt suitably dismissed, walking on shaking legs out of his office and closing the door softly before resting her back against it and taking a deep, calming breath.

Isobel walked back to her workstation on legs that threatened to give out on her, and collected her coat and bag before making her way to the elevator and out of the building. In her car on the way home she went over the day’s events in her mind. Who would have thought that last night she was serving alcohol to belligerent customers for just over minimum wage, and today she’d started a job for one of the biggest companies in the state and was going to have an actual salary.


And that wasn’t to mention the fact that she’d had rampant sex with her gorgeously handsome, yet enigmatic new boss on top of his desk, while other members of staff were just a few feet away.


The short trip home passed by in a blur, and when she pulled into the driveway, Isobel had no real recollection of actually driving home. She entered her house, threw her purse on the kitchen counter and went straight to the fridge to get the bottle of crisp white wine out that she’d been saving for a special occasion. She wasn’t really sure if this could be classed as that, but it was close enough for her, and she really needed the alcohol to calm herself down some.


She carried her glass through to her bedroom and stripped off her clothes. A shower was definitely in order, although she had to admit to liking the smell of Tyler on her skin; it was tantalizing and erotic, and she couldn’t help but sniff appreciatively as she walked into the bathroom.


She turned the shower on, stepping under the warm spray of water with a grateful sigh. Soaping herself up, she ran her hands over breasts that were still sensitive and a pussy that was still achingly swollen from the day’s activities. Tyler had definitely satisfied her, but her greedy body wanted more of him. Much, much more.


She rinsed the bubbles from her hair and body, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Wrapping her hair in a towel and putting on her favorite bright pink fluffy robe, she picked up her glass and went into the living room to give her friend a call.


“Melanie, you’ll never believe the day I’ve had!”



Chapter Four




When the alarm went off the following morning, Isobel swatted at it grumpily, hitting the snooze button before rolling over and closing her eyes again. She was just nodding back off when she remembered that she had to go to work. More importantly, she had to go to work and see Tyler again. She threw back the covers, wiped the sleep from her eyes and stretched her arms high above her head. Man, she was aching. It must be from all that desk-top fun yesterday, she thought with a smile.


She took a quick shower and applied her make-up carefully, making sure to use just enough to accentuate her eyes. Her hair was put up into a French braid, not even bothering to dry it so that it stayed in place properly. Black lingerie with black pull-up thigh high stockings, and then a form-fitting black dress with a hemline that ended just above her knees and a v-shaped neckline that was low, but not too low, and she was ready to go.


She drove to work, parking in the underground staff parking lot and made her way up to the top floor to her office. She smiled as she walked, unaware of the lustful glances of the men she past, or the envious ones of most of the women. Isobel was beautiful, but she wasn’t conceited so she never really took any notice of other people’s reactions to her looks.


She took her coat off and placed it over the back of her chair, smoothed her dress down and then went to knock on Tyler’s door. His deep “Come in,” sent tingles straight to her nether regions, and she turned the handle and opened the door, walking into his office on legs that weren’t quite steady.


Tyler was sat where she expected him to be; behind his desk looking as delightfully handsome and sexy as he had the day before. “Good morning, Tyler.” Her voice was cheerful and the smile on her face genuine.


“Good morning, Isobel. And how are you today?” His gravelly voice with its sexy southern drawl was just as delicious as she remembered it. “I hope you got plenty of sleep last night because I have plans for you today.”


Isobel felt herself blush as she wondered what kind of plans he had in mind. And then she gave herself a mental kick up the butt. She was here to work, for God’s sake, not to have rampant sex with the boss every day. “I did, thank you.” She was proud of herself for keeping her voice so steady. “Do you have a list for me today?”


Tyler stood up from the desk and walked around it towards her. “Not today, no.” She was surprised when he took hold of her hand, his thumb rubbing the pulse spot on her inner wrist. She was sure that he would feel how fast her heart was racing. “Come with me, please.” She didn’t really have an option
go with him, as he started to walk towards the door with her hand still firmly ensconced in his larger one.


She breathed a sigh of relief when he let go of her as he opened the door. She would have hated for the other ladies to see them like that, and she most definitely didn’t want to give the vindictive Julie any more ammunition to have another bitchy go at her.


