His Dirty Secret - The Billionaire's Affair - Hot BDSM Erotic Romance (3 page)

BOOK: His Dirty Secret - The Billionaire's Affair - Hot BDSM Erotic Romance
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1: Organize the filing system

2: Arrange a meeting with Mr. Takeo for early next week

3: Take suit to dry cleaners

4: Photocopy the new company handbook (1 copy for every staff member)

5: Make an appointment at dentist

6: Call the garage and book a vehicle check-up for all company vehicles. (No more than two cars per day. Make note of all registration numbers and corresponding drivers and inform them of date of inspection)

7: Confirm attendance for the business lunch next Wednesday at Rico’s

8: Inform Mr. Rodgers at Rico’s Restaurant how many attendees to expect, and of any special dietary needs

9: Collect relevant data and projected income and deficit details for the Smithfield project



She took another deep breath. At least she could cross one thing off the list, but now she had to figure out what to do next. Isobel had a very analytical mind, and she decided to attack the filing cabinet first. With any luck she would find most of the details that she needed in there to complete the rest of her tasks, such as names and phone numbers of any relevant staff or people she needed to contact. Besides, sorting out a filing system should be relatively easy, right?


Wrong. The whole thing was complete chaos, as she found out to her frustration a short while later. Her desk, which had been quite tidy and organized at first glance, was now a mass of papers and files which were spewed everywhere. Nothing had been in any kind of order, whether it be alphabetical or chronological, and even though Isobel was no secretary or anything, even she knew that it was a complete mess.


How on earth had the woman even managed to do the most basic of office tasks when she obviously wouldn’t have been able to find anything? She started to go through the mess on her desk, putting it all back in the filing cabinet in order and keeping out anything that she thought would help her to complete the rest of the tasks on her list. It took almost three hours, but eventually she sat back, rubbed her aching back and gave up a grateful prayer of thanks that she was finally done.


She thankfully crossed another item off the dreaded list and then made a phone call down to the company garage to make arrangements for the vehicles to be serviced, using the list that she’d found in the cabinet as a reference. By the time she’d finished with that, her growling stomach brought her attention to the fact that it was way past lunchtime.


“Hey, Isobel, how’s it going, sweetie?” She looked up from her desk to see Mary stood in front of it.


“It’s slow, but I think I’m getting there, Mary.” She stretched her back while she talked, trying to get the kinks out. She didn’t think she’d ever bent over a desk for so long in her life. And she’d thought bartending was hard work. She’d never moan that people who worked in offices just got paid to answer the phone anymore.


Mary handed her a paper bag. “Here, I got you a sandwich. I figured you must be hungry after working all morning without a break.”


“Mary, if I was so inclined, I could quite happily kiss you right now.” Isobel opened the bag and took out the sandwich, tearing the wrapper off it eagerly. “You’re an absolute darling.”


With a broad smile, Mary gave her a pat on the back. “And you, my dear, are one of the hardest workers I’ve seen here in a long time. Keep up the good work.”


As she walked off, Isobel couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face at the praise the other woman had given her. And then she noticed the dark look that one of the other women was giving her. It seemed that Julie was pissed at her for doing her job well.
Tough luck, bitch. I’m here to please the boss, not you.
Isobel ignored the woman and went back to her lunch, eating with gusto and enjoying every mouthful.


The next few hours passed by in a whirl. Isobel slowly crossed off almost every item on her list, and did a few little extras besides. She made a spreadsheet of the company vehicles and their drivers, indicating each car’s service record, date and history of problems. Each member of staff who was attending the business lunch was contacted and their menu choices noted and passed on to the restaurant owner, Mr. Rodgers. Tyler’s dentist appointment and meetings for next week had been arranged and the information on the Smithfield project had been collated and printed.


All that was left to do was to print off the copies of the staff handbook for each member of staff, but every time Isobel had tried to use the printer another secretary had rushed to grab it first, giving a smirking smile of triumph each time.


