His Captive Bride (8 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Steele

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Kidnapping, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Crime Fiction

BOOK: His Captive Bride
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“Do you think that he can give you this? Nobody can work your body over like I can. It’s me that you cry out for. It’s me that you beg! You and I both know that you have never had a man that makes you feel like I do.

She is raising her torso
up and I’m listening to her cry out to me as I continue to pin her down with my weight.

Moaning and writhing benea
th me, as she whines my name, but that isn’t good enough for me. I rise up and open her legs like a pair of scissors and I begin to slowly but firmly pound into her at a side angle.

She is so wet
. I glare into her eyes and spit right down on her clit and begin rubbing it. She opens her mouth and I know that she is going to scream; so I pop those panties right in her mouth and snarl, “Cum Mandy!”





               What is this man doing to me? I have never had anyone defile me to such an extent as to cram my own underwear in my mouth—to shut me up. What is wrong with me? Why are the things that he is doing to me turning me on?

I have no reservations.
He is the most primal, animalistic, sexual being that I have ever met before. It just gets better and better in bed with him.

                                 I hate you, because you are going to make me love you…



                I have never come that close to making a woman pass out from climaxing. Watching her eyes roll back in her head, after I stuffed those panties in her mouth was absolutely delicious.

And t
he expression on her face when I spit on her; but oh man—watching her just about pass out when she cummed—now that was the highlight of the event.

I told her that by the time that I got through with her she would never want another man. I never counted on me never wanting another woman though…










Chapter Eleven

“Ahh, baby; I don know nuttin about that man.”

Rico watched Rosa’s head roll back and forth, while drool dribbled down her cheek. She disgusted him. He had gotten her as high as he could, without causing her to OD.

The last thing that he needed was some dead junkie on his hands.
He knew if she was wasted she would get diarrhea of the mouth. She always ran her mouth about anything that she knew when she was high. It was the reason that he kept her out of his business.

“All I know is that he follows that woman on TV, all stalkerish and shit. What’s she got, I ain’t got Rico? She ain’t no better than nobody else wit her highfalutin ass.”

Now that got Rico
’s attention!

“What TV program is that baby?” Rico asked, licking the end of a blunt that he had just finished packing and rolling up.

“Mandissa’s Midway, ain’t that sumpin?” She asked
, as she over dramatized the swinging of her arm to make a point. She done gone and named a TV program after herself. Like she some great white hope. I hate that bitch!”

Rosa continued her onslaught on Mandissa’s character, but Rico wasn’t listening. Two things stood out to him: If Mandissa was what Drake cared about—then that was where he would launch an attack. The second matter at hand: just how much money could he get for a local celebrity?










Drake & Mandissa

               Mandissa sat at the dinner table watching Drake as he held Preci
ous and toyed with her hair. He softly curled a piece through his fingers. He had put her to sleep with the action of doing so for the last fifteen minutes.

“Do you love your daughter, Mandissa?”
He spoke in a low sinister tone.

Oh shit
, this is not good.

“That is a rhetorical question Mandy, not on
e in need of an answer. The way that I see it, I’m the one who holds the power here. I can’t very well have my daughter with a Mother who runs around dating other men, now can I?”

“She isn’t ours yet, Drake.” I spit the words out at him in anger.

He tilted his head; squinting his eyes at me.

Right now they didn’t
appear to be eyes, just two black slits that held the promise of impending danger.

Once again he was scaring me. It wasn’t necessary for him to raise his voice
, or a hand to me, in order to make his point. Drake was a dangerous man and I knew it, just how dangerous I wasn’t sure of, but I wasn’t in a hurry to find out either.

“Now mind you, I would never do any
thing to hurt my little Preciosa and that includes allowing her to be in the presence of someone that I deemed un-fit.”

“You know what Drake
? I’m a brass tacks kind of gal, so why not just say it? If I don’t do what you want, then you will make sure that I don’t get to see her.”

“By George, I think that you have got it
, Mandy!”

You are a bastard Drake, a real bona-fide-bastard!”

“How sweet of you to insinuate that
I’m the real deal, because you are right Mandy, there is no fraud, no deceit, just a real sincere bastard that means what he says, and says what he means. I’m glad to see that we have come to a mutual understanding. You know Mandy, communication is very important in a relationship, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Fuck you
Drake, you are a one hundred percent bastard, a through and through bastard. Take whatever else that you are reading into it and shove it! You are just being a smart ass anyway.”

I watched his face contort, as a snarl formed on his mouth and
I decided that I had said enough.

I slammed my
clothe napkin down and got up. I didn’t need this, I knew that Precious was safe and I could sleep at home. One thing was for sure, I would never be giving up control of my apt, no matter where this roller coaster ride ended up…
























Chapter Twelve

           I woke up the next morning grateful for the time alone
. Between the self proclaimed ‘Boss’ and the self proclaimed ‘Owner’ I was sick of men.

I had grown up on my own and I didn’t need a man
then, or now. Shrinking violet was not one of my personality traits. I knew that Precious was ok, but I still missed her. I hoped that Drake had enough sense to not let Precious know what was going on and put her in the middle of it.

I was concerned about Mr.
Brandon though. I hadn’t checked on him in close to two weeks and I needed to make sure that he had groceries. I threw my hair into a ponytail and put on minimal make-up to go down and check on him.

I had my purse but
I had forgotten my phone when I ran out of the house last night. I decided that it was better that I didn’t have one, that way I wouldn’t have deal with Drake.