They walked past the other desks, Isobel was very conscious of the stares they were getting. As they walked by Mary, Isobel was astonished when the other woman grinned at her and then gave her a wink. What the hell was going on?


Tyler came to a stop outside a door that Isobel hadn’t noticed before. It was down the opposite end of the floor from the work stations, and there wasn’t a person in sight. Reaching into a pocket, he removed a key and then unlocked the door, pausing before he opened it to turn and look at Isobel.


“I want you to know that you can leave at any time,” he said, making her extremely curious and a little apprehensive. “I’ve been waiting for the perfect personal assistant, and I think you just might fit the bill. But, there are a few things I need to find out before I make it a permanent arrangement.”


“O-okay.” Isobel’s stomach had started to churn. Did that mean that the job wasn’t necessarily hers already? “W-what do you need to know?”


“I need to know if you can follow orders without question.” Isobel started to tell him that she could, but he held a single finger up to silence her. “I also need to know how open minded you are. As my personal assistant, you will probably have more than one occasion when you have to do things that you’re not completely comfortable with. I need to know that I can rely on you to do them anyway.”


“Didn’t yesterday prove that?” Isobel knew that the question was cheeky, but she also knew that it was valid; at least to her.


“Yesterday was a great start. But today I’m really going to put you to the test.” As he finished talking he opened the door and stood to one side, allowing Isobel to walk into the room in front of him.


She blinked her eyes, trying to adjust to the darkness of the room but not having much success. Was this another office, or a boardroom, maybe? It was really hard to tell. There weren’t even any windows to cast some kind of light in the room. Tyler flicked a switch and the wall lights came on. They were still very dim, but at least they cast some light.


She looked around her curiously, her eyes slowly adjusting to the dimness of the room. She couldn’t see much, but from what she could gather, there wasn’t much
see. A large piece of furniture that looked like a desk or a table stood right in the middle, but apart from some shelves with things on them that she couldn’t make out, there didn’t seem to be anything else in there.


She had a ‘light-bulb’ moment of clarity. “Oh! Is this the conference room?” He obviously wanted her help to get the place ready for a meeting.


“No, not exactly. Although that’s what we’ll call it from now on.” Tyler chuckled, amused by his own joke even though Isobel didn’t get it. “This is where I get to test just how loyal you are, and how good you are at following commands and orders.”


Isobel laughed. “It’s not the army, Tyler.”


Her laugh dried up when she noticed that he wasn’t laughing with her. “I’m well aware of that, Isobel. But, it is a serious thing to me.” He took her hand and walked her towards the center of the room where the desk was situated. “Before I say anything else, I want to let you know that you can stop me at any time, okay?”


This was obviously a serious matter for Tyler, and Isobel instinctively knew that whatever was going on here had the capacity to change everything. Her stomach was tight with nerves, but she had to at least hear him out. “Okay, I’m listening.”


“I like things that other men you know probably don’t.” He hesitated as though unsure of how to say what he wanted to. “Have you ever heard of BDSM, Isobel?”


She thought for a second and then nodded her head slowly. “I’ve heard of it, but I don’t really know what it is exactly.” She furrowed her brow in concentration, trying to rack her brain for any snippets it may have retained regarding the subject. “Isn’t it where people get off on hurting each other during sex?” Oh God, she hoped he wasn’t into that. She didn’t think she’d be able to handle being whipped or suffocated.


Tyler laughed again, and was quick to put her mind at ease and to enlighten her. “Not exactly, although there can be elements of pain involved, so long as both parties are willing. And it’s not so much the sex side of it, but the build-up; almost like extreme foreplay.” He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.


Isobel digested the information quietly. “So, what does BDSM actually stand for?”


Tyler smiled at her question. “It stands for Bondage, Discipline, Sadism and Masochism, or some prefer Bondage, Discipline, and Submission, which is actually my preference.”


Isobel gulped again and looked back towards the door. “Do you like to beat women up?” she asked, her voice quiet and with a definite tremor to it.