As the day drew on, Isobel was afraid that she wouldn’t get the last task done, but, ever ingenious; she asked Mary if there was another photocopier anywhere that she could use. After being directed to the tech room which was three floors down, Isobel hurried off to complete her list, breathing a huge sigh of relief when it was done.


She hurried back up to her own desk and gave Mary a smile and a thumbs-up as she passed her. She picked up her completed list and was just turning to go to Tyler’s office when disaster struck; Julie had been walking by with a mug of coffee in her hand, and as Isobel turned the woman knocked into her, spilling hot liquid down her front.


“Oh my God! I am
sorry! I didn’t see you there!” Isobel thought she detected a hint of sarcasm to the girl’s voice, but was too busy trying to mop herself up with a paper towel to take much notice. But then Julie continued talking, and there was absolutely no doubt about her intentions. “Maybe that will teach you not to step on toes and to make sure you stay out of my way,” she hissed as she walked away, not giving Isobel a chance to say anything.


Drying herself up as much as she could, Isobel hurried to her new boss’s door, giving it a knock and waiting patiently for a response.

Chapter Three





“Come in.” Tyler’s deep, masculine voice sent shivers down her spine. Or maybe that was nerves? Either way, she opened the door and walked in on shaking legs, coming to a stop in front of his desk and waiting patiently for him to say something.


Without looking up from what he was reading, Tyler’s gruff, sexy voice asked her the question she’d been expecting. “So, Isobel, how did it go today?”


“Pretty good I think, Tyler.” She hoped her voice sounded more confident than she actually felt. “There were a few little hiccups, but I managed to get all of the tasks you set me accomplished.”


His head shot up at that, and his raised eyebrows showed his surprise. “You did? I’m impressed.” He smiled up at her, and something inside her quivered. “I’ll be honest with you; I didn’t expect you to complete even half of those tasks.” His smile got warmer. “What was the most difficult part of your day?”


Isobel chuckled wryly. “That would either be the photocopier or the filing cabinet. Take your pick because they were both bitches.” She slapped a hand over her mouth in horror at swearing in front of him. “I’m so sorry! I meant to say that they were both difficult!” She was mortified at her slip-up, but relaxed a little when Tyler simply laughed her goof off.


“Don’t panic. I’m not going to fire you over bad language; unless it’s in front of a client, of course.” He smiled at her again, and she wished that her pulse would stop racing enough for her to catch her breath. “I have to be honest, Isobel, I’m extremely impressed by what you’ve achieved today. I didn’t think for one minute that you’d get even half of your work done.”


He gave a wry chuckle. “I should have known though, considering how you impressed me by getting the job in the first place. I have to admit to liking people who take the initiative, and you certainly did that, didn’t you?”


Isobel frowned in confusion. “I’m sorry, Tyler, but I’m not sure what you mean.”


“Come on, Isobel. Did you really expect me to not remember last night, or everything we talked about? I would most certainly have remembered if I’d told you to come and see me today to start work here. I may have been a little tipsy, but I was still in control of my senses.” He frowned as though enjoying a private thought. “I never lose control; in anything. I just thought I’d play along and see how far you were willing to go, and how well you handled the pressure of working for me.”


He looked at her again, more closely this time. “Did you have an accident?”


Isobel groaned quietly. Of course he would have to notice the dark brown coffee stain that was all over the front of her blouse. If it had just gone on her back skirt she might have gotten away with it, but the whole front of her was covered in the stuff.


“It’s just a little coffee. No harm done to the paperwork or anything.” She was quick to reassure him that nothing had been damaged.


“I’m not worried about the paperwork, Isobel. I’m more worried that you weren’t hurt at all.”


He was interrupted by a knock on the office door, and at his ‘come in,’ Mary walked in, looking at Isobel with concern. “I’m sorry to interrupt, boss, but I just wanted to make sure that Julie didn’t burn Isobel with all that coffee.”