I looked up and down the street as I backed out to make sure that Drake wasn’t sta
lking me, when I was satisfied that the coast was clear, I headed down to Midway…















           Rico looked out the window and onto the street below and couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.”

He licked his lips, even though she didn’t have on the business clothing that he had heard everyone describe her as wearing, she looked good. The promise of money that surrounded her made her look even better. This was just too damn easy.




                I clutched my purse in close to my body. It was awfully quiet around here today. Maybe everyone was still sleeping off the night before. It was still early by street standards, only 10:00am and most people slept until 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon around here.

I walked right into Rico
as I turned the corner. I immediately knew who he was right away. I had heard his description from Mr. Brandon. He wore a white muscle T-shirt with khakis and a bandana was tied around his head.

He had extensive tattooing around his neck
. The body art that had been done on this man was opulent. This was not some punk with low grade tattoos. This was a man who had gone to great measures, to have it done right. This kind of art work didn’t come cheap.

“Whoa baby, where you going in such a hurry?”

I looked up at the man who stood in front of me casually toying with the toothpick in his mouth.

h, hey, I’m just checking on Mr. Brandon.”

“He ain’t home baby.”

“Oh, well, all right well, thanks.”

Fuck! I have got to get out of here.

“Man, please help me out, this bitch won’t wake-up and the last thing that I need is a dead junkie on my hands.”

, who gives her the drugs?” I sarcastically stated.

Oh shit! Why did I say that?

“Bitch! When a man asks for help, he ain’t asking for no smart ass bullshit. But nah, you got to make him drop a glock on a bitch!”

, that is not necessary.” I answered him calmly, as if it was an everyday occurrence to have a gun shoved in my face.

“I turned
to make my way towards Rosa’s door and he jabbed me in the back with it.”

It was the only time that I can ever rememb
er looking forward to seeing Rosa. Being alone with Rico was not an idea that I relished.

pinned me into the door, purposely rubbing up against me and I could feel my heart racing, this was not good!

I f
ell through the door as Rosa opened it with no warning.

“What you duin
bringing that ho up in my house?”

“We gonna have ourselves a little party.”

Oh shit, shit, shit, this is not good!

“I ain’t partying wit her.”

            Rico pushed me down seating me on the couch and sat down next to me, as he laid his piece on the coffee table in full view.

I knew this game—R
ico was letting me know who was in control. He wasn’t coming right out and telling me that I wasn’t going anywhere, but he was telling me that I wasn’t going anywhere.

The best thing that I could do was not over react. I just needed to act like this was an everyday occurrence.
But most of all, the last thing that I needed to emit was fear. He would smell it and he would use it against me.

Just bide your time and this won’t escalate…..I hope……

I waited for Rosa to ask about Precious, good thing that I wasn’t holding my breath is all I can say.

“Hey baby, I need a wakeup call,
can I get a line, or a bump, you know baby a lil sumpin, sumpin?”

I eyed Rosa
and her hair was matted. She still had sleep in her eyes and her breath stank. I was so glad that Precious wasn’t subject to this anymore; so glad that she wasn’t subject to them anymore.

“What you going give me he drawled at her, but looked at me.”

“I need to go and check on some other people here in the complex,” I said.

“You don’t need to go

My heart sa

, really I need to be going; I have to work later.”

He pushed down on my upper legs, “I said, no!”

Damn, this guy
holding me against my will, without coming right and kidnapping me.

“In fact, I think that you should do a line with us.”

“I don’t do drugs Rico, ever.”

He continued calmly breaking up lines on a mirror as if he hadn’t heard me.

“No blunt, no nuttin, huh? Little……. Miss………. Lily…….. White……. Are you Lily white?”

He held the mirror up to
Rosa with a rolled up $100.00 bill.

My stomach lurched as she began gyrating on
him after she finished.

Please, don’t let them get started with me here, I just want out

“Get off me Bitch!” Rico said.

He tossed her to the side as if she were garbage. “You ain’t got no manners, ain’t offered us nuttin to drink, no water, no nuttin. You got guests, ho. Be a good ho-stess and get us sumpin.” He jabbed my knee, laughing at his own joke. “You get that Lily white, ‘Ho-stess?’”

I do think that
it’s funny.

I viewed a roach crawling up the wall, “I’m fine
, but thank you, I don’t need anything to drink.” I was trying to avoid laughing at his joke, due to not wanting to get into it with her.

I gagged
as I viewed the cock roach’s tentacles twitch. I was dealing with more anxiety from the roach, than the gun on the table.

leaned over and snorted up three lines and I began to see an instant change.

“Alright, alright,
alright, here is what we gonna do; you smoke some of this blunt and then you can check on your little friend. There ya go, let me see you toke on that.”

His demeanor changed when I hesitated and I grabbed it, taking a small enough drag to not be affected.

“Nah, you playin me, yeah you must think I’m stupid. You know I might not like the idea of a bitch insulting my intelligence; cause if I thought you was playin me…. Go on and take a hit off that blunt girl, like you mean it. I’d hate to have to get nasty about it. You rude, uppity white ass bitch; hit that blunt like you mean it, Guera!

The last thi
ng that I need is a pissed off, coked up, dope slingin, gang bangin, ho lovin, man on my hands.

“Yeah, that’s it; you
sure you ain’t never got high? You hitten that blunt like you have done this before. Maybe little Miss. Lily White; ain’t all she is projecting. You got a dark side girl?”

“I never said
, that I never did get high before,” I giggled. “Hey, what’s in that stuff?”

“Heroin, baby girl…
















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