Tyler didn’t laugh this time. He just turned to face her and placed a palm on both of her cheeks, looking into her eyes as he talked. “Definitely not, Isobel. The last thing I want to do is to abuse a woman, in any way.” His thumbs had been caressing her cheeks while he spoke, and Isobel couldn’t take her eyes off his.


“What I
like is to be in control at all times. In a BDSM relationship there is usually a Dominant and a Submissive; and it’s not always the case where the Dom is a man, but it is typical. In my case, I’m a Dominant, and I take enormous pleasure in giving a sub pleasure, and having her pleasure me in any way I want to be pleasured in.”


Isobel could feel herself getting warm as his words drew a mental picture that turned her on, and she didn’t even know why, but she could feel herself getting moist as he spoke.


“It has a lot to do with sensory subjection when I have a sub under my control sexually; most of the time you’ll be blind-folded and unaware of what I’m going to do next. But, one thing I can guarantee is that you’ll be begging me for more.”


She’d noticed that he had started to use the word ‘you,’ as though he was talking about her. Did he really want to do that kind of stuff to her? And why was the thought turning her on so damn much?


“Have I scared you, Isobel?” Tyler’s voice was gentle, and Isobel had to be honest with both him and herself.


“I’m a little nervous, but no, you haven’t scared me, Tyler.”
Quite the opposite in fact
, she thought. “I guess I’m just wondering where I fit into all of this?” Her hand swept around the room.


“You fit in anywhere you want to, darlin’.” His voice was warm and full of approval, and Isobel felt herself blush as she realized that she actually
to fit in with this man. “Do you want to learn more, Isobel?”


“I, um, I think so.” She
her voice sounded weak, but hell, she felt weak with nerves.


“I don’t want you to think. I want you to know.” She jumped as Tyler’s voice got stern. “I need someone who will go into this wholeheartedly, not someone who is just going to treat it like a game. Do you understand?”


All she could do was nod. His tone told her how serious he was, and she really did want to learn more about what he’d told her.


Tyler nodded back at her; his nod being one of decisiveness. “Good girl.” She blushed again. “Take your clothes off.” Isobel hesitated for a fraction of a second. “Now, Isobel!”


Isobel rushed to do as he’d said, unzipping her dress and letting it fall to the floor before removing her lingerie. She stood naked in front of him, her legs shaking and her heart racing, wondering what she was supposed to do next.


Tyler walked towards her, and then walked around her, looking her up and down; his eyes leaving a burning trail everywhere they touched. Isobel waited nervously for his next words, not knowing if she was going to like them or not but feeling fully committed to follow through on whatever this may turn out to be.


“You are exquisite, Isobel.” His voice was low and husky, and Isobel felt a pang of desire run through her naked body. He came to a stop in front of her again. “Before we go any further, I’m going to give you a safe word. Do you know what that is?” She shook her head to tell him that she didn’t. “It’s a word that you will use if I do anything that you can’t handle. And I don’t mean anything that’s slightly outside of your comfort zone, because I’m sure that all of this is outside of that.” They both chuckled softly. “I mean anything that you definitely, categorically cannot handle or do not like. Okay?”




“Oh, and one other thing, Isobel, while we are in the ‘conference room’ you will address me as Sir.” His face had a stern look again, and Isobel swallowed hard. “Got it?”


“Yes, Sir.”


“Good girl!” She smiled up at him, blushing again with the small praise. “The safe word is going to be ‘banana.’ Sounds silly, I know, but it’s not a word you would typically use during sex, so it works perfectly. If you ever say the safe word, I’ll stop whatever I’m doing immediately. Okay?”


“Yes, Sir.”


“Lay on the desk, Isobel.” His voice was demanding, and Isobel felt her clit throb in time with her heartbeat as she walked to the huge piece of furniture and clambered up on top of it. She lay on her back and turned her head to watch as Tyler bent down at the corner of the desk and took hold of something that was attached to the leg.


When he stood back up, she saw that he held a length of silk cord in his hand. Without saying a word, he reached for Isobel’s hand and securely tied the end of the cord around her wrist. As he walked around the desk, Isobel gave it a tentative tug, feeling mixed emotions when she found that it was tied tight enough to not give an inch, but it wasn’t so tight that it cut into her skin.

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