“Julie did that?” Tyler’s voice had darkened, and when Isobel looked at him she saw that his face had as well.


“It was an accident, Tyler. No need for any upset.” She really didn’t want any repercussions from Julie tomorrow.


“From the way she was talking in the break room just now, it was no such thing.” Mary was indignant on Isobel’s behalf.


“Thank you, Mary. I’ll take it from here.” Tyler’s voice was dismissive, and Mary left the room after a quick farewell.


“Are you burnt?” His voice was tense as he asked the question, and Isobel gulped.


“I don’t think so.”


“Take your clothes off. We need to make sure. And Julie will be dealt with tomorrow, you can count on that.” His voice was still terse, and Isobel wasn’t sure that she’d heard him correctly.


“E-excuse me?”


“You heard me, Isobel. You can’t take chances with scalds or burns, so take your damn clothes off so we can be sure you’re not injured.” When she still hesitated, he barked, “Now!”


Isobel was filled with nerves at his command, but she was also overwhelmed by excitement. This was the last thing she’d expected when she came to work this morning, but it was not unwelcome. With shaking hands she removed her jacket and then reached around her to unzip her skirt, letting it fall to the floor around her feet.


She hesitated and took a quick glance in Tyler’s direction, noticing that he hadn’t moved from his position behind the desk. His eyes were pinned on her but she couldn’t make his expression out because he wasn’t looking at her face. She felt herself start to blush as she watched him.
What was he thinking about? Did he like what he saw or was he disappointed?


She was dragged away from her thoughts a split second later. “And the blouse, Isobel.” His voice wasn’t quite as harsh as it had been, but it still left her with no doubt that he meant what he said. She cast a quick look at the door, and he was quick to reassure her. “No-one will disturb us. I locked it remotely. Now remove your blouse, please.”


With a deep breath, Isobel did as she was told, undoing the top-most button first and then slowly working her way down them all until her blouse was completely undone. At Tyler’s muttered ‘all the way,’ she shrugged the garment off her shoulders and down her arms, finally letting it join the skirt on the floor.


Stood there in just her white lacy lingerie, she felt more vulnerable than she ever had in her life. But, she also felt more turned on as well, and that was the part that scared her the most. She’d always been a woman who stayed in complete control of her life; and that most definitely included her sex life and what she did or didn’t do with regards to her own body. But being so out of control right now was arousing her beyond belief. And she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.


Tyler didn’t say a word as he sat there looking at her, and Isobel was almost ready to scream. After what seemed like an hour, but which was probably only a couple of minutes, Tyler finally stood up and walked around to the front of the desk so that he was stood just in front of her. His voice was husky when he spoke, which Isobel definitely preferred to the commanding tone he’d used a few minutes previously.


“You do realize that I can’t let your deception go unpunished, Isobel?” She gulped again and nodded, afraid that if she tried to talk that nothing would come out. “Remove the rest of your clothing, please.”


Her eyes shot to his. Was he seriously telling her to strip naked? She really wasn’t sure if she could do this, but what alternative did she have? The last thing she wanted to do was to go back to working her dead-end bar job, and she really liked Tyler, so what was the harm?


“It wasn’t a request, Isobel.” His voice had gotten stern again; leaving her in no doubt that he really did mean what he’d said.


Her hands were still shaking as she once again reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra, letting the straps fall down and off and leaving her breasts bare to his eyes. She took comfort in his sharp intake of breath, knowing that he liked what he saw in front of him. Her panties were next; the wispy lace thong quickly joining the pool of clothes on the floor. And then she stood in all of her naked glory in front of him, waiting for him to make the next move or to tell her what she should do.


She didn’t have to wait too long. Tyler took another deep breath and then slowly walked towards her, stopping just inches from her as she stood there trembling. “Such a beautiful, brave girl.” His praise sent shivers of awareness coursing through her and she felt her nipples harden to peaks as his gaze swept over her again.


“It doesn’t seem fair somehow,” she whispered.


“What doesn’t?” Tyler sounded as confused as he looked as he dragged his gaze from her chest back to her face.


Isobel was feeling braver now. It was obvious by the bulge in Tyler’s pants that he liked what he saw and found her desirable. “It doesn’t seem fair that I’m naked, but you’re not.”


Laughing softly, Tyler’s hands moved to his tie to undo it, pulling it through his collar and then letting it drop on the floor. He held her gaze as he undid the buttons on his shirt and peeled it off his broad shoulders. His pants followed, and then he was standing there in just his boxers, his erection clearly defined and making Isobel’s mouth water.


His hands went to the waistband of his boxers, and he slowly slid them down over his hips, his impressive sex bouncing free eagerly. Isobel licked her suddenly dry lips. He was absolutely magnificent.


Tyler watched the expressions flit across her face, and smiled to himself. She couldn’t have been more transparent if she’d tried. He knew that she wanted him, and that was okay because he wanted her just as much. Isobel probably would have been terrified to know what was going through his mind as he decided that this first time he was going to let her initiate the next step, because every time after this would be controlled by him.


Isobel slowly slid her arms around his neck and pulled him in close. The soft skin of her breasts was a beautiful contrast to the hardness of her puckered nipples as they pressed against his chest. She smiled softly as she tilted her head upwards, wordlessly inviting him to kiss her. As Tyler lowered his head and claimed her lips in a deep kiss, she melted against him, her hands tangling in his hair as her breath escaped her on a whispering sigh of pleasure.


Tyler’s hands wrapped around her, his manly fingers digging into her skin with just enough pressure to tantalize without hurting her. His palms roamed down over her skin until they reached the firm globes of her ass, where they proceeded to knead the sensitive flesh while his tongue continued to plunder her mouth; his tongue dancing with hers as their teeth nipped at lips and they gasped into each other’s mouths.


Isobel’s hands began a tentative journey of their own; traversing the muscled plains of his chest and pinching at his taut nipples with just enough force to make him moan into her mouth as his hips pushed towards her almost of their own will. She gave an answering moan as she felt his hardness up against her for the first time, and her nimble fingers continued their journey of discovery down his torso until they folded around the hard length of him.


With another groan, Tyler reluctantly moved his body away from her touch, determined that this was going to be more than just a quick fumble. He wanted to do so many things to and with her; things that would be ingrained in her memory so that she would never forget what their first time was like and why it happened in the first place. Deception was not something he would tolerate at any measure; not in his work life or his private one.


“What are you doing?” Isobel’s voice was full of lust and frustration. She wanted to feel him and explore everything about him, but if he pulled away from her touch then how was she supposed to do that?


He laughed softly, bending his head to kiss her once more. “Don’t panic darlin’. I’m not putting a stop to this. I’m just putting a stop to you getting what you want too soon.” He smiled sexily. “There’s no rush, and I want to take my time with you.”


His hands moved back around her body once more until he was cupping her ass, and he slowly sank to his knees, kissing a blazing trail along her collarbone down to her aching tits, sucking each nipple into his mouth and flicking at them with his tongue.


Isobel took a ragged breath as he increased the pressure, holding the pebbled peaks between his teeth as he alternated between breasts and lapped at her greedily. “That feels so damn good,” she hissed, on an indrawn breath.


Tyler moved his mouth away just long enough to look up at her with hooded eyes. “I agree. It feels amazing.” His mouth quickly returned to its task, and Isobel tangled her hands in his thick hair, holding him in place as he teased and tormented her in the nicest way possible.


While his mouth worked its magic, his hands continued to knead at the firm flesh of her buttocks, his fingers stroking lower until they brushed against the underside of her pussy-lips, making her gasp in pleasure. “Ah. Is this where my deceitful little slut wants me to be?” he asked huskily, and all she could do was look down at him and nod, the insult and the way he said it actually arousing her even more.

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